im trying to update a column in the employee table with the value "YES". Im getting an error message saying im missing a SET statement from this code below:
update e
from employee
inner join rentals r
on e.employee_id=r.employee_id
inner join job j
on e.job_id=j.job_id
where r.plate ='FY06WNT'
and j.function !='MANAGER'
and j.function !='PRESIDENT';
UPDATE t_tt_hours a SET a.sak_request = ( SELECT b.sak_request FROM t_requests b, co c
The problem I am having is that it is updating all rows even when it is pulling back a null value for b.sak_request. I've tried adding b.sak_request is not null to the select statement like this:
UPDATE t_tt_hours a SET a.sak_request = ( SELECT b.sak_request FROM t_requests b, co c WHERE b.nam_eds_tracking_id = c.id_dir_track_eds
but it doesn't seem to make a difference. The reason I need to do this is that the difference between where it matches with a valid (non-null) value is 396 rows vs. 12,484 rows which is too time consuming to run on my page.
UPDATE dev10 SET c3 = dev12.c1 FROM dev10 INNER JOIN dev11 ON dev11.c3 = dev10.c1 CROSS JOIN dev12 WHERE (dev11.c2 LIKE 'BBBBBB') AND (dev12.c2 LIKE 'FFFFFF') / but, Oracle, what should we do new?
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..
I am trying to write an Update that really frustrates me because it won't work for one reason or another.The situation is that I have two tables for customer information, t1 with the names of the customer and t2 with the address.These two can be joined via a client_id.
Now I have a third table t3 with the name and address of potential customers. I want to find out if some of them are already known to me so that I can update the client_id from table t1 or t2 into t3.
I have to join firstname, lastname from t3 to firstname, lastname from t1 and street, zip, city from t3 to street, zip, city from t2 and client_id from t1 to t2. Additional there is the problem that there can be more than one result so I have to update one of the found client_ids per name/address into t3.I am no expert to PL/SQL, I just know what SQL works in Access and that is:
UPDATE (t3 INNER JOIN t1 ON (t3.firstname= t1.firstname) AND (t3.lastname = t1.lastname)) INNER JOIN t2 ON ( = AND ( = AND (t3.street = t2.street) AND (t1.client_id = t2.client_id) SET t3.client_id = t1.client_id;
I Require to Update the Data in Join Condition. When Run the Query the Error display as ORA-00933: SQL Command Not Properly Ended.
Update a set a.Dr_Re = Nvl(b.Dr_Amt,0), a.Cr_Re = Nvl(b.Cr_Amt,0) FROM xxsc.xxsc_creditors_aging_brnwise a join (Select Branch,Invoice_id,vendor_site_code,segment1, case when (sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) > 0) then sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) Else 0 End DR_AMT, [code]........
Have 3 tables table1 (campaignid,promoflag) table2 (campaignid,projectid,campaigndesc) table3 (projectid,promoflag,projectstart,projectend)
I am to update table 1 promoflag with value from promoflag in table3
Update table1 set promoflag = table3.promoflag
I would like to make sure only appropriate record is updated therefore want to use where clause condition but the primary key for table1 and table3 are different, the only link can be found on table2.
I want to use condition where table1.campaignid=table2.campaignid and table2.projectid=table1.projectid
Have used the following without success:
Scenario 1
Update table1 SET promoflag = table3.promoflag FROM table1 inner join table2 on table1.campaignid = table2.camapaignid inner join table3 on table2.projectid = table3.projectID;
Error at line 1 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Scenario 2 with real table/column names
It appears to get block with the 'FROM' statement (was underlined in red)
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..translate this query to work on oracle?
I've seen this example numerous places, and tried to implement it, but I keep getting an "invalid identifier" error message, despite the fact that I've got the table and column specifically identified.For instance, my query reads like:
But I'll keep getting flagged at the tbl2.EMPIDA column reference. I have not tried this in SQL Plus, just in TOAD, but it seems to repeatedly fail.I have had to dump records to standalone Access tables and link back to perform the updates.
i want to update record that is fetched based on join condition on form
1. made a block manually :::: EMPSAL 2. Query DATA SOURCE NAME :::: EMP a, Sal b 3. Where Clause :::: a.empid = b.empid 4. DML DATA Target Type :::: Table 5. DML DATA Target Name :::: EMP a, Sal b 6. All Columns are marked a.empid, a.empname, b.sal, etc
i want to know the difference between Left outer join Vs. Right outer join? Its like which join is safer to use or is there any recommendations to use any join?
I have a base table (Table A) block with multiple records displayed. I need to track audits to this underlying table in the following way:
If user updates a field in the block I want the pre-changed record's audit fields to be set and I need to create a copy of the record with the changed values. Basically any changes will result in the record being logically deleted, and a copy record created with the newly changed values.
Tried to implement in the block's pre-update trigger which will call a package to directly update Table A then Insert into Table A, then requery the block. Is there a clean and efficient way to do this?
i want to create a trigger that will update a table when there is an insert or update.i can't across this error that i don't even know what it means "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it".
*Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.
*Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER set_date_end BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF issued ON shares_amount FOR EACH ROW DECLARE BEGIN INSERT INTO shares_amount(date_end) VALUES(SYSDATE); END set_date_end; /
i am reading the columns value from different table but i want to update it with single update statement. such as how to update multiple columns (50 columns) of table with single update statement .. is there any sql statement available i know it how to do with pl/sql.
insert into test_compound values ('user1','1',systimestamp); insert into test_compound values ('user2','2',systimestamp-4); insert into test_compound values ('user3','3',systimestamp-6);
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trigger_test FOR UPDATE ON test_compound COMPOUND TRIGGER TYPE t_tab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50); l_tab t_tab := t_tab(); [code].......
When I execute :
update test_compound set last_updated_on=systimestamp where userid='user1' and app='1';
The trigger should update the first row and all the data from test_compound table where userid='user1'. Maybe the problem is that updating the same table inside the trigger is firing in a recursive way the trigger.
I have a column "empno" in EMP table and "deptno" in DEPT table . I want to update both the columns with single UPDATE statement. With out a creation of stored procedure or view(updating it through view).
I want to create a query with only the junction of these two queries:
- select id_utilizador,nbeneficiario,nome from adm_utilizadores a WHERE exists ( select 1 from adm_util_grupos b where a.id_utilizador = b.id_utilizador and b.id_grupo = '1') ;
- SELECT b.*,rownum as row_num FROM ADM_UTILIZADORES b ORDER BY $sidx $sord WHERE row_num BETWEEN $start AND $end";
Virtually want id_utilizador, nome, and nbeneficiario, I can get the first query, ordered me returning the first 10.
Now, I need to compare the data of the two tables column-wise.
Ideally the 2 tables should have the same security_alias values but in my case they do not as the two tables belong to 2 diff client models. There is however a main SECURITY_MASTERA and SECURITY_MASTERB tables which have the security_alias recorded and a primary_asset_id column value which can act as a link between SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB. But, I have not been able to figure out the exact query which will be ideal.
Attached are the table structures and the data it contains.
Note: I need to compare the Coupon and Freq column values of SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB.
It is the simplest join or inner. An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns.
SQL> select * from x;
NAME EMAIL EMPID Sam email@removed 1060 Rose email@removed 1061
don't consider above mentioned queries I got valuable outputs.
NAMEEMAIL EMPID NAME EMAIL EMPID samemail@removed 1060 sam email@removed 1060 roseemail@removed 1061 rose email@removed 1061 sonaemail@removed 1062 sona email@removed 1062
Inner join shows matches only when they exist in both , i got records 1060,1061,1062
// Referencing columns used in a USING clause. SQL> select,,x.empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid);
select,,x.empid from x * ERROR at line 1: ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier
so query rewritten as
SQL> select,,empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid); NAME EMAIL EMPID --------------- --------------- ---------- sam email@removed 1060 rose email@removed 1061 chris email@removed 1062
I mean see two different outputs.first output records twice displayed ... Yes i agree that is Inner join.second output records not displayed twice... common records only displayed once ,in x and y.
I think should n't use a table name or alias when referencing columns used in a USING clause... am i right ????
I want to know both are inner joins .how Oracle is determined both outputs ?