I want to create a query with only the junction of these two queries:
- select id_utilizador,nbeneficiario,nome from adm_utilizadores a WHERE exists ( select 1 from adm_util_grupos b where
a.id_utilizador = b.id_utilizador and b.id_grupo = '1') ;
- SELECT b.*,rownum as row_num FROM ADM_UTILIZADORES b ORDER BY $sidx $sord
WHERE row_num BETWEEN $start AND $end";
Virtually want id_utilizador, nome, and nbeneficiario, I can get the first query, ordered me returning the first 10.
i want to know the difference between Left outer join Vs. Right outer join? Its like which join is safer to use or is there any recommendations to use any join?
Now, I need to compare the data of the two tables column-wise.
Ideally the 2 tables should have the same security_alias values but in my case they do not as the two tables belong to 2 diff client models. There is however a main SECURITY_MASTERA and SECURITY_MASTERB tables which have the security_alias recorded and a primary_asset_id column value which can act as a link between SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB. But, I have not been able to figure out the exact query which will be ideal.
Attached are the table structures and the data it contains.
Note: I need to compare the Coupon and Freq column values of SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB.
im trying to update a column in the employee table with the value "YES". Im getting an error message saying im missing a SET statement from this code below:
update e SET e.review='YES' from employee inner join rentals r on e.employee_id=r.employee_id inner join job j on e.job_id=j.job_id where r.plate ='FY06WNT' and j.function !='MANAGER' and j.function !='PRESIDENT';
UPDATE dev10 SET c3 = dev12.c1 FROM dev10 INNER JOIN dev11 ON dev11.c3 = dev10.c1 CROSS JOIN dev12 WHERE (dev11.c2 LIKE 'BBBBBB') AND (dev12.c2 LIKE 'FFFFFF') / but, Oracle, what should we do new?
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..
It is the simplest join or inner. An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns.
SQL> select * from x;
NAME EMAIL EMPID Sam email@removed 1060 Rose email@removed 1061
don't consider above mentioned queries I got valuable outputs.
NAMEEMAIL EMPID NAME EMAIL EMPID samemail@removed 1060 sam email@removed 1060 roseemail@removed 1061 rose email@removed 1061 sonaemail@removed 1062 sona email@removed 1062
Inner join shows matches only when they exist in both tables.so , i got records 1060,1061,1062
// Referencing columns used in a USING clause. SQL> select x.name,x.email,x.empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid);
select x.name,x.email,x.empid from x * ERROR at line 1: ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier
so query rewritten as
SQL> select x.name,x.email,empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid); NAME EMAIL EMPID --------------- --------------- ---------- sam email@removed 1060 rose email@removed 1061 chris email@removed 1062
I mean see two different outputs.first output records twice displayed ... Yes i agree that is Inner join.second output records not displayed twice... common records only displayed once ,in x and y.
I think should n't use a table name or alias when referencing columns used in a USING clause... am i right ????
I want to know both are inner joins .how Oracle is determined both outputs ?
If i have a table T1 and a table T2. Table T1 is having 100 rows and table T2 is having 20 rows. When performing a Hash join ,which table should be used to make the hash table ,the larger one or the smaller one and why ?IF the data set is too small for considerations then please conser table T1 with 10 million of rows and table T2 with 1 million of rows.
SQL> desc IMEI; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- MSISDN NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) IMEI NOT NULL VARCHAR2(16) DATE_MOD NUMBER(13) IMSI VARCHAR2(18) ICCID VARCHAR2(20) T_PROF RAW(20) EXTRA_DATA VARCHAR2(100)
If I want to join two table together . I want to search the number of record in IMEI that have N_SIM_STATE =1 in RCA_SMART_CARD . The MSISDN in IMEI is equal to C_SIM_MSISDN in RCA_SMART_CARD .
I have a piece of code that joined the same table onto itself twice in order to get the previous, current and future year's into columns in the same output.
Up until recently this has been working fine but the most recent data has just been uploaded into the table and now it comes up with an error.
On the second (left outer) join it now says that the column is ambiguously defined (ORA-00918). It doesn't matter which order the joins are in it is always the second join that the error pops up on.
EMPID NAME SALARY ---------- ---------- ---------- 1060 sam 4000 1061 rose 3700 1062 sona 4800
SQL> select * from dept;
EMPID NAME DEPT_NAME ---------- ---------- -------------- 1060 sam INFO TECH 1061 rose BIO INFO 1063 chris COMP SCI 1064 maya MULTI MEDIA
I am TRYING to get output for on clause( NATURAL JOIN)
CODESQL> select x.empid,x.name,x.salary,y.dept_name from em1 x NATURAL JOIN dept y 2 on x.empid=y.empid; on x.empid=y.empid * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
My questions are
** I think why NATURAL JOIN key word throws error. ** Second query succeed. i think it is inner join. am i right ?????? ** If i execute query without alias why oracle throws error ???? Example shown below
I saw lot of examples like this SQL> select empid,name,salary,dept_name from em1 natural join dept 2 on em1.empid=dept.empid; on em1.empid=dept.empid * ERROR at line 2:
oracle 10g to select column from about 8 table . I start with this statement
select A.a, B.b, C.c, D.d, E.e, F.f, G.g, H.h from A full outer join B on(A.a=B.b) full outer join C on(B.b=C.c) full outer join D on(C.c=D.d_ . . .. . . .
I am trying to run following sql query,but it is throwing following error.
SQL> delete from b$gc_count_temp a INNER JOIN COMPLEMENTS ON b$gc_count_temp.CON NECTION_ID_TEMP=COMPLEMENTS.feature_conn_id 2 WHERE a.current_designation is null and a.current_low is null and a.current _high is null;
delete from b$gc_count_temp a INNER JOIN COMPLEMENTS ON b$gc_count_temp.CONNECTI ON_ID_TEMP=COMPLEMENTS.feature_conn_id * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
I am creating a query where I am trying to take phone call lengths and put them into buckets of length ranges 0:00 - 0:59, 1:00 - 1:59 etc. Even if there are no calls in the call table I need to return the range with a zero (hence the left join and nvl). When I do this the left join acts like an equal join, I suspect there is some reason left joins only work if there is an equal condition in the join (instead of >= and < that I use, or similarly I could use BETWEEN). I also have a question about performance (below).
The create table script for the lookup is like this:
The query is: select r.range_text as duration_range, nvl(count(*),0) as calls, nvl(SUM(call_duration),0) as total_duration from
As I say, it is not returning all ranges in the duration_ranges table, so acting like an inner join. I realize one solution would be to populate duration ranges with every value possible (instead of ranges) so join is an equal join, but that would make the duration_range table larger.
My questions: 1. Is it possible to get the left join to work with the duration range values as they currently are? 2. Even if 1 is possible, would it be better performance to have exact values (but a larger lookup table) and do an equals join instead of >=, < or BETWEEN? Performance now is not bad.
What I mean is (with only one time value and not lbound and ubound:
I have an attendance table in which we have empno, time_in, time_out..etc.
I want to create a matrix report that should shows all dates of any specific required month in columns and present empno in rows and time_in in cells.
I did it with using a temporary table by filling all the required dates and outer join with attendance table, it works fine, but it takes so long, is there any other better fast way to do it?
why the table name student is referenced twice?And again for ' MYDATABASE.BASES CURRENT SCHOOL '?
When I put this into SSRS it shows only links between the tables STUDENT, RELCOATIONS and CURRENT_SCHOOL. Bases isn't mentioned in the tables diagram. it is still referred to in the raw SQL.
The above SQL works fine, i just don't understand what it's doing!
What I want to do is to return all of the rows from TABLE1 that are NCI regardless, and if they are NCI, I want to return the corresponding records from TABLE2 and TABLE3.
If TABLE1 has a record of NCI but there are no corresponding records in TABLE2 or TABLE3, then of course the columns for TABLE2 and 3 would be blank.
I can get all of the NCI records from TABLE1 when I LEFT JOIN with TABLE2, but when I try to specify TABLE3 in the FROM statement, only the records that are NCI in TABLE1 AND have data in TABLE2 are returned, not just all records with NCI in TABLE1.
Let me know if I can further clarify.
I know that you do not have access to my tables, but here is an example of my code so that you may understand my quandary further:
SELECT l.sku AS "SKU", l.loc AS "LOC", l.qty AS "QTY", o.ncikey AS "NCI", r.description AS "NCI DESC", o.qtyexpected AS "NCI QTY EXP", o.qtyreceived AS "NCI QTY REC", o.loc AS "NCI LOC", o.status
Using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Here's a simplified version of the query I am having problems with:
SELECT assoc.association_id FROM mentor_initiative mi LEFT JOIN program assoc_prog ON assoc_prog.program_id = -1 LEFT JOIN mentor_association assoc ON assoc.mentor_initiative_id = mi.mentor_initiative_id AND NVL(assoc_prog.program_id, -1) = NVL(assoc.program_id, -1)
Note that there is no program with program id -1. So the assoc_prog left join will come up with nothing. I was thinking that since assoc_prog.program_id will be null, the second assoc left join would pick the row where assoc.program_id is null. However, the second left join doesn't join to any row.
In this query, it does join to an assoc row (I changed assoc_prog.program_id to NULL)
SELECT assoc.association_id FROM mentor_initiative mi LEFT JOIN program assoc_prog ON assoc_prog.program_id = -1 LEFT JOIN mentor_association assoc ON assoc.mentor_initiative_id = mi.mentor_initiative_id AND NVL(NULL, -1) = NVL(assoc.program_id, -1)
I was thinking it would join to an assoc row in the first query though. How can I change the first query to have the desired effect of left joining to a row where assoc.program_id is null if assoc_prog.program_id is null?
For all the records in table B I am trying to get discount information from table A. Each bill_id has one or many billing_line ids.It is not mandatory that all the bill_line_id from table B should be present in table A.in other words: a.bill_id can be 100 and a.bill_line_id = 456 but in table B, for b.bill_id =100 there can be b.bill_line_id = 123 and bill_line_id = 456.
I am joining the 2 tables based on bill_id, bill_line_id, and the start and end date.I am not sure how the outer join is done...Basically for every bill_id i need all bill_line id from table A.I am not sure how to *outer join on only one column*. When i tried it did not fetch all the rows from A.
select * from table B left outer join table A on a.bill_line_id = b.bill_line_id and a.month = TRIM (TO_CHAR (b.sale_begin, 'Month')) and a.year = extract(year from b.sale_begin) where a.bill_id = b.bill_id
This is what I need: for every bill_line_id in table B i need discount information from table A if that bill_line_id is not in table A, the discount can be null. But, the bill_line_id in A and B should be for the same bill_id a.bill_id = b.bill_id and the outer join ......
My requirement is to match the records in MTCH_TBL and HIST_TBL on the basis of joining S_SEC(MTCH_TBL) with SEC_ALIAS(HIST_TBL) and INSTANCE (HIST_TBL) as 100 and choosing the record with max EFF_DATE from HIST_TBL.
I have come up with a query as:
select a.h_sec, a.s_paid, a.h_paid FROM MTCH_TBL a, HIST_TBL b where a.S_SEC=b.sec_alias(+) and b.instance(+)=100 and b.EFF_DATE = [code]...
join using the EFF_DATE field also and get the expected results.My results are appearing as BLANK. However I need to produce the results as stated below: