SQL & PL/SQL :: Join Two Queries Together To Get Result
Dec 12, 2011
How can i join two quires together to get result.
My requirement is:
First i want to select Table as we do
Select * from tab;
Then i want to describe the table as we do
Desc WO;
How can we join these two queries to have result.
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Oct 21, 2012
I am trying to display the results from 2 queries, one is supposed to display the count of the employees, per department, who win over the average of the entire company and the other one is supposed to display the count of the employees, per department, who win under the average of the entire company.
I used a UNION ALL, but all it does is merge the results from the ones that win over and under the average into one row, is there a way to separate them? I tried assigning names to each salary using AS but it only displays the first I put in.
- sql Code
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Jul 22, 2013
When we are running a query it is giving us the result based on the conditions .But to know what exactly is happening in the database when we are running a query against it and how finally it returns the result.
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Feb 7, 2012
Following are 2 queries, which return same results as far as the input parameter is NOT NULL
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where decode(:x,null,1,object_id) = NVL(:x,object_id);
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where object_id = NVL(:x,object_id);
However the execution plan differs a lot The FTS cost or rows accessed count also varies what could be the reason? The PX_CJQ is simply select * from dba_objects and has index on object_id which anyway is not being used in this case
variable x number
exec :x:= 28
Query - 1
SQL> >select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where decode(:x,null,1,object_id) = NVL(:x,object_id);
SQL> >select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'ALLSTATS LAST'));
Query - 2
SQL> >select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * from PX_CJQ where object_id = NVL(:x,object_id);
SQL> >select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(NULL,NULL,'ALLSTATS LAST'));
29 rows selected.
SQL> >
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May 12, 2013
I have three select queries. Each of them returns a single column. I want the result of these queries into a single table..
I tried this way..
select * from
(first select),(second select),(third select);
this gives duplicate rows...
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Jul 4, 2013
I would like to know if using varchar parameter in sql queries with number column can result in performance degrade.
Ex: Procedure testa ( myparam varchar) is
select col1 into var1 from table where colno = myparam;
Here col no is a number column and myparam is varchar. I feel its better to change the parameter to number.
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Sep 7, 2010
how to join 2 tables to get the result I need.I have following 2 tables (all dummy data)
Table 1
Table 2
789865 Abcn185765
879876 defd494854
432465 efgg5948545
789865 hijh685765
879876 klmj794854
432465 nopl9948545
I want to join the above tables to get the following result
I have tried writing union queries and exists clause in where and seem to get nowhere with this.
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Aug 17, 2012
i have the following problem
select dem.NUM_PCE, memo.comment
from demand dem, dem_comment memo
where CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE) = memo.parentId (+)
and memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))
I should have a result with this request but there's nothing and the problem come from the fact that when the following condition is not met, there are no resulty even if there's an outer join
and memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))
This condition makes Oracle ignores the outer join..I have tried to add this:
select dem.NUM_PCE, memo.comment
from demand dem, dem_comment memo
where CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE) = memo.parentId (+)
and (memo.dateCreation = (select MAX(DEM_DATE_CREATION_MEMO)
FROM dem_comment memo
WHERE memo.parentId = CONCAT(dem.NUM_PCE,dem.NUM_DEMANDE))
or memo.dateCreation is null)
but there are too much records and the result is not consistent
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Jul 7, 2012
Where filter middle_rows save before join and grop by operation?
It is save rows in PGA Private SQL Area or save blocks in SGA databuffer?
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Jan 23, 2007
our system has always been running on mysql database and recently we have switched to oracle. As the current system is coded using mysql query syntax, when i run this program using oracle database, i got a error. The language that I'm using is JSP.
this is the error message:
The following query could not run on oracle. To convert these mysql queries to oracle compatible queries.
SELECT productID,productName FROM products order by productName;
select newsID,newsDate,newsHeadLine1 from news order by newsDate Desc limit 3
SELECT fuji_products.productID, productName_Display FROM products,products_availability where products_availability.productID=products.productID and (product_status='enabled' or product_status='all') AND category='12'
SELECT catID, catSub1 from category where catSub = '"+ prodCat +"' AND catSub1 is not null group by catSub1 order by catSub1
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Oct 19, 2013
Lets say I have three tables t1 and t2 and t3.
Now when data exists in T2 and T3, I want to return only the records in T1 that match the records in T2 and T3 which is basically a normal join
select t1.id from t1, t2,t3 where t1.id = t2.id and t1.id = t3.id
However when there are no records in T2 or T3, I want to return all records in T1 i.e 1,2,3,4
One way of doing that is using the not exists clause
select * from t1 where not exists ( select null from t2 where t2.Id != t1.id) and not exists ( select null from t3 where t1.Id != t3.id)
Is there a better way of doing this in sql ?
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Aug 14, 2009
i want to know the difference between Left outer join Vs. Right outer join? Its like which join is safer to use or is there any recommendations to use any join?
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Nov 12, 2012
is there any difference between
- returning from the procedure 2 ref cursors containing result set of 2 queries
- returning from the procedure 1 ref cursor containing result set of that 2 queries as one (with UNION ALL)?
Will 2nd option be faster or similar to 1st?
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Jun 16, 2009
I have a table similar to the following,
1, user1home1, 1, 01/05/2009
1, user1home2, 1, 02/05/2009
1, user1work, 2, 03/05/2009
1, user1mobile1, 3, 04/05/2009
1, user1mobile2, 3, 05/05/2009
1, user1email, 4, 06/05/2009
1, user1other, 5 ,07/05/2009
2, user2home1, 1, 01/05/2009
2, user2home2, 1, 02/05/2009
which contains multiple contact details for users of different types; type 1 is home, type 2 work etc. The following query returns the user's number and the latest home number for that user.
select user, details as latest_home_number from nc_test t
where type = 1
and updated = (select max(updated) from nc_test t2
where t2.user = t.user
and t2.type = t.type)
order by t.user
However I am not very experienced with sql and I am not sure how to create a view which would contain the fields:
user, latest_home_number, latest_work_number
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May 1, 2011
I have performance problem with 7 queries involving groupby clauses in OLAP database.These are queries triggered during siebel DAC run
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Nov 16, 2006
I have to change some queries from SQL to Oracle but I couldn't convert these queries because they use some system tables in SQL that I don't know the equivalent Oracle tables. Following are SQL Queries
1. SELECT name, xtype FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype IN('U', 'V') AND name <> 'dtProperties' AND objectproperty(id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 ORDER BY name
2. SELECT tS.name FROM sysobjects AS tS WHERE (tS.name IN (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U') AND xtype ='U') OR (tS.name IN (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'V') AND xtype ='V')
3. SELECT o.name as TableName, c.name as FieldName, c.colid as Field_Ordinal, t.name as FieldType, c.length as FieldLength, c.prec as FieldPrecision, c.scale as FieldScale, c.isnullable, c.iscomputed, CASE WHEN c.status & 0x80 > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isidentity, columnproperty(o.id, c.name, 'IsRowGuidCol') as isrowguidcol FROM (sysobjects o JOIN syscolumns c ON o.id = c.id) JOIN systypes t On c.xtype = t.xtype WHERE o.xtype IN ('U', 'V') AND (t.xtype = t.xusertype)
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Feb 2, 2005
On a tab page should be displayed the result of four indifferent queries, each based on a stored procedure.At the moment, the queries are processed serially, by the statements:
Is there a way to processes the queries parallel ?
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Jul 30, 2012
We have the following case: an application modifies a table in an Oracle db (
Unfortunately the update SQL statements from the application always use the condition "where Column1 = 'some given value'" which is wrong (never mind why).
It should be instead "where Column1 = 'some value' and Column2 = 'val for Column2'. The 'val for Column2 will be taken from the very SQL query being issued (we can make the application do an update for Column2 even if the value in it never changes).
So all the update queries from the application look at the moment like that:
"update my_table set Column2 = 'val for Column2', Column3 = 'some other values', Column4 = 'some other value' where Column1 = 'some given value'".
We would like to capture them and somehow on the fly modify them to look like that:
"update my_table set Column2 = 'val for Column2', Column3 = 'some other values', Column4 = 'some other value' where Column1 = 'some given value' and Column2 = 'val for Column2'".
Can a trigger "before update" do it? For some reason we cannot at the moment ask the vendor to change the hard code of the application so we are looking for a temporary workaround.
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Jun 4, 2013
I have two queries that I need to run and compare the outputs against each other. Each query runs on a different host. I can run each query on a different pane (Window - I am using Toad for running query). What I am trying to do is:
- Run both queries on a single pane
- Compare the output where if a "study" matches on both query output, then display the result.
To being with, is it possible to run the queries on a single pane by defining SID string as a part of query syntax......?
SELECT study,
TO_CHAR (completed_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy') completed_date, status
FROM ...
SELECT study, name
FROM .....
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Sep 15, 2010
I have some troubles when I try to retrieve last executed queries in a database.
For example;
I run the script below:
select distinct t.first_load_time, t.sql_text, t.last_load_time, s.username
from v_$sql t, v$session s
where s.username='SYS'
And as a result, I retrieve the queries executed by SYS user. But the problem is that, if SYS user executed the same query more than once,
only the very first record is shown.
It is like this,
SYS user executes "select * from table_abc" at 10:54:35, and after that SYS executes the same query at 13:45:55. and after running
the query above, I can only see the record which was executed at 10:54:35. I need to see the both results.
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Jun 5, 2012
,min(c.time) in_time
FROM xxkpc_hr_personnel_v2 b
,xxkpc_fingerscan_data_v c
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Aug 27, 2010
how to run two different Queries In One Report.
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Jan 15, 2013
How I can get the union result of 2 queries and put them in xml result, but I want each query to be in seperate xml element. I don t want to put 1 single xmlelement and do a From then construct a virtual table uniting the 2 subqueries
I mean I don t want something like the following:
Except the 2nd alternative is not working I get error message: "SQL command not properly ended"
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Jan 31, 2013
I am trying to validate a monthly report so was trying to write queries to get different criteria into one table. So my first query returns all the product,second query returns all the enrolled customers, 3rd query returns all the cancelled customers and 4th query returns all the newly enrolled for a month. Is there a way I can pass the first query results into 1st column, 2 query results into 2nd column, 3 query results into 3rd column and so on.
I tired writing the SQL several different ways and have spent a day on it and still cannot figure it out. I am using SQL Developer.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have 4 select queries.
First Step:Combine Query1 and Query2,but the requirement is Query2 should only use the Acct_ID and Bill_ID which are output from Query1.
Second Step:Combine Query3 and Query4,but the requirement is Query4 should only use the Acct_ID and Bill_ID which are output from Query3.
Third Step: Is to now combine both the data set from First Step and Second Step.
In order to achieve my First and Second Steps I used WITH clause.
With S1 as ( Query1 ),
S2 as ( Query1 Union Query2)
Select S2.* from S1,S2
With S3 as ( Query3 ),
S4 as ( Query3 Union Query4)
Select S2.* from S3,S4
1. Is that approach right for achieving my First and Second step requirements ?
2. How to achieve Third Step ?
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Jul 11, 2012
I am trying to trace the SQL statements executed against a particular database user. I don't have AUDITING enabled and I am using Oracle 11g.I have the following query :
But if multiple users running the 'APP.EXE' are connected to the same db user, I am not able to understand which OS user executed which query. So I tried to join with V$SESSION view to get the user details.
But this doesn't seems to be working(In my case it didn't return any rows) I have also tried the following
but I am not sure whether this is giving the right results. So, I have the following questions
1) How do I get the queries executed by each session?
2) The EXECUTIONS column of V_$SQL seems to the executions from all the sessions. How do I know the number of times a particular query is executed by a session?
3) How long a record about a query will be stored in V_$SQL? When do Oracle delete it from the view?
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Mar 19, 2013
Below are two queries , in merging two queries into a single so that out put coveres out put from below two queries
create table t_look as
select 1 a, 2 b, 3 c from dual union all
select 1 a, 20 b, 3 c from dual union all
select 1 a, 21 b, 3 c from dual union all
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Sep 6, 2012
I've small doubt regarding the subqueries in delete statements. observe the below statements with their results.
SQL> alter table emp3 rename column deptno to deptid;
Table altered.
SQL> select deptid from dept;
select deptid from dept
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DEPTID": invalid identifier
but when you use same subquery in update or select stmt it throws 'invalid identifier' or similar error.Why same does not happen with delete stmt ?
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Jul 31, 2012
I'd like to audit a table for any SELECT queries that are executed against it with no WHERE clause. I've read the documentation on DBMS_FGA carefully, and as close as I can tell, creating a policy with a NULL audit_condition causes all queries against the table to be audited, which isn't what I'm looking for.
What I'd like is something like this:
object_schema => 'scott',
object_name => 'emp',
policy_name => 'mypolicy1',
audit_condition => 'WHERE CLAUSE IS ABSENT',
audit_column => 'comm,sal',
SELECT * FROM EMP;but queries with conditions ('WHERE sal > 400', for instance) are not trapped.
I'm using 11gR2 ( on OEL.
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Oct 10, 2011
I wonder how I can limit the queries in a table? This limitation would be that from a certain time, it allows queries. Before the opening hours, permitting no select.
Example: Allow SELECTs in table only after 16 p.m.
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