why the table name student is referenced twice?And again for ' MYDATABASE.BASES CURRENT SCHOOL '?
When I put this into SSRS it shows only links between the tables STUDENT, RELCOATIONS and CURRENT_SCHOOL. Bases isn't mentioned in the tables diagram. it is still referred to in the raw SQL.
The above SQL works fine, i just don't understand what it's doing!
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..translate this query to work on oracle?
Use ANSI standard JOIN syntax for example i have this code.
SELECT resv_num, unit_date FROM p_resv_unit ru, p_pm_unit_night pun WHERE pun.property_id = in_property_id AND pun.pm_unit_num = cvUnitNum AND pun.unit_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date AND pun.resv_unit_id = ru.resv_unit_id;
and is it a good idea to change it, because both ways it works?
It is the simplest join or inner. An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns.
SQL> select * from x;
NAME EMAIL EMPID Sam email@removed 1060 Rose email@removed 1061
don't consider above mentioned queries I got valuable outputs.
NAMEEMAIL EMPID NAME EMAIL EMPID samemail@removed 1060 sam email@removed 1060 roseemail@removed 1061 rose email@removed 1061 sonaemail@removed 1062 sona email@removed 1062
Inner join shows matches only when they exist in both tables.so , i got records 1060,1061,1062
// Referencing columns used in a USING clause. SQL> select x.name,x.email,x.empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid);
select x.name,x.email,x.empid from x * ERROR at line 1: ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier
so query rewritten as
SQL> select x.name,x.email,empid from x 2 inner join y 3 using (empid); NAME EMAIL EMPID --------------- --------------- ---------- sam email@removed 1060 rose email@removed 1061 chris email@removed 1062
I mean see two different outputs.first output records twice displayed ... Yes i agree that is Inner join.second output records not displayed twice... common records only displayed once ,in x and y.
I think should n't use a table name or alias when referencing columns used in a USING clause... am i right ????
I want to know both are inner joins .how Oracle is determined both outputs ?
EMPID NAME SALARY ---------- ---------- ---------- 1060 sam 4000 1061 rose 3700 1062 sona 4800
SQL> select * from dept;
EMPID NAME DEPT_NAME ---------- ---------- -------------- 1060 sam INFO TECH 1061 rose BIO INFO 1063 chris COMP SCI 1064 maya MULTI MEDIA
I am TRYING to get output for on clause( NATURAL JOIN)
CODESQL> select x.empid,x.name,x.salary,y.dept_name from em1 x NATURAL JOIN dept y 2 on x.empid=y.empid; on x.empid=y.empid * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
My questions are
** I think why NATURAL JOIN key word throws error. ** Second query succeed. i think it is inner join. am i right ?????? ** If i execute query without alias why oracle throws error ???? Example shown below
I saw lot of examples like this SQL> select empid,name,salary,dept_name from em1 natural join dept 2 on em1.empid=dept.empid; on em1.empid=dept.empid * ERROR at line 2:
I need to be clear about what exactly difference when we put any condition in INNER JOIN and WHERE Clause. I tried both way and found same results. Even in Statistics Plan not much differences.
1. Here I am using location filter in Inner join condition -
"SELECT I.*, Gl * From Sc1.Item I Inner Join Sc1.Part P On P.Part_Id = I.Part_Id Inner Join Sc1.Location Gl On Gl.Location_Id = I.Location_Id And Gl.Location_Id In ( 1767, 1747,202,1625) Inner Join Sc1.Condition C On C.Condtion_Id = Gl.Condition_Id Where I.Inactive_Ind = 0 And I.Condition_Id != 325
2. Here I am using location filter in Where clause
SELECT I.*, Gl * From Sc1.Item I Inner Join Sc1.Part P On P.Part_Id = I.Part_Id Inner Join Sc1.Location Gl On Gl.Location_Id = I.Location_Id Inner Join Sc1.Condition C On C.Condtion_Id = Gl.Condition_Id Where I.Inactive_Ind = 0 and I.LOCATION_ID in ( 1767, 1747,202,1625) And I.Condition_Id != 325.
What I need is NOT IN with the ability to query by wild card. NOT LIKE IN doesn't seem to work for me. Is there another way to do this without having to write out each statement (WHERE NOT LIKE record% AND NOT LIKE %record, etc.)?
We have just migrated from DB version 10 to version have found out, that we have to do a revision of old queries, because there are probably differencies in the syntax. where are these differencies described? Here is an example, what google didn't told me.... I have some condition where table_1.id = table_2.id ( +) What doesn't mean ( +)?
I am familiar with using tnsping with the standard sqlnet.ora/tnsnames.ora or other oracle connection definition methods. Can I specify the actual connection definition on the tnsping command line? Something like:
I'm not getting the syntax to LOAD the value of APEXPWD.TPASSWORD from the Database into the VARIABLE T_PASSWORD in APEX so that I can compare it against the users PASSWORD. This allows me to compare if the user has a temp password and then redirects them to the correct change password page. Everything is working except getting the T_PASSWORD variable set correctly.
Is there some way to validate the syntax of sql sentence without actually executing it? I dont want to check if the objects exist or not, just want to check the syntax.
declare type typ_curseur is ref cursor; l_cursor typ_curseur;
When running in 9,10 or 11 I get the error ORA-22806: not an object or REF. After investigation I found that the problem is the bind variable ":bind.variable". Notice the dot between bind and variable. If i remove the dot or replace it by underscore everything work fine.
I am just looking for some documentation about this problem to know if it was some new restriction starting in 9i and if there is something to set to make it work like in 8i or maybe it will be better to change all our program that are using this kind of syntax. Actually i did not find anything on metalink.
SQL> select * from oldemp8; select * from oldemp8 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout ORA-29400: data cartridge error KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters KUP-01005: syntax error: found "(": expecting one of: "comma, defaultif, nullif, )" KUP-01007: at line 7 column 16 ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 19
what is the syntax error in the above command. I place the notepad file properly.i create external table before many time but cant find any this type of error.
i am using this syntax but its going in error, <?if:number(DAY_1)>=1 and number(DAY_1)<=25?><?attribute@incontext:background-color;'LightGreen'?><?end if?>
homework assignment using pl/sql based on 2 tables I have created below? I am not sure of how to use cursors, loops and proper syntax.
1. Create a PL/SQL Procedure (cursor to loop through the records, check the LastName, then update the grade table where id=id on grade table)
Rule: A ‐ LastName ends with a character between A‐F B ‐ LastName ends with a character between G‐K C ‐ LastName ends with a character between L‐P D ‐ LastName ends with a character between Q‐T E ‐ LastName ends with a character between U‐Z
am new to SQL server. I have below statement what is ON [PRIMARY]. I want to write a similar create script to be written for Oracle & need to understand the importance of ON [PRIMARY]
Create table [emp] ( [e_name] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL, [e_sal] [decimal] (20,0) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
I am new to oracle and sql in general, I received an oracle create schema that needs to be converted using non-oracle syntax. I have never seen this syntax before.
What does the following syntax mean? CODE,line_status(1:20) char(2) null
Translate following SQL query from SQL Server syntax to Oracle syntax.
SELECT ID, [LMT(MTR)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'LMT' then VALUE end), [AAD(KGM)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'AAD' then VALUE end), [VOL(MTQ)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'VOL' then VALUE end) FROM yourtable GROUP BY ID
setting up the query/correcting the syntax below so that it calculates the 'number of days difference' between whatever the 'Biggest Date' field value is and whatever the 'current date' is using the 'sysdate'. So far, I've only managed to get the query to calculate the number of days difference (days past due) between the 'need date' and 'estimated delivery date'.
CODESELECT To_Date(need_date, 'YYYYMMDD') Need_Dt, To_Date(Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END, 'YYYYMMDD') Biggest_Date, To_Date(need_date, 'YYYYMMDD') - To_Date(Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END, 'YYYYMMDD') Date_Diff
FROM tableT
WHERE need_date <= (Case when estimated_delivery > ' ' THEN estimated_delivery ELSE need_date END)