Have 3 tables
table1 (campaignid,promoflag)
table2 (campaignid,projectid,campaigndesc)
table3 (projectid,promoflag,projectstart,projectend)
I am to update table 1 promoflag with value from promoflag in table3
Update table1
set promoflag = table3.promoflag
I would like to make sure only appropriate record is updated therefore want to use where clause condition but the primary key for table1 and table3 are different, the only link can be found on table2.
I want to use condition where table1.campaignid=table2.campaignid and table2.projectid=table1.projectid
Have used the following without success:
Scenario 1
Update table1
SET promoflag = table3.promoflag
FROM table1
inner join table2 on table1.campaignid = table2.camapaignid
inner join table3 on table2.projectid = table3.projectID;
Error at line 1 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Scenario 2 with real table/column names
Error at line 2
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
It appears to get block with the 'FROM' statement (was underlined in red)
I need to be clear about what exactly difference when we put any condition in INNER JOIN and WHERE Clause. I tried both way and found same results. Even in Statistics Plan not much differences.
1. Here I am using location filter in Inner join condition -
"SELECT I.*, Gl * From Sc1.Item I Inner Join Sc1.Part P On P.Part_Id = I.Part_Id Inner Join Sc1.Location Gl On Gl.Location_Id = I.Location_Id And Gl.Location_Id In ( 1767, 1747,202,1625) Inner Join Sc1.Condition C On C.Condtion_Id = Gl.Condition_Id Where I.Inactive_Ind = 0 And I.Condition_Id != 325
2. Here I am using location filter in Where clause
SELECT I.*, Gl * From Sc1.Item I Inner Join Sc1.Part P On P.Part_Id = I.Part_Id Inner Join Sc1.Location Gl On Gl.Location_Id = I.Location_Id Inner Join Sc1.Condition C On C.Condtion_Id = Gl.Condition_Id Where I.Inactive_Ind = 0 and I.LOCATION_ID in ( 1767, 1747,202,1625) And I.Condition_Id != 325.
In my Project, there are many queries have join conditions between Number and Vrahchar2. Will it give any wrong results or Invalid Number exception even the varchar2 column always contains the number data?
Example: Select * from Table_t1 t1, table_t2 t2 where t1.num_col = t2.var_col -- Here var_col always hold only numaric data.
SELECT MAX(fndattdoc.LAST_UPDATE_DATE ) as LAST_UPDATE_DATE, MAX(DECODE(fndcatusg.format,'H', st.short_text,NULL,st.short_text, NULL)) as COMMENTS, MAX(fnddoc.description) as REASON FROM fnd_attachment_functions fndattfn, fnd_doc_category_usages fndcatusg, fnd_documents_vl fnddoc, fnd_attached_documents fndattdoc, fnd_documents_short_text st, fnd_document_categories_tl fl, WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES DLVRY [code]....
I have three tables, I have to merge those three tables, all three tables having same conditions and filter conditions(in each table one filter condition changed), I highlighted in the red difference the filter conditions in each table, finally my result should be 7 columns like
UPDATE t_tt_hours a SET a.sak_request = ( SELECT b.sak_request FROM t_requests b, co c
The problem I am having is that it is updating all rows even when it is pulling back a null value for b.sak_request. I've tried adding b.sak_request is not null to the select statement like this:
UPDATE t_tt_hours a SET a.sak_request = ( SELECT b.sak_request FROM t_requests b, co c WHERE b.nam_eds_tracking_id = c.id_dir_track_eds
but it doesn't seem to make a difference. The reason I need to do this is that the difference between where it matches with a valid (non-null) value is 396 rows vs. 12,484 rows which is too time consuming to run on my page.
In my project, the below function retrieve output very slowly. Is there any alternative code to replace this function with join
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_johnson (i_case_id number,i_seq_num argus_app.case_reference.seq_num%type) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS c_ref VARCHAR2(32500) := null ; CURSOR c_refer IS
Snapshot_date is last working date of that month, and is recorded only once in the table for a matrl_num & plant combination.
Inserting records in the table: Refer to insert_extended_values.sql Note: This is just a sample table , having records for only two matrl_num.
after inserting records , you can see the records are for two different matrl_num's. For each matrl_num , we can have multiple values of plant and for each plant we can have different value of std_Cost(eg:matrl_num='0023173556').
Moreover for each matrl_num , I have some records in each month , based on the number of plants(with std_cost). Std_cost for a plant is updated in the table whenever there is a change in it from the previous value.In case of no change in value of std_cost over previous month's value , we have 'Null' std_cost for that matrl_num, plant & month(next month).
I want to update these 'Null' values with latest(last month's 'not null' - std_cost) std_cost for that matrl_num and plant. Such change in std_cost can occur multiple times , so we need to update the 'Null' std_cost till the time we have encountered a change in std_cost and so on.
im trying to update a column in the employee table with the value "YES". Im getting an error message saying im missing a SET statement from this code below:
update e SET e.review='YES' from employee inner join rentals r on e.employee_id=r.employee_id inner join job j on e.job_id=j.job_id where r.plate ='FY06WNT' and j.function !='MANAGER' and j.function !='PRESIDENT';
UPDATE dev10 SET c3 = dev12.c1 FROM dev10 INNER JOIN dev11 ON dev11.c3 = dev10.c1 CROSS JOIN dev12 WHERE (dev11.c2 LIKE 'BBBBBB') AND (dev12.c2 LIKE 'FFFFFF') / but, Oracle, what should we do new?
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..
1.abc_y (notes,frmt) sample data: notes: i live in texas and work in AIG.
2.abc_z(tags_name) sample data: tags_name:
live in work.We shoud look for tags_name in notes field of abc_y. If we encounter any tags_name in notes field they should be removed and inserted in frmt field Now the column format should be updated to 'i texas and AIG'.abc_y has 2 million rows and abc_z has 120 rows.wrote the code sucessfuly but cannot bulk update it, which is really needed for me.
I am havin some problm in FOR LOOP after FORALL in the folowing.
DECLARE l_sql_strng VARCHAR2 (20000); TYPE var_tab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (20000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_text_arry var_tab; CURSOR c1
I am trying to write an Update that really frustrates me because it won't work for one reason or another.The situation is that I have two tables for customer information, t1 with the names of the customer and t2 with the address.These two can be joined via a client_id.
Now I have a third table t3 with the name and address of potential customers. I want to find out if some of them are already known to me so that I can update the client_id from table t1 or t2 into t3.
I have to join firstname, lastname from t3 to firstname, lastname from t1 and street, zip, city from t3 to street, zip, city from t2 and client_id from t1 to t2. Additional there is the problem that there can be more than one result so I have to update one of the found client_ids per name/address into t3.I am no expert to PL/SQL, I just know what SQL works in Access and that is:
UPDATE (t3 INNER JOIN t1 ON (t3.firstname= t1.firstname) AND (t3.lastname = t1.lastname)) INNER JOIN t2 ON (t3.city = t2.city) AND (t3.zip = t2.zip) AND (t3.street = t2.street) AND (t1.client_id = t2.client_id) SET t3.client_id = t1.client_id;
I Require to Update the Data in Join Condition. When Run the Query the Error display as ORA-00933: SQL Command Not Properly Ended.
Update a set a.Dr_Re = Nvl(b.Dr_Amt,0), a.Cr_Re = Nvl(b.Cr_Amt,0) FROM xxsc.xxsc_creditors_aging_brnwise a join (Select Branch,Invoice_id,vendor_site_code,segment1, case when (sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) > 0) then sum(nvl(dr_re,0)) - sum(nvl(cr_re,0)) Else 0 End DR_AMT, [code]........
UPDATE Caxnode AS A INNER JOIN Caxnode AS B ON A.node_alias = B.node_alias SET A.partition_Type = 'LDOM', A.node_mode = 'LOGICAL', A.host_id = b.host_id, A.num_of_proc = b.num_of_proc WHERE (((A.node_mode)='virtual' Or (A.node_mode)='regular') AND ((B.partition_Type)='LDOM'));
This doesn't work in oracle, I googled and read that update doesnt work with inner join in oracle..translate this query to work on oracle?
I've seen this example numerous places, and tried to implement it, but I keep getting an "invalid identifier" error message, despite the fact that I've got the table and column specifically identified.For instance, my query reads like:
But I'll keep getting flagged at the tbl2.EMPIDA column reference. I have not tried this in SQL Plus, just in TOAD, but it seems to repeatedly fail.I have had to dump records to standalone Access tables and link back to perform the updates.
i want to update record that is fetched based on join condition on form
1. made a block manually :::: EMPSAL 2. Query DATA SOURCE NAME :::: EMP a, Sal b 3. Where Clause :::: a.empid = b.empid 4. DML DATA Target Type :::: Table 5. DML DATA Target Name :::: EMP a, Sal b 6. All Columns are marked a.empid, a.empname, b.sal, b.date etc
I have no knowledge about Barcode. The problem is an issue of Loyalty Cards of a Hotel and Restaurant to various customers and then these cards will be presented by the customers time to time in the Hotel as well as Restaurant. The Owner of the Hotel and Restaurant wants to generate separate barcode for each card and when this card will be presented then the bar code reader will readout the code and the system will calculate the amount of discount/rebate. Because if the data entry operator enter the code of the card through key board the it will be a chance of leakage or misuse of that card.
I have to compare my SVN source code (packages, views etc) with the production code in the database like views etc (actually we are not sure that what we have in the svn is the final version of production code, we have objects created in the production database, but we don't have latest scripts for that. we have to deploy the svn code in the UNIX box).
So here the comparison is between the OS files and the database objects.
I thought I would get scripts of all the packages, views etc from the production database by using DBMS_METADATA or some utility and save the code in OS files then compare one svn file with OS file manually by using some comparison tools e.g toad provide one comparison tool.
I downloaded oracle sql developer, i type my code into a worksheet but if i use the run statement option, it asks me to make a connection. I dont want to make a connection, just test the data locally.However, even if I do try and make a connection, i get ora-12560 error (local connection).
I just want to type up some data to make some table and test to retrieve or manipulate the data. I'll use any program, command line or gui.
I have one table in database that contains 3 foreign keys to another tables(this three tables name are: manager,worker and employee). in each row only one foreign key is filled.I need to write one query that with attention which column of fk is filled in where clause specified condition is performed. I write simple query in jpa but doesn't work properly
select b from allEmployees b where b.manager.name= :name OR b.worker.name = :name OR b.employee.name= :name
You think i can do a from clause with conditions ??
The reason is that i need to retrieve fields from different schemas depending on a column in a common table
let s say the column CRITERIA_COL is in table Common If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 1 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA1.MY_TABLE If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 2 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA2.MY_TABLE If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 3 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA3.MY_TABLE
Something like this:
Select my_Col1, my_Col2 from (case COMMON.CRITERIA when '1' then SCHEMA1.MY_TABLE when '2' then SCHEMA2.MY_TABLE when '3' then SCHEMA3.MY_TABLE )
but that is not working .By the way my query is not just that, it s a more complicated query, that s just the portion I am having trouble with .
I would like resolve an issue, I would like to know if is there any posibility to filter particular conditions using sql, the example that Im going to describe below shows these conditions:
create table t1 ( month number, club char(2), total_subs number )
I created a procedure with four in parameters and 1 out parameter is there in this i want to check if any parameters is null or any two parameters are null or any three parameters are null...like this i checked(16 conditions) for all combinations i put if conditions but can i use execute immediate instead of all 16 conditions?
I need to put amount '0' if the row exist but has no amount in my "where " conditions. the orginal commad is :
select t.aaa, count (t.bbb), sum (t.ccc) from nrb t where t.vvv IN ('3','4','5','6','D','E','F') and t.ddd like '50%' and t.eee >= TO_DATE('2012/03/21','YYYY/MM/DD') and t.eee <= TO_DATE('2012/07/21','YYYY/MM/DD') group by t.aaa order by t.aaa
and the result is : "result" tab in excel atached file.i need this result: "result 2" tab in excel atached file.
I am new to the forum as well as SQL programing and I need to have the following criteria writen in my WHERE so all three of these criterias are included in the same report (perhaps, each will have its own section).