SQL & PL/SQL :: Designing A Query - Who To Loop Through Process

Jul 22, 2011

i have query which scores a customer details on some factors and gives it a rank/I have a table called agents which holds the agents details.

This is how i get the rank:
select *
from (
select customer_name ,agent_number


The agents table has agent_number and agent_Name....By the above query i check various score against all available agents and assign customers to agents who have highest score or rank is 1

But my problem is who to loop through the process.. i mean after the intial customers are assinged with agents it should run again for remaining customers and for agents who are free(and rank for them is 1) should be checked for assignment Once all agents are assigned but still more customers are available then agents even thoug they are already assigned they can be assigned now since no agent is free..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stop Loop On One Process?

Jul 3, 2010

i want check some data from one process instead of last record


process data
uuu 1
ppp 1


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Difference Between Database Modelling And Designing

Apr 29, 2013

What is the difference between Database Modelling and Database Designing ?

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Forms :: Designing DB Application - Button Trigger?

Mar 23, 2012

i'm designing a DB_application where a user makes certain subject selections depending on what grades they have. so far ive made simple signin form as follows....

Create table Persons(
person_id number(8) constraint pk_Persons primary key,
person_pword varchar2(16) not null;

user_id number(8);
user_pword varchar(16);
alert_button number;


now the next step... that SIGNED IN user is taken to a menu with links to select their topics or units. HOWEVER only a PARTICULAR link can be followed depending on what grade they've achieved in a NECESSARY UNIT for example to do advanced maths u need beginners maths = PASS. if = fail then user cannot proceed. heres my sql as well as the trigger ive made an attempt at...

Create table Grades(
grade_code number constraint pk_Grades primary key,
grade varchar(4) check (result in ('fail','pass')),
person_id number,
unit_code number,
CONSTRAINT fk_Persons FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Persons (person_id),


i know my second trigger is poorly designed and lacking.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Inside For Loop

Nov 3, 2011

i am trying to do something the following .. but I can't get the syntax correctly for the select statement inside the secondary_loop ...

EmailBodyHTML := '';
main_loop := '';
secondary_loop := '';


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PL/SQL :: Replicate For Loop Functionality Through SQL Query

Jun 14, 2013

I have a requirement where i need to replicate the for loop functionality  through sql query.In pl/sql  i can achieve this through cursors or for loop but is there any way  to do  or replicate the same functionality in sql queries .  For example i want to repeat the  operation for  set of records  or iterate through set of records and fire query accordingly .Is it possible  through sql query

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Which Background Process Is Responsible For Getting Result Of SQL Query

Jul 21, 2011

Which background process is responsible for getting result of sql query issued to an oracle engine?

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Performance Tuning :: Query With Nested Loop Takes 6 Hours To Complete

Jun 23, 2011

I'm joinging two tables event_types and tmp_acc tables.

event_types contains 2 Billion records
tmp_acc contains 20,000 records.

Resulting rows are about 300,000 records in event_types table end_t and account_obj_id0 are joined indexed

no indexs in tmp_acc.

When I run below query with nexted loop it takes 6 hrs to complete. But when I run with hash join even after 4 days it was still running. what is wrong with hash join here. Why it takes so long. I'm joining only 20000 rows. So I think there should be a way to get result rows quickly.

show parameters hash_area_size

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hash_area_size integer 2097152

explain plan for
select --+ parallel(e,6)

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PL/SQL :: Possible To Use Forall Instead Of For Loop - End Loop

Nov 19, 2012

type ind_table is table of varchar2(20);
p_ind ind_table;
v_sql varchar2(2000);
select index_name bulk collect into P_Ind from user_indexes where table_name=upper(P_tab);
for i in 1..p_ind.count loop
v_sql :='alter index '||p_ind(i)|| ' monitoring usage'
execute immediate v_sql using p_ind(i);
end loop;

can i use forall instead of 'for loop ..end loop'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Best Way To Loop Against CSV

May 25, 2010

I have a list of strings ( like a,b ,c) that I want to loop againts. I will be creating string to execute them as dynamic sql.I could have put the string in a table and loop againt the table but this is a deployment script so I do not want to create any table.I can also do

cursor c is SELECT 'a' FROM dual UNION SELECT 'b' FROM dual ;
for i in c
end loop.

But I have many strings to loop over. What is the best way to achieve it. Can i use collection to achieve this?

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SQL Concatenate Using A Loop

Feb 17, 2010

I have a table which I will call 'fruit basket' which contains the following data:

basket_ref, fruit, fruit_serial
1, apple, 1
1, banana, 2
1, pear, 3
2, apple, 1
2, lemon, 2

What I want to produce is a table in the following format

basket_ref, all_fruit
1, apple banana pear
2, apple lemon

There could theoretically be any amount of fruit in a given basket, so I will need to set up some kind of loop in order to read each record from the original table. I am not sure how it would be best to do this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Going To Next Record In Loop

May 25, 2011

I have a cursor which I am opening and then looping through. Within this loop I am comparing attributes within this cursor with attributes from another loop that this one is within.

you will see in the IF statements (there are several distinct IF statements within the loop) that there is a check which assesses if the attributes are not equal.

If they are NOT, the value of v_mismatch is set to 1

What I need to do instead of setting this to 1, is to go to the next record in the loop. How can I achieve this?

OPEN c_distMatrix;
FETCH c_distMatrix INTO r_dist;
WHEN c_distMatrix%NOTFOUND;
--compare each field and update the counter

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Does Loop Works

Jun 27, 2011

D1 DATE:='&D1';

Here I want to display all the seven days. One more question is here I'm d1<=d2 but d2 is null. So how does <= works here a null. A null is always null. What will be there in d2 how does the loop works with this comparision.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Next Data With Loop

Jun 14, 2013

This query that I pasted is working correctly.Let's say a case has 4 owners, it finds me the first owner and show me its address.

However, I want to execute this query for all owners so it should jump the previous owner it found. Lets say for that example that the loop ends at 4.
How may I fix this problem so that the loop do not return always the first owner but it keeps getting 1,2,3,4...also I should increase the sequence value for each situation


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Lock On Loop

Aug 28, 2012

for i in 1..10000 loop
update table1
set col1= col1+1
where type =1;
end loop;

My question is, if a strored procedure contains the script above and the said procedure will be invoked by two or more sessions at the same time. Does it mean that the 1st session will lock the related rows and other sessions will have to wait for loop in session one to finish?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Error By Using NVL() And Loop

Sep 22, 2012

x number;
if NVL(x,1)>=1 then

May be this code is going into an infinite loop. I'm unable to understand where the problem is?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor For Loop

Jul 30, 2012

When a cursor returns no records, how to handle this in Cursor for loop..

I had given sample code for handling this by using normal open,fetch statement, provide by applying for -Cursor For loop


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor FOR Loop?

Jun 15, 2012

I am an experienced SAS programmer jumping into PL/SQL for the first time and have already encountered a problem.Let's assume I have 7 records (shown below). (In reality, I have millions of records, but the concept's the same.) The Value field is only populated when it changes. Therefore, I am forced to "fill in the gaps" as I read the data file. It's fairly straightforward. I carry the value foward one record at a time, using it if the Value field in not populated. The ANSWER I want is also shown.

In reading through a PL/SQL book, I realized that only 2 chapters are relevant to what I do. My guess is this solution involves cursors; probably a Cursor FOR loop,

1 2010 200 200
1 2011 ..... 200
1 2012 ..... 200
2 2009 300 300
2 2010 ..... 300
2 2011 450 450
2 2012 ..... 450

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PL/SQL :: Exceptions In WHILE Loop

Jul 20, 2012

I want to do something like this

While Condition
Insert into table1 values(......);


When OTHERS THEN <capture the error while inserting into an Error table>

Now I want that If one of the insert statement within the loop fails (say table2) the exception should be captured and next insert statement (table3) should be executed.

How can I do this ? I guess I wont even need a loop

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PL/SQL :: LAST Record In A Loop?

Aug 27, 2012

in my loop with cursor in a procedure body i am displaying some field values to create a report and after every record i am displaying horizontal line(-------) but i don t want this line to appear after the last record displayed like below,

gfsfsf gsgfsfds gsdgfdg
edyet gdgtdgt gtdfdfdgd
dfds hedhgg idudhdh

how can i achieve this within pls/sql procedure body.

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VPD Function With Loop - Oracle 11g

Jul 5, 2012

I have the following function:

schema_p IN VARCHAR2,
table_p IN VARCHAR2)
projects_pred VARCHAR2 (400);

I am trying to get the projects a user has from the works_on table (user_id, project_id). The user_id is retrieved from the context projects_ctx. I am getting the error Function created with compilations errors.

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Loop Inside Cursor

Sep 11, 2012

I have a cursor returning some value.

for each value returned by the cursor i need to traverse through 31 rows(1 row per day * no of days in the month).

E.g. if cursor returns service_name as xyz then for xyz there can be 31 rows(service may not be used on some days)

I need to go to all of them and take some values and move them to a flat file. how should that be done?

Attached File(s)
Query.png ( 20.99K )
Number of downloads: 9

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Loop Back Entry

Jun 1, 2013

How the loop back entry in /etc/hosts relates to listener?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Two Table Using For Loop?

Feb 19, 2010

I want to update column in table 1 based on a substraction of two column, one from the same table and the other from different table. Then update the result of substraction in table 1. Number of rows in two tables are different.

--for r in (( select (table2.y - table1.y as x from table1, table2 where table1.x = c and table2,.x = m))
i number := 1;
c number ;
m number;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loop Through Records Using Block?

Nov 8, 2011

How do I loop through a Input parameter (varchar_table) and pass the input value to a select query.

Procedure Test
param1 IN dbms_sql.varchar2_table


1. How do I define temp_tbl and is it a best practice to use temporary table - if not what is the best method to do the same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Have Multiple Variable In For Loop

Apr 5, 2010

Is it possible to have multiple variables in a for loop. For expample:

FOR i AND j in 1..10

I was wanting to increase one of the variable more than the other.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inner And Outer Loop In Cursor?

Jul 9, 2013

FOR i IN 1 .. 10


Assume the above is my code; there is inner and outer block.

Currently if inner block is failed, the outer block also going to exception block

But, my requirement is if inner block is failed it should not go to outer block, still the loop should continue and print 1...10 rows

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loop In UTL_FILE Is Not Getting Closed

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying read a File to find out the error message through UTL_FILE.m. But the loop used inside is not getting closed.

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure alert_mail_A
v_flag varchar2(10);
mesg varchar2(100);
c1 utl_smtp.connection; -- passing the datatype to a variable.
c varchar2 (1000);
B utl_file.file_type;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loop Through Db_links Via Cursor

Jun 10, 2013

I am trying to retrieve info from multiple DBs and insert into a central DB via DB LINKS.The links are retrieved via a cursor.

However I keep coming up against 'PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'...how to handle db_links using a cursor in a pl/sql block? The code is as follows:

db_link_rec VARCHAR2(30);

CURSOR db_link_cur IS

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Table Using Loop

Apr 7, 2010

a project I'm working on. I normally work in SQL Server, so I'm a little stuck on this one.

I have a temp table (tmp_stack) with four columns:

Floor [varchar]
Unit [varchar]
Block [number]
BlockStart [number]
BlockEnd [number]

BlockStart and BlockEnd are currently NULL. What I need to do is loop through the table for each Floor and update BlockStart and BlockEnd for each Unit depending on how many blocks they use and how many have been used by prior units on that floor.

For example:

There are three units on Floor #1: 1A, 1B, and 1C.
1A = 5 blocks
1B = 3 blocks
1C = 2 blocks

For 1A, BlockStart should = 1 and BlockEnd should = 5
For 1B, BlockStart should = 6 and BlockEnd should = 8
For 1C, BlockStart should = 9 and BlockEnd should = 10

And everything should reset back to the beginning on successive floors.

In T-SQL, I would use a cursor, and I assume I need to do the same kind of thing in Oracle, but I can't figure out the syntax.

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