Performance Tuning :: Query With Nested Loop Takes 6 Hours To Complete

Jun 23, 2011

I'm joinging two tables event_types and tmp_acc tables.

event_types contains 2 Billion records
tmp_acc contains 20,000 records.

Resulting rows are about 300,000 records in event_types table end_t and account_obj_id0 are joined indexed

no indexs in tmp_acc.

When I run below query with nexted loop it takes 6 hrs to complete. But when I run with hash join even after 4 days it was still running. what is wrong with hash join here. Why it takes so long. I'm joining only 20000 rows. So I think there should be a way to get result rows quickly.

show parameters hash_area_size

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
hash_area_size integer 2097152

explain plan for
select --+ parallel(e,6)

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Performance Tuning :: Cost Calculation For Nested Loop Join

Mar 27, 2012

Following is the query on TPC-H schema.

explain plan for select
o_orderkey= l_orderkey.

The trace 10053 (as shown below) for this query shows nested loop join with Lineitem as outer table and Orders as inner table. It is effectively join on composite index (pk_lineitem) of Lineitem and unique index(Pk_orderkey) of Orders table. The cost calculation formula as given in the book as "outer table cost + cardinality of outer table * inner table cost " fails here. I am not able to understand this.

Table Stats::
#Rows: 6001215 #Blks: 109048 AvgRowLen: 124.00
AvgLen: 6.00 NDV: 1500000 Nulls: 0 Density: 6.6667e-07 Min: 1 Max: 6000000

how the cost has been calculated. This does not follow the traditional nested loop cost formula as mentioned in the book.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Takes More Than 30 Minutes To Return Data

Aug 10, 2012

The below query takes more than 30 minutes to return data.All the objects used are views. There is no direct reference to any table.The views with _mnth_ have data for 7 distinct months. The base table for all the views have a composite PK on the columns AR_ID (or ACCT_AR_ID),MSRMNT_PRD_ID

I need the order by, as the query is part of informatica code, and the order by works in the further processing.

SELECT ac.ar_id AS acct_ar_id, m.msrmnt_prd_dt AS msrmnt_prd_dt
--removed the rest of column list to reduce size of code.
FROM edxf.ar_rsrv_mnth_v ac,
edxf.crdt_acct_mnth_v c,
edxf.crdt_acct_v ca,
(SELECT msrmnt_prd_id, msrmnt_prd_dt
FROM edxf.msrmnt_prd_v
WHERE msrmnt_prd_id =

Also, the count of data in the views is as below.

ViewTotal countCount for 1 msrmnt_prd_id

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Performance Tuning :: How Oracle Optimizer Choose Joins (hash / Merge And Nested Loop Join)

Oct 18, 2012

I want to know how the Oracle optimizer choose joins and apply them while executing the query. So that I will insure about optimizer join before writing any query.

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Performance Tuning :: Checkpoint Is Not Complete

Sep 15, 2005

I am running Oracle on Solaris 9. On just about a daily basis we perform sqlldr loads that load on the order of 300000 rows. I frequently see in my alert log:

Checkpoint not complete
Current log# 5 seq# 176431

I have 5 redo logs each of 10M in size. If I check what is going on in v$log and correlate to the alert log when it throws the checkpoint error I always notice that I have one current log (which is good) and the rest are in a status of 'ACTIVE'. It seems that when this happens I get the checkpoint error.

What can I do to get rid of this checkpoint error? Should I increase the size of my redo logs? Is there a good way to go about estimating what size redo logs I should have?

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Performance Tuning :: Nested Loops

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to understand the concept of nested loops.


| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 14 | 364 | 4 (0)| 00
:00:01 |

| 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | 14 | 364 | 4 (0)| 00
:00:01 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

4 - access("A"."DEPTNO"="B"."DEPTNO")

Nested loop by defintion means,for every row returned by the outer query,the inner query is executed that many times.

In the above example,oracle does a full table scan and returned 14 rows.Now for dept table,it does a index unique scan and applies the predicate a.deptno=b.deptno and returns 1 row.

My question is why it is returning only 1 row? That measn for every 14 rows,this one row is fetched 14 times.

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Performance Tuning :: Update In A Loop?

Mar 11, 2011

Can this be optimized, in dev and Ist we didn't realize since 1000 rows were there, but in PERF since 2 mil rows are there this is taking a long time,

counter number := 0;
CURSOR insertValues IS select roleid, productcode, functioncode, typecode, restrictiontype, value1 from restrictions where actionmode = 'INSERT';


can this be done in a single update since Selects /Updates are happening on same table

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Performance Tuning :: FOR Loop And Driving Site?

Sep 18, 2012

So usually joining a local table and a remote table (much larger table), the best practice is using a /*+ DRIVING_SITE(remote table) */ hint.


INSERT INTO another_local_table
SELECT /*+ DRIVING_SITE(remote_table) */
FROM local_table
WHERE join condition

However I saw this particular
FOR x IN Select id From local_table l
INSERT INTO another_local_table


So far I haven't seen the explain plan of both cases since most of the tables are Global temporary tables. But in terms of the logic of the two cases and the common best practice, logically doesn't CASE1 should have a better performance?

For me, its like taking a trip to a grocery. CASE1 buys all that you need, one time, it will take you a half-day trip perhaps. However CASE2 is like quickly buying a grocery item, one at a time, for several short trips. You'll save on gas on CASE1 right.

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Performance Tuning :: NESTED LOOPS JOIN And Distributed Operations?

Oct 30, 2012

I want to make sure I am describing correctly what happens in a query where there is distributed database access and it is participating in a NESTED LOOPS JOIN. Below is an example query, the query plan output, and the remote SQL information for such a case. Of particular note are line#4 (NESTED LOOPS) and line#11 (REMOTE TABLE_0002).

What I want to know is more detail on how this NESTED LOOPS JOIN handles the remote operation. For example, for each row that comes out of line#5 and is thus going into the NESTED LOOPS JOIN operation @line#4, does the database jump across the network to do the remote loopkup? Thus if there are 1 million rows, does that mean 1 million network hops? Does batchsize play a role? For example, if the database batches in groups of 100 then does that mean 10 thousand network hops?

I think each row that comes out of line#5 means a network hop to the remote database. But I do not know for a fact.I have done some abbreviating in the plan in an attempt to make it fit on the page (line#7 TA = TABLE ACCESS).



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Performance Tuning :: Nested Select / Instead Of Trigger And Views - No Index Used?

Sep 8, 2009

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

5 rows selected.

I have a problem with views and nested selects which I cannot explain. Here is a trimed down version of the research I have done. notice the following:

1) all code is executed from the same user CDRNORMALCODE. this user has all views and procedural code
2) all data is owned by a different user CDRDATA. This user has no views and no code.

My problem is this:

If I reference the table directly with a delete statement that uses a nested select (i.e. IN clause with select), the index I expect and want is used.But if I execute the same delete but reference even the most simple of views (select * from <table>) instead of the table itself, then a full table scan is done of the table.

Here is an execute against the table directly (owned by cdrdata). Notice the reference to the table in the table schema on line 3. Also please notice INDEX RANGE SCAN BSNSS_CLSS_CASE_RULE_FK1 at the bottom of the plan.

SQL> show user
SQL> explain plan for
2 delete


OK, here is an update. The views I am useing normally have instead of triggers on them. If I remove the instead of trigger the problem looks like it goes away, when I put the trigger back the problem comes back.But why would an instead-of-trigger change the query plan for a view?


5 rows deleted.

SQL> explain plan for
2 delete


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Performance Tuning :: Fragmentation Can Reduce Performance In Query Times

Jun 16, 2010

I have a question about database fragmentation.I know that fragmentation can reduce performance in query times. The blocks are distributed in many extents and scans process takes a long time. Oracle engine have to locate the address of the next extent..

I want to know if there is any system view in which you can check if your table or index has high fragmentation. If it's needed I will have to re-create, move or rebulid the table or index, but before I want to know if the degree of fragmentation is high.

Any useful script or query to do this, any interesting oracle system view?

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Performance Tuning :: Query Performance Gain Using Statistics?

Aug 9, 2010

Somewhere I read that we should not use hints in Oracle production environments, but we can use hints in the development environment and on achieving the desired execution plan we can adjust the 'statistics' to follow that plan without hints.

Q1. If it is true what statistics do we adjust for influencing the execution plan and how?

For example, I have the following simple query:

select e.empid, e.ename, d.dname
from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno;

emp.empid, emp.deptno and dep.deptno columns have indexes and the tables have the standard structure as found in the basic oracle examples.

If I look at the execution plan of the above query then I see that the driving table is empand the driven table is dept.Also the type of join that is taking place is 'Nested Loop'.

Questions: With respect to the above query,
Q 2. If I want to make dept the driving table and emp the driven table then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?
Q 3. If I want to use hash join instead of a nested loop join then then how can I adjust the statistics to achieve that?

I can put the ordered and the use_hash hint to effect this but again I have heard that altering statistics is a more robust way to control an execution plan as compared to hints.

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PL/SQL :: Nested For Loop In The Collections

Sep 5, 2013



SELECT o.object_id     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_obj_info       
FROM (SELECT     n.node_id, n.object_id                   
FROM nodes n             
START WITH n.node_id = 100             
CONNECT BY PRIOR n.node_id = n.parent_node_id) n            
INNER JOIN             objects o ON n.object_id = o.object_id      
WHERE o.object_type_id = 285;       



SELECT *     
BULK COLLECT INTO l_tab       
FROM ((SELECT     REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)                    
FROM DUAL              
CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (i_l_text, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL));  



SELECT o.object_id              
BULK COLLECT INTO l_fin_tab                
FROM objects o JOIN ATTRIBUTES att ON o.object_id = att.object_id               
WHERE o.object_id = collection1.object_id                 
AND att.VALUE = collection2.val;                 

how to implement for loop in the collection3 to get the values from collection1 and collection2. i have tried in the below way 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_get_objects_by_type_id (   i_object_type_id   IN   NUMBER,   i_l_text           IN   VARCHAR2,   i_scope_node_id         NUMBER)  


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Nested Loop Using Record Type?

Jul 29, 2013

I am using a record type to print some column in a same line.

Eg: I want to create index on some composite key columns. But i dont know how many columns are there. So want to use a loop which will count the number of column and then create the index like:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Loop Through Nested Cursors Based On Value From 1st Cursor

Jul 21, 2011

I loop through the 1st cursor (account_csr), while in the 1st csr loop, based on some conditions being true, I want to loop through a 2nd cursor (acctper_csr) but I only want to retrieve data/rows in the 2nd cursor where the account_id column in 1st cursor = account_id column in the 2nd cursor. This will enable me to pull all the account_periods for each account I loop through in the first cursor.

I have attempted several different ways and cannot make this work. Thought I could somehow define a variable and store the account_id from 1st cursor and use on the 'where' clause in the 2nd cursor definition. Have not been able to make this work successfully.

Following is the sample of my

--First cursor (accounts)
CURSOR account_csr is
FROM s_dev_xref1.account A
WHERE a.source = 1


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PL/SQL :: Insert Values Into A Nested Table Or Array With A Loop

Oct 8, 2013

How to create this pl/sql process to add elements to a nested table or varray within a loop. Here's the scenario: I have an apex package that has some pl/sql processes and some stored procedures. I am dealing with Inspection Areas. An Inspection Area has several sectors. I already have the loop that lists all the Inspection Areas and a loop inside that loop that lists all the sectors. There is an if statement that determines whether or not the sector name gets stored in the varray or table. I am not sure how to correctly do this and am not sure whether to use a nested table or varray. I've posted somewhat of a pseudo coded example below  

If  (you_belong_in_table)  then
variable := store_me_in_varray      /* OR */
variable := array_type(sector.sector_name)
i := i + 1;
end if;

/* Now we output our varray or table */
start loop
output(sector names one by one)

end loop I hope this makes sense. I more so just need the syntax to be able to continually added values to a table or varray while I'm already inside a loop; and also how to output those values end the end as well. 

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Performance Tuning :: How To Show Right IO Of Query

Jun 21, 2011

I use oracle 11g r2

i have created a table for objects

create table table_t
(Record_no number,
t_no number,
, occupation_time number);

and inserted many values (examples below )


and( position) indexed as Rtree spatial index

now when i run spatial query such as

MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,9000,0)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE' and t.position.sdo_point.X=1;

i do not know how many IO accrued ?

i tried set autotrace on

but the physical read is 0 , this is not possible because i have more than 100000 objects there and all indexed as R-tree

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Performance Tuning :: Query Doing FTS On A Big Table

Jun 24, 2011

Below query is taking a long time...

select gam.SOL_ID,COUNT(gam.FORACID) from gam,smt where
gam.ACID=smt.ACID and gam.ACID NOT IN(select ACID from imt) and
gam.SCHM_TYPE in('SBA','CCA','CAA','ODA') and GAM.ACCT_CLS_FLG='N' and
gam.SOL_ID IN(select SOL_ID from IMT) group by gam.SOL_ID

attached is the explain plan.

in which index on IMT table is not used. And the query is doing a FTS on IMT table. What needs to be done to avoid FTS on IMT table.

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Performance Tuning :: When To Use Sub-query And When To Use Join

Dec 14, 2010

In SQL, almost all the thing which are possible with join is possible with sub-query also and vice-a-versa.

So when should I use sub-query and when should I go for join?

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Performance Tuning :: Query With High Cpu Usage?

Jan 13, 2009

Is there any way to tune the following query using lot of CPU:-select description,time_stamp,user_id from bhi_tracking where description like 'Multilateral:%'The explain plan for this is query is:-

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 178K| 6609K| 129K|
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| BHI_TRACKING | 178K| 6609K| 129K|

Bhi_tracking is used for reporting purpose and contain millions of records.Generally we keep one year data in this table and delete the remaining.Can I drop the table after taking export and then import it back or can i truncatethe table and then insert the rows into it to enhancethe performance.

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Performance Tuning :: Same Query Using Different Execution Plans?

Dec 26, 2011

I am executing the query below:

INSERT INTO temp_vendor(vendor_record_seq_no,checksum,rownumber,transaction_type,iu_flag)
SELECT /*+ USE_NL ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 ) leading ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 , tvd) */ vd1.vendor_record_seq_no, tvr.checksum, tvr.rownumber, tvr.transaction_type, 'U'
FROM vendor_data vd1,
vendor_data vd2,
vendor_data vd3,
(SELECT rownumber,


It is taking different approaches (execution plans) while executing for same set of parameters. Due to which sometimes it executes successfully, but sometimes it fills all TEMP space and get failed. I am pasting both the execution plan (different from expalin plan) below:

I. Successfull Execution Plan:

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 65612 (100)| | | |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 6121 | 65612 (1)| 00:13:08 | | |


II. Failed with TEMP space Execution Plan:

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop |
| 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | | | 1967 (100)| | | |
|* 1 | FILTER | | | | | | | |
| 2 | SORT GROUP BY | | 1 | 8233 | 1967 (3)| 00:00:24 | | |
|* 3 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 8233 | 1966 (3)| 00:00:24 | | |


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Performance Tuning :: Pin Sql Query In Shared Pool?

Jun 25, 2010

We are facing performance issues on our production instance 10g( 32-bit OELinux 5.3 2GB SGA. The performance is mainly related to one of the table which is sized about 32Gb. We have rebuild the indexes as well but problemstill persist. We are considering to pin SQL statement in shared pool which is hitting the same table frequently. But as far what we have find, is that we can only pin procedures or function in shared pool. True/false?If we can, then how to pin SQL statement in shared pool?If we can not, then is there any other way?

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Performance Tuning :: Run Query With Different Plan_hash Value Then In GV$SQL_PLAN?

Nov 27, 2012

A change(running a statistics collection package) was made, and now a query is running impossibly slow, disabling use of an application function.

This is cause by an sql , which's sql_id is know to me: 4zty77fkf907j when I run

select * from GV$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS where SQL_ID = '4zty77fkf907j'

I get that the plan hash value is 3405747833.




and seen that the result was 2 rows(for 2 RAC nodes), with a figure of hundreds of seconds of execution, meaning - bad plan.

when I run

select * from dba_hist_sql_plan where sql_id='4zty77fkf907j'

I get plan hash value of 3390684693. I assume this might be a "good plan"

For a start, how can I hint my query to use that "good plan" before I use stored outlines to implement it?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Reduce Cost Of Query

Mar 21, 2013

I have Following wjich takes some minutes to executes i want to be tune so this query Executes fast.

Query :

round(SUM (Decode(csdt_Depo_Typ,'I',(Cal_Scheme_Rate(csdt_rsm_code,TO_DATE(:P_DT_FR,'DD-MM-RR'),csdt_stsc_cd,csdt_scp_qty)*csdt_scp_qty)-


Explain Plan Result :

Cost: 1,669 Bytes: 67 Cardinality: 1
Bytes: 67 Cardinality: 1


After i see result , no 4 in explain plan result gives TABLE ACCESS FULL . i want to be indexing on that how to do this..

This table MG_COLL_SCP_DTL have index like this



How to Reduce cost ???

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Performance Tuning :: Same Query With Different Explain Plan In Two Database?

Aug 17, 2012

I am facing a weird situation wherein the explain plan of same sql in SIT and PROD is different.In fact the explain plan is very costly in Prod.Also the DB version of both SIT and PROD is same.

Below is the sql and corresponding explain plan in Prod and SIT respectively.

SELECT seq,CCN,ProcessorPart,root_item,comp_path,Item,comp_item,comp_item_type,
lag(comp_item_type,1,'PART') over(PARTITION BY seq ORDER BY lvl)Nxt_comp_item_type,lvl,bom_qty,
ROUND(CASE min(abs(bom_qty)) OVER (PARTITION BY seq ORDER BY lvl)
WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END * EXP (SUM (LN (nullif(abs(bom_qty),0))) OVER (PARTITION BY seq ORDER BY lvl))) Ulti_qty,


The tables referred in above query is small tables containing arnd 10k records.The above tables are partitioned on Region and not indexed.


SELECT STATEMENT, GOAL = ALL_ROWS165173613539322883634804





I am not able to attribute why there is a huge change in Cost between SIT and Prod.Apparently the Job is going for 3-5 hours which used to get completed within 20mins in SIT.

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Performance Tuning :: Insert Into Table Slows Down Query

Sep 23, 2010

When i run a script that does a select from a single table (table has 33521868 records)the query is executed in about .094 seconds. I use the exact same query to insert into a temporary table and the query takes 10 minutes and more.

What should I be doing to speed up this process. Also tried using hints and it does not speed up the insert.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Sql Server Faster Than Oracle?

Feb 21, 2013

I have a query optimized as to it indexes and others runs immediately when the answer is few records in SQL Server such as Oracle, however when the result is large eg 20,000 records all data access times are very diferent. The query returns many fields (about 20) and some of them are of type Varchar 250 and some of 2000 I understand here may be the problem, but not is because for similar results (20,000 records) sql run in 2 seconds and Oracle but it responds little to have full data takes around 30 seconds. The problem is really in bringing information to all these fields since if the inquiry it also but only returning a numeric field is done in 2 seconds. Tests I've done them both through ODBC, in the Toad as in the own Oracle console on the server, so it is not problem Driver or flow of data through the network, I would like to think that this is some of the settings I think there is as much difference between Oracle and Sql. The databases are ORACLE 10 and SQL Server 2008.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Using Row Num In Where Clause With Millions Of Records

Dec 8, 2010

There is a table in Database with millions of records and a query --- Select rowid, ANI, DNIS, message from tbl_sms_talkies where rownum<=:"SYS_B_0" ---- using the high CPU and also this query having high number of executions.

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Performance Tuning :: Alternate Query Instead Of Querying Table Twice?

Nov 11, 2012

The Item data for individual cycles is as below.

ItemRundate StddateStatus
P2 04-Nov-1203-Nov-12A

The requirement is I have to get the details of all data of previous Active cycle(status A) when the Item became disabled(status = D) for Input date.

In above case,since for Item P1 and on cycle date 04-Nov-12,status is D,I have to consider the previous active cycle which is 03-Nov-12. Based on above std date,the data is queried from another table to get all the Items. Item P2 should not be considered in above case.

Below is the code which I have written which considers the rundate as Input parameter.

-- To get the Items disabled for Input date
with Itemdisabled as
select item,stddate maxcycledate
from Item_tbl
where rundate = stddate


In above case,I'm querying the Item_tbl twice once for getting the disabled Items and once for getting the Previous cycle which is active.

Is there any way to query above only once and get the required results using Lag/Lead functions etc.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Top Query Running On A Table

Feb 19, 2012

How do i find a particular SQL or a set of SQL's which are excuted against a table (user identified table) that is either a very frequently executed query against that table or high impact SQL against that table? I am currently looking through the AWR reports to go through all the queries but i was wondering if there are any dictionary views where we can find this info from?

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