SQL & PL/SQL :: To Produce Data In Ranges?

Feb 23, 2011

Activity date1 date2
R1 1/1/2011 31/1/2011
R1 2/1/2011 2/28/2011
R1 ... ...

I have a particular activity like R1 where I need to find the results for some periods as above. To be clear, if the activity is completed in between Jan 2011 to March 2011, then can I get data as like the above format?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Produce Report On Defects?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm having difficulty with a bit of SQL I'm trying to write to produce a report on defects. I'm trying to return project names, implementation dates and then 4 defect classifications.Whats happening is that only one of the three projects has any defects associated with it, but the values for that one project are also being returned for the projects with no defects

/*count of sev1 functional defects*/
(SELECT count(distinct BUG.BG_BUG_ID)
where BUG.BG_SEVERITY = '1-Critical'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Accept Schema And Produce CSV File For Table

Mar 23, 2012

The Utility should have a procedure that will be able to accept a schema and table name and produce CSV file for that table.

This is what i have so far:

CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure print_table (schema_name varchar2, tab_name varchar2) IS
BEGIN--begin procedure
vpath varchar2(100) := 'C:UsersUserDocumentsDocsDBAProject';

It works outside of the procedure but the nature of the question requires a stored procedure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split Ranges In Database?

May 5, 2010

I have been wracking my brain on this. Is there a way to write an SQL code that will combine split ranges within a table?


I would like to combine any ranges that may exist. It is also possible that some row ranges may be nested in other rows.

Common FieldLow ValueHigh Value

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grouping Results By Ranges?

Oct 21, 2010

I have this table,

Create table TBL_OK_HIST

insert into TBL_OK_HIST
values (20101010,123456768,5,20,2);
insert into TBL_OK_HIST
values (20101010,123496568,15,20,2);
insert into TBL_OK_HIST
values (20101012,122235768,25,25,3);
[Code] ......

Thus, applying the following would yeld:

Select * from TBL_OK_HIST


generate the following results:

range_start_rdur range_end_rdur no_of_an sum_of_rdur sum_of_chdur sum_of_rev
1 5 1 5 20 2
6 10 1 9 20 2
11 15 2 26 40 4
16 20 1 17 20 2
21 25 1 25 25 3
26 30 0 0 0 0
31 35 0 0 0 0
36 40 1 36 36 5
41 45 0 0 0 0
46 50 0 0 0 0
51 55 2 107 107 16

I thought I would make use of the following query, but I am not getting the proper results when applying it to a real table with more than 20 mln records:

SELECT trunc(R_DUR/6)*5+1 as range_start_rdur,
trunc(R_DUR/6)*5+5 range_end_rdur,
sum(noofan) as no_of_an,
sum(sumofrdur) as sum_of_rdur,
sum(sumofchdur) as sum_of_chdur,
[Code] ...........

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserting Date Ranges

Apr 30, 2010

Can we insert multiple dates within give range in a single insert statement say from 1st Feb to 31st MAY 04,something like after insertion it should resemble like below


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Select Multiple Date Ranges?

Aug 2, 2011

I have data such as 'hours', 'date' when and employee worked on the project. What I need is to select the total amount of hours per month of March, April, May, etc...

I know how to select data per single date but wonder how to do it per multiple dates. How does one select total amount of hours per multiple date ranges (March, April...)?

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SQL Query Group ID Ranges To Chunks

Sep 23, 2010

I've the following table:

MEASURE_VALUE(ID, VALUE) containing measure values. I would like to calculate the average of a specific id interval. In my case the id is the position where the value was captures.

id[m] value[mm]
1 1.2
2 1.5
9 2
11 3
18 1
28 1.2

I would like to group ids in a specified range. For n = 3 the result should look like this:
from_id, to_id, avg
1 2 1.35
9 11 1.5
18 18 1
28 28 1.2

I have to find a way to group ids to chunks.

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How To Check Condition Like Ranges Using Decode

Sep 3, 2008

we can check condition like ranges using decode?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grouping Totals By Date Ranges

Oct 7, 2010

I have to get totals from a table using different criteria, which I do like this:

AND datevalue1 >= DATE1 AND datevalue1 <= DATE2;

This works fine and I get the intended result.Now, I have to repeat this for every week for the last 12 months, excluding holidays period. So, I generate a set of date ranges which will be used in the queries. So, I repeat the above sql statement for all the date ranges, which is a lengthy process.How can I do that in a single shot and get all totals for each date range.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out What Claims Overlap Other Via Date Ranges

Sep 3, 2010

Lets say I have a table,
it has 5 million rows

I need to see if any dateA,dateB of a claim_id falls within any other dateA,dateB of another claim ID

select * from table a, table b, where

(a.dateA,a.dateB) overlaps (b.dateA,b.dateB)

now I can write the query simply enough by aliasing the table 2x but no matter how I try I cant see a way to get around doing a Carteasion join

Index are ignored because it has to scan the full table anyway even if I hint the index

and the cost of the join ends up astronomical aka 5million rows X 5 million Rows....

And it ends up doing the full table scan a few times


this table is expected to grow to at least 20 million records

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Date Ranges Against All Rows In Same Table

Oct 30, 2011

I'm looking to see if there's a solution to my problem that I can use within the context of my business application interface into an Oracle RDMS. I have access to write custom SQL statements and functions, but I am NOT able to create stored procedures using the interface I have.

The challenge I am having is comparing date ranges. I have a table containing two columns labelled START TS TIME and END TS TIME, both of type 'Date'. I have figured out how to query each row against a given Next Session Start and Next Session End and determine if each row overlaps that row.

I need a procedure that will be recursive: that is, set Next Session Start and Next Session End to START TS TIME and END TS TIME of the first row, compare all rows against it, then set Next Session Start and Next Session End to the next row, compare all rows, ... for all rows in the table. I want to know what the maximum number of matches is (i.e. the most time periods that overlap).

If I could use a stored procedure I could complete this query easily. Is there other techniques (i.e. functions) available to leverage in order compare each row of date ranges against ALL rows in the same table?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Split Period Into Date Ranges?

Apr 10, 2012

I have TableA which has data like below.

1 AB 03/05/1992
2 EF 15/04/1995
3 CD 20/08/1995
4 GH 01/01/1999
5 UV 08/07/2001


I want a query which splits the total time period (from min crt_dte to max crt_dte) into year ranges.For eg, lets say a range of 5 years then I need to get results like below.

start_dte end_dte
---------- ----------
03/05/1992 03/05/1997
03/05/1997 03/05/2002
03/05/2002 03/05/2007
03/05/2007 09/03/2012

how to write this query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Measure Time Overlap Between 3 Date Ranges

Mar 28, 2013

I have this requirement to pull the ACTIVE days that a participant holds true in a given month for a specific position he/she holds.
The three date ranges here are: LOA dates(leave of absence), XFER dates(TRANSFER in/out of the position),Quality compliance(QUAL start/end dates).


Here is the scenario:



Now Active days is to be pulled for Two payees - TESTD01 and TESTD02 for the period of June month.
Desired Results :

Payee InActive_days Active_Days Period
TESTD01 13 17 June
TESTD02 14 16 June

I am able to pull out the no of days on a individual basis(count of days for Xfer/LOA/Qual) but I am really not sure as to how should i go about determining the overlapping days between 3 date ranges to determine the ACTIVE/INactive days.

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Server Administration :: Increase Interval For Date Ranges - Maintaining Partitions?

Jun 3, 2010

I am studying Oracle® Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2),

ORA-14767: Cannot specify this interval with existing high boundsby giving an example other than given in the above mentioned document.

the example given in the document is as follows:

To increase the interval for date ranges, then you need to ensure that you are at a relevant boundary for the new interval. For example, if the highest interval partition boundary in your daily interval partitioned table transactions is January 30, 2007 and you want to change to a monthly partition interval, then the following statement results in an error:

CREATE TABLE transactions
, transaction_date DATE
, value NUMBER)
PARTITION BY RANGE (transaction_date)


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Server Administration :: Overlapping Days Between 3 Date Ranges To Determine Active / Inactive Days

Sep 2, 2011

I have installed Oracle Database 11g.2 by database configuration assistant on windows XP as and adminstrator on my laptop(no connection to network),but when I want to create database I face this warning: error securing database control ,Datatbase control has been brought up in non-secure mode . to secure the database conntrol execute following command....(error is attached).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Date Ranges In One Column As Separate Date Periods (start And End Date) In Two?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to work out how to take a table like this:


And display the data like this:

IDPeriodPeriod StartPeriod End

As you can see, it's split the entries into date ranges. If there is a 'lone' date, the 'period start' and the 'period end' are the same date.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handling Circular Data In Oracle / Get Disjoint Sets Of Data Connected By 2 Values

Sep 29, 2011

I have this table :

column1 column2
--------- ---------
value1 value2
value1 value3
value2 value4
value3 value7
value7 value1
value8 value9

What I was trying to retrieve is something like that:

value1, value2, value3, value4, value7
value8, value9

I don´t care about the order of the values in the row. In other words, I want to get disjoint sets of data connected by any of both values.Every pair in the input table is unique.

I have seen in the web that it is possible to do using connect by and hierarchical retrieving but I've been trying to make a lot of combinationts and I can reproduce the output.

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Any Data Compression Wizards That Automatically Suggest Level At Which Data Should Be Compressed

Jun 29, 2011

whether Oracle has any capability of automatically checking which lossless compression algorithm it should apply by analyzing a data stream on data load? Does Oracle have any compression advisors/wizards that would make recommendations as to type and level of compression?

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Store Data In CLOD Data Type - How To Create A Unique Index

May 20, 2013

We have been recommended to store data in CLOD data type.

Sample data: 1:2:2000000:20000:4455:000099:444:099999:....etc it will grow to a large number.

We want to create a Unique index, for functional reason. Is it advised to create a unique index on a CLOB datatype?

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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database (dataguard)

Jan 16, 2013

i have configured physical standby in my local system, to check logshipping i created a table at primary db, wen i tried to check in standby, it says table does not exist..below are primary & standby alert entries..

Primary alert log

Fatal NI connect error 12514, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= ed)(CID=(PROGRAM=d:oracle11gappadministratorproduct11.1.0db_1inORACLE.EXE)(HOST=A960M)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVER=dedicated)))
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Data Recently Loaded But Not Disturbing Existing Original Data?

Jun 24, 2010

I have few tables in Oracle 9i/10g , and they already have data in them. I am trying to migrate the data coming from various source systems into these Oracle tables. There is a chance that after loading I might get some unwanted data into these tables.

How do I remove just that data which I have loaded recently, and do not disturb the original data it already has.

Need to backup those tables and reload the data back if there is any problem, but I am looking at a different approach. I just don't want to change the existing system, as lot of users use the system.

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Server Utilities :: Transferring Changed Data From Database A To B By Data Pump?

Apr 1, 2011

I have database A (Working in Live environment) and Database B copy of Database (Not live) I have Restored whole database (A) RMAN backup file on Database (B) Previous week now i don't want to change anything in any schema and want to import only updated and new records in the table in Database B

There are around 20 schema If for example i have everything in new database B all required database objects like Procedure,functions, packages with indexes in all tables and data in tables, i just want to add new data and updated data.

IF i do following in source database

expdp directory=dpump_dir dumpfile=table_data.dmp content=data_only schemas=ACCMAIN,HRMAIN,..... include=TABLE

AND Import in destination database B, will it add new data and update existing one in table and not touch the table structure and indexes.

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Data Guard :: Changing Dbname / Sid / Data / Control File Locations?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to change dbname,sid,data/control file locations in operational dataguard setup i plan to follow as below

1)shutdown primary and standby (stop managed recovery)

2)change db name in init.ora of primary and standby change database name control file location

3)create control file for primary from trace(script) make changes for db name and file locations

4)mount and open primary database

5)create standby control file

6) transfer standby control file to standby

7) mount stand by database and start manage recovery

If this steps will error free do i need to follow any thing additional to this or what is other best way for this or its not possible at all

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Previously Stored Data And Enter Only Current Data In A Table?

Jul 24, 2012

how to insert data in a table by deleting previous entered data and only inserting current data like:

name VARCHAR2(20),
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',5500);


I got two rows. now when I do insert statement I want to delete the previously stored data and only insert the current data like:

INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',8);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',9);

it must show aaa,8 and aaa,9 bt not the previous values.

NOTE: we can not do sth like: update set... where id = ... becoz the values are dynamic.

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ODP.NET :: Cannot Find Oracle Data Source In Entity Data Model Wizard

Dec 19, 2012

I'm trying to add edmx file in my project for first time. I want to choose the oracle provider ODP.net but cannot find Oracle in the data source list. I have oracle 11g installed , odp and odt installed and can access it from the solution as well. I saw the Oracle listed under data source when I tried to connect the solution to the database through server explorer. The solution is connected to Oracle database through ODP.

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Data Guard :: Buffer Busy Waits On UNDO Data In Active DG

Feb 24, 2013

Oracle Version:
Active Dataguard

Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
  End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
   Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)

Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ?

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Forms :: First Form Clear Previous Data And Then Populate Data From Table

May 7, 2012

when i press when button pressed trigger, i want first the form will delete all the previous data and then populate the data from the table, that's why i used clear_block first, but this clear_code is not working here. my coding is given below

cursor c1 is select *
from qtr_demand order by 1;

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Server Utilities :: Data Pump For Exporting And Importing Extremely Large Data Files

Sep 24, 2010

I am considering all of the capabilities and benefits of using Data Pump for exporting and importing extremely large data files. Would like to know if importing to tape is possible? If so, would the data be accessible if needed later?

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Performance Tuning :: Split Data Separated By Comma / Then Create Collection With Data Mapped From Other Columns

Sep 25, 2013

DB Used : Oracle 10g.

A table X : NUM, INST are column names

NUM ----- INST

1234 ----- 23,22,21,78
2235 ----- 20,7,2,1
1298 ----- 23,22,21,65,98
9087 ----- 20,7,2,1

-- Based upon requirement :

1) Split values from "INST" Column : suppose 23
2) Find all values from "NUM" column for above splitted value i.e 23 ,


For Inst : 23 ,
It's corresponding "NUM" values are : 1234,1298

3) Save these values into

A table Y : INST, NUM are column names.

23 1234,1298

1) I have a thousand records in Table X , and for all of those records i need to split and save data into Table Y.Hence, I need to do this task with best possible performance.

2) After this whenever a new data comes in Table X, above 'split & save' operation should automatically be called and append corresponding data wherever possible..

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