with tmp_tbl as
(select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C1' as cust_id, 2 as f_rnk, 'F' as gender, to_date('20130102','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt, to_date('20100203','YYYYMMDD') first_dt from dual
select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C2' as cust_id, 1 as f_rnk, 'M' as gender, to_date('20130102','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt, to_date('20100303','YYYYMMDD') first_dt from dual
select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C3' as cust_id, cast(null as number) as f_rnk, 'U' as gender, to_date('20130103','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt,
Now i need to rank each cust_id in each hh_id based on below conditions.
1) If atleaset one cust_id in hh_id has f_rnk then gender 'F' with highest f_rnk (more then one F with same f_rnk then the one with oldest first_dt), if no 'F' then gender 'U' with highest f_rnk ((more then one F with same f_rnk then the one with oldest first_dt)), if no 'F' and 'U' then consider 'M' (more then one M with same f_rnk then the one with oldest first_dt).
2) If the above is not met (no cust_id in hh_id has f_rnk populated) then i've to rank based on purch_dt. Gender 'F' with recent purch_dt (if more than one F in household with same purch_dt then the one with oldest first_dt), if no 'F' then gender 'U' with recent purch_dt (if more than one U in household with same purch_dt then one with oldest first_dt), if no 'F' and 'U' then consider 'M' (more than one M in household with same purch_dt then the one with oldest first_dt).
3) If the above criteria is also not met, then rank based on gender_cd. Gender 'F' will have first preference then 'U' and then 'M'.
My output :
----- ------- ---------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ -----------------
H1 C1 2 F 1/2/2013 2/3/2010 1
H1 C2 1 M 1/2/2013 3/3/2010 2
H1 C3 U 1/3/2013 4/3/2010 3
H2 C4 F 4/3/2013 10/2/2009 2
H2 C5 M 5/5/2013 8/8/2010 1
H3 C6 F 5/6/2008 1
H3 C6 M 7/8/2010 2
I've tried below query with one condition, but it's giving f_rnk_rank for all records. How can i include multiple conditions in the rank function.
with tmp_tbl as
(select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C1' as cust_id, 2 as f_rnk, 'F' as gender, to_date('20130102','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt, to_date('20100203','YYYYMMDD') first_dt from dual
select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C2' as cust_id, 1 as f_rnk, 'M' as gender, to_date('20130102','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt, to_date('20100303','YYYYMMDD') first_dt from dual
select 'H1' as hh_id, 'C3' as cust_id, cast(null as number) as f_rnk, 'U' as gender, to_date('20130103','YYYYMMDD') as purch_dt, s hh_id, 'C5' as cust_id,
I have a requirement where i need to retain latest 3 records based on creation date for each customer_id and delete the older records. The customer_ id or contract_number data in the test table are not unique.
Sample Table Script:
I am new to the forum as well as SQL programing and I need to have the following criteria writen in my WHERE so all three of these criterias are included in the same report (perhaps, each will have its own section).
Scenario 1 Query should check for priority record(25), if the start_date and end_date of that priority record is the max in that group, records will not have any split.output will be the same.
DC Store St Date End date Priority 955 3 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 25 966 3 4/5/2011 10/10/2011 50 977 3 10/12/2011 12/12/2012 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank 955 3 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 25 1 966 3 4/5/2011 10/10/2011 50 2 977 3 10/12/2011 12/12/2012 100 3
Scenario 2 If priority record is not covering the max range, then split the records as shown below,
1. during the time period 1/1/2011 & 4/30/2011 there were no other DC for that store so rank would be 1
2. the next range would be 5/1/2011 to 6/29/2011 we have 2 records in service so the record with low priortiy would be ranked 1 and second priority would be ranked 2
3. similarly, for 6/30/2011 to 10/1/2011 we have 3 records in service and it will be ranked accordingly on the priority.
DC Store St Date End date Priority 966 3 6/30/2011 10/1/2011 25 955 3 5/1/2011 11/30/2011 50 977 3 1/1/2011 12/31/2011 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank 977 3 1/1/2011 4/30/2011 100 1 955 3 5/1/2011 6/29/2011 50 1 977 3 5/1/2011 6/29/2011 100 2
Scenario 3 This works similar to scenario 2
DC Store St Date End date Priority 966 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 25 955 3 1/1/2011 12/31/2012 50 977 3 5/1/2011 06/31/2011 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank 955 3 1/1/2011 1/31/2011 50 1 966 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 25 1 955 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 50 2 977 3 5/1/2011 6/30/2011 100 3 955 3 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 50 1
Note: Number of records in the input can vary and ther can be duplicates in the date interval
Actually I have one query which contains two parameters from_Date and To_date.
if user pass the values for the parameter like 1-dec-2010 to 30-dec-2010 query will works fine and it fetches the values according to the query selected. but now I am going to add one more parameter, the value is 01-apr-2010 now my query should run for 01-apr-2010 to 30-dec-2010.
Here my question is how should I make this scenario with only one query and at the same time the query should work for to scenarios.
SELECT MAX(fndattdoc.LAST_UPDATE_DATE ) as LAST_UPDATE_DATE, MAX(DECODE(fndcatusg.format,'H', st.short_text,NULL,st.short_text, NULL)) as COMMENTS, MAX(fnddoc.description) as REASON FROM fnd_attachment_functions fndattfn, fnd_doc_category_usages fndcatusg, fnd_documents_vl fnddoc, fnd_attached_documents fndattdoc, fnd_documents_short_text st, fnd_document_categories_tl fl, WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES DLVRY [code]....
I have three tables, I have to merge those three tables, all three tables having same conditions and filter conditions(in each table one filter condition changed), I highlighted in the red difference the filter conditions in each table, finally my result should be 7 columns like
I have a table with Column A, B, C. I want to write a query to retrieve the top row of A, B combination. i.e, for every unique value of A,B combination I want the row having highest value for C. I tried using rank() function but am not able to get the top row with combination of A,B.
I have one table , with one column having 2,3 or 4 machine codes , i need to display them as each row per machine code will it be possible to do as i have thousands of records similar to the test case and which i had to do it manually in excel and then upload it back.
insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W165','IR HO BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W1332','IR BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W1367','RE HO SC BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W389','RE HO SC BV')
SELECT * FROM ow_oper_Setup;
WO_NOMRK_NOPOS_NOMC_CODE 12701270001W165IR HO BV 12701270001W1332IR BV 12701270001W1367RE HO SC BV 12701270001W389RE HO SC BV
--i want the output in the following way or the same table data to be replaced as below
I need to join ISSUED_REMOVED Table with ITL Table. having each quantity each row.
Eg. If a unit Serial no '354879019900009' has a part (1015268) issued 8 times and then unissued 4 times so finally the part was issued 4 times. so I need 4 rows to show for each qty 1 for that part and unit serial number.
create table ISSUED_REMOVED_ITEM (REPAIRED_ITEM_ID, ISSUED_REMOVED_ITEM_ID, ISSUED_PART_ID, OPER_ID, ISSUED_REMOVED_QUANTITY) as select 122013187, 1323938, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select 122013187, 1323939, 1015269, 308, 2 from dual union all select 122013187, 1323940, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select
-- The way I need to join the Issued_Removed Table
select * from ITL_TEST ITL left join issued_removed_item iri on iri.REPAIRED_ITEM_ID = ITL.ITEM_ID --ITL.ITEM_ID --rlsn2.item_id --126357561 and iri.oper_id = 308 --in ( 308, 309)
CREATE TABLE test1 (strt_num NUMBER , end_num NUMBER , des VARCHAR2(5), CONSTRAINT pk_strt_num PRIMARY KEY (strt_num) ); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (5, 8, 'GC'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (10, 25, 'AB'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (12, 35, 'PC'); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (22, 65, 'LJ');
STRT_NUM END_NUM DES -------------- ------------ ------------- 5 8 GC 10 25 AB 12 35 PC 22 65 LJ
The requirement is the records should be split based on below conditions
1. Split only those records WHERE (end_num - strt_num) > 10 2. If TRUNC((end_num - strt_num)/10) = n, then n + 1 number of rows should be created for that record 3. While splitting the records, -> For first record , START_NUM = Original STRT_NUM and END_NUM = START_NUM + 10 -> Second record , STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 and END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10 And this should continue for all records except the last record -> For last record, STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 AND END_NUM = Original END_NUM
This table has 5 million records. Only for 2000 records (end_num - strt_num) > 10.
Expected Output.
STRT_NUM END_NUM DES ------------- -------- --------- 5 8 GC -- No chage, END_NUM - STRT_NUM < 10
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
I want to delete dups from a table based on 3 columns
with sample_table as ( select '101' as ID1, '201' as ID2, '4' as weight from dual union all select '101' as ID1, '201' as ID2, '5' as weight from dual union all select '105' as ID1, '205' as ID2, '6' as weight from dual union all select '105' as ID1, '205' as ID2, '6' as weight from dual union all [code].........
Desired Output
with sample_table as ( select '101' as ID1, '201' as ID2, '5' as weight from dual union all select '105' as ID1, '205' as ID2, '6' as weight from dual union all select '110' as ID1, '215' as ID2, '9' as weight from dual ) select * from sample_table
I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms
1)Travel Booking form 2)Reservation Form 3)Cancellation Form
Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.
Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.
What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.
For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.
I certainly know this is possibly but I am trying to do this on the fly and can't seem to work it out:
I have a table A: ID Name Priority ------------------- 1 Smith 1 1 SSmith 2 1 ASmith 3 1 BSmith 3 2 John 2 3 Ed 1
and I am looking to create the following table from this: ID Name Sum(Top3Priority) -------------------------------- 1 Smith,SSmith,etc 8
Now, I've got listagg working and everything appears to be going swimmingly but: for every listagg grouping on name I need to only sum the highest top 3 priorities. So in the example above there are four Smiths but I need to only sum the top 3 priorities which are 3,3,2 and ignore the 1 even though I do want all the listagg Smith's (SSmiht, ASmith, etc) in there.
Now I can sum the priority, but don't really know how to sum only the top 3 in any ID ? There can be 1 to n ID's so if there are only 2 ID's I want to sum those 2, if there are 3 all 3 and 4 upwards only the top 3.Here is a snippet of the SQL I am using
SLECT id, listagg(MN_CR_LOOKUP.f_name, ',') within group (order by Priority)) roadname, **** sum top 3 here ?**** count(*) "NumI", Sum("Elevation") "CombinedElevation" FROM jc,
I am trying to find out the difference in time between peoples memberships and also the order that these memberships are taken out in. So far I have added in a rank statement to work out the order the memberships were created in, but now want to look at the difference between the dates returned. The SQL I used is:
SELECT owner_party_id, mem_number, support_id, mem_start_date, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY owner_party_id ORDER BY mem_start_date ASC) MEMBERSHIP_SEQUENCE FROM membership_all WHERE version_type = 'CUR' AND owner_party_id IN ('65051', '65051', '65348', '65348', '65607', '65607', '65607')
I think that I need to use the Lag function in, but I am not too sure if it can be linked to look at the data within a grouping of owner party id, as it would make no sense to calculate the difference in dates for two different owner party ids.
We have to load 10 million rows in a table from another table based on the multiple joins. How much tablespace size we allocate to the table and for performance point of view how much should be the SGA size.
I have a table which contains the multiple records for single ID No. Now i have to select single record which contains the latest date. here is the structure Name
Null Type ------ ---- ------------ ID_P NUMBER NAME_P VARCHAR2(12) DATE_P TIMESTAMP(6) Records---------------------1 loosi 22-AUG-13 PM1 nammi 26-AUG-13 PM2 kk 22-AUG-13 PM2 thej 26-AUG-13 PM
now i have to select below 2 rows how can write select qurie for this?
I need to return which hour for a given date range had the most calls. I have a query that works but it is inelegant and I'm pretty sure I could do better. I'm pretty new to analytic queries so go easy...
select hour, calls from ( select hour, calls, rank() over (ORDER BY calls desc) as ranking from (
there is a way when doing the Rank Function in PL/SQL to pass the field that will be ranked as an override.
SELECT rank(p_ColumnAmt) within group (order by p_ColumnNm desc) rank INTO v_RnkNoAmt FROM Table_name WHERE ??????;
p_Column is the amount I am ranking p_ColumnNm is the actual field name to Rank.
When I pass the field name with an override I do not get the correct rank back. If I run the Select with the actual field name curr_1_mth_amt, I get the correct rank.
I have about 70 different field to Rank and do not want to make a procedure for each field.
I have a SQL statement that return the following result.
col1 ---- a a b b a c c c c
What i need is to eliminate the duplication and return the result as the following.
col1 ---- a b a c
Using group by or distinct will eliminate the third row "a" and will not return it ordered.My idea is to generate another column that rank the result as following.
col1rank ------------ a1 a1 b2 b2 a3 c4 c4 c4 c4
so using the following SQL query will return the result as needed
select col1, rank from T group by col1, rank order by rank;
I am trying to use RANK() clause with a window clause...is that possible to use both together?
select col1, col2, col3, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY col3 desc RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) RK from table t
but getting error in SQL Developer
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis" *Cause: *Action:
Error at Line: 2 Column: 33
The reason why i need to rank in window clause because i have data like this
Name Marks Quiz Ali 10 1 John 20 1 Sara 30 1 John 40 2 Sara 50 2 Ali 20 2 ... ... and so on
I want to rank them based on their cumulative sum marks after every test..ranking should be in such a way that it should look current row and preceding rows
like this
Name Marks Quiz cumulative_marks rk Ali 10 1 10 4 John 20 1 20 3 Sara 30 1 30 2 Peter 100 1 100 1 John 40 2 60 3 ==> becuase John has now third most overall cumulative marks (60) after quiz 2. Sara 50 2 90 2 ==> becuase Sara has now 2nd most overall cumulative marks (90) after quiz 2. Ali 20 2 30 4 ==> becuase Ali has now fouth most overall cumulative marks (30) after quiz 2.
I have one table in database that contains 3 foreign keys to another tables(this three tables name are: manager,worker and employee). in each row only one foreign key is filled.I need to write one query that with attention which column of fk is filled in where clause specified condition is performed. I write simple query in jpa but doesn't work properly
select b from allEmployees b where b.manager.name= :name OR b.worker.name = :name OR b.employee.name= :name
You think i can do a from clause with conditions ??
The reason is that i need to retrieve fields from different schemas depending on a column in a common table
let s say the column CRITERIA_COL is in table Common If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 1 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA1.MY_TABLE If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 2 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA2.MY_TABLE If COMMON.CRITERIA_COL has value 3 then the select query should fetch results from the schema : SCHEMA3.MY_TABLE
Something like this:
Select my_Col1, my_Col2 from (case COMMON.CRITERIA when '1' then SCHEMA1.MY_TABLE when '2' then SCHEMA2.MY_TABLE when '3' then SCHEMA3.MY_TABLE )
but that is not working .By the way my query is not just that, it s a more complicated query, that s just the portion I am having trouble with .