PL/SQL :: Selecting Single Record From Multiple Record Based On Date?
Aug 26, 2013
I have a table which contains the multiple records for single ID No. Now i have to select single record which contains the latest date. here is the structure Name
Null Type ------ ---- ------------ ID_P NUMBER NAME_P VARCHAR2(12) DATE_P TIMESTAMP(6) Records---------------------1 loosi 22-AUG-13 PM1 nammi 26-AUG-13 PM2 kk 22-AUG-13 PM2 thej 26-AUG-13 PM
now i have to select below 2 rows how can write select qurie for this?
1 loosi 26-AUG-13 PM2 thej 26-AUG-13 PM
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Jan 27, 2012
I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms
1)Travel Booking form
2)Reservation Form
3)Cancellation Form
Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.
Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.
What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.
For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.
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May 12, 2012
Scenario 1 Query should check for priority record(25), if the start_date and end_date of that priority record is the max in that group, records will not have any split.output will be the same.
DC Store St Date End date Priority
955 3 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 25
966 3 4/5/2011 10/10/2011 50
977 3 10/12/2011 12/12/2012 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank
955 3 1/1/2010 12/31/9999 25 1
966 3 4/5/2011 10/10/2011 50 2
977 3 10/12/2011 12/12/2012 100 3
Scenario 2 If priority record is not covering the max range, then split the records as shown below,
1. during the time period 1/1/2011 & 4/30/2011 there were no other DC for that store so rank would be 1
2. the next range would be 5/1/2011 to 6/29/2011 we have 2 records in service so the record with low priortiy would be ranked 1 and second priority would be ranked 2
3. similarly, for 6/30/2011 to 10/1/2011 we have 3 records in service and it will be ranked accordingly on the priority.
DC Store St Date End date Priority
966 3 6/30/2011 10/1/2011 25
955 3 5/1/2011 11/30/2011 50
977 3 1/1/2011 12/31/2011 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank
977 3 1/1/2011 4/30/2011 100 1
955 3 5/1/2011 6/29/2011 50 1
977 3 5/1/2011 6/29/2011 100 2
Scenario 3 This works similar to scenario 2
DC Store St Date End date Priority
966 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 25
955 3 1/1/2011 12/31/2012 50
977 3 5/1/2011 06/31/2011 100
DC store St Date End date Priority Rank
955 3 1/1/2011 1/31/2011 50 1
966 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 25 1
955 3 2/1/2011 12/31/2011 50 2
977 3 5/1/2011 6/30/2011 100 3
955 3 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 50 1
Note: Number of records in the input can vary and ther can be duplicates in the date interval
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a table with following structure:
For each Id, I can have multiple records.
Below is the insert script of one of the ID:
Insert into ID_comments values ('0813654254','','JR/0813653606 single','');
Insert into ID_comments values ('0813654254','','JR/0813653606 single','');
Insert into ID_comments values ('0813654254','','JR/0813653606 SINGLE','');
Insert into ID_comments values ('0813654254','','JR','');
Now I want to select only one record from this table for an ID, which will have "not null" values for s_comments,p_comments,c_comments columns. If for some ID , there is no "not null" row for any column, then pick up the "null" row/value for that column.
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Jul 5, 2010
i created a form by using wizard...i want to improve that form...
I created one lov which is attached in one of form when i press f9 lov displayed..
But when i select any one record in that LOV , its does not come in my form field
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Jul 27, 2012
I have a flat file as source wherein I am getting values like
Comp_id, Comp_name, ISIN, column_name, column_value
The structure is like this may contain multiple records like Comp_id, Comp_name, ISIN will be same, but column_name will contain the column_name to which its corresponding column_value needs to be populated to.
E.g. of Feed File -
Comp_id, Comp_name, column_name, column_value
1,HSBC,branch_add,24-Lajpat Nagar
Target table structure
Comp_id, Comp_name, branch_name, branch_add, branch_phone, branch_postalcode
I need to insert the above data to a table by selecting data from above scenario.
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Sep 24, 2010
I have this record set coming from two tables.
cursor c1 is select cust_id from tab1 where login=in_login
select cust_id from tab2 where login_id = in_login;
in second step; I need to process and filter these ids based on some conditions.The final filtered record set I need to return as Out cursor;
How can I use the processed data to built the output ref cursor ?
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Sep 24, 2012
I have a scenario for which I need to show same record twice.
101 - Rahul
102 - Ravi
101 - Rahul
Is this possible with a single query.
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Jul 17, 2013
Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe. This table never gets updated or altered once loaded, but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads - that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information. select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table.
I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below. Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market. This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause? My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.
CREATE VIEW V_Market asWITH got_pairs AS ( SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */ l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address,, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no , ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY l.address_key ORDER BY l.hh_verification_date DESC ) AS r_num FROM t3_universe e JOIN t3_universe l ON l.address_key = e.address_key AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code AND l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender
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Jun 28, 2013
i have two tables one as test_master and other one limit master.
test master table structure
ct_id ct_a ct_b ct_C ct_d ct_e...... etc
1 -- -- -- -- --
1 -- -- -- -- --
2 -- -- -- -- --
limit master structure
limit_id ct_a_limit ct_b_limit ct_c_limit ct_d_limit ct_e_limt ..... etc
1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ct_id and limit_id is match column used for mapping.
now i want the total count of no of records in test_master in which test_master column value not exceed limit master column limit value if any one column exceeds its limit then the same row will be in my count criteria.
how to achieve the same using sql/oracle query.
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Oct 10, 2013
I am not able to update a table cloumn using below query and getting ORA 01427: single row subquery returns more than one record error.
update fuctions f set id = (Select g.fn_id from access g where g.level = 'A' )
where f.u_id = "ABC";
I understand that problem is there with inner select query.
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Jun 19, 2012
Is there any defined record count range for the following ways of bulk insert :
through a cursor, bulk fetch and bulk insert under a loop.
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Apr 8, 2004
I have two cursors like
cursor_A IS select * from table_a where condition_A;
cursor_B IS select * from table_a where condition_B;
record_A is a recorded of cursor_A%ROWTYPE
record_B is a recorded of cursor_B%ROWTYPE
I define a procedure like pro_A(record_in cursor_A%ROWTYPE) can I overload this procedure by defining pro_B(record_in cursor_B%ROWTYPE)?
If I can't, Can I call pro_A by passing record_B as the parameter to it?
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Dec 18, 2008
I am using toad to output the details of the database. (I need these details in a format which i can then import into excel) However, When I run sporadic individual records through my query, the results come back correct and as expected. But when I run the full data set through my query a lot of the records have different values than what they do when run individually!
Ive spent all day on this script and its really a hack of various other cursors and scripts brought together. Its driving me mad as my code doesn't seem to be wrong (since the results are correct when a single record is run) yet there must be something wrong as my full data set does not return correctly!
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Oct 21, 2011
I have a csv file which is in this format -
; Version 2007.7.1
Project,qwerty Project,,1,,7,1.5,1.5,1,1,0,,0,1,0,0,0,0,3,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,2,3,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,3,3,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
xyz, , , 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , , , , , , , , , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Product,00094416505678,19133,"24-36""X80"" FOLD DR VIA MEH",,4.5,81,3, 8421504,,0,,L.T.L. WHOLESALE.,abc,,0,0,0,
Product,00094416502345,37154,"24-36""X80"" xyz WHITE",,5,81,3, 8421504,,0,,L.T.L. WHOLESALE.,abc,,0,0,
Product,00094416501111,83120,"24-36""X80"" abc WH",,5,81,3, 8421504,,0,,L.T.L. WHOLESALE.,abc,,0
Can I create an external table for loading this file based on selection of fields driven by the record identifier which is the first field of each record, except for the firt two?
For e.g In the above file, for records which say 'abc' in it's first field, I want to load the 2,3,6,8 fields delimited by a comma (the values may as well be null in those fields) and for records which say 'Product' in their first fields, I want to load 5,8,9 and 10 fields from the same file. Basically, I want to know if we can use instr function while choosing the fields line by line based on a search criteria in the file. There will be less columns in my table than the number of fields in the csv file, so I guess I got to mention 'MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL' option. There is another challenge too - I have to skip loading the first two lines from the file to the table.
I have written a big pl/sql proc for doing the same, using utl_file.get_line option, but it is still untested and I would be extremely happy to believe that this can be achieved by creating an external table too.
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Apr 22, 2010
My form consist two datablock cust_mstr,cust_dtls, each customer code consists two or three contact details records, when i delete the single detail record instead of deleting single record it deletes all the details records from cust_detail table.
Here by i attaching my form for your reference pls find the code in delete button
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Sep 1, 2010
I am using forms 10g...
I have 2 blocks,in one i insert student_id and when i click on the button i should get all his courses in the other block...
BUT.. when the student has more than 1 course I get this:
when button pressed trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01422
Here is the button
INTO :stud_name,:crse_no1,:crse_name,:crse_type1,:crse_type_desc1,:crse_time
but if the student has ONLY ONE course it WORKS FINE!
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Nov 3, 2010
Consider below is a multi record block rows, i want to hide "23". Is it possible using Set_Item_Instance_Property or any other built-in is there in oracle forms to hide a single row field in a multi record block.
11 12 13
21 22 23
31 32 33
. . .
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Mar 28, 2011
The main qn is in the subject line.
I have used the following code
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Aug 10, 2005
I have multirecord block and I want to disable Inserting/Updating/Deleting more then one record at a time.
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May 10, 2011
Is there a way we could define a record or a nestedtable with a type based on weak refursor i.e
C2 RC;
Type t is table of c2%rowtype;
Following is some more explanation of what I am trying to do.
I have a table T with column A and B. Column A is a primary key with number 1,2,3,4,5,6, Column B has diffrent sql stmts stored. i.e 'Select * from emp', Select count(1) from dept' and so on. So table will look like
1 Select * from emp
2 Select count(1) from dept
Now I want to select statements stored in table T one by one and execute them by using cursor. Problem arises as i need to fetch the cursor into some variable but the outcome of each statment is diffrent and oracle does not allow to use cursorname%rowtype for a weak ref cursor.
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Jun 13, 2011
I have used sql for my school projects and work projects. not too extensively though. I came across this issue and read a lot of blogs but still not luck.
hopefully my issue can be solved here.
Sub_grp_nbr Prodt_ctgy_cd Extra_column
ABC123 05 1
ABC123 02 2
ABC012 05 3
ABC456 02 4
ABC456 05 5
ABC789 05 6
I need to obtain all the sub_grp_nbr's that have a prodt_ctgy_cd of 05 but not 02. so according to the data above, i should only get the results of where extra_column = 3 and 6
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Jul 26, 2012
My procedure proc_ex is in when_validate_item trigger
I have one Multi Record data block in my form with values in its items
I need to Populate multi record block values to one Record Group using
set_group_char_cell to populate values to record group
Let us suppose my multi record data block looks like
item1 item2 item3 item4
10 20 50 70
25 15 30 45
45 90 47 38
75 25 85 90
30 56 78 80
how to populate these multi record datablock values to Record Group ???..Eagerly waiting for your Replies
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May 16, 2012
I am loading data file using SQL Loader in TOAD in Oracle 10g using the control file below and loading data into 2 tables post1.thead and post1.tdetl. THEAD contains item level transaction and TDETL is detail level when a transaction has a discount or promo attached to for that item. When the
INTO TABLE post1.thead
WHEN (1:5) = 'THEAD'
(file_type POSITION(1:5)CHAR,
A particular THEAD value may have 0, 1 or many TDETL corresponding values.below is a sample data file. When the position 21 in the TTAIL has a value of 1 or 2, then we know that there is a promo or discount applicable to the ITEM (THEAD).
THEAD0000000002201109142011091400000000000002091 1 0 -1
THEAD0000000012201109142011091400000000000002091 1 0 -1 20110914-1
TDETL0000000013CMPSPL1004 0 000000010000P0000000000000019990000000000000000200000
THEAD0000000021201109142011091400000000000002091 1 0 -1
TDETL0000000022EMPDSC1005 0 000
TDETL0000000023SCOUP 1006 0 973452 000
What I want to acheive is to accurately reflect a TDETL to its corresponding THEAD, as both THEAD and TDETL are loaded into separate tables. How can we have the 2 records correlated?
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Aug 17, 2012
How to achieve "Prev_Value" column as shown below without using ORACLE analytic functions
I have records stored in table for various categories and based on ID / Name / Office / Product / Category combination I want to achieve previous value column through efficient SQL query
Test Scripts as below
Name1 VARCHAR2(10),
Overall VARCHAR2(20),
Expected output as in attached sheet.
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Jun 15, 2012
I have Leave Balances In such Format
Now I want to Separate it into Three and Two Partitions Year Wise.
Like this
3900000385101/02/200720 2012
3900000385101/02/200720 2011
3900000385101/02/200720 2010
3900002678107/01/200820 2012
3900002678107/01/200820 2011
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Aug 2, 2013
I have a sql query where I need to select only records with an 18 month gap between max(date) and previous date( no dates between max(date)and 18 month gap date), when I run the below query it should only select supid 130, not 120 (even though 120 does contain an 18 month gap date it also has a date that is less then the 18 month gap( '25-NOV-2012','DD-MON-YYYY'). how would get the query to look back 18 months for the next date and evaluate the month_between.
. example:
create table supply(supID number(8), supply varchar2(20), supdate Date,supamount number(13,2));
insert into supply values(100,'Tapes',to_date('01-AUG-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'),50.00);
insert into supply values(100,'TV',to_date('01-APR-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'),250.00);
insert into supply values(100,'Discs',to_date('25-DEC-2012','DD-MON-YYYY'),25.00);
insert into supply values(120,'Tablets',to_date('25-AUG-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'),15.00);
and p.supid in(select s.supid from supply s where months_between
(s.supdate,p.supdate)<-18) SUPID SUPPLY SUPDATE SUPAMOUNT---------- -------------------- --------- ---------- 120 Tablets 25-AUG-13 15 130 Discs 25-JUL-13 75
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Sep 13, 2011
I have a fairly standard Purchase Order form which contains pre-loaded data (been uploaded from an XML file).When the Purchase Order is processed, the form updates a Price History table only if the Price on the PO_Details changes.The code for updating the price history table is contained in a PRE_UPDATE trigger on the PO_Details Data Block.
No other data changes on the PO_Details table.I now want to change this so that the Price History table is updated even if the price does not change i.e I want to create a history record for each record on the PO_Details irrespective of whether it was updated or not.
Is there an alternative trigger that I can move my code to (ie move it from PRE_UPDATE) to some other trigger that is fired for each PO_Details record even if there is no change.
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Apr 21, 2010
I have the following case to solve:
Example Table:
O4018510000107 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00
O40651010000107 500,00
O40651020000107 50,00
O4114510000107 300,00
O31141010000107 50,00
O3114520000107 50,00
I need to create a query that returns record by record a field qty_progr with the cumulate qty considering previous records. The result should be the following:
Nr_ordPos1Pos2Itemqty qty_progr
O4018510000107 170,00 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00 200,00
O40651010000107 500,00 700,00
O40651020000107 50,00 750,00
O4114510000107 300,00 1050,00
O31141010000107 50,00 1100,00
O3114520000107 50,00 1150,00
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Jun 29, 2013
I create a data block on a table when I am inserting new record only one record have been saved. Last record no longer exist.
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