SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting One Row In Multiple Rows Based On QTY And Join

Sep 14, 2012

I need to join ISSUED_REMOVED Table with ITL Table. having each quantity each row.

Eg. If a unit Serial no '354879019900009' has a part (1015268) issued 8 times and then unissued 4 times so finally the part was issued 4 times. so I need 4 rows to show for each qty 1 for that part and unit serial number.

-- ITL Table

Create table ITL_TEST (


-- Issued Removed table

as select
122013187, 1323938, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select
122013187, 1323939, 1015269, 308, 2 from dual union all select
122013187, 1323940, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select


-- The way I need to join the Issued_Removed Table

select * from ITL_TEST ITL
left join
issued_removed_item iri
on iri.REPAIRED_ITEM_ID = ITL.ITEM_ID --ITL.ITEM_ID --rlsn2.item_id --126357561
and iri.oper_id = 308 --in ( 308, 309)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting Data In 1 Column Into Multiple Rows?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a table which has a column that stored concatenated data.

Sample test case is as below:

SQL> create table tst (
2 col1 varchar2(20));

SQL> insert into tst values ('one,two,three');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Is there any way i could write a sql to split the text of this column into rows? Sample output im expecting is as below


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Rows Based On One Column

Mar 24, 2013

I have one table , with one column having 2,3 or 4 machine codes , i need to display them as each row per machine code will it be possible to do as i have thousands of records similar to the test case and which i had to do it manually in excel and then upload it back.

create table ow_oper_setup (wo_no varchar2(12),mrk_no varchar2(20),pos_no varchar2(30),mc_code varchar2(60))

insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W165','IR HO BV ')
insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W1332','IR BV ')
insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W1367','RE HO SC BV ')
insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W389','RE HO SC BV')


SELECT * FROM ow_oper_Setup;

12701270001W165IR HO BV
12701270001W1332IR BV
12701270001W1367RE HO SC BV
12701270001W389RE HO SC BV

--i want the output in the following way or the same table data to be replaced as below


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Splitting A String Based On Delimiter?

Feb 19, 2008

I was wondering if there is an Oracle function available to split a string based on a delimiter character. For example, if I have a table consisting of:


I would like to only return ('emerald', 'ruby', 'diamond') by getting all data leading up to the first '.' character.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting One Row To Multiple?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a table Product as;
desc product
Name Null Type

The data in Ingredient is separated by ','.
---------------------- --------------------
1 A,B,C
2 A,D
3 E,F

I need to write a sql statement which will retrieve a pair of product and ingredient in each row as;

---------------------- --------------------
1 A
1 B
1 B
2 A
2 D
3 E
3 F

write this sql ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting Given String Into Multiple Sub-strings?

Feb 18, 2013

I need to split the given string into muliple sub strings based on one special character

Ex : Speace is Special character

with data as (
select 'ab cd ef gh ' from dual )
select * from data

Required Output :

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Row View From Splitting Table?

May 8, 2010

Table Name : Trans

chitta_enn number(10,0)
varavu_patti varchar2(100)
pattru_patti varchar2(100)
Thogai number(10,2)

where in the data's are as follows
chitta_enn varavu_patti pattru_patti Thogai
101 panam null 101.00
101 null sambalam 51.00
101 null kamishan 50.00

I need to create the view as follows

View Name : Pattiyal

vivaram varchar2(2000)
varavu number(10,2)
pattru number(10,2)

The view data should get display as follows
vivaram varavu pattru
sambalam kamishan null 101.00
panam kamishan 51.00 null
panam sambalam 50.00 null

Each table row will have only one value either in varavu_patti or in pattru_patti. On selecting the row, thogai must be posted in varavu when varavu_patti is not null or should be posted in pattru when pattru_patti is not posted.on selecting the table row, vivaram should contain all other rows varavu_patti and pattru_patti on equating chitta_enn

Is it possible to create a view as above

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Spatial :: Splitting Line At Multiple Points

Apr 22, 2013

I see that I can use SDO_LRS.SPLIT_GEOM_SEGMENT to split a line at a single point (and get 2 resulting lines).

However, how I could split a line, at multiple points, into multiple segments? I need to do this for many rows, therefore a function or procedure would be good if any exists.

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Client Tools :: Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns

Jul 31, 2012

I need to split a column into multiple columns. The data in my column is separated by a Comma (,). But the data is dynamic and I could have any number of data separated by (,).

Quote:FOR Ex:
If COL1 contains

RESULT: should be 4 columns contains the values

Is COL1 contains

should be 3 columns contains the values

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load 10 Million Rows In Table From Another Table Based On Multiple Joins

Sep 24, 2010

We have to load 10 million rows in a table from another table based on the multiple joins. How much tablespace size we allocate to the table and for performance point of view how much should be the SGA size.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Query Based On Join Condition

Jun 16, 2011

I have two tables. By joining these two tables, I need to update a field in table1.

UPDATE table1
SET table1.FLAG = 'Fixed'
where table2.lastname = table1.lastname
and table2.status in ('fulltime','parttime')

I keep getting error 'table1.lastname' is invalid identifier.

I can't understand the error message. I made sure that the fields exist.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Splitting 1 Output Row Into 3 Output Rows

Sep 25, 2013

Currently I have a requirement where I need to create 2 more output rows using each result row.

In my requirement I am populating charges table with types of charges, on each line item of charges, I need to apply 2 types of taxes and populate it along with the charge line item. I will be storing charges in table charges and the 2 taxes to be applied in taxes table respectively. For each row of charges, i need to apply these 2 taxes present in taxes table resulting in 3 rows output.

--Create tables charges
create table charges
charge_type varchar2(10) ,
charge number


My expected output should be like below:

Item_type amount
-------------------- ----------
charge1 100
Charge1_tax1 10
Charge1_tax2 20
charge2 200
Charge2_tax1 20
Charge2_tax2 40

how I can achieve the expected output using a single sql query

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PL/SQL :: Merge Multiple Rows Into Single Row (but Multiple Columns)

Oct 17, 2012

How to merge multiple rows into single row (but multiple columns) efficiently.

For example

IDVal IDDesc IdNum Id_Information_Type Attribute_1 Attribute_2 Attribute_3 Attribute_4 Attribute_5
23 asdc 1 Location USA NM ABQ Four Seasons 87106
23 asdc 1 Stats 2300 91.7 8.2 85432
23 asdc 1 Audit 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 Location USA TX AUS Hilton 92305
65 affc 2 Stats 5510 42.7 46 9999
65 affc 2 Audit 1996 July 172 1100

where different attributes mean different thing for each Information_type. For example for Information_Type=Location

Attribute_1 means Country
Attribute_2 means State and so on.

For example for Information_Type=Stats

Attribute_1 means Population
Attribute_2 means American Ethnicity percentage and so on.

I want to create a view that shows like below:

IDVal IDDesc IDNum Country State City Hotel ZipCode Population American% Other% Area Audit Year AuditMonth Audit Type AuditTime
23 asdc 1 USA NM ABQ FourSeasons 87106 2300 91.7 46 85432 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 5510 42.7 46 9999 1996 July 172 1100

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Filtering Dataset Based On Records Returned By Table Join

Nov 10, 2010

I need to work on this requirement.

There are FOUR tables ( T1 , T11 & T2, T22) ALL store order information.

One of four conditions are possible for each Supply Reorder Number:

•Both table queries return no records

oPopulate all the output fields with nulls

•T1 returns a record, but T2 returns no records

oPopulate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11.

•T1 returns no records, but T2 returns one record

oPopulate output fields with values from the join of T2 and T22.

•T1 returns a record, and T2 returns a record

oIf the latest order is in T1, then populate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11.

oIf order dates are equal from both join results, then populate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11 .

oIf the latest order is in T2, then populate output fields with values from the join of T2 and T22.

How do we filter the dataset based on result of table join ?

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Server Utilities :: How To Export Data Based On Join Between 3 Tables

Jan 10, 2011

How to export a data, which is a join of three tables.Will Export or dbms_datapump supports for above scenario.

Database: DB1
Tables: T1, T2 & T3
Select: t1.*,t2.*,t3.*
Join: t1.c1=t2.c1 and t2.c1=t3.c1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join For Bringing Master And Child Records Based On Condition?

Jul 30, 2013

The attachment contains the table info. The condition is that when there are childer for the master ,the master record shd be negated . Excuse me if this very easy. Example -DEL HAS children so the record with DEL and DEL SHD not be in the result query. Example -RAG HAS NO children. so the MASTER record should be taken.



My expected output

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Rows On A Table To Multiple Columns On One Row

Nov 26, 2010

I am attempting to select back multiple values for a specific key on one row. See the example below. I have been able to use the sys_connect_by_path to combine the fields into one field but I am unable to assign them to fields of their own. See the example below

Policy id plan name
111 A Plan
111 B Plan
111 Z Plan
112 A Plan
112 Z Plan

My desired result is to be able to show the output as follows

Policy ID Plan_1 Plan_2 Plan_3
111 A Plan B Plan Z PLan
112 A Plan Z PLan

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Join Table

May 17, 2010

oracle 10g to select column from about 8 table . I start with this statement

select A.a, B.b, C.c, D.d, E.e, F.f, G.g, H.h
from A
full outer join B on(A.a=B.b)
full outer join C on(B.b=C.c)
full outer join D on(C.c=D.d_

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SQL & PL/SQL :: JOIN For Multiple Tables

Mar 29, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do:

I have three tables:


What I want to do is to return all of the rows from TABLE1 that are NCI regardless, and if they are NCI, I want to return the corresponding records from TABLE2 and TABLE3.

If TABLE1 has a record of NCI but there are no corresponding records in TABLE2 or TABLE3, then of course the columns for TABLE2 and 3 would be blank.

I can get all of the NCI records from TABLE1 when I LEFT JOIN with TABLE2, but when I try to specify TABLE3 in the FROM statement, only the records that are NCI in TABLE1 AND have data in TABLE2 are returned, not just all records with NCI in TABLE1.

Let me know if I can further clarify.

I know that you do not have access to my tables, but here is an example of my code so that you may understand my quandary further:

SELECT l.sku AS "SKU",
l.loc AS "LOC",
l.qty AS "QTY",
o.ncikey AS "NCI",
r.description AS "NCI DESC",
o.qtyexpected AS "NCI QTY EXP",
o.qtyreceived AS "NCI QTY REC",
o.loc AS "NCI LOC",


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Join To Same Table

Apr 12, 2010

I have a table that contains 15 columns. Say each columns contains name of fruits. And another master table which contains names of valid fruits. Now I have to create another table from these tables such that for each column if the fruit name is present in the master table then fruit-name is populated else "invalid" is populated. I know using left join for 15 times to the same master table can work. But I found this very clumsy. Is there any other way of doing it.This is just a sample case. In real scenario I have a table of 800 million records and master table of 30000 records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Distinct On Multiple Table Inner Join

Apr 28, 2010

I am little confused applying DISTINCT on a Multiple table Inner join.

Table: Role
role_id email
1 xxx@abc.com
2 yyy@abc.com
3 zzz@abc.com

Table: notification_role
id role_id process_id
1 1 p1
2 1 p2
3 1 p3
4 1 p1
5 2 p2
6 2 p2
7 2 p3
8 2 p3
9 3 p4

Table: process
process_id proces_name
p1 process1
p2 process2
p3 process3
p4 process4

Expected Result
role.role_id role_email process_process_id process_name
1 xxx@abc.com p1 process1
1 xxx@abc.com p2 process2
1 xxx@abc.com p3 process3
2 yyy@abc.com p2 process2
2 yyy@abc.com p3 process3
3 zzz@abc.com p4 process4


select distinct c.process_id a.role_id,a.email_address,c.process_name
from role a, notification_role b, process c
where a.role_id=b.role_id and b.process_id = c.process_id

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join In Insert - Multiple Tables

May 20, 2013

I am trying to insert records in multiple tables. I know how to view data using joinig, but unable to understand how to insert records in multiple tables using Joining. I searched it on net, but didn't find much. I have also tried to write a code, but it is not working, I have seen some examples on different websites where people are using SELECT in INSERT statement for joining. What is the correct Syntax to INSERT record in Multiple tables.

Insert into library_users, library_users_info
(library_users.username, library_users.password, library_users_info.address, library_users_info.phone_no) VALUES (...)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Full Outer Join On Multiple Tables?

May 27, 2010

I have 8 tables and I want full outer join on these to get the output. The tables are very small having 10 rows at max and consists of only two columns (date and value).

how to write query for this.

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View - Join Displays Duplicate Rows?

Apr 16, 2012

The view below creates, however displays duplicate rows. Why is this may I ask?

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW customer_order_vw


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join Running Forever - Returns No Rows

May 23, 2012

select rl.org_rollup_skey from (select fc.org_skey as "FC_ORG_SKEY" from IA.HIST_FCT_FCST_SLS fc
inner join IA.DIM_ORG do
on fc.org_skey = do.org_skey
where do.org_nam IN ('101', '485','486')) p
ON p.fc_org_skey = h.desc_org_skey
on h.GPRNT_ORG_SKEY = rl.org_rollup_skey

Above join is taking is running forever even as subquery

(select fc.org_skey as "FC_ORG_SKEY" from IA.HIST_FCT_FCST_SLS fc
inner join IA.DIM_ORG do
on fc.org_skey = do.org_skey
where do.org_nam IN ('101', '485','486'))

returns no rows and this subquery give result in 10 seconds according to me Full query should not take more tha 20 secs.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Columns To Rows Using Case And Cross Join?

Aug 22, 2013

Getting error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR

create table try1
(id_number varchar2(10),
item1 varchar2(10),
item2 number(10),
item3 varchar2(10))


Table's data:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Select Distinct Rows Using Join On 3 Views

May 12, 2011

I have a select statement that selects all columns from the join of 3 oracle views. I would like to change it to select only the distinct rows, not sure how to code this. Here is my sql statement:

select *
from myschema.view_1 acct
Left JOIN myschema.view_2 freq


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PL/SQL :: Multiple Rows To Multiple Column

May 6, 2013

I have a table TableA containing 2 columns ( Name and Value). Here I know what are the values for column Name

Name Parameter
Nexus 11
GPlay 21
Demo 31

I need a query which provides the below output

Desired Output:
First Second Third
11 21 31

I have tried the below query
DECODE (name,'Nexus', parameter) First,
DECODE (name, 'GPlay', parameter) Second,
DECODE (name, 'Demo', parameter) Third
FROM (SELECT name, parameter FROM TableA where name in ('Nexus','GPlay','Demo'));

This gives me the output

First Second Third
11 <Empty> <empty>
<empty> 21 <empty?>
<empty?> <empty?> 31

Is there any way to get the output in single line.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Rows Returned By Complex Join Query

Apr 5, 2013

How Can I delete the returned two rows?

1 select s.reg_no,s.course_code,
2 s.section src_sec,a.section a_sec,a.att_date,a.att_flag
3 from attendance a ,src s
4 where a.semester_code=1
5 and a.semester_year=2013
6 and s.semester_code=1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Table1 Rows Where 3 Fields To Join With Another Table

Aug 13, 2011

I need to delete all the registers where the table 1 does join with table 2 in 3 fields... for example:

delete taba1 t1
where t1.campo1 in ( select distinct(tr.campo1)
from tabla1 tr,
tabla2 t2
where t2.error = 0
tr.campo1 = t2.campo1
and tr.campo2 = t2.campo2


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