I need to join ISSUED_REMOVED Table with ITL Table. having each quantity each row.
Eg. If a unit Serial no '354879019900009' has a part (1015268) issued 8 times and then unissued 4 times so finally the part was issued 4 times. so I need 4 rows to show for each qty 1 for that part and unit serial number.
create table ISSUED_REMOVED_ITEM (REPAIRED_ITEM_ID, ISSUED_REMOVED_ITEM_ID, ISSUED_PART_ID, OPER_ID, ISSUED_REMOVED_QUANTITY) as select 122013187, 1323938, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select 122013187, 1323939, 1015269, 308, 2 from dual union all select 122013187, 1323940, 1015268, 308, 2 from dual union all select
-- The way I need to join the Issued_Removed Table
select * from ITL_TEST ITL left join issued_removed_item iri on iri.REPAIRED_ITEM_ID = ITL.ITEM_ID --ITL.ITEM_ID --rlsn2.item_id --126357561 and iri.oper_id = 308 --in ( 308, 309)
I need to split a column into multiple columns. The data in my column is separated by a Comma (,). But the data is dynamic and I could have any number of data separated by (,).
RESULT: should be 4 columns contains the values CRITERIA_ITEM_TYPE_ID and CRITERIA_ITEM_TYPE and DESCRIPTION and ITEM_DATA_TYPE
RESULT: should be 3 columns contains the values CRITERIA_ITEM_TYPE_ID and CRITERIA_ITEM_TYPE and DESCRIPTION
I have a table Product as; desc product Name Null Type -------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER INGREDIENT VARCHAR2(20)
The data in Ingredient is separated by ','. PRODUCT_ID INGREDIENT ---------------------- -------------------- 1 A,B,C 2 A,D 3 E,F
I need to write a sql statement which will retrieve a pair of product and ingredient in each row as;
PRODUCT_ID INGREDIENT ---------------------- -------------------- 1 A 1 B 1 B 2 A 2 D 3 E 3 F
Desired Output: ====== First Second Third 11 21 31
I have tried the below query SELECT DECODE (name,'Nexus', parameter) First, DECODE (name, 'GPlay', parameter) Second, DECODE (name, 'Demo', parameter) Third FROM (SELECT name, parameter FROM TableA where name in ('Nexus','GPlay','Demo'));
This gives me the output
First Second Third 11 <Empty> <empty> <empty> 21 <empty?> <empty?> <empty?> 31
Is there any way to get the output in single line.
The view data should get display as follows vivaram varavu pattru sambalam kamishan null 101.00 panam kamishan 51.00 null panam sambalam 50.00 null
Logic: Each table row will have only one value either in varavu_patti or in pattru_patti. On selecting the row, thogai must be posted in varavu when varavu_patti is not null or should be posted in pattru when pattru_patti is not posted.on selecting the table row, vivaram should contain all other rows varavu_patti and pattru_patti on equating chitta_enn
I see that I can use SDO_LRS.SPLIT_GEOM_SEGMENT to split a line at a single point (and get 2 resulting lines).
However, how I could split a line, at multiple points, into multiple segments? I need to do this for many rows, therefore a function or procedure would be good if any exists.
I have one table , with one column having 2,3 or 4 machine codes , i need to display them as each row per machine code will it be possible to do as i have thousands of records similar to the test case and which i had to do it manually in excel and then upload it back.
insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W165','IR HO BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup VALUES ('1270','1270001','W1332','IR BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W1367','RE HO SC BV ') insert into ow_oper_setup values ('1270','1270001','W389','RE HO SC BV')
SELECT * FROM ow_oper_Setup;
WO_NOMRK_NOPOS_NOMC_CODE 12701270001W165IR HO BV 12701270001W1332IR BV 12701270001W1367RE HO SC BV 12701270001W389RE HO SC BV
--i want the output in the following way or the same table data to be replaced as below
I am trying to write a script where a particular post code from a table is having more than 3 telephone numbers.Both the columns are in the same table. How to fetch.
Table is P_Order Columns are DELIVERY_POSTCODE and TEL_NO... Condition DELIVERY_POSTCODE has more than 3 TEL_NO
A block shouldn't have rows from multiple tables... Is that true? I read in one of the OTN thread (i don't exactly remember the thread name) that a block can have data from multiple tables. If it doesn't have, what's the table directory in block signifies?
Currently I have a requirement where I need return data of different columns in rows.
For example: I have a table that contains monthly data for voice calls, sms count and mms count for each mobile. I will need to get the output as summary of voice calls, sms and mms counts in different rows. For this I am using an approach which I am not totally satisfied even though I am getting the required results (majorly because i am querying the table thrice for getting this data).
I would want to know about any alternate ways of implementation.
insert into UsageData values ('9999','JAN',1,2,3); insert into UsageData values ('9888','JAN',5,20,1); insert into UsageData values ('9777','JAN',4,5,9); insert into UsageData values ('9666','JAN',200,111,8); insert into UsageData values ('9555','JAN',154,1534,3); insert into UsageData values ('9444','JAN',0,2,212);
select 'VOICE_CALL' AS EVENT,sum(VOICE_CALL) AS UNITS from UsageData where cal_month ='JAN' union all select 'SMS',sum(SMS) from UsageData where cal_month ='JAN' union all select 'MMS',sum(MMS) from UsageData where cal_month ='JAN';
I am using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production versionI have following table - drop table t2;
create table t2(BATot,Ly_BATot,LLy_BATot,BScTot,Ly_BScTot,LLy_BScTot,BAMSTot,Ly_BAMSTot,LLy_BAMSTot) as select 5000,2000,12600,20000,45600,35000,45000,56000,65000 from dual ;
select null class, batot,ly_batot,lly_batot,bsctot,ly_bsctot,lly_bsctot,bamstot,ly_bamstot,lly_bamstot from t2; Simple DML I am using - SELECT * FROM T2;
Currently I have a requirement where I need to create 2 more output rows using each result row.
In my requirement I am populating charges table with types of charges, on each line item of charges, I need to apply 2 types of taxes and populate it along with the charge line item. I will be storing charges in table charges and the 2 taxes to be applied in taxes table respectively. For each row of charges, i need to apply these 2 taxes present in taxes table resulting in 3 rows output.
How to merge multiple rows into single row (but multiple columns) efficiently.
For example
IDVal IDDesc IdNum Id_Information_Type Attribute_1 Attribute_2 Attribute_3 Attribute_4 Attribute_5 23 asdc 1 Location USA NM ABQ Four Seasons 87106 23 asdc 1 Stats 2300 91.7 8.2 85432 23 asdc 1 Audit 1996 June 17 1200 65 affc 2 Location USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 65 affc 2 Stats 5510 42.7 46 9999 65 affc 2 Audit 1996 July 172 1100
where different attributes mean different thing for each Information_type. For example for Information_Type=Location
Attribute_1 means Country Attribute_2 means State and so on.
For example for Information_Type=Stats
Attribute_1 means Population Attribute_2 means American Ethnicity percentage and so on.
I want to create a view that shows like below:
IDVal IDDesc IDNum Country State City Hotel ZipCode Population American% Other% Area Audit Year AuditMonth Audit Type AuditTime 23 asdc 1 USA NM ABQ FourSeasons 87106 2300 91.7 46 85432 1996 June 17 1200 65 affc 2 USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 5510 42.7 46 9999 1996 July 172 1100
I am attempting to select back multiple values for a specific key on one row. See the example below. I have been able to use the sys_connect_by_path to combine the fields into one field but I am unable to assign them to fields of their own. See the example below
TABLE DETAILS: Policy id plan name 111 A Plan 111 B Plan 111 Z Plan 112 A Plan 112 Z Plan
My desired result is to be able to show the output as follows
Policy ID Plan_1 Plan_2 Plan_3 111 A Plan B Plan Z PLan 112 A Plan Z PLan
tried searching google and this site too, found postings on WM_CONCAT, STRAGG, concat_all, LISTAGG functions by Michel and have experimented with these, but either the syntax is giving me a hard time or i just have not got the concept down.
Trying to get 2 rows into one. Have provided the create statements and insert of data. Also below will show what is returned with a Select i have and what is ideally required.
CREATE TABLE Person_Lang ( Person_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Language_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Contact_Name VARCHAR2(255 CHAR), Main_Phone VARCHAR2(255 CHAR), Secondary_Phone VARCHAR2(255 CHAR),
I am working on a script in which I want to retrieve multiple rows but I get error ORA-1422.I tried solving it using the following script , but it still gives error.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_query DECLARE TYPE all_dest IS TABLE OF NUMBER; destIds all_dest; BEGIN SELECT dest_id from sb_packet WHERE src_id = 32; RETURNING dest_id bulk collect into destIds; END;
in eache record we are receiving information from differente city, we pretend to get an output where we have a row for each city (delimited by comma) that we have in column CITY
Input data
Output expected CLIENT_IDDT_REGCITY 100100105/11/2010 LONDON 100100105/11/2010 PARIS 102220105/11/2010 MADRID