SQL & PL/SQL :: Impact Of Create Directory Statement On Filesystem

Mar 3, 2011

I am attempting to read from the maillog of our server, but I wish to make as few changes as possible for fear of blocking other systems access to the file.

I was initially going to call create directory maillogs as '/var/log/maillog' and then drop directory maillogs; when I was done but I found my user does not have "create any directory" permissions.

Rather than compromise security of the existing database configuration, I thought I would permanently add the maillogs to the list of available data directories. Are there any implications to the filesystem if I do this, or should I be able to add this without consideration of affects.

Understand that I will only be opening the file for (R) READ TEXT access only.

Primarily I am concerned that Oracle (in the background) will keep a file pointer open or something of that nature that would block other programs from writing to the file even after I close the file pointer. I want to make as little impact as possible to the file system.

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Forms :: Create Directory With Oracle Form PL/SQL

Jan 16, 2010

i want to know how to create directory or folder which use pl/sql coding in oracle developer suite10g

my problem is when i use this code



IT'S ERROR WITH "Error591 this feature is not supported in client-side programs"

I used to use function with webutil that's webutil_file.create_directory('c:RESTAURANT');



BUT STILL HAVE ERROR WITH "Error 221 'CREATE_DIRECTORY' is not a procedure or is undefined "

How to create directory with pl/sql that's use in oracle form in trigger when-button-pressed or how to use function webutil_file.create_directory();

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RAC & Failsafe :: Can Create Directory On Two Node Database

Feb 2, 2013

here we have san server and rac database two node database.i want to know how can i create directory on rac database. i know how to create directory on single database but i do not know how can i create directory on rac database.

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Security :: Possible To Create New Directory On Linux Fs From Oracle

Nov 29, 2010

I understand how to create a database directory object to point to a directory on the server File System. Is there a way to take the next step and create a new directory on the host file system from within Oracle?

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Forms :: How To Create A Button To Open Directory

Mar 19, 2010

is it possible to create a button can open directory like My Documents

i test this in CMD command prompte it's work but in forms they are not work

"explorer.exe" & @MyDocumentsDir
cmd /c "explorer.exe" & @MyDocumentsDir

in forms : i create a button with trigger When-button-pressed

my host('"explorer.exe" & @MyDocumentsDir');
host ('cmd /c "explorer.exe" & @MyDocumentsDir');
but it's not work

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Client Tools :: Create Directory In UNIX

Jun 28, 2013

What is the script for creating SQL directory in UNIX.

Create or replace directory CONFIG as 'c:Config'

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Installation :: (INS-32012) Unable To Create Directory?

Feb 20, 2013

i am trying to install oracle client on D:User-Applicationsoracle.

But i am getting this error: [INS-32012] Unable to create directory: D:User-Applicationsoracle.

i am installing on windows box my previous installations are sucessfull but i dont know why i am getting this

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Directory - Table Or View Does Not Exist

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to do the following-

CREATE DIRECTORY my_dir AS 'd:oraclefiles';

The above throws up an error-

ORA-00942: Table or view does not exist

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Setting For External Table - Create File In Directory DIR-1?

Nov 20, 2012

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

I am new in external table so i have tried following cmd.

create directory dir_1 as 'E:ora_dirt' ;
grant read, write on directory dir_1 to HR;
select * from all_directories;
create table emp_ext
(emp_id number,
emp_name varchar2(30)


since I am not able to see DIR_1 in E: drive due to which i havnt created  'emp.dat' file and on executing select on external table i m geting expected error *"ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout ORA-29400: data cartridge error KUP-04043: table column not found in external source: EMP_ID"*

how to create that file in directory "DIR_1" .

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Installation :: 11gr2 Silent Install Error - Unable To Create A New Central Inventory Directory

Apr 2, 2013

I am working on SLES 11 SP2 on zLinux and I am trying to install oracle 11gr2 silently. I was able to install the GI and it is running but when I try to install the oracle binaries I keep getting this error:

[FATAL] [INS-32035] Unable to create a new central inventory directory : /opt/oraInventory.
CAUSE: The central inventory location provided is not empty.

The GI install created /opt/oraInventory and all the files are in there. I even changed the owner from grid:oinstall to oracle:oinstall but that did not work. When I did the install on SLES 11 SP1 I did not get this error.

I am running this command to install oracle:

/runInstaller -silent -ignorePrereq -showProgress -waitForCompletion -responseFile /tmp/db_install.rsp
drwxrwx--- 6 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 2 10:42 oraInventory
drwxrwx--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 2 10:39 ContentsXML
drwxrwx--- 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 2 10:41 backup
drwxrwx--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 2 10:41 logs


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Cannot Establish Ftp Connection To Xmldb-filesystem?

Aug 29, 2012

how can I connect via ftp to the xmldb-filesystem ?

I tried the instructions from this website [URL] ..... Now I can connect to the filesystem via "win7 shell ftp", but i cannot connect via "win7 explorer" using "ftp://host:port/foo/bar" or filezilla. Everytime i try i got an errormsg like:

filezilla: cannot read filesystem
an error appears :
200 Type set to A.
277 Entering Passive Mode.... see sreenshot -> [URL]

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Tables Error Statement

Nov 3, 2012

I'm trying to do is create 4 simple tables. This is my first project using SQL so I'm totally new to it, not just SQL itself but database design/management, including foreign/primary key concepts. I think that's why the errors are being generated due to a duplication of foreign key names (perhaps?) but I really don't where I'm going wrong with the design structure in terms of the FK's and the relationships.

Added the error report in the attachment.

Create Table Hotel
(Hotel_No Char(4 Byte) Not Null,
H_Name VarChar2(20 Byte) Not Null,
H_Address VarChar2(30 Byte),
Constraint Hotel_PK Primary Key (Hotel_No));

Create Table Room
(Room_No VarChar2(4) Not Null,
Hotel_No Char(4) Not Null,
R_Type Char(1),
R_Price Number(5,2),
Constraint Room_PK Primary Key (Room_No, Hotel_No),
Constraint Hotel_No_FK (Hotel_No) References Hotel(Hotel_No));

Create Table Booking
(Hotel_No Char(4) Not Null,
Guest_No Char(4) Not Null,
Date_From Date Not Null,
Date_To Date,
Room_No VarChar2(4),
Constraint Booking_PK Primary Key (Hotel_No, Guest_No, Date_From),
Constraint Guest_No_FK Foreign Key (Guest_No) References Guest(Guest_No),
Constraint Hotel_No_Room_No_FK (Hotel_No, Room_No) References Room(Hotel_No, Room_No),
Constraint Hotel_No_FK (Hotel_No) References Hotel(Hotel_No));

Create Table Guest
(Guest_No Char(4) Not Null,
G_Name VarChar2(30),
G_Address VarChar2(35),
Constraint Guest_PK Primary Key (Guest_No));

View 31 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: Create Sequence Using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement?

Dec 14, 2012

Is it possible to create sequence using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. The sequence name will be the bind variable.

TEMP     := :P2_INFO;

This creates a sequence named TEMP, but i want the name :P2_INFO entered by user.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Unable To Mount Ocfs2 Filesystem

Feb 7, 2011

I am configuring RAC with two nodes. I have mapped iscsi targets successfully. I am unable to mount the ocfs2 filesystem.

mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr -L "oracrsfiles" /u02

When execute the above command, it displays the follwing error:

ocfs2_hb_ctl: Device name specified was not found while reading uuid
mount.ocfs2: Error when attempting to run /sbin/ocfs2_hb_ctl: "Operation not permitted"

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Server Administration :: Copy Many Files From ASM To FileSystem

May 1, 2013

I have got backup pieces in ASM, I guess about more than 100 files. Now, I need to copy all of them from ASM to FileSystem, there are 2 methods still now:

1- Copy from ASM to FileSystem using cp command.
2- Copy from ASM to FileSystem using DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER.


In the first method, when I copy one file, I took more than 1 minute, so the following script would take me more than 1 days (I guess so).

# This script copies files from FRA on ASM to local disk
ASMLS=/vasgatedb/app/vsgbkp/asm_ls.txt ##{ASM files list}


The second method, DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER took me less than 1 second to copy one file completely.

sys@VSGDB> set timing on
sys@VSGDB> exec dbms_file_transfer.COPY_FILE('asm_dir','level_0_vsgdb_9998_813844797.bkp','fs_dir','level_0_vsgdb_9998_813844797.bkp');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.38

Of course, I wish I used the second method as soon as possible, however, said I below, I've got about ~200 files, and I could not copy one by one file.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Backup To Filesystem And Not ASM In RAC

Aug 27, 2012

I am using Oracle RAC (2 nodes) + ASM on AIX 7.1

I am backing up my Oracle database through RMAN to ASM disk groups..I have a requirement to backup also to an OS file systems. So what I did that I mounted an NFS across the 2 nodes of my RAC database.I am running backup from node 2 only.My issue now is that I am facing a real performance issue when backing up to NFS.My question is there any way to take an RMAN backup to local file system on node 2? or in other way what are the options to take RMAN backups to an OS file system?

I tried to copy from ASM to OS file system but i was advised to backup to file system using the format command.what should i do in such case? since I am facing performance issue to backup to NFS.

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Primary Key Does Not Treat NULL Value - Can Create Statement?

Feb 21, 2012

Create table X(
var1 varchar2(20) null,
var2 varchar2(20) not null,
constraint pk_var1 primary key(var1)

We all know Primary key doesnt treat NULL as a value. But the above statement is fine to be executed without problem.
Is this something to be highlighted? or am i not right in understanding 'var1 varchar2(20) null '?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01003 No Statement Parsed On CREATE TABLE

Feb 17, 2010

I have the following create table statement:


When I execute this statement as part of a SQL script, it throws the error "ORA-01003: no statement parsed". If I execute it as a stand alone sql command, it returns no error.

Here's the strange thing, though. Even when it throws the error message the table is created. Later on in the script, I execute the following command:


This command also throws the above mentioned error, but once again the command executes - the primary key is created.Well, I don't like having a script that throws errors. Eventually I'll have to give this script to a dba in another organization and I don't want my script to be throwing errors - even if it's apparently working correctly despite the errors.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create SQL Insert Statement With Multiple Values?

Jun 3, 2010

I need to create a SQL insert statement with mutipleValues and an select statement I am trying this it works -

insert into uwa_crew_ids(crew_ID, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_NAME, first_name )
( uwa_crew_ids_s.nextVal,sysdate, 1767,sysdate, 1767,'TEST1', 'NITA')

This statement does not work (with or without keyword) Is there any alternate syntax

insert into uwa_crew_ids(crew_ID, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_NAME, first_name )
( uwa_crew_ids_s.nextVal,sysdate, 1767,sysdate, 1767,(select last_name, first_name from uwa_crew_ids where guid = '8795EAAFBE694F8EE0440003BA2AEC90' ))

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Oracle 11gr2 - How To Create Insert Statement

Jun 6, 2013

oracle 11gr2

how to generate insert script by using command prompt. Actually am using toad generating insert statement but it is taking too long time to generate.

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Generate Filesystem Usage Reports From Grid Control10g?

Aug 31, 2011

I am oracle 10g grid control.

I have a requirement where I have to generate monthly filesystem usage report(graphical) in an automated fashion,I checked the built in reports from the grid control 10g but not able to find any thing....

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How To Move Spfile On Default Local Filesystem To ASM Diskgroup

Jul 1, 2012

What is correct way to move the default oracle spfile to ASM diskgroup so i can successfully bring up the instance . After bring up the instance , it should point to ASM diskgroup. My oracle database is siting on sun solaris 64 Bit.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: How To Copy ASM Files On Host Filesystem

Oct 15, 2013

There is a question come up in my mind that can we perform the copy/delete/move of ASM files to the host filesystem while the ASM instance is down. For instance... To copy the file ASM file through AMCMD utility when the ASM instance is running.

ASMCMD> cp spfilenode.ora /u01copying +DATA/NODE/spfilenode.ora -> /u01/spfilenode.ora 

Now my question is, Can I copy/delete/move that file on OS filesystems when the ASM instance is down.

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How To Evaluate Impact Of Removing CPU

Dec 10, 2012

One of my clients need to remove three(of four) CPU to comply the licensing agreement with Oracle.

To avoid problems and also to list the possible problems that removing the CPU can bring, I wish to make a survey of the possible impacts, especially in performance, that removal can cause.

How can I get this information?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Table Statement Length Greater Than 4000?

Oct 8, 2012

I've to create a table which has 650 fields and the total length of CREATE TABLE statement got to be more than 4000 characters.I've to create the table by inserting the CREATE TABLE statment in a variable (V1) then by using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V1 Since VARCHAR2 only supports upto 4000 characters length string, how can I create such table??

V1 VARCHAR2(4000);
V1 :=

Quote:got the error -- PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

How can I create such table??

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Performance Tuning :: Create Table Statement With Union?

Aug 5, 2010

this statement is taking 1hr , can we reduce the timing?



This is the explain plan of the above query

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%C
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 11M| 4137M| 46149 (
| 1 | UNION-ALL | | | |


This is the index details

There is no index on DGT_ITEMEFFORTDATA_TEMP table


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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Buffer Versus AIX Filesystem Cache

May 7, 2011

I am currently in the favorable situation in which I have excess amounts of memory available on the database server - a single node setup. The server only serves the single instance and no other processing. Database size is around 2.3tb and memory is 50gb. For the majority of processing, AIX is allocating a significant amount (anywhere from 30-40%) of the memory to the AIX file system cache (persistent pages).

I've been trying to find documentation about this, but have not had any luck yet. My guess is that it would be better to allow Oracle to cache this data - meaning increase the SGA target and max size to allow for a larger buffer cache. However, the nice thing about the AIX cache is if process memory is needed, the file system cache gives up pages. If the memory was allocated to the SGA, its pretty much locked in.

I have read several articles stating that a larger buffer cache is not always better, as a larger cache takes more management. But having both of the caches active seem to be a waste of memory, effectively storing the data twice - once in AIX persistent pages and a second time in Oracle database buffer cache.

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Trigger Performance Impact When Not Firing?

Apr 30, 2013

I'm trying to find some information on the performance impact of a trigger on a heavily updated table when the condition to fire the update trigger is NOT met. In other words I guess what I'm really trying to find out is what the performance impact of the system checking the condition on the trigger to determine if it should fire or not is.

For example I have a batch job that inserts and updates a table heavily, but the batch job almost never updates the column in question on the trigger to the value that would cause it to fire, but it does update that column to other values often.

I know about the many downsides of using triggers in general, but I'm working with a third party application, so more optimal solutions aren't an option.

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Performance Tuning :: Same Execution Plan For Create Table Statement When Name Changes?

May 18, 2010

Can we have same execution plan for a create table statement where the name of the table changes every time as follows:

create table test
select * from t1

Here table name changes from test to another table name next time

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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle 10g RAC Install On OEL5 Update 5 OUI Failing To Write On Tmp Filesystem

Nov 15, 2010

I am attempting to install Oracle 10g R2 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 update 5 but facing some errors. Can't believe i have done everything right as far as oracle docs n my understanding concern. when i try to invoke runInstaller for CRS it fails with following error:
[oracle@server01 clusterware]$ ./runInstaller
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2 Passed

All installer requirements met.

Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2010-11-15_04-36-47PM. Please wait ...[../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui.core/]
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
note: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui.core/ may be a plain executable, not an archive

Error in writing to directory /tmp/OraInstall2010-11-15_04-36-47PM. Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 60 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue.
: Success
[oracle@serverr01 clusterware]$

I am also attaching the cluster verfication result, if you wish to have a look at this.

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