Restoring Control File When Using A Recovery Catalog
Aug 29, 2010
I want to use rman to restore all my control files, I just did a level 0 incremental backup and ran the following script.
rman <<EOF
connect target sys/sys@GOLD_AUX
connect catalog rman/rman@GOLD_CAT
My control files seem to be put back in the correct spot and suggest a way I can restore only my control files and have everything in sync with my datafiles.
I want to ask if I restore a control file from backup of say day2 and I recover till day1 using RMAN script, then what will be the state of my database? I mean day2 control file may be having SCN-Day2, and I am instructing RMAN to recover till past point in time that is SCN-Day1.
How one should know whether RMAN is using target database control file or using separate catalog database. Also what one should do if he dont have catalog users credentials.
In my catalog for the "source" database (rman target db), I have the backupsets for a full database backup ended at Feb. 7, 03:43:37. These are online backups. So, there are archived redo logs being generated while it runs and the following archived redo logs finished at Feb. 7, 04:00:24.
We duplicate databases all the time. So, this is not a new concept for us. The one thing that has changed is that we now back up to disk (using the flashback recovery area) and then later on, initiate a backup to tape. Prior to this go-live, we did all of our backups directly to tape. The catalog does not seem confused. It knows it needs to go to tape because it's beyond the retention for disk backups. The only problem is that it is going to the backup prior to the backupset I want, only for a couple of files.
In the past, when all went directly to tape, we would do a set until time 'Feb. 7, 03:43:37' and it would automatically restore the backupset that finished then and apply archived redo logs as necessary to make a consistent copy. Now, if I use the same model, it's going to a backup set from the prior date for 3 particular files. If I change the time to when the archived redo logs ended their backup, 04:00, it still goes back to the day before, but only for 2 files.
I can list a backup of each specific file and see that the file is in the backupset for which I expect RMAN to pull. How can I figure out a date/time to go back to if not using the method of reviewing the catalog entries and timestamps?
I took database backup without "change the controlfile configuration autobackup on".. and unfortunately i deleted my controlfile. Then I tried to restore my controlfile but it gives error,now how can i restore controlfile is there any other way to restore controlfile with aautobackup..
I've recently moved jobs and am doing a lot of the normal things getting familiar with my new company's databases.I was checking through our production backup logs and came across something that looks a little funny. From the last two days backups, I see:
select completion_time, marked_corrupt, media_corrupt, logically_corrupt from v$backup_datafile where controlfile_type = 'B' order by completion_time desc
The 01:40 record will come from our nightly command:
The 11AM records will come from the command:
(I know backups shouldn't still be running at 11am and we don't need level 0 backups every night, that's a seperate issue I'll be addressing! ) I see there's been a similar entry here in v$backup_datafile for all backups that there's records for. The database is up and running just fine. There are no unusual errors being reported by the database in OEM or the alert log.I tried looking at both our control files (yes, should have 3 - something else I've listed to change!) with dbverify which showed no issues - though I'm not sure if this is designed to work with control files.
If so, how could I confirm whether it's an issue with a specific controlfile (I'm assuming it's not an issue with the backup to tape itself, as it's reporting the same corruption every day)?I'd obviously like to diagnose this now while the db is up and running, rather than at 4am some morning during a crash and finding out my backup control files are no good!
We're running Database on AIX with no catalog Database.We keep all the backup info in controlfiles only.When we do that backup, we're able to successfully back it up (including archivelogs). But I'm unable to find any records in the controlfiles.
SQL> select * from V$BACKUP_SET;
no rows selected
SQL> sho parameter control
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ control_file_record_keep_time integer 14
I've pasted some of the results of an RMAN backup that I ran. It says that it's backing up both the Control File and the SPFILE, but it appears that only one file is being created. Is this correct? How does this work? Are both files combined into the C-3843121877-20120619-00 file?
Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 19-JUN-12 piece handle=C:ORACLEPRODUCT10.2.0DATABASEC-3843121877-20120619-00 comment=NONE Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 19-JUN-12
Also, regarding the below configuration of RMAN - I can change this directory to whatever I want, correct? In other words, is it just the directory where I am putting the backup?
We have Oracle 11g on Windows and Daily full Netbackup on Tape @3:00 Am and on disk @3:00 Pm .When we try to restore DB with following command it restore control file from Disk and Not from Tape .
RMAN> RUN{ 2> allocate channel t1 type 'sbt_tape' parms='SBT_LIBRARY=C:WINDOWSsystem32orasbt.dll'; SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=ORACLE_DBMS_KTPH12_PROD_BTS_Daily, NB_ORA_SERV=b-nimhp1sys101, NB_ORA_CLIENT= b-btshp1dbs213';4> restore until time "TO_DATE('17-02-2013 03:00:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')" controlfile to 'G:oradataTLPRDdcontrol01.ctl' from autobackup; 5> }
Why it is not restring from Tape and Restoring from DISK?
I want to create binary copy of control file every time I do backup. I am using sql "alter database backup controlfile to ''+FRADG/TESTDB/controlfile/controlfile.ctl'' "; in my rman backup script. If I run it second time I got errors as it does does not allow to overwrite existing one.
I have restored all datafile to new location (that is ASM) earlier it was on file system using set new name command (RMAN). Now when i'm trying to update control file with swicth command it is prompting error. Version is 11g R2.
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "all": expecting one of: "double-quoted-string, integer, single-quoted-string" RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 17 file: standard input
We are trying to restore a database to a cold backup DBID.However while our datafiles were backuped up for 6 months retention we found out subsequent delete obsolete command wiped out the Control file related to this backup piece..Now what is left with this backup piece is just datafiles..
Can we still recover the database with a subsequent controlfile autobackup for the same DBID.?
RMAN-06169: could not read file header for datafile 40 error reason 1 RMAN-06169: could not read file header for datafile 41 error reason 1 RMAN-06169: could not read file header for datafile 40 error reason 1 released channel: oem_disk_backup RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 06/14/2012 07:54:43 [code]...
Could we skip the backup of the above missing files using RMAN -> backup database skip inaccessible;On further research, this would compromise tablespace SYSAUX recoverability...Questions:
1) What caused the above missing files to get created? 2) What is recommended: Recover the datafiles?
I am using RMAN with a recovery catalog option on a separate Database. My question is
When we use catalog does RMAN keep the information in Control file of the Target Database as well or only in recovery catalog? I am asking this in case We lost the database which contains the recovery catalog what to do?
i have read from documentation but getting some error.
in last
E:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>rman Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Sep 30 03:03:09 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/12 connected to auxiliary database: XE (not mounted) RMAN> RMAN> DUPLICATE DATABASE TO xe
Backup-Based Duplication Without a Target and a Recovery Catalog Connection?
I've got a legacy SAP system with oracle 8i on Tru64. No changes at all are made but for legal reasons we have to keep it up and running.
we currently do a full backup monthly by shutting down oracle and doing a backup of all the files to tape and that takes around 12 hours.
If I stop doing the full backup and I only backup the control file and the archived redo log files every month and I had to restore the full database years from now, would I be able to restore the database using the last full monthly backup and use the latest control file and archived redo log files?
i am trying to restore database using rman backup on same machine using command
RMAN> run { 2> set until sequence 23; 3> restore database; 4> recover database; 5> } but it will give me error. RMAN-00571: ======================================================= RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =========== RMAN-00571: ======================================================= RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 03/31/2011 19:18:11 [code]....
I have a live server on which Oracle 10g Database is running. We take full RMAN Backups everyday. Now we want to restore the RMAN Backup file from the Live server to another machine (which is going to be a test system). I want to restore the latest RMAN backup on the test machine (which is not on network).
When I copy the RMAN backup set in the flash recovery area of the test machine and then use "list backup", the backup set is not listed. I also tried "crosscheck backup" and then "list backup" but still the backup set does not appear. how can I register the backup set from live server into test machine and then restore it.
I have an issue with restoring a RMAN backup that i have with me to a new database instance. What i have with me are: 1. Backup of SPFile.
(O1_MF_NCNNF_CTLFILE_BU_92DVGYO2_.BKP)2. Backup of Control file (O1_MF_NNSNF_SPFILE_BU_92DVGW9H_.BKP)3. Full database backup (O1_MF_NNSNF_FULLPROD_BU_92DVGW9H_.BKP)
I have received these files from a customer environment and I need to restore these to a new database instance in a local machine. I have given a attempt as follows (in Oracle 10g): 1, Created a new database instance (Test75) using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant2. SET ORACLE_SID = Test753. Connected to this instance using RMAN4. Tried to restore the SPFILE from the received BKP file.I am getting errors and cannot proceed. I am not sure whether I am executing the correct steps.
So /dd_oraback is a Data Domain mount. Not sure if that makes any difference or not.
I have an oracle autoback of controlfile and spfile. I am trying to restore the production database using this backup, into a new server with a different directory structure.
I have completed the following steps in the restore process.
1. Creating a pfile from spfile
2. Changing the the location of cdump, udump, bdump and the control files ( there are three )
3. Then creating a spfile from this pfile
I am stuck on the next step where to rename all the datafiles and tempfile and restore the database. Following is what I did.
After mounting the database in RMAN, tried to run the following.
RMAN> run 2> { 3> allocate channel c1 device type disk 4> ; 5> @/home/oracle/rman_scripts/newloc.rman 6> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/system01.dbf'; 7> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/undotbs01.dbf'; 8> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/sysaux01.dbf'; 9> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO '/u02/oradata/dorian/users01.dbf';
I am getting the following error message.
Starting restore at 25-JAN-2012 21:26:48 released channel: c1 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 01/25/2012 21:26:49 RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 30 RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 29 RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile 28
I am trying to backup my control on a STBBY DB(RAC) and I am getting the ollowing error.
ORA-00245: control file backup failed; target is likely on a local file system
what the issue is? Note the FS is ACFS and can see on all my nodes
show all; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name PA01INS_IM3L059B are: CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # default CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION OFF; # default
ACFS file system
df -h /share/dbbkup/oracle/PA01INS/rman Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/asm/pa01ins-33 75G 2.6G 73G 4% /share/dbbkup/oracle/PA01INS rman cmdfile=control.rman