Periodic Data For Microbatch Process From Oracle

Sep 7, 2012


A client of us has given us a new requirement to write batch extracts from an operational database. While that per se is not the issue it is the peculiar circumstances that have made it a bit of head ache.

i. The database is an operational system (for telco billing)
ii. THe data from key tables of events etc. has to be replicated to downstream systems like the data warehouse, reporting areas etc. every 15 mins.
iii. Needless to say there are about 50 million records to unload from the table.
iv. The tables are partitioned and tuned for operational purposes.
v. The dba are a bit touchy (surprise!) about persons accessing their db directly for unloads
vi. There is no stand by or replication from this database

So, given the above what would you experts recommend as an option. We had recommended a golden gate based solution however that has is thought of long term solution as it will involve purchases and some POC. Would be grateful if persons can enumerate options, tools, 3rd party options or oracle design solutions .

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Periodic Script To Enhance Database

Feb 14, 2013

I would like to ask as a DBA , if there is any standard scripts available for oracle that we can run weekly which can rebuild indexes, update the statistics or enhance performance?

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Process Using With Data

Mar 13, 2010

Need to use same query to decode and then use data based on the lower between clause to show

WITH DATA AS (select tb.address_id,DECODE(tb.month,
'1', '01',
'2', '02',
'3', '03',
'4', '04',
'5', '05',
'6', '06',


Output should come from the inner query only where between condition works..

so we should see only those addressids for 10-2009 to 11-2009.

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Need To Process French Language Data

Apr 6, 2010

I've recently been asked to replace certain English text fields with their French translation. I thought I could do this with the replace function: line_desc_reformed := replace(l.Line_Description,'Labor Item for Regular Hours','Main d uvres pour les heures rgulire');

The special characters do not get translated. So I tried the CONVERT function: line_desc_reformed := CONVERT(line_desc_reformed, 'WE8MSWIN1252', 'WE8DEC').

All gets translated except for the tick mark after the d. It gets replaced by an upside down? I have tried several different language sets and can not get that to convert.

also when using the dbms_xmldom to convert this to xml, the also gets replaced by an upside down ?. I don't belive you can change the charset when using this package.

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Which ASM Process Will Manage Copy Of Data To New Failgroup

Jan 10, 2013

I have a diskgroup with normal redundancy level (2 two failure groups) working fine. I desire add a new failgroup to diskgroup (changing the redundancy level to high).

Which ASM process will manage the copy of data to new failgroup? Are there some way to control or tuning this process?

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Data Guard Managed Recovery Process Is Not Working

Mar 15, 2012

My standby database was working fine which was running in maximum performance mode .Suddenly i found that logs are not being applied though archived logs are received from primary database.i issued the command in mount mode: alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

altered database this command runs successfully. but MRP process in not initiated which i confirmed with the query (select process,status from v$managed_standby;)

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Process XML Data Passed In Parameter

Oct 7, 2011

I have a requirement to extract data from an XML formatted string that is passed as an IN parameter to a database stored procedure. I do not have a table to store the XML, nor an XML schema, nor a namespace, just the XML string. While new to XML, I do understand the basics. Using XMLTable I am able to parse out the simplest of XML data. My problem is this; attempting to extract data from nested XML nodes results in the error

'ORA-19279: XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - got multi-item sequence'.

Testing a solution example I found on this site by Barbara Boehmer, I still get the ORA-19279 error. I suspect it may be because I have version 10g while she has version 11g. Her solutions is from #msg_514154. Here is that code that gives me the error:

SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT x."deptno"
2 FROM (SELECT '<departments><deptno>1</deptno><deptno>2</deptno></departments>' col FROM dual) xml_data,
4 ('/departments/deptno'
5 PASSING XMLTYPE (xml_data.col)
7 "deptno" number path '/deptno') x
8 /


2 rows selected.

As I said, this example generates the ORA-19279 error. Need processing XML data from an IN parameter?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Which ORACLE Process Get More CPU

Apr 23, 2012

I want to know that the below 28249 PID running in which oracle process ., Because it consumes consuming 100% CPU load.

29249 oracle 25 0 1217m 48m 48m R 100.0 1.3 18364:47 oracle

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Server Utilities :: How To Process ASCII Character 29 While Loading Data With SQL Loader

Jul 20, 2010

i have to upload a file in database, the column seperator is ASCII CHARACTER 29, i dont know how to specify that in loader file?

how to write this - fields terminated by ' ' in sql file, which i am calling from a batch file.

i have attached the text file which i am trying to upload, here field seperator is ASCII CHARACTER 29 and record seperator is NEW LINE CHARACTER.

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Application Express :: Include Data Files As Part Of Export Process?

Jan 14, 2013

if it is possible to include 'data' files as part of the Application Export process. Up till now I've only been able to include supporting object files which will recreate a table structure but not the data records - I've been creating the latter outside of APEX.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Oracle Background Process Works

Jul 12, 2011

how oracle background process works and in what sequence when we file an insert or update command?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Backend Process Of Oracle Database

Dec 9, 2010

i want to know the backend process of Oracle DB.because when ever we are taking about DB , so many things are coming into pictures like Physical,logical structures,instance,schema,servers,storage and all. Actually i know what is oracle and why we are using that .

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Out Of Process Memory Error When Upgrading From Oracle To

Apr 7, 2012

I got the following error when upgrading from Oracle to Oracle version using catupgrd.sql script.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

SP2-1519: Unable to write to the error log table sys.registry$error
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga
heap,redo read buffer)
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga
heap,redo read buffer)
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8168 bytes
(callheap,kcbtmal allocation)
Process ID: 81984
Session ID: 1 Serial number: 5


My machine environment is:

UNIX AIX 5.3 level 12
RAM size 2GB
ulimit settings:
> ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) 131072
stack(kbytes) 32768
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) 2
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited

Currently i tried to increase SGA & PGA to possible extent, but still getting this error? Is there any change required in ulimit, RAM etc?

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Oracle Stream Error At Create Capture Process?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm configuring Oracle Streams 11g. When I'm trying create capture process I receive this error:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 372
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 312

User stream administrator "stradmin" has dba role in both source and target databases.

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Process Exceed SGA_MAX_TARGET

Jul 17, 2012

I have an Oracle Database 11gR2 installed on Windows 2008 server. But there is a kind of hang sometimes arise during work hours. while i am opening control panel i saw oracle process is around 15G even we configured SGA_MAX_TARGET=6g.

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Backup & Recovery :: Process Of Setting Up DR Environment For SAP And Oracle Database

Feb 7, 2012

We are in the process of setting up a DR environment for our SAP and Oracle databases . The netapp and our architects came up with solution as follows .

1.Standby databases are built for all production databases.
2.The SAP file systems are replicated to the secondary site
3.The Oracle logfiles and controlfiles are replicated by netapp snap mirror every 10 mins interval
4.The database is recovered through recover standby database every 15 mins at standby site
5.Please note there is no data guard involved .
6.To test the failover , the mirror is broken .The standby controlfile is replaced with Production controlfile and Redo logs files.
7.The standby database issued a startup comnmand and it worked .

Would like to know whether the step 6 is a correct approach ? I tried to convince the architects that this will result in a very disastrous situation for us but none is listened to .

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Server Administration :: Getting Total Number Of Processes And Currently Used Process In Oracle?

May 4, 2012

is there any view in oracle for getting the total number of processes and currently used process in oracle? i am using oracle

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Oracle 11g R2 - (SHAD) Process Causing ORA-00020 Maximum Number Of Processes

May 23, 2013

Oracle 11g R2 on WIndows 20o8 R2 Standard edition

I have a test server that keeps running into ORA-00020: maximum number of processes error each night. Our current setting is '600' processes to be allowed. There are no users to this database except myself. No front end app connects to it either.

I found that ORACLE.EXE (SHAD) process coming from SYSMAN user is the one eating up all the processes and eventually causing that error.

From v$session, the program is OMS.

From v$process, the hostname is the server itself.

I narrowed it down to restarting the ConsoleService, if i do that, then the number of processes drops down. So now im not sure why something within the ConsoleService is logging in, taking a process and not releasing it...What i can check?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: DMP File In Oracle XE - Failed To Process Parameters

Jul 18, 2012

I am getting the following error while trying to import dmp file in oracle xe:

D:>imp system/manager file=pune_ucf.dmp tables=(ARR_TOT, DE
P_TOT) grants=no indexes=no rows=yes ignore=yes log=loc.log buffer=100000000;
LRM-00104: '100000000;' is not a legal integer for 'buffer'

IMP-00022: failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully.

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Server Administration :: Unable To Find Server Process In Oracle Database For Specific Application / Client

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to find the unix process for one of my application in the database but I am unable to view the same. To simulate, I did the following.

1. My database runs on different server.
2. I invoked "sqlplus" from another unix box to login to the database.
3. I found that the process id (ps -ef |grep sqlplus).
4. When I execute the below mentioned query it does not display the process id that I am looking for. But the osuser, username, program and machine details are correct. How can I know the process details from the database?

and SYS.GV_$SESSION.MACHINE like '%hostname%'

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Windows :: Installation Process Of Oracle 10g At Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit?

Feb 27, 2012

can i install oracle 10g at windows 7 ultimate 32 bit

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What Is Slave Process

Jan 19, 2013

What is slave process? why we use slave process? when it is used?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handling Circular Data In Oracle / Get Disjoint Sets Of Data Connected By 2 Values

Sep 29, 2011

I have this table :

column1 column2
--------- ---------
value1 value2
value1 value3
value2 value4
value3 value7
value7 value1
value8 value9

What I was trying to retrieve is something like that:

value1, value2, value3, value4, value7
value8, value9

I donĀ“t care about the order of the values in the row. In other words, I want to get disjoint sets of data connected by any of both values.Every pair in the input table is unique.

I have seen in the web that it is possible to do using connect by and hierarchical retrieving but I've been trying to make a lot of combinationts and I can reproduce the output.

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ODP.NET :: Cannot Find Oracle Data Source In Entity Data Model Wizard

Dec 19, 2012

I'm trying to add edmx file in my project for first time. I want to choose the oracle provider but cannot find Oracle in the data source list. I have oracle 11g installed , odp and odt installed and can access it from the solution as well. I saw the Oracle listed under data source when I tried to connect the solution to the database through server explorer. The solution is connected to Oracle database through ODP.

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List All Process Description?

Feb 9, 2012

are there a table/view that lists all process with description like the DICT does for the data dictionary views?

I wanna know for example the description of J001 or Q001 process for example.

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Process Queries Parallel?

Feb 2, 2005

On a tab page should be displayed the result of four indifferent queries, each based on a stored procedure.At the moment, the queries are processed serially, by the statements:


Is there a way to processes the queries parallel ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Stop Loop On One Process?

Jul 3, 2010

i want check some data from one process instead of last record


process data
uuu 1
ppp 1


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Finding Correct DB Process?

Feb 7, 2013

1. I have 6 data bases, one process is running slowly, how do you find which data base that process belongs to?

2. I have 6 data bases, only one data base we have ASM instance, how do you find which data base has ASM?

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Forms :: Process ID Of Browser?

Apr 28, 2011

I captured the process id of the browser. I wanted to know whether the process id of the browser is dead or not after we close the browser. How can I check the condition for the process id in oracle forms?

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PL/SQL :: Failed To Process SQL Command

Apr 29, 2013

There is a stored procedure to which i am trying to schedule, but getting error as below:" Failed to process SQL command

-ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 124
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 271
ORA-06512: at line 2 "

I am not getting where issue is, as i am new to ORCL SQL Dev.

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