we are doing a fresh install of oracle10g on a ubuntu 64bit os.Our previous installation on ubuntu 32bit os was successful.On our installation on the new server we came upon this:
TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production NL-00280: error creating log stream /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/log/listener.log NL-00278: cannot open log file SNL-00016: snlfohd: error opening file Linux Error: 13: Permission denied
Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above..and this
Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files: /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin/sqlnet.ora Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
I got the following error when upgrading from Oracle to Oracle version using catupgrd.sql script.
================================================================= CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY kupm$mcp wrapped * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error ERROR: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
SP2-1519: Unable to write to the error log table sys.registry$error ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga heap,redo read buffer) ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8392728 bytes (pga heap,redo read buffer) ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 8168 bytes (callheap,kcbtmal allocation) Process ID: 81984 Session ID: 1 Serial number: 5
lv_ret := WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.AS_To_Client_with_progress(lv_clnt_file, lv_srvr_file, 'Download from Application Server in progress', 'Please wait');
to download a file to my H: drive.Here lv_ret is a boolean variable.The file is not downloaded to my H drive when there is no enough space.How to capture that error?
I have a .sql file that is used as a wrapper file that when executes within sqlplus (, executes a bunch of .sql files within it. Example below:
Each of the .sql file (A,B,C,D,E) Spools individual output of sql statment within them. Each of the indv .sql file queries different tables with different filters(where) clause.
I would like to capture any error (OS,SQL,DB) into indv error file (A_ERROR.log). The reason being is because later in the process we need to validate if there were any errors before processing and loading the data into our SQL database
I'm trying to install Oracle10g in win7 Home premium. It is installing but problem is when installation process trying to create database on the system, a message is appearing which telling that ORA-12546:TNS:permission denied.
How to capture key press in oracle forms 6i.My intention is to create a form with 2 blocks. First block have one text item which user will input data and second block displays data based on the value typing in the text item(Same like LOV).
My collection is not working as expected, what could be the issue here. This is what i did,
1. I created a collection in a process to fire on page load
if apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name=>'MMMM') then apex_collection.delete_collection(p_collection_name=>'MMMM'); end if; APEX_COLLECTION.CREATE_OR_TRUNCATE_COLLECTION(p_collection_name => 'MMMM');
2. On my page i have a text field P1_text1 when i enter value into text field like ="sample data" i want this data loaded into my collection, so i created a button and added a process(on submit - before computations...) so it should insert into the collection when i click the button but no data is loaded, process:
1): In logminer logfile analyzing, I had added all the online redo log files in the below procedure: EXECUTE dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(..... Options => dbms_logmnr.addfile).
Then 2):I mentioned 3 days at the STARTTIME & ENDTIME in the procedure of LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR(...)
But it shows the below error msg:Ora-01291: missing logfile.
Earlier I am using oracle 10g ( and now we are planning to use 11gR2 ( are using oracle stream functionality in 10g. I just want to know is there any new feautre available in 11g which replace the stream functionality? we dont want to use stream (in 11g) any more.
What is the stream's "tag" equivalent in Golden gate ?My tables are already in GG replication, but i want to do few insert in to source which i dont want to replicate to target.
Due to firewall restriction, i have to configure the streams in queue forwarding. Intermediate database will hold two different ip's (one from source and another to target) and will not talk each other.
I want to monitor the stream activity with strmmon tool. How to compile the strmmon.mk? I was seeing with visual studio command prompt but it does not work properly.
i want to know the backend process of Oracle DB.because when ever we are taking about DB , so many things are coming into pictures like Physical,logical structures,instance,schema,servers,storage and all. Actually i know what is oracle and why we are using that .
A client of us has given us a new requirement to write batch extracts from an operational database. While that per se is not the issue it is the peculiar circumstances that have made it a bit of head ache.
i. The database is an operational system (for telco billing) ii. THe data from key tables of events etc. has to be replicated to downstream systems like the data warehouse, reporting areas etc. every 15 mins. iii. Needless to say there are about 50 million records to unload from the table. iv. The tables are partitioned and tuned for operational purposes. v. The dba are a bit touchy (surprise!) about persons accessing their db directly for unloads vi. There is no stand by or replication from this database
So, given the above what would you experts recommend as an option. We had recommended a golden gate based solution however that has is thought of long term solution as it will involve purchases and some POC. Would be grateful if persons can enumerate options, tools, 3rd party options or oracle design solutions .
I have an Oracle Database 11gR2 installed on Windows 2008 server. But there is a kind of hang sometimes arise during work hours. while i am opening control panel i saw oracle process is around 15G even we configured SGA_MAX_TARGET=6g.
We are in the process of setting up a DR environment for our SAP and Oracle databases . The netapp and our architects came up with solution as follows .
1.Standby databases are built for all production databases. 2.The SAP file systems are replicated to the secondary site 3.The Oracle logfiles and controlfiles are replicated by netapp snap mirror every 10 mins interval 4.The database is recovered through recover standby database every 15 mins at standby site 5.Please note there is no data guard involved . 6.To test the failover , the mirror is broken .The standby controlfile is replaced with Production controlfile and Redo logs files. 7.The standby database issued a startup comnmand and it worked .
Would like to know whether the step 6 is a correct approach ? I tried to convince the architects that this will result in a very disastrous situation for us but none is listened to .
I have a test server that keeps running into ORA-00020: maximum number of processes error each night. Our current setting is '600' processes to be allowed. There are no users to this database except myself. No front end app connects to it either.
I found that ORACLE.EXE (SHAD) process coming from SYSMAN user is the one eating up all the processes and eventually causing that error.
From v$session, the program is OMS.
From v$process, the hostname is the server itself.
I narrowed it down to restarting the ConsoleService, if i do that, then the number of processes drops down. So now im not sure why something within the ConsoleService is logging in, taking a process and not releasing it...What i can check?
I am getting the following error while trying to import dmp file in oracle xe:
D:>imp system/manager file=pune_ucf.dmp tables=(ARR_TOT, DE P_TOT) grants=no indexes=no rows=yes ignore=yes log=loc.log buffer=100000000; LRM-00104: '100000000;' is not a legal integer for 'buffer'
IMP-00022: failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully.
I need to create PROCEDURE to create user in oracle
Error: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BEGIN" when expecting one of the following:
; is with authid deterministic parallel_enable as Line: 9 Text: BEGIN
i want that the customer execute PROCEDURE (user_id,password,PROCEDURE )
I am using Oracle Internet Directory to store user information and OID delegation administratibe services for user entry. An an admin I created a privileges group called admins. Users belonging to this group can create user, delete users, edit users, and edit groups. I created 'User A' and assigned him to the group. Now 'User A' creates 'User B' and assignes him to the group. However when 'User B' creates 'User C' he gets the error [LDAP: error code 50 - Insufficient Access Rights].
This happens even though 'User B' belongs to the admin group which has the privilege to create users.
I'm trying to do is create 4 simple tables. This is my first project using SQL so I'm totally new to it, not just SQL itself but database design/management, including foreign/primary key concepts. I think that's why the errors are being generated due to a duplication of foreign key names (perhaps?) but I really don't where I'm going wrong with the design structure in terms of the FK's and the relationships.
Added the error report in the attachment.
Create Table Hotel (Hotel_No Char(4 Byte) Not Null, H_Name VarChar2(20 Byte) Not Null, H_Address VarChar2(30 Byte), Constraint Hotel_PK Primary Key (Hotel_No));
I am returning a refcursor as OUT parameter in my stored procedure. I would like to capture a no data found for the refcursor. Is there a way I can raise the exception without compromising the performance?
I have tried the below options that are not working.
1. If I run a SELECT query to check for records and then OPEN the refcursor for that SELECT, then it takes a performance hit as I am reading the table twice.
2. I can FETCH a refcursor into a table type and check the count in the table to raise exception.But once I fetch from a refcuror, the data is gone. So, this option does not work either.