Forms :: Capture Key Press In Oracle 6i

Jun 14, 2010

How to capture key press in oracle forms 6i.My intention is to create a form with 2 blocks. First block have one text item which user will input data and second block displays data based on the value typing in the text item(Same like LOV).

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Forms :: Capturing Key Press In Oracle?

Feb 27, 2012

I have one requirement,i need to capture the details keystrokes of what user is entering in the form.

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Forms :: Key Press In Text Item

Oct 9, 2010

A form with two text fields text1 and text2. Now i want to enter text value in the text1 field and subsequently this value entered into text2. i.e if i want to press x in text1 it also in the text2. if i want to press y in text1 it also in the text2. and so on without using enter key.

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Forms :: Search Records When Press Next Button?

Jan 17, 2013

i want to search records when i press next button.suppose my form contain following item


i want to search 'A' when i press next button cursor should go on 'A' one by one

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Forms :: Inserting Multiple Records On Button Press

Jun 17, 2012

I have Multi record Block and for that block i have created one button, if we press that buttion it will open new block and it will post the records, Unfourtunately that block table dont have Primary key or any constraints .. so when we press that buttoon multiple times .. its posting multiple times..

Now i need to restrict to that which is should not post the records multiple timies i have tried by controling the paraemter..I have created one Non data base item initially value i assigned to 'N"

if the value is "N" then am doing process and showing the records and after processing am assigning the value to 'Y', if there are multiple records , at block level in pre-record trigger am assigning as 'N'.

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Forms :: Invalid Asset - Press F9 To See List Of Values?

Dec 6, 2010

invalid asset . . . press f9 to see list of values

The above message appears on the item when I call lov.

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Forms :: How To Run Report When User Press Execute Query Button

Oct 10, 2010

Following is basic program that i create : When User Press Execute Query Button at Run time ,then Program shows him Detail Of employess from Employess Table In Form Style .For example If Present Record is Of Employee Number 7369 ,Then user can Have also the option or button that by which he can also view Report Of Employee Number 7369 .

I am unable to understand that i need to write a code [Report Buitins] for it or i need to do something from REPORTS option avalabe in Forms .

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Forms :: Execute Last Query Fired On Form When Someone Press CANCEL Button

Nov 8, 2005

i am writing a code on form "CANCEL" button which mean to cancel the current user action .now if the last action was execute_query so when user click the cancel button so my logic should capture the last query fired on form through ":SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY" and then execute the last query through EXECUTE_QUERY but my problem is that how i execute my last_query through execute_query.

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Forms :: Capture Image Through Webcam

Sep 17, 2007

How can i capture an image using webcam connected to my PC and show that in the image item in my d2k form 6.0.I want to get the function in a when button pressed trigger.

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Forms :: How To Capture Return Value From LOV At Run Time

May 30, 2012

I have a field say field A which has to be enabled/disabled based on the return value from an LOV.

ex: if lov returns A then field A should be enabled anything other than A, then field A should be disabled.

Do we have any function to get the return value from LOV?

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Forms :: Trigger To Capture User Details

Jan 16, 2012

I have a table in that i have some columns along with that four columns to capture the user details. but these details must be captured whenever a user insert or update or delete his credentials must be captured in these columns. but i am not figuring out in which trigger i have to write and how.

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Forms :: How To Capture Date And Time In Separate Fields

May 8, 2012

I want to capture date and time in separate fields from user and save it in single column in table

example: user enters date and time
Date : 08/05/20212
Time : 18:50:00

At the time of save I want to save [08/05/2012 18:50:00].

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Forms :: Post-Block Trigger - Trying To Capture Previous Item?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a form w/a tab canvas. BlkA is on Tab1 and Blk2 is on Tab2. In BlkA I have several items that have when-validate-item triggers. However, the trigger does not fire when I enter a value into item1 of BlkA followed by clicking on Tab2. To solve, I placed validate(form_scope) in the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger. This works well with invoking the validation. However, focus remains on Tab2 (Blk2).

I would like focus to return to failed validation item in Blk1. I can capture the block name using :system.cursor_block in the Post-Block trigger of BlkA, assign that value to a form parameter and when a validation fails via the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger I can return user back to BlkA(Tab1). However, I need direction on how to return user to the specific item in BlkA that failed validation

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Oracle Stream Error At Create Capture Process?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm configuring Oracle Streams 11g. When I'm trying create capture process I receive this error:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 372
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 312

User stream administrator "stradmin" has dba role in both source and target databases.

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Forms :: Enable A Button - Capture Trigger That Fires On Pressing Exit

May 23, 2011

I have a situation where one form calls another. I am opening the other form(say B) using the below code.

temp_form formmodule;
temp_form := FIND_FORM ('D:RSSQ2TestingpurposesMODULE3_MULTIPLE');


On Form B there is an Exit button on click of which it closes the Form B and returns to Form A

close_form('MODULE3_MULTIPLE') ;

In my scenario on Exit from FORM B i need to enable a button on FORM A.I am not able to capture the trigger that fires when I Press the Exit

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Capture NO_DATA_FOUND From Ref Cursor?

Feb 11, 2013

I am returning a refcursor as OUT parameter in my stored procedure. I would like to capture a no data found for the refcursor. Is there a way I can raise the exception without compromising the performance?

I have tried the below options that are not working.

1. If I run a SELECT query to check for records and then OPEN the refcursor for that SELECT, then it takes a performance hit as I am reading the table twice.

2. I can FETCH a refcursor into a table type and check the count in the table to raise exception.But once I fetch from a refcuror, the data is gone. So, this option does not work either.

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Capture On 10g Schema Wise

Jul 1, 2013

OS : Windows 2003 DB : I am doing capture and replay first time.I want to take 2 captures at a time. 1st capture for 2 schemas and 2nd capture for other schemas.Is it possible?I have searched on internet but didn't get any clue about it..

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Capture Information From AWR Snapshots

Oct 20, 2010

The sqlcache is getting over-written.I would like to capture information from AWR snapshots and feed those (as a workload) into the DBMS_ADVISOR.I can't see where it's possible (other than manually creating my workload from AWR information)

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Capture IP Address In DB Trigger?

Mar 22, 2013

I am running 11.2. Within a DB trigger, I need to capture the IP address of the client making the change. I see there is a SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') built in. Is this the correct way to capture the IP of the client making the change?

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SPM Auto Load Capture And Use?

Sep 12, 2012

I was reading about Oracle SPM feature, but i have questions in mind for automatic feature..

* if we have set both capture and use parameter true. Oracle will automatically capture Plans, but will it automatically evolve new plans to accepted or it will wait for evolve it manually before using new plan.

* If it Automatically evolve, when and how will it?

* If it Automatically, will change old plan's flag accepted to No? or add one more accepted plan

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PL/SQL :: Need To Only Capture Changes And Their Effective Dates

Apr 9, 2013

I need the effective dates (start and end) of marital status changes in sequential order, without duplicate rows over the same time frame. (Per_all_people_f table only). For example below, I only need the items that are in bold. I am very new to pl/sql and cannot figure out how to do this.

When I do this in sql with Min date and max date; the 1st and 2nd blocks are correct, the 3rd block has wrong end date and 4th block is entirely missing as the 'M' is already counted for in block 1 even though it occurred after other status changes.

Example of the rows and what I need in BOLD below:
So no gaps in time and it captures the effective date range for that particular marital status; I need to get:
1st block 'S' 10/23/2000 - 4/12/2004
2nd block 'M' 4/13/2004 - 10/1/2006
3rd block 'D' 10/2/2006 - 5/23/2007
4th block 'M' 5/24/2007 - 12/31/4712

Actual data in table I do get on a query with no restrictions:

490 *10/23/2000* *4/12/2004* 0 US S F
490 *4/13/2004* *10/1/2006* 0 US M F
490 *10/2/2006* 2/12/2007 0 US D F
490 2/13/2007 *5/23/2007* 0 US D F
490 *5/24/2007* 10/7/2010 0 US M F
490 10/8/2010 11/15/2012 0 US M F
490 11/16/2012 *12/31/4712* 0 US M F

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How To Capture SQL Statement For Analysis

Aug 27, 2012

we have 1 server oracle and many clients. when client sends sql statement to server.How to Capture sql statement to analysis before it sent to server and execution.

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CP01 - Restarting Capture Due To ORA-26840

Nov 19, 2011

I have this error when I use this to fix it:

re-instantiate the schema.

1. stop the downstream capture and apply processes.

2. Instantiate source schema so we know from what point to start replication

SQL> set serverout on


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How To Capture Storage Space Error

Sep 3, 2009

I am using the below command,

lv_ret := WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.AS_To_Client_with_progress(lv_clnt_file, lv_srvr_file,
'Download from Application Server in progress', 'Please wait');

to download a file to my H: drive.Here lv_ret is a boolean variable.The file is not downloaded to my H drive when there is no enough space.How to capture that error?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Capture Queries Run By 3rd Party Tool?

Dec 7, 2011

I have this 3rd party tool, which are running SQL queries. I need to see what queries the tool is running and capture them. I enabled tracing but that's not working, as the tool doesn't establish connection, it connects when it has to run the query and then gets disconnected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Capture Log For Failed Login Attempts?

Nov 15, 2011

I am using the below code to capture all important logs when user failed to login on database , but i cant capture the username which are failing to connect on database.

TRIGGER failed_logon_notifications


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Capture And Reference Parameter Value Of Procedure In Another Package

Jun 8, 2011

I need to know how to capture the Parameter Value of a Procedure in a Variable and reference that variable in another Procedure or Package.

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Application Express :: How To Capture User Name Information

Mar 5, 2013

I have created a table A say columns a,b,c,d,E. I have created a application to insert and update and delete rows in to this table.I want to capture when some user inserts , update, delete the rows.

How do I set this variable..

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PL/SQL :: Materialized View Log Used As Change Data Capture

Jan 31, 2013

I have big source tables to load in a data warehouse. We are in a full Oracle environment. So I need to extract only delta since the last extract.

I need to capture even deleted rows from the source table.

I have tested the following solution:

- declare a materialized view log on the source table
- load the content on this view log in my ODS
- empty this view log
- load my DWH with the captured delta

It is very simple and seems to work perfectly. I am just confused by the fact that nobody seems to have implemented such a solution.

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How To Capture TXs From Archive Logs To Replay On 10g Database

Feb 12, 2013

I am looking for a way to capture a TXs from one database and create a script or use it with tool, so we can capture TXs close to production while testing changes being implemented in database.


OS: Redhat Linux 5.0

Actually Requirement: We have active-active Golden Gate setup done for one of our DB and once a quarter we make changes in the database using DDL (CREATE / ALTER - TABLES, FUNCTIONS, TRIGGERS, etc). We are 24/7 environment and hence no downtime is affordable. What I like to know is a way to capture all TXs from one of the DB and create a script so we can run them while we are testing new changes in the database. Something like DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE Package (Available only after 11gR1) or some tools available in the market.

I also tried looking into Load Runner but felt it works with App tier than DB, I may be wrong there.

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