Replication :: What Is Stream's Tag Equivalent In Golden Gate

Apr 13, 2012

What is the stream's "tag" equivalent in Golden gate ?My tables are already in GG replication, but i want to do few insert in to source which i dont want to replicate to target.

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Golden Gate Replication

Apr 29, 2013

Below questions are swirling in my mind while doing some research on Golden gate setup and replication

1) Can we put any time delay between source and target, so that the replication data will be applied after some set of time?

2) If I setup the Golden Gate between Oracle as source and SQL server as destination, then how the core of procedures/views/functions/packages will be replicated to SQL server target?

i.e. is only data replicates between the DBs or the other procedures/views/packages.. etc will also be replicated? If not,then do we need the manual involvement to replicate them?

3) Is it possible to replicate the schemas within the same DB using golden gate?

i.e. if TOOLS DB is shaving schemas A and B, can I replicate the A objects to B schema within the same DB TOOLS?

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Replication :: Golden Gate For Production Cut Over

Feb 4, 2012

I was planning to a production cut over from Aix to linux .I thought GG as an option so that i can have two DBs run parallel and replicate and do a cutover to linux during the change window.

Now the problem i see is that only half the tables have primary key.. so I THINK golden gate cannot be used an an option.

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Replication :: Golden Gate Software?

Jan 14, 2012

I want to learn Golden gate from the scratch.

1) Link for downloading golden gate software. I want to use it on oracle 11g on linux (X86). ( I have downloaded from size 89mb but I'm not sure whether this is the actual version or not!)
2) Easy ,step by step guide to install the software.
3) Documents/link for performing basic operation.

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Replication :: Bi-Directional Replication Through Golden Gate?

Aug 22, 2010

For using replication in our production, here i am testing golden gate as replication tool. I tested all scenario in Uni direction ( source to destination). Now have to test replication with DDL support in Bi-Direction. Not getting any Doc for doing replication in Bi-direction( Two Way). If any one has done the same, then please share limitation of replication in Bi-direction through Golden Gate.

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Golden Gate Bidirectional Replication Inconsistency

Mar 3, 2011

I was trying to test out the bidirectional replication using golden gate 11g . while doing some tests i did find out there are inconsistency in the database.


Database 11gee,Goldengate11g.

Set up a bidirectional replication replication it works fine until i hit the below scenario. I updated 1 record in the source database then i updated same record in the target database . Now i issued commit one by one on both the src/target. Now checking the record in src/target have different values. src containing the value which was committed in target and vice versa in target. leading to data integrity.

How can we resolve the above issues i have tried different options but nothing seems to work till now.

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Replication :: Golden Gate - Manager Not Starting?

Oct 3, 2010

Trying to configure oracle golden gate between oracle 10g and 9i golden gate Manager is not starting

Error in MGR.rpt

Source Context :
SourceModule : [mgr.main]
SourceID : [/home/ecloud/workspace/Build_FBO_OpenSys_r11.[34085]/perforce/src/app/mgr/mgr.c]
SourceFunction : [param_file_args]
SourceLine : [2854]

2010-10-03 09:27:48 ERROR OGG-00303 Unrecognized parameter (<CODE>PORT).
2010-10-03 09:27:48 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.

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Replication :: Meaning Of BOUNDED RECOVERY In Golden Gate

Jan 8, 2012

whats the meaning of BOUNDED RECOVERY in golden gate. I just know RECOVERY in oracle.. What is the difference when you say BOUNDED RECOVERY.

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Replication :: Golden Gate - Replicate Data From Oracle To Sybase

Oct 17, 2007

Implemented the Golden Gate replication tool? In particular, to replicate data from Oracle to Sybase?

No details are needed, just a quick nod indicating "yes, it has been done successfully".

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Golden Gate Errors Out While Configuring?

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to configure Golden Gate but i am running into the following errors while configuring. Given below is the contents of the configuration.

ggssci>edit params mgr
PORT 7809
USERID ggs_owner, PASSWORD ggs_owner
PURGEOLDEXTRACTS /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirdat/ex, USECHECKPOINTS


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Networking And Gateways :: Oracle Golden Gate For SQL Server

Mar 11, 2013

Currently we are loading data from oracle to sql server through oracle 11g gateway. during running scripts most of the queries takes a long time to complete. Because of this performance issue, we want to configure oracle golden gate to move data from oracle to sqlserver. whats the difference between oracle gateway & oracle golden gate? both are performing same functionality?

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Stream Functionality Replacement In 11g

Dec 15, 2010

Earlier I am using oracle 10g ( and now we are planning to use 11gR2 ( are using oracle stream functionality in 10g. I just want to know is there any new feautre available in 11g which replace the stream functionality? we dont want to use stream (in 11g) any more.

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Streams :: How To Configure Stream In Queue Forwarding

Jan 21, 2013

Due to firewall restriction, i have to configure the streams in queue forwarding. Intermediate database will hold two different ip's (one from source and another to target) and will not talk each other.

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Oracle Stream Error At Create Capture Process?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm configuring Oracle Streams 11g. When I'm trying create capture process I receive this error:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 372
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STREAMS_ADM", line 312

User stream administrator "stradmin" has dba role in both source and target databases.

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Networking And Gateways :: NL-00280 - Error Creating Log Stream?

Dec 10, 2012

we are doing a fresh install of oracle10g on a ubuntu 64bit os.Our previous installation on ubuntu 32bit os was successful.On our installation on the new server we came upon this:

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
NL-00280: error creating log stream /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/log/listener.log
NL-00278: cannot open log file
SNL-00016: snlfohd: error opening file
Linux Error: 13: Permission denied

Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above..and this

Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:
Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

since i'm new to server administration thingy,

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Server Utilities :: Using Expdp To Exclude The Stream Objects While Doing Import?

Feb 1, 2012

I am having one prod and one devl with prod having stream setup.

I have to refresh devl with prod , but if i will go by full expdp then db_links also get imported into the devl and may cause problem in devl.

Is there any other way using expdp to exclude the stream objects while doing import.

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Application Express :: How To Stream The Blob File To The Web Browser Without Saving It

Oct 18, 2012

I have a stored procedure that returns pdf as a blob.

Is there any way that this can be streamed to the browser without saving it?

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Call Interface :: Monitor Stream Activity With Strmmon Tool

Dec 20, 2012

I want to monitor the stream activity with strmmon tool. How to compile the I was seeing with visual studio command prompt but it does not work properly.

Oracle Version:
Server: Win 2008 R2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hexadecimal Equivalent

Jun 16, 2011

I need to get the output as ú (Lowercase U-acute) using oracle sql.

SQL> select UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(HEXTORAW('<x>')) from dual;

where <x> represents the hexadecimal equivalent for the character 'ú' ,

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PL/SQL :: Top N Percent Equivalent

Jul 16, 2013

what is the equivalent of Top n Percent in Oracle sql 11g. Here is my requirement:

I have to find stores contributing top 20% of sales: Store Sales PercetageABC200(200/380)*100=52%XYZ100(100/380)*100=26%PQR50(50/380)*100=13%dddd20(20/380)*100=5%rrrr10(10/380)*100=2% 

In the above example I have to get only store ABC as this store alone is contributing more than Top 20%If I change the requirement to Top 70% I have to get store's ABC and XYZ.

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JDeveloper / Java & XML :: Using Input And Output Stream Updating BLOB In Database

Nov 30, 2011

I have little code that's don't really works.

InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
Connection conn = null;
Blob value = null;

I know that there is 90% of Java code. But I have few questions:

I know that I can insert date using INSERT. But is it possible that I can use SELECT and JAVA will know that it need to update the SELECTED column ?

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Upgrade :: 10g Companion CD Equivalent In 11g?

Sep 25, 2013

I am upgrading from to (64 bit) on Windows (64 bit)  I planned to install Oracle on new home and i am not sure wheteher i have to install:  Oracle Gateway and Oracle Examples on the new home.  I am not using any non - oracle so i may not need Oracle Gateway.  I am not sure about examples media . Does it have only examples to learn (or)will it have any optional components which we may require (like companion CD in 10g)?    What about the ODBC and com components will it be installed with the database media itself?  After DB upgradation is it possible to install oracle gateway/examples on the same home?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Would Be The Sybase Str Equivalent In Oracle

Mar 4, 2010

What would be sybase str(approx_numeric [, length [, decimal] ]) equivalent in oracle.

Sybase call :

select str(10000.5555, 6, 3) as Test.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Again Function Of Equivalent Of DATEADD

Apr 19, 2011

Is it possible to send again the function of equivalent of DATEADD in sql for plsql??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Left Function Equivalent In Oracle 9i

Dec 22, 2006

Is there is an equivalent to the 'LEFT' Function of SQLServer in Oracle9i?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Must Return All Equivalent Records

Nov 26, 2012

I've stucked with a query. I have a table that i store the IDs of logically equal records.

For example;
A = B
B = C
X = Y
Z = Y

My query must return all equivalent records. If you call the query with parameter 'A', the result set must contain B and C. And if you call the query with parameter 'Y', the result set will contain X AND Z. I have thought that i can write the query wity using start with connect by statement. But the query does not work as i expected. Here is my code and sample data:

create table temptable (ID1 number,ID2 number);/

insert into temptable values(11,12);/
insert into temptable values(12,13);/
insert into temptable values(13,14);/
insert into temptable values(13,15);/

SELECT distinct ID1 from
SELECT * FROM temptable
START WITH ID1 = 13 OR ID2 = 13
(PRIOR ID2 = ID2))
) WHERE ID1 <> 13

When i call the query with parameter 13, i'm expecting to get 11,12,14,15. But it returns only 12,14 and 15.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Equivalent DECODE For CASE Statement?

Feb 21, 2013

case when age <= 17 then '<= 17'
when age >= 40 then '>= 40'
else to_char(t.age)
end age

the case statement above doesn't work in my 8.1.7 cursor statement within my pl/sql block so I need an equivalent decode

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Query To Get IST equivalent Time

Mar 20, 2013

My requirment is something like below.

My Oracle DB server time is in UTC. which lags by 9:30 mins to to get tHe IST time (Asia/Kolkotta) time for that UTC timezone? I can not hard code +9:30 to UTC as this difference varies as per Daylight savings every 6 months.

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PL/SQL :: Find Equivalent Of Mysql_data_seek In Oracle

Oct 23, 2012

"php 5.3.x + oracle 11g R2 XE 11.2.x.x"...I'm quite new to oracle (2-4 months) and php(2 weeks).I have one query with results that needs to be reused in several parts of my website. I can't seem to find the equivalent of the mysql_data_seek in Oracle. I wanted to reset the cursor/pointer of oci_ fetch ($result) so that I can scroll the result again.So far this are what I have come up:

A. On first fetch put the the results in a php array and call the array later on.
B. Do the query again.
C. Keep on looking for a mysql_data_seek equivalent and fail.

I'm leaning towards option 'A' but I just wanted to consult the experts.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Diff (Month Not Day) Equivalent In Oracle

Jun 16, 2010

I see month aging buckets in the Oracle Application I am using (Keystone time and billing). I need to do a query in directly in Oracle (Toad front end to Keystone database) using month aging buckets . I use the following in Access that matches the results in Oracle, but I need to work directly in Toad because I want to avoid having to bring over all the dates when I want to summarize by buckets.:

2-4 Months: Sum(IIf(DateDiff("m",[invoice date],forms!Reporting_Standard!txtlastdayofmonth) In (2,3),[Outstanding Gross],0))

I know about getting the difference between two dates and that works fine for day aging buckets, but I need months, which can deal with months that are different sizes.

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