Upgrade :: 10g Companion CD Equivalent In 11g?

Sep 25, 2013

I am upgrading from to (64 bit) on Windows (64 bit)  I planned to install Oracle on new home and i am not sure wheteher i have to install:  Oracle Gateway and Oracle Examples on the new home.  I am not using any non - oracle so i may not need Oracle Gateway.  I am not sure about examples media . Does it have only examples to learn (or)will it have any optional components which we may require (like companion CD in 10g)?    What about the ODBC and com components will it be installed with the database media itself?  After DB upgradation is it possible to install oracle gateway/examples on the same home?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hexadecimal Equivalent

Jun 16, 2011

I need to get the output as ú (Lowercase U-acute) using oracle sql.

SQL> select UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(HEXTORAW('<x>')) from dual;

where <x> represents the hexadecimal equivalent for the character 'ú' ,

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PL/SQL :: Top N Percent Equivalent

Jul 16, 2013

what is the equivalent of Top n Percent in Oracle sql 11g. Here is my requirement:

I have to find stores contributing top 20% of sales: Store Sales PercetageABC200(200/380)*100=52%XYZ100(100/380)*100=26%PQR50(50/380)*100=13%dddd20(20/380)*100=5%rrrr10(10/380)*100=2% 

In the above example I have to get only store ABC as this store alone is contributing more than Top 20%If I change the requirement to Top 70% I have to get store's ABC and XYZ.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Would Be The Sybase Str Equivalent In Oracle

Mar 4, 2010

What would be sybase str(approx_numeric [, length [, decimal] ]) equivalent in oracle.

Sybase call :

select str(10000.5555, 6, 3) as Test.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Again Function Of Equivalent Of DATEADD

Apr 19, 2011

Is it possible to send again the function of equivalent of DATEADD in sql for plsql??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Left Function Equivalent In Oracle 9i

Dec 22, 2006

Is there is an equivalent to the 'LEFT' Function of SQLServer in Oracle9i?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Must Return All Equivalent Records

Nov 26, 2012

I've stucked with a query. I have a table that i store the IDs of logically equal records.

For example;
A = B
B = C
X = Y
Z = Y

My query must return all equivalent records. If you call the query with parameter 'A', the result set must contain B and C. And if you call the query with parameter 'Y', the result set will contain X AND Z. I have thought that i can write the query wity using start with connect by statement. But the query does not work as i expected. Here is my code and sample data:

create table temptable (ID1 number,ID2 number);/

insert into temptable values(11,12);/
insert into temptable values(12,13);/
insert into temptable values(13,14);/
insert into temptable values(13,15);/

SELECT distinct ID1 from
SELECT * FROM temptable
START WITH ID1 = 13 OR ID2 = 13
(PRIOR ID2 = ID2))
) WHERE ID1 <> 13

When i call the query with parameter 13, i'm expecting to get 11,12,14,15. But it returns only 12,14 and 15.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Equivalent DECODE For CASE Statement?

Feb 21, 2013

case when age <= 17 then '<= 17'
when age >= 40 then '>= 40'
else to_char(t.age)
end age

the case statement above doesn't work in my 8.1.7 cursor statement within my pl/sql block so I need an equivalent decode

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Query To Get IST equivalent Time

Mar 20, 2013

My requirment is something like below.

My Oracle DB server time is in UTC. which lags by 9:30 mins to IST.how to get tHe IST time (Asia/Kolkotta) time for that UTC timezone? I can not hard code +9:30 to UTC as this difference varies as per Daylight savings every 6 months.

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PL/SQL :: Find Equivalent Of Mysql_data_seek In Oracle

Oct 23, 2012

"php 5.3.x + oracle 11g R2 XE 11.2.x.x"...I'm quite new to oracle (2-4 months) and php(2 weeks).I have one query with results that needs to be reused in several parts of my website. I can't seem to find the equivalent of the mysql_data_seek in Oracle. I wanted to reset the cursor/pointer of oci_ fetch ($result) so that I can scroll the result again.So far this are what I have come up:

A. On first fetch put the the results in a php array and call the array later on.
B. Do the query again.
C. Keep on looking for a mysql_data_seek equivalent and fail.

I'm leaning towards option 'A' but I just wanted to consult the experts.

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Replication :: What Is Stream's Tag Equivalent In Golden Gate

Apr 13, 2012

What is the stream's "tag" equivalent in Golden gate ?My tables are already in GG replication, but i want to do few insert in to source which i dont want to replicate to target.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Diff (Month Not Day) Equivalent In Oracle

Jun 16, 2010

I see month aging buckets in the Oracle Application I am using (Keystone time and billing). I need to do a query in directly in Oracle (Toad front end to Keystone database) using month aging buckets . I use the following in Access that matches the results in Oracle, but I need to work directly in Toad because I want to avoid having to bring over all the dates when I want to summarize by buckets.:

2-4 Months: Sum(IIf(DateDiff("m",[invoice date],forms!Reporting_Standard!txtlastdayofmonth) In (2,3),[Outstanding Gross],0))

I know about getting the difference between two dates and that works fine for day aging buckets, but I need months, which can deal with months that are different sizes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Java Nano-time Equivalent In Oracle

Dec 11, 2011

how to get java nanotime equivalent in oracle

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Upgrade :: Cross Platform Upgrade From Single Instance To RAC

Jun 26, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade a small database (~150GB) from on windows 2003 23bit to RAC on Linux 5.8.The database contains oracle spatial too. A suitable method and link to document to be followed. 

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Upgrade :: ORA-00904 / OBJ$EDITION / Invalid Identifier After Upgrade To

Nov 19, 2012

I recently performed an upgrade on a new server from oracle 10gr2 to oracle 11gr2 (

I take the rman backup from oracle 10g server and restore it on new server where I installed oracle 11gr2.

But on my previous oracle 10gr2 server I enabled the auditing. After doing successful upgrade now when I try to login with any user except sys I receive the following error:

SQL> conn scott/tiger
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "OBJ$EDITION": invalid identifier

I got the workaround by setting the parameter audit_trail=FALSE (Previous value was DB_EXTENDED) .But I want my auditing to be enabled as per y requirements.

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Upgrade :: Upgrade Patch For Enterprise Versus Standard

Sep 22, 2012

is the upgrade patch the same for standard edition and enterprise edition or there are two separate patches?

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PL/SQL :: Save Exceptions Clause Or Equivalent For Insert As Select Statement

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a save exceptions clause or an equivalent for an Insert as select* statement ?

How do I trap the errors in the below statement -

INSERT INTO copy_emp

Is it an all or nothing scenario ?

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Upgrade :: Reference Note IDs For Database Upgrade From To

Oct 22, 2012

find reference note IDs for DB upgrade from to, as I am finding only Exadata which I don't want but I want to find for Ebiz database, on OS - Solaris 10 9/10 s10s_u9wos_14a SPARC.

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade Changes DATA_PUMP_DIR

Jun 6, 2012

Along with existing RMAN backups we do Exports - of our DB using and OS User and Oracle Wallet.Of the DB's we have upgraded the Data Pump Directory

Select * from dba_directories; (there are other commands to get this info as well).

I captured screens from the DBUA upgrades, but did not see an option to change this information.Is there a way to feed this information to the install moving forward. IE, ./DBUA -silent ?

Also, anyone tracked the percentage of storage increase from 10.2/11.1 to 11.2.

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Upgrade :: SYS Table Very Slow After 11g Database Upgrade?

Nov 7, 2012

All my sys tables are very slow after my database upgrade from to on AIX 6.1

For example
select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS; -- taking 19 seconds in and few millisec in

I have deleted and updated fixed and dictionary table statistics , till I facing this issue

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Upgrade :: Patchset Number To Upgrade Oracle

Jun 14, 2012

Know the Patch set number to upgrade a Oracle to on Solaris 10 Spark 64bits?

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Upgrade :: Oracle Upgrade To - Compatible

Jul 19, 2013

I am going to upgrade database from to

1) If compatible is set to 10.2.0 in, will it work ?
2) If compatible set to maximum level, will it affect our application ?
3) Whether any code related problem occurred after upgrading like PL/SQL codes ?

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Upgrade :: Oracle Database Upgrade

Mar 13, 2013

We are planning to upgrade our database from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi to Oracle Standard Edition 11g . We also have oracle apex installed on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi database with oracle apex 3.1

No our plan to upgrade the database and oracle apex to 4.2. Since Oracle Enterprise Edition is licensing is very expensive we though of buying standard edition and upgrade to this version.

can we upgrade the oracle database from enterprise edition to latest standard edition?

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From 9.2.0 To 11gr2

Aug 6, 2012

Iam doing some oracle database upgrade from 9.2.0 to 11gr2 . is it possible to upgrade directly from this 9i version to 11gr2 .

Version : 9.2.0 to 11gr2

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Upgrade :: Compatible Parameter During Upgrade

May 21, 2013

Why COMPATIBLE Parameter is important to be at a certain value before you UPGRADE( to to 11g ?

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Upgrade :: Upgrade To On Linux Environment?

Mar 23, 2013

I try to upgrade to on Linux environment. I have to apply patch P1253900 before the upgrade per oracle doc.

however I got following conflict:

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
Checking skip_duplicate
Checking skip_subset

Conflicts/Supersets for each patch are:

Patch : 12539000
Conflict with 12827726
Conflict details:

Following patches have conflicts: [   12827726   12539000 ] Refer to My Oracle Support Note 1299688.1 for instructions on resolving patch conflicts.

I checked above oracle note, and did not say any resolution.

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Upgrade :: To Upgrade 32bit

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to upgrade the database 32bit from to version in lunux 32 bit . I faced the version incompatibilty error during patchset installation and hence ran the patchset installation with -ignoresysprereqs option.Now during the patchset installation i encountered the below error in in the install logfile.

INFO: Start output from spawned process:
INFO: ----------------------------------
INFO: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/genclntsh
INFO: genclntsh: genclntsh: Could not locate /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/shrept.lst

Need certified os and versions for oracle db 10gr2

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Upgrade :: Database Upgrade From To

Jan 2, 2013

After many tries of upgrade'ing oracle I decided to make backup of my database and then remove and install to recover db. Unfortunately I am not sure how should I perform restoration.I backed up data by calling RMAN> backup database include current controlfile;

After that I moved files from fast_recovery_area and cleared my machine from current oracle release.I also did a copy of directories:


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Upgrade :: Migration / Upgrade 10g / R2 To 11g / 2

Jul 6, 2012

I am looking for for exact steps for migration. The important question ist:

-- If we migrate from 10g to 11g, do we need addition (more) CPU's as currently we have?
-- Do wee need more powerful HW.

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Upgrade :: Oracle 10g To 11g Upgrade

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to come up with a plan for an upgrade that is needed for a server I maintain. It is a Windows 2003 32bit running Oracle on old Hardware. It also has two obscure 3rd party applications that are running on it that directly access the database. These applications are supported by off site consultants.

My initial plan was to Create a Windows 2008 R2 Virtual Server and install the same version of Oracle Using Rman clone the database to the new server. Have the consultants come in and get the applications working. Once everything in the new environment seems to be working fine, run RMAN again and reclone the database to have all the latest data. Then at a later time upgrade the database to 11g 32bit. Virtually no downtime and we could spend all the time we needed getting the applications working and testing the new environment.

The plan is dead right of the bat though because I realize is not supported by Windows 2008 R2. I really did not want to add an Oracle DB upgrade into the mix at the same time. Just because their are so many changes from the old environment to the new that I want to break this down into manageable chunks. And I can maybe get by with 1 day of down time.

So now I am looking at installing 11g on my Virtual Server, Clone the database, upgrade the database, have the consultants come in and get the applications working. All the while we are down. If we run into any problems, which you always do, it just completely blows the schedule.

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