Application Express :: Include Data Files As Part Of Export Process?

Jan 14, 2013

if it is possible to include 'data' files as part of the Application Export process. Up till now I've only been able to include supporting object files which will recreate a table structure but not the data records - I've been creating the latter outside of APEX.

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Application Express :: Get Part Of URL As Part Of Dynamic Action When Clicking A Button?

Nov 3, 2013

I have 3 pages: - Classes: a Classic Report that shows a list of classes and summarises attendance- Class Attendance Report: An Interactive Report that shows a row for each student that attended a class- Attendance Add / Edit Form On the Classes page, the Date value is a Link which passes a filter in the URL to the Class Attendance Report, showing only students who attended the class held on this date On the Class Attendance Report, I want to have a Region Button that, when clicked, goes to the Attendance Add / Edit Form and the Class Date field on this form is automatically populated with the same date value as was being used for the filter on the Interactive Report on the Class Attendance Report Page. So, I click on the Class Date link for 2013-11-01, this takes me to the Class Attendance Report and filters for students who have been already entered as attending on 2013-11-01. If I click on the "Add Attendance" button, it goes to the Attendance Add / Edit form and the Class Date is automatically set to 2013-11-01. I assume I need to do this via a Dynamic Action that runs when the "Add Attendance" button on the Class Attendance Report page is clicked?

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Application Express :: Possible Bug In Export Of Static Files In V4.

Jun 8, 2012

We recently updated to version, and need to do an export of our static files to migrate from our development to test (ApEx run-time) platform. When our DBA attempted to run the export script (we had renamed it from static_file.sql to browser_detect.sql), he received this error:

SQL> @browser_detect.sql
Set Credentials...
Check Compatibility...
Set Application ID...
...static file repository
p_notes=> '');

ERROR at line 14:
ORA-06550: line 14, column 5:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "P_NOTES"

when expecting one of the following:

. ( ) , * % & = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
<an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_
LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_
The symbol "(" was substituted for "P_NOTES" to continue.
ORA-06550: line 14, column 18:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
. ( ) , * % & = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
<an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_
LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset

We took a look at static_file.sql, and noticed this:

l_name    varchar2(255);
l_html_id number := null;
l_name := 'browser_detect.js';

The comma is missing after the p_flow_id parameter. This appears to be a bug in the export. It appears to be happening pretty consistently (other static files for this application, other static files for other existing applications).

I did a search of the forum to see if this issue reported this and checked listing on OTN and I don't see any reference to this particular issue. We're hesitant to just add the comma right now since we don't know whether there may be any other issues in the file it's generating.

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Application Express :: Possible Data Loading Export Bug

Jun 8, 2012

I am using Oracle XE (11g) with APEX and Glassfish for the APEX Listener.I created a Data Upload set of pages and things worked great. I then exported the whole application and imported it into a new environment that was the same except the schema name was different. It was a different owner. I then tested the data upload in the new schema/environment and could not get the data loading to recognize the table. Upon comparison of the Shared Components between the two environments I discovered that the imported application in the new environment was still looking for the original schema name. The name is not editable via the Shared Components page. I had to recreate the pages and have it create a new Data Loading object before things worked again.

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Application Express :: Cannot Use Username Into Conditional Part Of Action Item

Sep 14, 2012

For our customer we have build a custom login page. The form we currently made has de following items:

- Username
- Password
- Select list for selecting the task type

When the customer enters his username, automatically the select list of the task type will be refreshed to get only the task type where the customer has the rights to do it. This part works...It can occur that a customer has only one task type (which is default) then we want to hide the select list. This part doesn't work

We used APEX version 4.1.1.What we did is:

- One action item to refresh the selection list (works)
- One action item to hide the selection list by starting the application (works)
- One action item to show the selection list only when the selection list has more than one result. For this part we used the conditional part of the action item (Function returning a boolean).

In the query (inside the function) we want to use the entered username, looking into the application in the session state I saw the correct username, but for some reason the function cannot use this entered username, it becomes empty. When I use a hardcoded username the code works.

Why I cannot use a username into the conditional part of the Action Item.

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Application Express :: Part Of Screen Is Missing For Dashboard In IE And Google Chrome

Mar 7, 2013

When I see the apex dashboard in the IE or google chrome, part of screen goes missing.Last part of dashboard doesn't come but it works fine in Mozilla Firefox.What should I do? Is there some settings I need to do in IE.I am using the IE version 9.0 for 64 bit.

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To Modify Dbca Template To Include Two Control Files

Nov 14, 2012

I'm trying to modify my dbca template to include two control files. One on ASM +RECO and we we're thinking of adding the second one on the database filesystem $ORACLE_BASE/something/something Within the template there are references to controlfiles two places:

<initParam name="control_files" value="("{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/control01.ctl", "{ORACLE_BASE}/fast_recovery_area/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/control02.ctl")"/>


<ControlfileAttributes id="Controlfile">
<image name="control01.ctl" filepath="{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}/"/>
<image name="control02.ctl" filepath="+RECO"/>

With this configuration there is only one controlfile created and that is on +RECO. What am I doing wrong and also should I add the second controlfile to +DATA instead of fielsystem $ORACLE_BASE?

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Application Express :: Computation To Trim Off First Part Of String Within List Manager Item Values

Jul 1, 2013

A computation after submit pl/sql function process to trim off the first part of the string (CQ..) within the list manager values. Support for example the list manager contains values such as


The computation process should trim off the first part(CQ..) and should return the list manager value as SAMPLE1..TEST1SAMPLE2..TEST2SAMPLE1..TEST2 Oracle APEX 4.0.2 is the version and Oracle 10g r2 is the database. 

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Any Way To Include Sys.aud$ Table In Full Database Export

Jan 2, 2013

I am doing an export using the following parfile information:


However when I run this I do not see the sys.aud$ in the log file. I know I can do a seperate export to specifically get the sys.aud$ table but is there any way to include it in with my full export?

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Application Express :: Obtaining Custom HTTP GET / POST Parameters Of Variable Length In Application Process

Sep 5, 2013

I'm trying to connect a javascript UI control within my page to an APEX Application Process. The control calls the application process via AJAX and appends a variable number of GET / POST parameters to its URL.What is the best way to obtain these parameters from within the PLSQL procedure of the process? Or is there a better way to connect my javascript AJAX control to the Database behind my APEX app?

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Application Express :: Change To Application Process Not Recognized?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to make changes to a PL/SQL procedure in an application process and no matter what I do in the PL/SQL text (even removing semi-colons and messing up syntax) no changes register when I call the procedure from a page process. I've also tried creating a new application process with a similar procedure of a different name, and no page processes will allow me to call the procedure, saying that it needs to be declared. APEX 4.1.1

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Export Data-files To Another Linux Box To Import In Another?

Sep 11, 2012

I am a fairly new dba and we had one of our HP Array cluster's crash to the point where oracle will not startup or mount anymore. I can access the datafiles on the linux server however. Is there a way to export the datafiles to another linux box to import in another database or have I pretty much lost everything (we do have an RMAN backup however it is in a remote location and the only person that knows the password to it is unavailable.

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Application Express :: Application Process Execution?

Jul 26, 2013

Application process (with htp.p in it) does not execute when onSubmit page process returns error (and shows it in notification bar).

How can I make process to execute? Or it is a bug? You can see example in test application Report 1Just press SUBMIT button and see difference near phrase "application process is here" at the top.

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Application Express :: Process Inserting Multiple Row

Feb 22, 2013

I have a process on my page which inserting some tables. one table may have more than one row. say

id1, id2, attr1, desc
1 1001, 1, abc
2, 1001, 4, xyz
3, 1001, 5, hhh

so on. id2 is a fk key in this table. for same id2 it may have more than one row. I have process and following is part of it but getting error that is PLS-00224: object 'P30_QUES' must be of type function or array to be used this way .

v_count number;
v_code number;


select count(*) into vv_count from table1; -- it may have 7 or 8 questions

FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP

select code into v_code from table1 where code = :p30_ques(i);

if :p30_ques(i) is not null then
INSERT INTO table2 (id1, id2, attr1, desc)
values (null,fk_value, v_code,nvl(:p30_ques(i),null));
end if;
end loop;

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Application Express :: Call A Process On Logout URL In 4.2?

Jan 3, 2013

I m using apex4.2 with wls10.3 and database 11g

I m trying to call a process on log out URLIn apex4.1 in authentication scheme we have logout url were we change the page were we need to redirect on logout click

But In apex4.2 under authentication scheme Post-Logout URL

I have given url here like this apex_authentication. logoutp_session _id=&SESSION. &p_app_id=&APP_ID.:117 on this page i have the two process but i m getting error System Unavailable.

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Application Express :: Button Process With DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job

Jul 17, 2012

I need to execute the DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job on click of a button .I tried creating a process (On submit) with DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job('JOBNAME')

when i tried executing directly in db there is no problem, but when i create the process in apex i am running into the following error

ORA-06550: line 2, column 19: PLS-00222: no function with name 'RUN_JOB' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

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Application Express :: How To Add Update Process To Printing A Report

Jun 29, 2012

I followed the directions to print a report using this documentation [URL]....where I setup a report query and a report layout and then add the url to a button that when clicked opens up the report in my chosen format. This all work very nicely. However, I need to update the table behind each record that gets printed and I cannot figure out how to couple the print request and an update process in APEX.

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Application Express :: How To Print Jasper Report From On-Demand Process

Aug 7, 2013

i have a report with a parameter that i would like to print out  from an On demand Process.When there is an Ajax Call Return. i want the report to show before printing.Here is an example of the code used  
l_customerid varchar2(200);
l_customerid:= wwv_flow.g_x01;
select product_id


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Application Express :: Stop Submission Of Process On Refresh Page

Jun 25, 2013

I used to have a button, that called an after submit page process and everything ran fine.The page had loads of buttons, so I got rid of the buttons and created a list instead.I have an entry in a list. Target Type: Page, Page 1, Request is set to RUN_PLAN.This calls a before header page process with a condition of Request = Exp1 and Exp1 is set to RUN_PLAN. When the user clicks the list item, the process is run. This works fine.I also have a report on this page.As the process runs, it is updating a table.The user needs to watch this process running (via the report), so they need to keep refreshing the page.The problem is, that when they refresh the page via the browser refresh button the process is called again. How can I stop the process from running, every time the user refreshes the page. 

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Application Express :: How To Individually Process Each Row Of Tabular Form On Page

Nov 19, 2012

I have to create a tabular form, in which I have each row having an address information in it. I need to individually geocode each of these addresses and process it from the page (I have a web service to do the geocoding) .

How can I process each row of a tabular form individually from a page?

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Application Express :: Unable To Delete Multi Row Update Process?

Dec 8, 2012

I have created a simple page with a tabular form built on a view. The view is on top of a collection that is created when the page is ran. I added a tabular form column validation. I then was going to add a pl/sql process to handle the updates into the db, but before I did that I wanted to delete the ApplyMRU that was created when I first created the tabular form because it does not make sense on my view. When I went to delete the MRU it gave me an error saying "Multi Row Update processes can't be deleted as long as there are validations defined for the tabular form".

I have searched for an answer on this, but so far I have not found much. I am hoping it is something simple that I am missing. I even tried deleting the MRU first and then add the validation, but then it gave me another error about "Tabular form validations require multi-row update processes" I know this was possible in 4.1, but now I am trying it on 4.2

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Application Express :: JavaScript Assign Value Is Not Visible To Page Process

Aug 21, 2012

I have a page (16) and a tabular form when the user select the check box I update the zero page item


this works fine till this point now i have a button will calls page 8 and pass the parameter to page 8 P0_REPORT_REFNO is displaying the selected value but passing null to page 8.I am running the application on

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Migrating Data From Solid Database To Oracle - Flat Files

Aug 14, 2012

I am migrating data from a Solid Database to Oracle, I am using Flat Files to do that.

1.- I download the data to flat files from Solid
2.- I move the files to Oracle server
3.- I upload the data to Oracle

Now, I have done the 90% of the data base, but I have found some tables that has description columns and in this description the users writes enters, so when I try to upload the data to Oracle SQL loader cannot recognize this characters.


'30','0.','13.','0.','0.','0.','0.','0.','6.','0.','6.','0.','0.','|SE RECHAZA B20CS50SNW ^M
DOS MOD. HSC15I41EH,DOS MOD. HSK15I41EH |Agregó: 06/06/2009 12:22:50
|','DEV. A PROV.'

How can I solve this ?

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Application Express :: Create Collection In A Process To Fire On Page Load

Dec 31, 2012

My collection is not working as expected, what could be the issue here. This is what i did,

1. I created a collection in a process to fire on page load

if apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name=>'MMMM') then
end if;

2. On my page i have a text field P1_text1 when i enter value into text field like ="sample data" i want this data loaded into my collection, so i created a button and added a process(on submit - before computations...) so it should insert into the collection when i click the button but no data is loaded, process:

p_collection_name => 'MMMM',
p_c001 => :P1_TEXT1,
p_c002 => 'TESTDATA' );

3. when i run the below query it shows "no data found" ,

SELECT c001,c002
WHERE collection_name = 'MMMM';

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Application Express :: When Email Sending Process Activated Pages Just Hang?

Aug 5, 2012

I have a system that has issues with sending some emails.

When the email sending process is activated the pages just hang.

Are there any logs or anything like that anywhere that i could look at to try and make sense of it.

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Application Express :: How To Change File Character When Export Application (

Feb 5, 2013

I need to change "File Character" when I export application with Apex version, but this option, is not possible. The ComboBox already select with

"Unicode UTF-8]', but I need "ISO-8859-1 - Europa Ocidental",

how can I do change it?

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Application Express :: Restore App From Full Exp Or DB Files

Jan 6, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to recover my APEX application that I built during 10 months. In the first time, I tried to recover, repair, restore...etc. my corrupted database 11g1 without success, in the end with nerves, I delete everything and reinstalled 11g2. Before to delete, I copied all db files including the corrupted one (system01.dbf).

I had wrote a script in order to export after any big change in my DB, a full database (using exp tool).

So now, What I have is :

1 - New and clean database.
2 - Last full export from the older one.
3 - All db files of the old database (noarchivelog).

I can import my schema that I used in my APEX app to contain data and objects (tables, sequences, triggers, views, packages, functions and procedures). But, I can't restore the APEX app.

Is there any way to recover my app from the export or from dbfiles ?

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Application Express :: How To Create Multiple PDF Files

Jan 12, 2013

I have two tables, one with the customer address and another one with a note. May I know how to create a separate PDF file (for each customer) that should start with the customer name/address (from customer table) and followed by a note (from the note table)

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Application Express :: Upload CSV Files To Table Using 3.2 Version

Jul 30, 2013

Using Apex 3.2 version , Need to  Upload .CSV Files  to the Table (T_UPLOAD),

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Application Express :: Importing CSV Files To Database Backend

Dec 15, 2012

There is a report that is generated everyday in the .csv file format that i would want to load into the database. I want to completely automate this process. I don't want to use the load function available in APEX. I use APEX 3.2 Version.

What i mean by automation is that i will create the CSV file and automatically move to a location from which APEX can access the data. I would then write a procedure to fetch the content directly from CSV file and write to the database. What i need is the location from which APEX can access data directly ?

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