Export Data-files To Another Linux Box To Import In Another?

Sep 11, 2012

I am a fairly new dba and we had one of our HP Array cluster's crash to the point where oracle will not startup or mount anymore. I can access the datafiles on the linux server however. Is there a way to export the datafiles to another linux box to import in another database or have I pretty much lost everything (we do have an RMAN backup however it is in a remote location and the only person that knows the password to it is unavailable.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Migrating Data From Solid Database To Oracle - Flat Files

Aug 14, 2012

I am migrating data from a Solid Database to Oracle, I am using Flat Files to do that.

1.- I download the data to flat files from Solid
2.- I move the files to Oracle server
3.- I upload the data to Oracle

Now, I have done the 90% of the data base, but I have found some tables that has description columns and in this description the users writes enters, so when I try to upload the data to Oracle SQL loader cannot recognize this characters.


'30','0.','13.','0.','0.','0.','0.','0.','6.','0.','6.','0.','0.','|SE RECHAZA B20CS50SNW ^M
DOS MOD. HSC15I41EH,DOS MOD. HSK15I41EH |Agregó: 06/06/2009 12:22:50
|','DEV. A PROV.'

How can I solve this ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Upload Linux File To DB Depending On Column Name

Apr 15, 2013

I'm using Oracle Database 11g R2 need to upload Telecom CDRs to the database on daily basis , it's huge data and changeable , an example of my file in linux Redhat 5 server as below ,

INDRtotalduration = 00:00:00
origin_matrix = 4186603ec003ef01
triggering_key = 665000207
Start_Date_And_Time = 03/04/2013 09:24:10
IMSI = 418666651000207

there is no problem with this i think i can use SQLLDR to upload this file , but the problem here the positions of the columns in the file could change depending on user behavior it could be the first row comes in the third row or any row and maybe more rows appears ,

locind = 0
origin_matrix = 4186603ec003ef01
Start_Date_And_Time = 03/04/2013 09:24:10
INDRtotalduration = 00:00:00
IMSI = 418666651000207
triggering_key = 665000207

this is sample of the file i could be more than 100 rows , and the position of the field and field names could be change every time depending on the Subscriber usage , is there any way to upload the file but after checking the field name in the file and matching to corresponding column name in the table .

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Using Datapump On Windows Client When Database Is On Linux

Jun 13, 2013

the database (11gR2) is located on Linux server. A business application is installed on a Windows server with an Oracle client 11g.The application is able to start a datapump export, but as matter of fact the dumpfiles are always written to the Linux-server. The directoryobject is defined as DATA_PUMP_DIR (which is the default directory).

Now we are supposed to change the datapump export in a matterthat the dumpfiles get written to the Windows server. Creating a new directory (e.g. c:datapump) and starting than the datapump from theclient always raises the errors 

ORA-39002: ...ORA-39070: ...ORA-29283: ...ORA-06512: in "SYS.UTL_FILE", Zeile 536ORA-29283: ... 

Is it possible at all to start a datapump export from a Windows client and writing the dumpfiles to the Windows server itself? Or do the dumpfiles  always written to the database-server?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export And Import Of Data Not Table And Data?

Sep 11, 2012

Export and import of data in oracle forms...i have created 02 boutons one for export his trigger like this:

alrt number;
v_directory varchar2(200) := 'c:ackup'; --- that if the C Drive not the Drive that the windows had installed in it.
path varchar2(100):='back_up'
v_exp varchar2(200) := 'exp hamada/hamada2013@orcl file = '

this code is correct he expot not only the data but also the creation of the table ....for exemple i do export and everything is good until now and i find the .dmp in the folder backup .. but when i deleted all data from my app and try to import this .dmp iit show me error it tell me thet the table phone is already created...just export the data of phone not the creation of table and data ???? or how can i import just the data from this .dmp ??

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Server Utilities :: Multiple Export / Import Dump Files?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to export/import of a schema who's size is around 60 GB.

Export parfile goes like this..
file=expdmp1.dmp, expdmp2.dmp, expdmp3.dmp, expdmp4.dmp, expdmp5.dmp, expdmp6.dmp, expdmp7.dmp

Import parfile goes like this..

file=impdmp1.dmp, impdmp2.dmp, impdmp3.dmp, impdmp4.dmp, impdmp5.dmp, impdmp6.dmp, impdmp7.dmp

I am going to run this on production. So want to check it..

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: IMP With Multiple Dump Files And Remap_tablespace

Jan 17, 2013

I have 3 dump files: A.dmp, B.dmp, C.dmp . Can I use multiple REMAP_TABLESPACE entries in a par file to remap the table spaces for the above dump file?

Parfile would look something like this:


The first remap entry is only relevant to A.dmp file
The second remap entry is only relevant to B.dmp file

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: External Tables Loading Multiple Files From Directory One By One

Oct 4, 2013

the following situation, I have a directory named /dat/global/stock/  inside this i will get files named differently for example below.abcdef.112dfgrt.2......

 Here i want to load this file one by one into the external tables and generate one more file based on some enrichment.

Step 1. Have to take first file and to load into the ext table.
Step 2. Enrichment
Step 3.File generation. 

Now here i am facing a problem that in that particular directory i usually get 1000 files so i need to get file one by one and to put in one more directory. how can i get file one by one and generate file by using oracle loader 

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Filter Some Illegal Rows When Import Data

May 24, 2013

I want to import data in a csv file by SQL Loader.

but , I don't want to import some illegal rows when the column 'name' is null

how can I modify the SQL Loader ctrl file?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error During Data Pump Import With Developer

Sep 17, 2012

I try to transfer data from one database to another one through data pump via SQL Developer (data amount is quite important) exporting several tables. Tables export is doing fine, but I encounter the following error when I import the file (I try data only and data + DDL).

"Exception: ORA-39001: argument value invalid dbms_datapump.get_status(64...=
ORA-39001: argument value invalid
ORA-39000: ....
ORA-31619: ...

The file is in the right place, data pump folder of the new database. User is the same on both base, database version are similar.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Data Pump On Remote Location

Oct 11, 2012

I have one prod server ( servers on Windows 2003 R2 64 bit.

Server Name (PRODDB)

I do not have access to that prod server , i want to take one export data pump from my client machine and due to space issue in prod server , i want to keep dump file in my client machine itself. i can take traditional export and keep the dump file in my client machine but i do not know how to achieve the same via data pump ...

How to generate dump file in client machine itself via data pump ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Data Program (ociuldr) Cannot Run In 64bits Win2008 Environment

Jun 29, 2012

export data program "ociuldr" can not run in 64bits win2008 environment. Where can i download 64 bit version of "ociuldr" program. I have read some article . The article mention that the export data program ociuldr.exe need to recompile into 64 bits version. Finally I also want to ask the import data program sql loader "sqlldr.exe". Can it run in 64 bits environment. Where can i downlaod 64 bits version of "sqlldr" program.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Full Dump But Data Only Import

Feb 15, 2013

When I do the import the of succeeding dump, I drop the existing schema "SQL> drop user username cascade;" and import dump by " impdp system .... ". I would like to import a dump to an existing instance but only data import and will leave the current packages and other metadata untouched and unchanged on the said existing instance.

1. Do i need to drop user before the import if my requirements are the above?

2. If i need to drop user, what should be script.

3. For the import itself, what parameter should i use?

4. What are the necessaries I need to consider before doing the import.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Only Data From The Dmp File

Feb 11, 2013

I received dmp file , and i want to import only data from that file ?

How can we achieve that in oracle Oracle

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Skip Database JOBS During Export And Import

Aug 7, 2012

1) Is there a way to skip database jobs while exporting (EXPDP) ?

2) Is there a way to skip database jobs while importing (IMPDP) ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Why Do Export-import Require Temporary Tablespace

Aug 9, 2012

Why do export-import require temporary tablespace? Since export-import do behave like DMLs, when does temporary tablespace be needed by datapump utility?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Import Table Without Messing Up Existing Data In Table

Sep 6, 2012

table already exist & its little data too, may have to imp rest of lost data, is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y CONSTRAINTS=n

scenerio2 (if have to drop & recreate the entire table) is this the right command?

imp SYSTEM/password FILE=file.dmp FROMUSER=black TOUSER=blake TABLES=(vcr_mappings, tablename2) ignore=Y

just for single table imp

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Application Express :: Include Data Files As Part Of Export Process?

Jan 14, 2013

if it is possible to include 'data' files as part of the Application Export process. Up till now I've only been able to include supporting object files which will recreate a table structure but not the data records - I've been creating the latter outside of APEX.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Data Pump For Migration

Sep 9, 2013

We should migrate our 10gR2 single-instance database with conventional file system to a two-node 11gR2 RAC on ASM (on same Windows Server platform…). 

How can I migrate my production database using data pump? I have full data pump export from target but I don’t know how to import, whether the scheme after scheme, full import, do I need to first create manually tablespaces on destination, whether to exclude the index, constraint, statistics?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Loading Data From CSV File To Table

Aug 22, 2012

I am loading data from a .csv file to table. I tried to load by using EXTERNAL TABLES

Is there a way to specify null in external tables loaded if specific column has no data in the external file(CSV) being loaded ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle 11g - Put Batch ID To Extract Data

Apr 19, 2013

In our application, we are allowing user to upload data using excel sheet in UI. We are using PHP script in UI and using SQL Loader to load data from excel sheet to temp_table.

The temp_table has a primary key.

Here my question is , Is there any way to put some batch id for every upload in that table in automatic way ? so that we can easily extract the data by using batch id . we are using Oracle 11g.

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Globalization :: Migrating Character Data Using A Full Export And Import

Jul 23, 2013

I have a database in my local machine that doesn't support Turkish characters. My NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1, It must be changed to WE8ISO8859P9 , since it supports full Turkish characters. I would like to migrate character data using a full export and import and my strategy is as follows:

1- create a full export to a location in network,

2- create a new database in local machine that it's NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P9 (I would like to change NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY by the way)

3- and implement full import to newly created database. I 've implemented first step, but I couldn't implement the second step. I 've created the second step by using toad editor by clicking Create -> New Database but I can not connect the new database. I must connect new database in order to perform full import.


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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Importing Data In A Partitioned Table

Sep 18, 2012

I have a query regarding importing data in a partitioned table. let me make myself more clear with an example:

I have 1 month table that contains 30 partitions single partition for a single day on one machine say machine A. on another machine say machine B i create the same table with the same script which is on machine A for the same table. i loaded data till 1-15th of a month in Machine A table and rest of 15 -30 Days data into table on machine B at the end i want to import the data on partitioned table on machine B that is from 15th -30th to machine A table. I just want to know whether data is properly imported or not not or i need to specify something

I take export partition wise (15 -30th) 15 partitions dumps and imported into Machine A table. Is it possible that i can import day wise partition from 15th to 30th into a partitioned table which already contains data from 1st -15th partition.

I know this is possible

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Copy Data From Oracle Database To Another?

Jun 6, 2013

I want to Copy a data from One oracle database to another.

I have checked Import/Export Utility but the problem is import utility doesn't support conflicts resolution techniques between rows.

For Example if there's a table in the source database have the same row key in the destination database. if i use 'Ignore' parameter with value = y, the destination table will have a duplicate rows.

I want to ask if there's another way to import data from oracle database to another with some mechanism of detecting the conflicts and resolve them?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Find Data Pump Utility In SQL Developer?

Jan 25, 2013

I am using oracle 11g release2 and I am not able to find data pump utility in SQL developer.if I need to install it. I am new to this utility.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Sequential Data File Record Processing?

Oct 1, 2013

If I use the conventional path will SQL*Loader process a data file sequentially from top to bottom?  I have a file comprised of header and detail records with no value found in the detail records that can be used to relate to the header records.  The only option is to derive a header value via a sequence (nextval) and then populate the detail records with the same value pulled from the same sequence (currval).  But for this to work SQL*Loader must process the file in the exact same sequence that the data has been written to the data file.  I've read through the 11g Oracle® Database Utilities SQL*Loader sections looking for proof that this is what will happen but haven't found this information and I don't want to assume that SQL*Loader will always process the data file records sequentially. 

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Grants And Synonyms While Importing Through Data Pump

Jul 22, 2012


Every time i try to refresh my production DB with the a old expdp dumpfile using data pump i always face the issue of grants and creation of synonym. I would like to tell you that my DB has three schemas which have lots of dependencies among them and before refreshing them i drop the schemas and recreate the same.

Drop user user_name cascade;So i want to know, is there a script from which i can get all the grants of the DB before dropping the schemas, so that after import i can grant the same and also a query with which i will be able to get all the synonyms of the DB.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length?

Apr 22, 2013

I am struggling with a simple data load using sqlldr

Ref: I am running Oracle 11.2 on Linux 5.7.
Here is my table:
SQL> desc ntwkrep.CARD
Name                                                              Null?    Type


Looking at the actual data and counting the characters for the "REALIZES" column data, I see that it is roughly slightly over 1000 characters.

So, attempting various ideas to fix the problem, I tried changing nls_length_semantics to "char" and recreating the table, but this still didn't work and still got the same data load errors on the same rows.

Then, I changed nls_length_semantics back to byte and recreated the table again.This time, I altered the table manually as:

Table altered.

SQL> desc ntwkrep.card
Name                                                              Null?    Type
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------
CIM_DESCRIPTION                                                            VARCHAR2(255)
CIM_NAME                                                          NOT NULL VARCHAR2(255)
COMPOSEDOF                                                                 VARCHAR2(4000)


Here is a copy of the first row of data which fails to load every time no matter how I change the "REALIZES" column in the table.

other(1)`CARD-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1`  `other(1)`CARD-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1 [other(1)]`HwVersion:C0|SwVersion:12.2(40)SE|Serial#:FOC1302U2S6|` Chassis::CHASSIS-mes-fhnb-bldg-137, Switch::mes-fhnb-bldg-137 ` Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.23, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.21, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.5, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.7, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-137/1.14, Port::PORT-mes-fhnb-bldg-


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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error / Field In Data File Exceeds Maximum Length

Aug 22, 2013

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE    ProductionTNS for Solaris: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - Production  I'm trying to load a table, small in size (110 rows, 6 columns).  One of the columns, called NOTES is erroring when I run the load.  It is saying that the column size exceeds max limit.  As you can see here, the table column is set to 4000 Bytes)

  NOTES_CN      VARCHAR2(40 BYTE)               DEFAULT sys_guid()            NOT NULL,
  AREACODE      VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)               NOT NULL,
  ROUND         NUMBER(3)                       NOT NULL,
  NOTES         VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE),


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