PL/SQL :: Select Parent Records
Sep 3, 2012
Is there any SQL query which can return first value. I have 1 table, 2 columns: NR; created_from_nr;
Nr=L1 created_from_nr=''
Nr=L2 created_from_nr=L1
Nr=L3 created_from_nr=L2
Nr=L4 created_from_nr=L3
How can I get Nr=L1 if I know L4, with one query ?
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Jan 2, 2013
I want to delete records from parent table which are less than 2 years. Before deleting records from parent table we have to delete records from child table. How can we delete those records. I don't want to use ON DELETE CASCADE.
MASS_MASTER --parent table.
MASS_CHILD --child table.
The below query is used to delete records from parent table.
DELETE FROM mass_master WHERE last_date<=ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,-24);
The child table MASS_CHILD is not having last_date column. provide me the query to delete same records from child table.
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Sep 16, 2012
I need to fech parent records only when no child record with status 'N' exists. There are only two possible values for status column of child table 'Y' / 'N'.
Below are table structures and insert statements for data.
COMMIT;Query I framed is below
select * from master where exists (select null from child where child.col2 = master.col1
group by child.col2 having count(distinct col3) =1 )
Output in above case would be 3 as for 1 there's one record with status as 'N' and for 2 there's no child record. I am on 10g.
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Apr 1, 2012
I need to get the super set(parent) record from a relational table. Following is the structure of the table,
create table relation (data_field1 number(20),data_field2 number(20),data_field3 number(20),
primary key (data_field1,data_field2,data_field3) );
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (-10,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (200,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (300,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (400,123,334);
Here '-10' will be considered as parent(super set) for all other values. If i have records like below,
-10 200 300
100 200 300
123 200 300
521 201 300
Output should only contain two rows. A super set row and other distinct row(second column value is not equivalent to super set).
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Nov 10, 2010
1. My detail form has part number as one of the fields and I want to make sure the user can enter a part number only once. How can I make sure user cannot enter it more than once?
2. I want to limit number of detail records for every parent record to 8. How can I accomplish this?
3. I have approval flags at both master and detail. If the user tries to approve the master with some/all detail records unapproved, system should display error message and make the user approve the detail before approving the master.
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Jan 9, 2013
select * from V$VERSION
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
I have loaded into an Oracle table defined as XMLTYPE. I'm okay with PL-SQL and stored procedures, where I will ultimately do this processing once I get a handle on XML DB querying from an XMLTYPE table.
Based on reading the oracle documentation about XML DB, and more importantly, reading dozens of posts to this forum,I have been successful in loading the XML files into a SQL XMLTYPE table and doing simple queries against that table to retrieve some of its data so that I can then insert that data into other target oracle relational tables.
how to select parent/child data from XMLTYPE tables. I am able to follow the forum examples and can replicate the methods shown on the many example XML contents shown on this forum, but not against the XML that I have to process. I am wondering if my struggle is caused by my lack of knowledge, or by ill-formed XML content supplied to me by the educational vendor.The XML content has structured the XML content nodes in such a way that I do not seem to be able to apply the parent/child sql methods.I have been able to use for other XML examples I have tested against.
My XML file shown below represents High School Transcript data, for which I need to be able to parse out into my own oracle relational tables for that student, his personal info, and his course info, etc. i.e., for our example, which courses he has taken for which High School grade levels. The vendor-supplied XML seems to put the Courses and the High School grade level in "parallel nodes," instead of parent/child nodes, so I am struggling to be able to use SQL to differentiate which course the student took in NinthGrade versus TenthGrade.
-- WHat I would like to determine from a select statement:
Smith NinthGrade PHYS ED 101
Smith TenthGrade CALCULUS 201
Smith TenthGrade ZOOLOGY 202
(The data has been simpliied and masked, but is true to the content and is queryable).
select * from V$VERSION
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a parent table EMPLOYEE which includes columns (sysid, serviceno,employeename...) sysid is Primary key, serviceno is Unique key and I have child table DEPENDENT includes columns (sysid,employee_sysid,name,dob...) here again SYSID is primary key for DEPENDENTS table, employee_sysid is Foreign key of EMPLOYEE table.
Now I want to change SYSID (using sequence) in EMPLOYEE table which need to be update in DEPENDENTS table as well
Note: I have 10000 records in EMPLOYEE table as well as I have 5 more child tables which need to update new SYSID.
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Jun 23, 2010
I am dealing with a table containing millions of records. I have table loans_list table and he data looks similar to this..
5237010 6/23/2010 10:07:02 AM
5237000 6/23/2010 10:07:02 AM
I am trying to select only those loan_id from this table which contain all these 3 sequence_num = 7000,7005,7010 and containing null compelete date. I tried different way to write the query but can't think of efficient way of writing this query yet.
Since this table contain million of records, i dont prefer to call this table more than once in a query. I am just trying to avoid the longer time delay for the execution of this query..
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May 7, 2012
By select I got records (see table below) and I need to make select where result will be just one row with all values by payer_flag=Y.
There is a table:
And result should look like:
ck_customer_code | invoice_media | personal_no | cnt_active | cnt_deactive | payer_flag
6.107441.10 | electronic | 0 | 663 | 128 | Y
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Jun 16, 2011
this is the case:
Table 1
c1 c2
1 null
2 null
3 2
I need to select n records where c2 is null but only from one partition.In example :
In P1 (1,2,3,4)
In P2 (5,6,7)
If n = 4 --> Must be retrieve 1,2,4 because 6 is in P2.
What I tried is
(select c1 from T1 where c1 is null and rownum<=4)but retrieve 1,2,4,6 and I only need the retrieved data from P1 partition.
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May 10, 2013
I have a Select query which is not fetching records in 11g ( but working fine in 10g ( The query is as below.
--CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 NUMBER, col2 VARCHAR2 (15 CHAR), flag varchar2(1))
--insert into t1(col1, col2, flag) values(1, 'a', 'Y');
--insert into t1(col1, col2, flag) values(2, 'b', 'N');
FROM t1 x
WHERE col1 = 1 AND col2 = 'a' -------------- condition1
AND 0 = -------------- condition2
FROM t1 y
WHERE y.flag = 'N'
AND x.col1 = y.col1
AND x.col2 = y.col2),0)--=0
When remove NVL function or change the condition by having AND NVL(SELECT) =0 the query working fine.
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Oct 9, 2007
there are some data in the table que_history (seqnbr is the key), e.g.
20070927003668 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-27 15:15:00
20070928001343 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-28 9:55:14
20070928001624 (024)2272 AD182040 2007-9-28 10:30:06
20070928000910 (024)25672 AD000002 2007-9-28 9:06:59
20070928001288 (024)25672 AD000002 2007-9-28 9:49:13
20070923003834 (024)2585 AD210076 2007-9-23 17:15:13
20070923003890 (024)2585 AD210076 2007-9-23 17:23:54
20071001001593 (024)2589 AD000018 2007-10-1 11:54:39
20071003002814 (024)2589 AD000018 2007-10-3 16:53:52
20070923003320 (024)8831 AD000110 2007-9-23 15:24:39
I wanted to use this SQL to get the records ( dn is the same and the sl_time's interval is 600minutes) .
select A.* from que_history A,que_history B
where A.dn=B.dn and A.seqnbr<>B.seqnbr
and (A.sl_time-B.sl_time)*24*60 between -600 and 600
order by A.dn;
but the result is not the right.
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Apr 12, 2011
I would like to write a select statement on a table and I want the records to be retrieved in the order they were inserted.
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Feb 23, 2012
I'd want to select multiple records in my multi-record block. I'd also want to do that with checkboxes. When the user clicks on a particular checkbox, that should be selected and whatever record the user wants to check it should be added to selected records.
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Oct 6, 2011
I've got 3 tables and I need to select records where date is max from these tables.
select * from the_table_1
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 30.9.2011 12:06:50 14,6638
select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 26.9.2011 11:04:02 5,6638
select * from the_table_2
contract_key date_1 saldo
1234 29.9.2011 17:39:43 2,5438
how to do that ?
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm trying to select id's in a table that have 2 certain values for another column. Example below explains:
idCoupon Type
I would like to write a sql statement that would select all rows where id=123, because id 123 has both coupon types "Amount" and "Percent". So the result set of the sql statement would look like:
idCoupon Type
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Oct 11, 2013
I'm updating a large piece of legacy code that does the following type of insert:
INSERT INTO foo_temp
(id, varchar2_column)
SELECT id, varchar2_column
FROM foo;
We're changing varchar2_column to clob_column to accommodate text entries > 4000 characters. So I want to change the insert statement to something like:
INSERT INTO foo_temp
(id, clob_column)
SELECT id, clob_column
FROM foo;
This doesn't work, since clob_column stores the location of each text entry, rather than the actual content. But is there some way that I can achieve the insert with one call to a select statement, or do I need to select each individual record in foo, open the clob_column value, read it into a local variable and then write the content to the matching record in foo_temp?
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Jun 25, 2013
I have a select query select userid from user_tbl where name='hhh';
I want to return 0 when no records are fetched and I want to handle both teh cases in a single query other than proc or function.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.
Name id dept_no
Ram 101 10
Ani 201 10
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Mar 21, 2013
We are trying insert records from a select query into temporary table, some of the records is missing in the temporary table. The select statement is having multiple joins and union all which it little complex query. In simple terms the script contains 2 part 1st Part Insert in to temporary table 2nd part Select query with multiple joins, inline sub queries, unions and group by classes and conditions Eg. If we execute select statement alone it returns some count for example => 60000 After inserting into the temp table, in temp table the count is around 42000 why is the difference?
It is simple bulk inserts... insert in to temp table select * from xxx. also, there is no commit in between. The problem is all the records populated by the select statement are not inserted in to temp table. some records are not inserted.
Also, we had some other observation. It only happens in its 2nd execution and not its first run. Hope there might be some cache problem Even, we also did not believe that. We are wondering. In TOAD, we tested however at times it happens. In application jar file, after "insert in to temp select * from xxx" we take the i. record count of temp table and ii. record count of "select * from xxx" separately but both doesn't match. Match only at 1st time.
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Sep 25, 2012
I need to write a query in plsql to select records for first 3 distinct values of a single column (below example, ID )and all the rows for next 3 distinct values of the column and so on till the end of count of distinct values of a column.
ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10
7 lmn 10
so on... (till some count)
Result should be
Query 1 should result --->
ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10
query 2 should result -->
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10
query 3 should result -->
7 lmn 10
9 .. ..
so on..
How to write a query for this inside a loop.
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Jul 3, 2011
is it possible to use the records returned by a query as column names in a select query.
select (select column_name from dba_tab_cols where table_name='V_$DATABASE' and column_name like '%CONTROL%')
from v$database;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
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Jun 30, 2012
I have created domain indexes on text columns of a materialised view to use "contains" clause when searching for data. The select query with "contains" clause does not return any records, however I was able to retrive data using via regular query using a like search.
-> will exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('index_name')'resolve my problem?
-> since the view is a materialized view, how can i make sure that the latest data added are also picked up?
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Feb 9, 2011
I need to export large number of records from select into the text file. It's about 2milion records.I can do it by PLSQL (see below) where executing of process takes time too much. How to export to text file faster?
fileid UTL_FILE.file_type;
fileid := UTL_FILE.fopen ('VRS_CEM', 'cust.txt', 'W');
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Dec 7, 2010
I got table with column of XML codes like this:
select xmltype ('<parameters xmlns="">
<parameter name="result"><value>success</value></parameter>
<parameter name="showBirthday"><value>false</value></parameter>
<parameter name="_wrCommand"><value>clearCacheBefore</value></parameter>
) val
from dual;
And I need to select records from table where xml code complies with requirement:
name="result" equals success.
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Jan 30, 2012
I have, for example, two tables: COMPANIES and EMPLOYEES. COMPANIES has a primary key on column COMP_ID. EMPLOYEES has a foreign key EMP_COMP_ID. I always do query COMPANIES with WHERE clause on COMP_ID and COMP_ADDRESS. What indexes on COMPANIES should I create in this case? First unique on COMP_ID, second composite on COMP_ID and COMP_ADDRESS? Or one unique index on COMP_ID and COMP_ADDRESS will be enough?
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Oct 22, 2011
I want to insert data from table A and dump into table B.The data in Table A looks like this:
Level_IDCode Type
ETY_1A......... 100000116
ETY_1B......... 100000116
ETY_1C......... 100000116
ETY_2AA........ 100000117
ETY_2AB........ 100000117
ETY_2AC........ 100000117
ETY_2BA........ 100000117
ETY_2BB........ 100000117
ETY_2BC........ 100000117
ETY_3AAA....... 100000118
ETY_3AAG....... 100000118
ETY_3AAI....... 100000118
ETY_3AAX....... 100000118
And I want to dump the data into Table B which will look like this:
Level_ID Code Type Parent_cd
I need to populate a column called Parent Cd with the values that sits at the base level of the hierarchy. So, if the code A sits at the base level then its parent is NULL and the parent for code AA, AB, and AC will be A and parent for AAA, AAG will be AA and so on.The level_IDs are upto 10 and there are close to 400,000 records.
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May 13, 2011
Just wanted to pose a question Can a (Unique and Not nullable)Alternate key of the parent table be part of child Table in an Identifying relationship i.e part of primary key of a child table????
Is there a rule that a primary keys of a parent table can be used to build a identifying relationship with its child?
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Jun 14, 2012
I've the following data and i need the parent and leaf most child,including their id's
Create table par_chld (id,p_id,c_id) as
(select 1,900,501 from dual union all
select 2,900,502 from dual union all
select 3,900,503 from dual union all
select 4,100,900 from dual union all
select 5,200,900 from dual union all
select 6,300,400 from dual union all
select 7,101,500 from dual union all
select 8,102,500 from dual union all
select 9,103,500 from dual union all
select 10,201,600 from dual union all
select 11,201,601 from dual union all
select 12,201,602 from dual )
In the above data
p_id =100 has c_id 900 , and this 900 acts as a parent which has child 501 , 502 ,503
And the output should be in the following format , Where i don't need the middle level data. I need parent and its leaf child along with the id's of parent and child
Expected output
id_p p_id id_c c_id
4 100 1 501
4 100 2 502
4 100 3 503
5 200 1 501
5 200 2 502
5 200 3 503
6 300 6 400
7 101 7 500
8 102 8 500
9 103 9 500
10 201 10 600
11 201 11 601
12 201 12 602
I tried the following query where i got the p_id,id_c,c_id columns , but unable to get the column id_p
select connect_by_root p_id p_id ,id id_c,c_id
from par_chld
where connect_by_isleaf =1
start with p_id not in (select c_id
from par_chld
where c_id is not null)
connect by nocycle p_id =prior c_id
getting the id_p column as expected above.
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Dec 20, 2012
way to achieve the below logic.
SQL to pick up parent child relationship within same table with a certain logic.
H555888 PH05678
H888987 H555888
H8889 H555888
Example: I expect the rows with H8889,H9955 & P6666 & P5555 to be sub-category values value for product hierarchy H555888.
If there are rows with H8888987 as Product_hierarchy, we will pull up those rows too for product hierarchy H555888. The extra condition is we drill down only on 7 character mod_prod_number not on 5 character mod_prod_number. We pull out all sub category mod_prod_number for all distinct Product hierarchy.
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