XML DB :: How To Select Parent / Child Related Data From XMLTYPE Table
Jan 9, 2013
select * from V$VERSION
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
I have loaded into an Oracle table defined as XMLTYPE. I'm okay with PL-SQL and stored procedures, where I will ultimately do this processing once I get a handle on XML DB querying from an XMLTYPE table.
Based on reading the oracle documentation about XML DB, and more importantly, reading dozens of posts to this forum,I have been successful in loading the XML files into a SQL XMLTYPE table and doing simple queries against that table to retrieve some of its data so that I can then insert that data into other target oracle relational tables.
how to select parent/child data from XMLTYPE tables. I am able to follow the forum examples and can replicate the methods shown on the many example XML contents shown on this forum, but not against the XML that I have to process. I am wondering if my struggle is caused by my lack of knowledge, or by ill-formed XML content supplied to me by the educational vendor.The XML content has structured the XML content nodes in such a way that I do not seem to be able to apply the parent/child sql methods.I have been able to use for other XML examples I have tested against.
My XML file shown below represents High School Transcript data, for which I need to be able to parse out into my own oracle relational tables for that student, his personal info, and his course info, etc. i.e., for our example, which courses he has taken for which High School grade levels. The vendor-supplied XML seems to put the Courses and the High School grade level in "parallel nodes," instead of parent/child nodes, so I am struggling to be able to use SQL to differentiate which course the student took in NinthGrade versus TenthGrade.
-- WHat I would like to determine from a select statement:
Smith NinthGrade PHYS ED 101
Smith TenthGrade CALCULUS 201
Smith TenthGrade ZOOLOGY 202
(The data has been simpliied and masked, but is true to the content and is queryable).
select * from V$VERSION
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
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Apr 13, 2012
how to delete a data which is related to many no of child table and according to setnull and casecad by using subprogram?
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a parent table EMPLOYEE which includes columns (sysid, serviceno,employeename...) sysid is Primary key, serviceno is Unique key and I have child table DEPENDENT includes columns (sysid,employee_sysid,name,dob...) here again SYSID is primary key for DEPENDENTS table, employee_sysid is Foreign key of EMPLOYEE table.
Now I want to change SYSID (using sequence) in EMPLOYEE table which need to be update in DEPENDENTS table as well
Note: I have 10000 records in EMPLOYEE table as well as I have 5 more child tables which need to update new SYSID.
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May 29, 2012
I wanna have a form which has a list box which is including of all table names, by selecting the required table by user all column name and its related data should be retrieve.I have a cursor which give me all field names related to the table by I do not know how can I retrieve table data:
1. How to add item through block base on number of column which selected table has.
2. How to set value of table column in these mentioned column which added in the block.
3. And at the end retrieve the table data.
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Mar 24, 2012
I have 2 tables, ITEM_T is the base table and RELATIVE_T is the relation table which establish the relationship between parent and child.
I want to give ZZZ child as input and I want get output in below format. I tried various method, but I am not able to get the below result.
Expected Result:
When give input as ZZZ:
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Jul 27, 2010
i have a table with data as follows:
select genres.* from genres
data is as follows
14430015Biography 157 0100
14430015Classics & Poetry 173 0116
14430015Literature & Anthologies 175 173118
now when i give
select level,genres.* from genres connect by prior INTGENREPAGEID= INTPARENTID
i get
114430015Biography 157 0100
114430015Classics & Poetry 173 0116
214430015Literature & Anthologies 175 173118
114430015Literature & Anthologies 175 173118
i need to find the parent and child from the table in this case the parent is Classics & Poetry and child is Literature & Anthologies..the way of getting only the parent and child record from this table.
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May 18, 2010
I have a parent table and child table. I want a row to be deleted from the parent table which is referenced by a child row. Is there a way to achieve this. I dont have permission to re create the table or alter the table using delete cascade option. Is there a way to do it in sql.
SQL> create table t1(a number primary key, b number);
SQL> create table t2(c number, d number references t1(a));
SQL> insert into t1 values(1,2);
SQL> insert into t1 values(2,3);
SQL> insert into t1 values(3,4);
SQL> insert into t2 values(10,3);
SQL> insert into t2 values(20,2);
SQL> delete from t1 where a=2;
delete from t1 where a=2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (CISBATCH.SYS_C00763501) violated - child
record found
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May 26, 2011
i want to update primary key of 1 master and 2 child table is it possible if i do it simultaniously if not
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Jan 2, 2013
I want to delete records from parent table which are less than 2 years. Before deleting records from parent table we have to delete records from child table. How can we delete those records. I don't want to use ON DELETE CASCADE.
MASS_MASTER --parent table.
MASS_CHILD --child table.
The below query is used to delete records from parent table.
DELETE FROM mass_master WHERE last_date<=ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,-24);
The child table MASS_CHILD is not having last_date column. provide me the query to delete same records from child table.
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Jun 6, 2011
I have table emp that contains empno, empname, mgr .what i want is a general procedure that will take empno as input and will give all the child rows and parent for entered empno.
for ex
When i will pass d as node it will return c,b,a,e,f,g,h
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Aug 13, 2012
We have a table in the client database that has two columns - column parent and column child. The whole hierarchy of DB table dependencies is held in this table.If Report 1 is dependent on Table A and Table A in turn is dependent on two tables Table M and Table N. Table N is dependent on table Z it will appear in the db table as,
Hierarchy Table
Parent Child
Report1Table A
Table ATable M
Table ATable N
Table NTable Z
Requirement :
From the above structure, we need to build a table which will hold the complete hierarchy by breaking it into multiple columns.The o/p should look like this
-ParentChild 1Child 2 Child 3
-Report1Table ATable M
-Report1Table ATable N Table Z
Child 1, Child 2, Child 3 ....and so on are columns.The number of tables and the no of hierarchical relationships are dynamic.
SQL Statements to create hierarchy table:
create table hierarchy (parent varchar2(20), child varchar2(20));
insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table A');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report1','Table B');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table A','Table M');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table B','Table N');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report2','Table P');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table M','Table X');
insert into hierarchy values ('Table N','Table Y');
insert into hierarchy values ('Report X','Table Z');
Approached already tried :
1) Using indentation : select lpad(' ',20*(level-1)) || to_char(child) P from hierarchy connect_by start with parent='Report1' connect by prior child=parent;
2)Using connect by path function :
select *
from (select parent,child,level,connect_by_isleaf as leaf, sys_connect_by_path(child,'/') as path
from hierarchy start with parent='Report1'
connect by prior child =parent) a where Leaf not in (0);
Both the approaches give the information but the hierarchy data appears in a single column.Ideally we would like data at each level to appear in a different column.
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May 13, 2011
Just wanted to pose a question Can a (Unique and Not nullable)Alternate key of the parent table be part of child Table in an Identifying relationship i.e part of primary key of a child table????
Is there a rule that a primary keys of a parent table can be used to build a identifying relationship with its child?
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Jun 14, 2012
I've the following data and i need the parent and leaf most child,including their id's
Create table par_chld (id,p_id,c_id) as
(select 1,900,501 from dual union all
select 2,900,502 from dual union all
select 3,900,503 from dual union all
select 4,100,900 from dual union all
select 5,200,900 from dual union all
select 6,300,400 from dual union all
select 7,101,500 from dual union all
select 8,102,500 from dual union all
select 9,103,500 from dual union all
select 10,201,600 from dual union all
select 11,201,601 from dual union all
select 12,201,602 from dual )
In the above data
p_id =100 has c_id 900 , and this 900 acts as a parent which has child 501 , 502 ,503
And the output should be in the following format , Where i don't need the middle level data. I need parent and its leaf child along with the id's of parent and child
Expected output
id_p p_id id_c c_id
4 100 1 501
4 100 2 502
4 100 3 503
5 200 1 501
5 200 2 502
5 200 3 503
6 300 6 400
7 101 7 500
8 102 8 500
9 103 9 500
10 201 10 600
11 201 11 601
12 201 12 602
I tried the following query where i got the p_id,id_c,c_id columns , but unable to get the column id_p
select connect_by_root p_id p_id ,id id_c,c_id
from par_chld
where connect_by_isleaf =1
start with p_id not in (select c_id
from par_chld
where c_id is not null)
connect by nocycle p_id =prior c_id
getting the id_p column as expected above.
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Dec 20, 2012
way to achieve the below logic.
SQL to pick up parent child relationship within same table with a certain logic.
H555888 PH05678
H888987 H555888
H8889 H555888
Example: I expect the rows with H8889,H9955 & P6666 & P5555 to be sub-category values value for product hierarchy H555888.
If there are rows with H8888987 as Product_hierarchy, we will pull up those rows too for product hierarchy H555888. The extra condition is we drill down only on 7 character mod_prod_number not on 5 character mod_prod_number. We pull out all sub category mod_prod_number for all distinct Product hierarchy.
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Sep 17, 2013
I have one requirment like below
Table1 have records like below
parent childflag
I want it should be like
parent child flag
I want to replace 'D' (parent of 'E') with any of the upper level which has Flag 'Y' (first level parent which satisfy falg 'Y')
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Aug 8, 2011
I have a table called FAMILY which holda the data like , for father_gen_1 --->father_gen_2 --> father_gen_3 -- son.
father_gen_1 father_gen_2 father_gen_3 son
ABC lmn kth
I want to get the output which is a three column heirarical table and holds the parent child relationship Like following:-
id name parent_id
2 XYZ 1
3 GEF 2
4 MNC 3
5 LMN 1
6 KTH 5
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May 22, 2012
I have a DB that has one parent table with many child tables. I would like to delete all records(child - parent) based upon a particular "net_id". I have three versions that "seem" to work BUT I'd like to use "version2" because I want to go to the parent one time(for the parent delete I just made it simple for me) only and be able to delete the child record(s) from the child table(s). I want to achieve this w/o using triggers...
My question: Is version2 an "ok" way to delete child records or should I try another method(version1 or 3)??
create table PARENT
event_id NUMBER,
event_title VARCHAR2(50),
net_id VARCHAR2(16)
--truncate table parent;
insert into parent
(event_id, event_title, net_id)
(1, 'title1', 'CURLY');
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Feb 29, 2012
I have two forms, FormPARN, FormCHLD.
One Text item is there in FormPARN, near to that Text item, Button is there.While clicking Button FormCHLD will be opened. Inside the FormCHLD, i will do some calculation and i need to store the result in FormPARN's Text Item.
How can i do it?
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Nov 16, 2011
There is table:
Column A | Column B |
X | X |
X | Y |
Y | X |
Y | Y |
I have selected view with "group by rollup":
ID | Column A | Column B |
1 | | |
2 | X | |
3 | Y | |
4 | X | X |
5 | X | Y |
6 | Y | X |
7 | Y | Y |
Now I want to display it in client app like a tree.So, I need create ID's of parents in child rows, like this:
ID | Parent ID | Column A | Column B |
1 | | | |
2 | 1 | X | |
3 | 1 | Y | |
4 | 2 | X | X |
5 | 2 | X | Y |
6 | 3 | Y | X |
7 | 3 | Y | Y |
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a table which uses parent-child relationship to store the options available. I need a procedure to give me the full path given the id of a particular option.
I have two different functions. One of them uses the Oracle built in function and the other uses simple queries with a loop.The code of the functions are given below.
Now, the problem is with their "performance". The difference in their performance is significant. The function using the Oracle function takes more than 2 hours to run a query whereas the other function takes less than 2 minutes.
I am having trouble trusting the other function. No matter how many tests I perform on the output of both the functions, it always comes out to be the same.
Function 1
FUNCTION Gettree (opt_id IN NUMBER,i_app_id IN NUMBER)
path VARCHAR2(32767);
application_no NUMBER;
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Jan 4, 2012
I am working on a project, the insert statement is not functioning properly and I cannot find the error The error is in the insert statement for CustOrder. The error states that NULL cannot be inserted into CustOrder.CustID. I have declared CustID and its reference. I have looked over the code several times and I cannot find the problem.
If it makes a difference I am using APEX. The company has not database or program to work with a database so I am building everything from scratch.
l_CustOrderID number;
l_CustID number := :P11_CustID;
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Sep 16, 2012
I need to fech parent records only when no child record with status 'N' exists. There are only two possible values for status column of child table 'Y' / 'N'.
Below are table structures and insert statements for data.
COMMIT;Query I framed is below
select * from master where exists (select null from child where child.col2 = master.col1
group by child.col2 having count(distinct col3) =1 )
Output in above case would be 3 as for 1 there's one record with status as 'N' and for 2 there's no child record. I am on 10g.
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May 14, 2010
I have data in a table which don't have parent child relation ship. Can I display the data in that table in hierarchical tree item in a form.
Is it a must that data should have parent child relationship to display them in hierarchical tree item in a form.
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Aug 21, 2010
Since I need to do something along the lines of inserting an xml document into the database for later to use.
Anyway, the problem I get with the below is
Error at line 95
ORA-00984: column not allowed here
Script Terminated on line 95.
It's on the INSERT line
xmlInput clob;
xmlInput :=('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1256"?>
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Aug 8, 2013
SELECT c.table_name CHILD_TABLE, p.table_name PARENT_TABLE
FROM user_constraints p, user_constraints c
WHERE (p.constraint_type = 'P' OR p.constraint_type = 'U')
AND c.constraint_type = 'R'
AND p.constraint_name = c.r_constraint_name
AND c.table_name = UPPER('ODS_TSAF_MES_PC');
and output is
child table parent table
i tried
(SELECT * FROM ODS_TSAF_MES_PC B WHERE B.piecestatus = A.piecestatus);
and i found one piecestatus values is 'I' but i am not getting where it is related to the table and in which row it is getting affected?
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Sep 3, 2012
Is there any SQL query which can return first value. I have 1 table, 2 columns: NR; created_from_nr;
Nr=L1 created_from_nr=''
Nr=L2 created_from_nr=L1
Nr=L3 created_from_nr=L2
Nr=L4 created_from_nr=L3
How can I get Nr=L1 if I know L4, with one query ?
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Oct 2, 2013
I have the following XML structure:
<TZR Action="Insert" OrgaT="400"> <Division id="4"> <label language="de">ok</label> <label language="en">Live engl.</label> <Productstructure id="300" Sparte="5"> <label language="en">Live engl.</label> </Productstructure> </Division></TZR>
I'd like to get 4, ok, Live engl, 300, 1, Live engl.
using XMLTYPE but how to get
id="4" or Sparte="1" SELECT *FROM XMLTable( '/TZR' passing XMLType(bfilename('XML_DATA_DIR', 'xxx.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')) columns Division_id varchar2(30) path 'Division/id' ); Oracle 11.2.02 on Windows 2008.
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Apr 1, 2012
I need to get the super set(parent) record from a relational table. Following is the structure of the table,
create table relation (data_field1 number(20),data_field2 number(20),data_field3 number(20),
primary key (data_field1,data_field2,data_field3) );
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (-10,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (200,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (300,123,334);
insert into relation (data_field1, data_field2, data_field3) values (400,123,334);
Here '-10' will be considered as parent(super set) for all other values. If i have records like below,
-10 200 300
100 200 300
123 200 300
521 201 300
Output should only contain two rows. A super set row and other distinct row(second column value is not equivalent to super set).
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Oct 28, 2013
I am trying to insert the following values in a table called as inf_content
The table INF_CONTENT has following two cols
INSERT INTO inf_content
I am getting the error:
SQL Error: ORA-06553: PLS-307: too many declarations of 'XMLTYPE' match this call
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Jul 4, 2013
I'm trying to load xml file into table having xmltype datatype, but it is throwing below given error.I even tried to load data by changing '&' into '&' but still getting same error.
Error at line 6
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 296
ORA-06512: at line 1
31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"
*Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
*Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.
Version : ORACLE 11g, Windows 7
id NUMBER(5),
xmldata xmltype
INSERT INTO xml_test(id, name, xmldata) VALUES(1,'file1', XMLTYPE(bfilename('SCOTTDIR', 'TEST_XML.XML'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
TEST_XML.XML file content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- excelFolder:"c:CSD'TEST.XSL" -->
<FileSource>Java&Conversion 1.2</FileSource>
insert xmlfile having '&' data into xmltype column.
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