PL/SQL :: Connect To Pdb To Unlock Old Schemas Like Scott And Hr In 12c
Sep 22, 2013
After successfully installing the 12c, how can I connect to pdb to use the scott or hr schemas?By default when I connect as sys or system from sqlplus it is connecting to orcl not to pdborcl.also how can we make scott connection in sql developer.
i update MFI Loader from 1.8 to 2.0.1 When i open this what i get System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater [color ="# FF0000"][/color]
I'm looking for a solution to select the first row that is not currently locked in a table and insert a record to another table that reference that first row. this is my scenario:
create table ticket ( id number(10) not null,, ticket_type number(1) not null,, is_sold number(1) not null, CONSTRAINT ticket_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) );
cust_id cust_name ticket_id ------------ -------------------- ---------- 1 John 10000004 2 Sara 10000005
my goal is finding the first free ticket ( not sold ) in the ticket table and insert buyer information of that ticket in customer_ticket table. at last I will mark that ticket as a sold one in ticket table with update.
Problem is that the first transaction locks the the first row in ticket table and the second transaction running the same query goes to wait untill the first transaction commit or rollback. However when first transaction finish successfully, second transaction select duplicate id from ticket table that was selected by the first transaction!
I tried to solve problem with "skip locked" and "nowait" options with select for update, but they didn't work.
create or replace procedure pt is l_count integer:=0; v_sid varchar2(1000); begin SELECT name INTO v_sid FROM v$database; dbms_output.put_line('SID='||v_sid); end pt;
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
SQL> sho err Errors for PROCEDURE PT:
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 5/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 7/9 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL>
SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------- ORCL
I can't access v$parameter,or v$database from a procedure?
i am trying to use loops to retrieve the ename of emp table of scott schema , then under they are retrieved , all "sal" values appear under them , i do not want employee's salary under each employee , i need retrieve the 14 record of enames , then under them the 14 record of sal column appears , so i used this code :
declare cursor emp_cur is select ename from emp; emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype ; [code]....
how can i corrupt a block to mock up BMR (block media recovery) workaround , I want to corrupt some block of Oracle seeded table "emp" within scott schema.
BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - ProductionOS version:
Windows 7 64bit I have schema(scott) export with schema level option and imported with different name as (scott1).At regular period of time i need to import the scott to scott1 without affecting existing records.such as *1. Need to append new created records.* *2. Need to append updated records.*
for the above requirement I did in the following way expdp xxxx/******** schemas=SCOTT directory=dumpdir dumpfile=SCOTT_28-SEP-2012.dmp logfile=exp_SCOTT_28-SEP-2012.log imported in the following way impdp xxxx/******** AS SYSDBA REMAP_SCHEMA=SCOTT:SCOTT1 directory=DUMPDIR dumpfile=SCOTT_28-SEP-2012.dmp logfile=imp_SCOTT2_28-09-2012.log TRANSFORM=SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES:n TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND.
The problem is i couldn'table to append the records to existing tables the log error show such ways.
ORA-31684: Object type USER:"SCOTT1" already exists Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/SYSTEM_GRANT Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/ROLE_GRANT Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/DEFAULT_ROLE Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA [code].....
I want to find difference between the objects(tables(columns,constraints), views, sequences) in two schemas. One schema is staging and one is development . In development lot of changes are made , Is there a script or a opensource tool which will bring out the difference in columns, constraints in each table and sequences , views etc.
I am able to connect to DATABASE from SQLAssistant only when I provide string like ABOVE........If I dont mention the SERVICE, m unable to connect to DB.Now the biggest issue is with SQL Developer.....m not at all able to connect to DB using SQL Developer.
Acer laptop, Intel Processor w/ Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) Delphi 2010 Professional Oracle XE (+ the Oracle XE client that comes with it)
I cannot can't to the Oracle database from Delphi. The error I keep getting is:
Alias is not currently opened. [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154:TNS: could not resolve the connet identifier specified.
Here's what I've done:
1. Create an ODBC connection to my Oracle database
- run C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe to open the ODBC administrator. - Data source name: bt_user - TNS Server Name: localhost/xe - user bt_user - Clicked "test connection" -- Success.
2. Open Delphi and drop a TDatabase component on my main form.
- Set the Alias Name property to "bt_user" (the alias I set up in ODBC) - Set database name to "bt_user". - Checked "connected".
Alternatively, I tried using the Delphi ADO components (the dbGo components).
- Drop TADOConnection component on my form. - Select "connection string" and open the dialog. - Click "build string". - Select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" from the selection. - In "use data source", select "bt_user" from the drop-down list (my ODBC connection from #1) - Click "test connection".
Again the same error.
My questions are:
1. Can Delphi work with Oracle XE (Express Edition)?
2. If so, then do I need to install the "Instant Client"?
3. Will the instant client for Oracle 10g work with Oracle 10g XE?
4. Do I need to install any additional ODBC driver(s)?
5. Why was I successful in creating the ODBC connection in Windows, but it failed in Delphi?
6. Will Visual Studio.NET (C#) work with Oracle XE, and what are the steps for setting that up?
I am trying to export schemas from 10g to 11g. The NLS_CHARACTERSET for 10g is WE8ISO8859P1 and the NLS_CHARACTERSET for 11g is WE8MSWIN1252. Is it fine or do I need to change the character set, so that I will be able to successfully do the export/import?
But it don't fulfill my requirement. trigger is fired when scott perform any action. but my requirment is that trigger should be fired when create action is performed on scott by hr,sh or scott. i also want a single trigger which fulfill the requirement.
find the below task. I have unique schemas. and every schema we have many tables.I would like to know
1. I have Scott schema and here I have 10 tables. EMP,DEPT,SALGARDE ( and these tables having different priviliges).
2. another schema MACIN having table DEPT, SALS, GRADE ( having different priviliges) Now I would like to know Schema 1 having permissions to see the tables and he is doing some modifications,inserting,deleting .... on tables containing in MACIN this it is happening in vice verse in max schemas. now I would like to know who all are having access to login to another schema and what are the priviliges they have till now on what tables they applied it possible to figure out? if yes how can we?
My primary objective was to compare objects in schemas in two different databases and find out the differences, Execute DDL's in the database where objects are missing and syn schemas in two different databases.
So I need to compare schemas in databases. Which tool will be user friendly to make a comparison of database objects existing in schemas in two different databases.
I'd like to see if I can get a list of pro and cons between Toad and SQL Developer for comparing schemas pros and cons. How to make a comparison. I have some idea on using TOAD but was not familiar with SQL Developer.
Below is my requirement:-
Connect to Source Connect to Target Compare schemas with different object types Find out differences Generate DDL's for the missing objects or for the objects in difference report Run them in missing instace(Source/Target) Make sure both are in sync.
I connect to an Oracle-10g database using OEM, and if I click to see the list of users, roles, storage options, ... everything is ok, but if I click to see the list of schemas, I get "1031: insufficient privileges" error.
The user account I use has the SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY privilege and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role granted, and if I try to do "select * from dba_tables" in the SQL*Plus, I get a result.
The matter is even more strange because, if I use the SYSTEM account, I get the same error (!!!).
Do I need any other privilege/role to see the user's schemas with OEM?
I have two schemas with 149 tables in each schema, what I need to do is to prove that the content(data) between the two schemas is identical. I know that all the table names between the two schemas are the same, just need to prove that there is no difference in data.
So the query needs to prove that Schema A content = Schema B content
I know I cant do a simple select from Schema A.tab1 minus select Schema B.tab1 but since there are 159 tables, I am not sure if this is an efficient way of doing it.