i am trying to use loops to retrieve the ename of emp table of scott schema , then under they are retrieved , all "sal" values appear under them , i do not want employee's salary under each employee , i need retrieve the 14 record of enames , then under them the 14 record of sal column appears , so i used this code :
declare cursor emp_cur is select ename from emp; emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype ; [code]....
how can i corrupt a block to mock up BMR (block media recovery) workaround , I want to corrupt some block of Oracle seeded table "emp" within scott schema.
Using suppress triggers options in golden gate. I was trying to work on the same but it doesn't seem to work at least for me.
Scenario: Database Version GoldenGate v11 OS Windows
Created two databases on the same server with same schmea idea was to replicate change from one database to other. One of the tables in the source database had trigger(every insertion in the table would cause a row to be inserted into a diff table). if row was inserted in table A it will insert a new row in table B . the same records will pass on target but the trigger defined on table A should not trigger on target as it has already fired on Source .
I tried using suppresstriggers but it doesnt seem to work everytime the trigger is getting fired on target database.
CODEReplicat process replicat repname assumetargetdefs userid gguser@bbb password Oracle dboptions suppresstriggers map x.* ,target x.* (since same schema)
The extract files,pump files and replication are working fine.I also used the dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege for gguser.
Also I noticed when I give the dboptions suppresstriggers replication process doesnt startup with unrecognised word message when i give dboptions suppress triggers the replicat process does start is this the way it should be.i have gone through the docs and it should be supresstriggers.
I have created trigger on database level in system schema. While i am creating new tables in system schema, trigger logged the entry but when i am creating table in scott schema it is not working for that.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ddltrigger AFTER DDL ON DATABASE BEGIN INSERT INTO aud_log (user_name, ddl_date, ddl_type, object_type, owner, object_name ) VALUES (ora_login_user, SYSDATE, ora_sysevent, ora_dict_obj_type, ora_dict_obj_owner, ora_dict_obj_name ); END;
/* Formatted on 2013/08/11 18:46 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */ CREATE PROCEDURE p_get_name ( p_empno IN OUT NUMBER, p_name OUT VARCHAR2, p_err OUT NUMBER [code].......
Note:- I want to print ename and salary of emp using empno as a input but i dont want to declare extra variable for salary , i want to print salary using empno but when i execute this procedure. It gives value of empno in salary. Don't Know Why , how can i print salary of emp using empno as input without declaring extra variable for salary.
I have to implement a functionality in my application. I have an employee table and each employee does a transaction which is stored in a transaction table.
The functionality that I have to implement is that if an employee does not perform any transaction for a period of 2 years then updated the employee and set him inactive.
Employee Table ============== create table empoyee ( empno number, sal number) insert into employee(empno,sal) values (1, 200);
If we make any update in Employee table for his/her salary, before update, that record should be inserted into EmployeeHist table and history will continue to build. Employee Table should have only current salary.If we change sal for emplyee # 1 from 200 to 800 then original current record in employee table will be inserted into employeehist table like
We need some transformation rules on Source employee table which comes from SAP and want to load in Target table.Basic idea is we need to calculate time when position was not held by sub owner so . . . Etc
I am having one table Employee. Employee table having 50 records. I want to fetch 5 records every timeone the query is executed. But it should be like below.
1-5 records 6-10 records 11-15 records 16-20 records 46-50 records
I would like to create a table in another schema(CBF) as already exist in my schema(TLC) without data but related indexes,synonyms and grants should be include.
How could I do this without using export import. I am using TOAD 9.0.1.
I have employee interface table something like this.
emp_idemp_name Job_title supervisor_name 1AJ Engineer BJ 2CK Analyst ND 3BJ Manager TR 5TR VP IT JD 6ND S Manager MD 7MD VP Telecom SK 8SK VP Eng JR
I want to idenitfy the VP for each employee. The logic I have to apply is check for hte supervisor of each employee to see if the supervisor has designation starting with 'VP'. If no, I have check the supervisor of the supervisor and so on. I tried using a recursive query using connect_by_root but in the above example for employee ND it lists the VP as both MD and SK. I need it to show on MD who is the lower in the hierarchy.
I am a Java person but since my app uses the Oracle DB I am to do this task.
I'm trying to create a trigger so that whenever a record in the Employee table is deleted, a trigger will automatically delete corresponding records in the Job History table, then the Employee record is archived to EmployeeArchive before it is deleted. It compiles but with warnings. Here's what I've got.
create or replace procedure pt is l_count integer:=0; v_sid varchar2(1000); begin SELECT name INTO v_sid FROM v$database; dbms_output.put_line('SID='||v_sid); end pt;
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
SQL> sho err Errors for PROCEDURE PT:
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 5/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 7/9 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL>
SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------- ORCL
I can't access v$parameter,or v$database from a procedure?
After successfully installing the 12c, how can I connect to pdb to use the scott or hr schemas?By default when I connect as sys or system from sqlplus it is connecting to orcl not to pdborcl.also how can we make scott connection in sql developer.