PL/SQL :: Use Loops To Retrieve Name Of Emp Table Of Scott Schema

Jan 12, 2013

i am trying to use loops to retrieve the ename of emp table of scott schema , then under they are retrieved , all "sal" values appear under them , i do not want employee's salary under each employee , i need retrieve the 14 record of enames , then under them the 14 record of sal column appears , so i used this code :

cursor emp_cur is
select ename from emp;
emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype ;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Employee Table In Scott Schema Created By Default

Oct 3, 2011

I am using Oracle 11g Release

OS: Windows

I am using the Employee table in Scott schema which created by default.

10,20,30,40,50 are the department ids.

I would like to have the output like below. I am having lots of values in dep id and lots of employees in each dept ids

Emp name Dep ID
John 20
Mike 40
Ram 10
Guru 50
Kumar 30

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Corrupt Some Block Of Oracle Seeded Table Within Scott Schema

Mar 27, 2013

how can i corrupt a block to mock up BMR (block media recovery) workaround , I want to corrupt some block of Oracle seeded table "emp" within scott schema.

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Server Utilities :: How To Take All Schema Metadata Export Except One Schema (scott)

Jul 5, 2012

how to take all schema metadata export except one schema (scott)

can i use like EXCLUDE=schema:"IN('SCOTT')

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How To Retrieve Table Schema

May 22, 2007

I'd like to know which SQL command (if there is any) I can use to display the current schema of a table. I'm particular interested in knowing which columns are indexes.My privileges to the DB are quite basic (I think that I'nm only allowed to run SELECT statements

This is the Oracle version that I'm using:

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Retrieve Value In Specified Schema

Jan 6, 2011

I need a query to retrieve a particular string from all the columns and all tables in a specified schema.

For example:i had a value "Current" in a particular column in a particular table. i need to find this value if i don't know the table name and column name.

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Client Tools :: How To Create A Table In Another Schema As In Existing Schema

Apr 26, 2010

I would like to create a table in another schema(CBF) as already exist in my schema(TLC) without data but related indexes,synonyms and grants should be include.

How could I do this without using export import. I am using TOAD 9.0.1.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Imp Records Of One Schema Into Another Schema Of Same Table

Nov 3, 2012

I had done following steps,


1) i open the session of toy schema

First i taken backup of table

create table bck20121103_himan as select * from himan;

Backup table is created.

After taking the Backup table

delete himan;(deleting the records)

2) i log in to another session(toys)

exp toys/toys@orcl file=20121103TOYs.DMP TABLES=(HIMAN) /* Particular table is taken*/

3) i log in to toy schema

imp toy/toy@orcl file=<dump file name> TABLES=(HIMAN) INDEXES=N IGNORE=Y

i tried the above statement it taken so much of time..

Later i tried

I log in to toy session

i rename the table with other name.

later i imported

imp toy/toy@orcl file=<dump file name> TABLES=(HIMAN) IGNORE=Y FULL=Y

it's successfully imported.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: User Scott Having DBA Privilege

Oct 14, 2011

User Scott having DBA privilege

create or replace procedure pt is
l_count integer:=0;
v_sid varchar2(1000);
INTO v_sid
FROM v$database;
end pt;

Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.

SQL> sho err
Errors for PROCEDURE PT:

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
5/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
7/9 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> select name from v$database;

I can't access v$parameter,or v$database from a procedure?

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PL/SQL :: Connect To Pdb To Unlock Old Schemas Like Scott And Hr In 12c

Sep 22, 2013

After successfully installing the 12c, how can I connect to pdb to use the scott or hr schemas?By default when I connect as sys or system from sqlplus it is connecting to orcl not to pdborcl.also how can we make scott connection in sql developer.

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How To Do Multiple Loops Through A Cursor

Nov 21, 2011

I have a table where each record has a numerical x-coordinate value as one of its fields. I want to loop through a group of the records that have another field in common in a given order. In a nested loop, I would like to subtract the coordinate of the outer loop from the coordinate of the inner loop for all records in the inner loop that appear later in the sequence. The result is a list of the distances between all coordinates.


It would look like this:
4-3, 6-3, 7-3,
6-4, 7-4,

I can do this using two nested cursors that select the same thing basically. But the table being selected from is pretty large and it takes forever to keep selecting from the huge table when the inner cursor could just copy the results of the other cursor and repeatedly iterate through them.

Is it possible to copy a cursor's results into another cursor or reset the cursor index back to the beginning so that it doesn't have to do the select statement every time?

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Retrieve Nth Row From Table

Oct 12, 2010

I have googled so much but unable to find the explanation how the following query work.

SELECT * FROM EMP a WHERE 2 = (SELECT COUNT(rowid) FROM EMP b WHERE b.rowid <= a.rowid);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hash Join And Nested Loops

Mar 16, 2011

What is the difference between Hash join and Nested Loops in pl / sql?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Cursors / Loops And Proper Syntax

May 31, 2011

homework assignment using pl/sql based on 2 tables I have created below? I am not sure of how to use cursors, loops and proper syntax.


1. Create a PL/SQL Procedure (cursor to loop through the records, check the LastName, then update the grade table
where id=id on grade table)

‐ LastName ends with a character between A‐F
‐ LastName ends with a character between G‐K
‐ LastName ends with a character between L‐P
‐ LastName ends with a character between Q‐T
‐ LastName ends with a character between U‐Z

Create TABLE Registration (RegistrationID number(10), SectionID number(10), CourseID number(10),
SectionNumber varchar2(10),
StudentID number(10), FirstName varchar2(20),
LastName varchar2(20), CourseNumber varchar2(20), CourseName varchar(20));

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handling No Of Rows Selected In Loops?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm attempting to write a plsql for finding missing archived logs for streams.

requirement is to run a select statement and print
1. 'NOT FOUND' if name column is null
2. '<name of the files>' if rows are returned
3. 'NOT FOUND' if no rows are selected. (here is were i'm having trouble)

code i developed so for:
for cr in (select decode(name, NULL, 'NOT FOUND', name) from v$archived_log where deleted='YES'
and status!='A')
if ( = 'NOT FOUND')


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PL/SQL :: Nested Loops On Outer Joins

Apr 10, 2013

I have a select query that was working with no problems. The results are used to insert data into a temp table.

Recently, it would not complete executing. The explain plan shows a cartesian. But, there could be problems with using nested loops on the outer join.

Interestingly, when I copy production code and rename the temp table and rename the view, it works.



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Performance Tuning :: Nested Loops

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to understand the concept of nested loops.


| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 14 | 364 | 4 (0)| 00
:00:01 |

| 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | 14 | 364 | 4 (0)| 00
:00:01 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

4 - access("A"."DEPTNO"="B"."DEPTNO")

Nested loop by defintion means,for every row returned by the outer query,the inner query is executed that many times.

In the above example,oracle does a full table scan and returned 14 rows.Now for dept table,it does a index unique scan and applies the predicate a.deptno=b.deptno and returns 1 row.

My question is why it is returning only 1 row? That measn for every 14 rows,this one row is fetched 14 times.

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PL/SQL :: Delete Scott And Storage Information Same Time Using REGEXP_REPLACE?

Jul 11, 2013

I used REGEXP_REPLACE to delete Scott. is there any way to delete Scott and Storage information same time using REGEXP_REPLACE...? 


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Only Last Rank Row From Table?

Dec 2, 2010

how do i retrieve only last rank row from table ?

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Retrieve Data From A Table For Certain IDs

Apr 7, 2013

I am writing a SQL inside an application to retrieve data from a table for certain IDs or for All employees based on the user's input. I create a variable :SELECTION for the where clause. When I run the SQL, I receive the error of missing right parenthesis. There is no error if I hard code the IDs.

If the input is 'All' -> the variable :SELECTION is blank so if the SQL :

select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION

will be

select name, address, ID from employee

If the input of users ID as '1234','9999' - > the :SELECTION = ' where ID in (:VARIABLEID)'
:VARIABLEID = '1234','9999'

so the SQL:
select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION

should be

select name, address, ID from employee where ID in ('1234','9999')

However, I got the missing right parenthesis error. I suspect it is something with the single quote, so I tried different ways, but it is still not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Loops - Find All IDs Who Take Tests Within Rolling Window Of 45 Days?

Mar 10, 2012

Main Aim : To find all those id's who have taken all the tests within a rolling window of 45 days.

I have a table "MBS_FIRST_DATE" with the following data :This table has the patients who have the test along with the first date..This table is derived such that it has only one record with the first date of the test irrespective of the test.

create table MBS_FIRST_DATE
medical_record_number VARCHAR2(600),
requested_test_name VARCHAR2(39),
result_date DATE


Process :will be explaining with a patient id :
1) Consider the patient 1001274 from mbs_first_date table.
2) This patient has an date of July 08th 2008 & test SBP from first table. (keep this test an an anchor).
3) For the patient above loop through the all_recs table with test & result date ordered for the patient. (excluding SBP)
4) The first record we have is CHL with 08/05/2009 (May 8th 2009)..
5) Since this record is not within 45 days from SBP date for the patient..we go to the next record of SBP for the patient.
6) The next record for SBP is 11/05/2009 (May 11th 2009) .
7) Consider the CHL date again which is with 08/05/2009 (May 8th 2009)..
Since both are within 45 days both the values keeping SBP date as an anchor date as it's the test that's having minimum date from table 1. Even though there is one more CHL date which is within 45 days from SBP we don't care about it.
9) Go to the next test for the same patient which is DBP..
10) The DBP first date is July 08th 2008..
11) Since it's not within 45 days from previously stored SBP date (11/05/2009) ignore the record.
12) GO to the next record which is 10/05/ this is within 45 days from SBP & already CHL (stored date) is within 45 days..Grab all the 3 dates as all are within 45 days from anchor date (SBP date).

SO the o/p will be
1001274 SBP 11/05/2009
1001274 CHL 08/05/2009
1001274 DBP 10/05/2009

Code which I wrote :I know some where I am missing the loop

V_ID1 VARCHAR2(200) := '';
V_TEST1 VARCHAR2(200) := '';


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Duplicate Rows From A Table

Jun 14, 2010

How to retrieve duplicate rows from a table, suppose i don't know any column names. Without hard-coding column names I need to find.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Hierarchical Data From Same Table

Nov 10, 2011

Look into the below table:

| A101 | B102 |
| | |
| B102 | C104 |
| | |
| C104 | D108 |
| | |
| D108 | E104 |

Here B102 is supervisor of A101 and C104 is supervisor of B102 and so on. I want to get this data into new table in below format

TABLE :- Hierarchy
| A101 | B102 | C104 | D108 | E104 |
| | | | | |
| B102 | C104 | D108 | E104 | NULL |
| | | | | |
| C104 | D108 | E104 | NULL | NULL |
| | | | | |
| D108 | E104 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| | |

I want to insert 1st two rows into Hierarchy table, then I would like to update Supervisor_2 to Supervisor_4. Here I don't want to use 'CONNECT BY PRIOR', as it take more time to execute (there are millions of records).SQL code for same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Retrieve Rows From A Table

Mar 7, 2012

I have created a table called ct_temp and it's structure is:

create table ct_temp(id char(2),srs number(3),amt number);

Result : Table Created

I now insert the following rows into the table:

id srs amt

1 62 30000
2 65 50000
3 65 70000
4 65 80000
5 62 16000
6 65 10000
7 65 100000
8 65 10


Then I issue the following query to retrieve data based on a specific criteria (Actually I have condensed the table and data because in Production, I have large number of rows; so for simplicity I am using 8 rows with one table)

criteria : I then want to retrieve the following:

for srs = 62, all values that is greater than 10,000

Answer: select decode(srs,62,ab.amt)temp1 ,decode(srs,65,ab.amt)temp2 from ct_temp ab

where decode(srs,62,ab.amt)>10000

Works like a charm and retrives the results.

Now comes the big issue

I want to retrieve the values for srs = 62 which is greater than 10,000 and at the same time I also want to retrieve the values for srs = 65 which is less than srs = 62.

Typically I wrote the query as:

select decode(srs,62,ab.amt)temp1 ,decode(srs,65,ab.amt)temp2 from ct_temp ab
where decode(srs,62,ab.amt)>10000
and decode(srs,65,ab.amt)<decode(srs,62,ab.amt)

I should atleast get one row for srs = 65 which is id # 8 but it displays blank rows or "no rows returned".

I am actually preparing a ad-hoc report for the business analyst and stuck at this step due to which I am unable to proceed any further. I have used DECODE function because of the requirement specified by Business Analyst.

I have tried the following in the office:

using EXISTS operator = no luck
using INLINE VIEW = no luck

Is there any way around?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Data That Does Not Exists In A Table

Dec 13, 2011

I have the following table with the some sample data:

|| Filename || receiving_site || originating_site ||
| fileA | siteA | HQ |
| fileA | siteA | siteA |
| fileB | siteA | HQ |
| fileA | siteB | HQ |
| fileA | siteB | siteB |
| fileB | siteB | HQ |
| fileB | siteB | siteB |

The table works in such way:

1. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is not the same as receiving_site, it means that the file has been sent to receiving_site but has not been acknowledged received yet.

2. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is the same as receiving_site, it means the file has been sent and received by the receiving_site.

My task is to list out all the Filename per receiving_site that has been sent, but not received yet by the receiving_site. For example from the sample data above, I am expecting to see that siteA, fileB has not been received yet.

How can I do that? I had tried MINUS and NOT EXISTS command, but I am just not able to get the result that I want.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Subset Of Data From Table

Jan 20, 2012

How to retrieve first hundred records from a table ?


The table size is 5 GB
The table count is 127922653
Table has 14 columns

Table is partitioned as well.

The table has 10 partitions.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve 100th Row To 120th Row From Table

Jul 18, 2012

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?

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Performance Tuning :: NESTED LOOPS JOIN And Distributed Operations?

Oct 30, 2012

I want to make sure I am describing correctly what happens in a query where there is distributed database access and it is participating in a NESTED LOOPS JOIN. Below is an example query, the query plan output, and the remote SQL information for such a case. Of particular note are line#4 (NESTED LOOPS) and line#11 (REMOTE TABLE_0002).

What I want to know is more detail on how this NESTED LOOPS JOIN handles the remote operation. For example, for each row that comes out of line#5 and is thus going into the NESTED LOOPS JOIN operation @line#4, does the database jump across the network to do the remote loopkup? Thus if there are 1 million rows, does that mean 1 million network hops? Does batchsize play a role? For example, if the database batches in groups of 100 then does that mean 10 thousand network hops?

I think each row that comes out of line#5 means a network hop to the remote database. But I do not know for a fact.I have done some abbreviating in the plan in an attempt to make it fit on the page (line#7 TA = TABLE ACCESS).



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Table Locking When Many Users Retrieve Data

Sep 2, 2009

I have a "select ... into" in my PL/SQL and it doesn't retreive any data(I suppose just certain columns because if it doesn't retreive a row then the PL/SQL should throw an error) when there are many users accessing this table. It shouldn't be some table locking right? Because if it is, it should wait until the table is available then it will retreive data. Currently it just proceeds with the PL/SQL and selecting nothing in that query. what details should I look at to trace the cause of this problem.

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Data Delete From Main Table

Nov 10, 2012

I am using oracle 11g database.

unforunatly i delete the data from main table. and i operated alter stmt.

now how do i retrieve the data..??

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