SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Subset Of Data From Table

Jan 20, 2012

How to retrieve first hundred records from a table ?


The table size is 5 GB
The table count is 127922653
Table has 14 columns

Table is partitioned as well.

The table has 10 partitions.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Move Only Subset Of Data From One Database To Another

Mar 13, 2012

The requirement details are as below,

1) The database contains static as well as transactional data for telecom domain.

2) We have to move region-wise data from one database to another.

3) There are around 10 regions.

4) The region wise data extraction from source db is based on around 40 to 50 tables. Rest of the tables contains static data & it will not change.

5) The volume is around 1 million subscribers per region.

6) The migration is required because

a) The client is upgrading its base product which uses this database

b) There is a change in structure of static tables

c) Hardware upgrade

d) The client want to start with single region on new database & rest of the regions will be operated from old database.

7) Keep execution time to very minimum.

I am thinking to have solution as below,

1) Create destination database with upgraded db structure (as mentioned in 6b)

2) Create database links to access source db in destination db.

3) Write SQL queries to fetch data from all the respective tables for a specific region

4) Write separate PL/SQL blocks for each table to fetch data from source db & insert into respective table in destination db

a) Use FOR ALL & bulk collect to improve the performance

b) Divide table data into multiple chunks & execute parallel batches (around 10) to insert the data

5) Validate pre & post counts to verify the success of migration

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Server Utilities :: Query Parameter - Export Subset Of Table Using RowID

Aug 15, 2012

I am exporting using query parameter. I am trying to export subset of table using rowid.

SQL> select rowid , name from tab1;

------------------ ---------------
.................. ....
.................. ....

command given as

exp sam/sam tables=tab1 file=exprwid.dmp query="where ROWID='AAAM0rAAEAAAAGMAAA'" log=log1.log

Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table TAB1
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 911 encountered
ORA-00911: invalid character
Export terminated successfully with warnings.

how can i export this record ?

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Retrieve Data From A Table For Certain IDs

Apr 7, 2013

I am writing a SQL inside an application to retrieve data from a table for certain IDs or for All employees based on the user's input. I create a variable :SELECTION for the where clause. When I run the SQL, I receive the error of missing right parenthesis. There is no error if I hard code the IDs.

If the input is 'All' -> the variable :SELECTION is blank so if the SQL :

select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION

will be

select name, address, ID from employee

If the input of users ID as '1234','9999' - > the :SELECTION = ' where ID in (:VARIABLEID)'
:VARIABLEID = '1234','9999'

so the SQL:
select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION

should be

select name, address, ID from employee where ID in ('1234','9999')

However, I got the missing right parenthesis error. I suspect it is something with the single quote, so I tried different ways, but it is still not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Hierarchical Data From Same Table

Nov 10, 2011

Look into the below table:

| A101 | B102 |
| | |
| B102 | C104 |
| | |
| C104 | D108 |
| | |
| D108 | E104 |

Here B102 is supervisor of A101 and C104 is supervisor of B102 and so on. I want to get this data into new table in below format

TABLE :- Hierarchy
| A101 | B102 | C104 | D108 | E104 |
| | | | | |
| B102 | C104 | D108 | E104 | NULL |
| | | | | |
| C104 | D108 | E104 | NULL | NULL |
| | | | | |
| D108 | E104 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| | |

I want to insert 1st two rows into Hierarchy table, then I would like to update Supervisor_2 to Supervisor_4. Here I don't want to use 'CONNECT BY PRIOR', as it take more time to execute (there are millions of records).SQL code for same.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Data That Does Not Exists In A Table

Dec 13, 2011

I have the following table with the some sample data:

|| Filename || receiving_site || originating_site ||
| fileA | siteA | HQ |
| fileA | siteA | siteA |
| fileB | siteA | HQ |
| fileA | siteB | HQ |
| fileA | siteB | siteB |
| fileB | siteB | HQ |
| fileB | siteB | siteB |

The table works in such way:

1. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is not the same as receiving_site, it means that the file has been sent to receiving_site but has not been acknowledged received yet.

2. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is the same as receiving_site, it means the file has been sent and received by the receiving_site.

My task is to list out all the Filename per receiving_site that has been sent, but not received yet by the receiving_site. For example from the sample data above, I am expecting to see that siteA, fileB has not been received yet.

How can I do that? I had tried MINUS and NOT EXISTS command, but I am just not able to get the result that I want.

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Table Locking When Many Users Retrieve Data

Sep 2, 2009

I have a "select ... into" in my PL/SQL and it doesn't retreive any data(I suppose just certain columns because if it doesn't retreive a row then the PL/SQL should throw an error) when there are many users accessing this table. It shouldn't be some table locking right? Because if it is, it should wait until the table is available then it will retreive data. Currently it just proceeds with the PL/SQL and selecting nothing in that query. what details should I look at to trace the cause of this problem.

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Data Delete From Main Table

Nov 10, 2012

I am using oracle 11g database.

unforunatly i delete the data from main table. and i operated alter stmt.

now how do i retrieve the data..??

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Windows :: How To Retrieve The Blob Column Data From Table

Mar 7, 2011

I use the oracle 10g database.I am trying to insert and retrive the image.Inserting an image is done.but while retrieving an image iam getting an run time exception in java "java.sql.sqlexception:general error".i am not able to understand this.

The code to insert the image is
FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream(f);
int size = fi.available();
byte b1[] = new byte[size];
st.executeUpdate("insert into image1 values('b1',"+k+")");
when i am retrieving the image i tried like this
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select imagecolumn from tablename");
here iam getting an exception as i named above.

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Forms :: Select Table Name And Retrieve Its Related Data

May 29, 2012

I wanna have a form which has a list box which is including of all table names, by selecting the required table by user all column name and its related data should be retrieve.I have a cursor which give me all field names related to the table by I do not know how can I retrieve table data:

1. How to add item through block base on number of column which selected table has.

2. How to set value of table column in these mentioned column which added in the block.

3. And at the end retrieve the table data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve All Data From Table And Print Out Each Customer Info One By One

Nov 15, 2010

How similar is PL/SQL to SQL? I'm trying to retrieve all data from a customer table and print out each customer information one by one:

CURSOR all_customer IS
FROM customer;

but I really don't know the correct syntax. The Powerpoint slides the professor gave is not useful at all.

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Forms :: How To Retrieve Records From Table Without Using Data Block Wizard

Jun 17, 2012

i want to retrieve records of empno from SCOTT.EMP talbe in form but without data block wizard using ..how .. and what logic will be in coding


just caling here EMPNO and :v_empno is fields on form...

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Performance Tuning :: Retrieve Data From View Or Mention Table Names Directly?

Aug 11, 2011

base on performance it is better to retrieve data from view or mention the table names directly?

I have a select statement in from clause one of my table is view (which is having data collected from four tables) my question is whether performance of querry will be improved if i use directly all tables( four tables of a view) instead of a view

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Indexing On Subset Of The Record?

Apr 28, 2013

Does Oracle supports an index that only contains a sub-set of the records in a table?

For eg - A table has 1 million records, can we have a index which contains suppose 100k records. We have used a similar logic in DMSII in Unisys. Not so sure if Oracle supports it.

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Can Create Unique Index On Subset Of Record

Apr 9, 2013

I have following records in table (T)


Based on the type-cd, I need to create Unique index on Nbr & Dt columns

In above record set, I want to create Unique index on type_cd=A and not on B&C (Here i expect duplictes for a combination of Nbr & Dt)

Can we create Unique index on subset of record?

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve The Data In Where Clause 

Dec 28, 2012

SELECT mkct_group_code FROM ID_MKT_CONTTYPE_GROUP_MASTER where mkct_group_code=20'

Note mkct_group_code column is varchar2(10) type.

It has values as

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Fast Way To Retrieve All Data Blocks

Apr 19, 2012

I am interested about the fast way to access all data in physical block. what is the quick way to bring data blocks using the rowid, I found this script but soon as I can have faster access:

select * from table_name t
where 'AAAUaOAAEAAHkJiAAA' is the last element in the block and 'AAAUaOAAEAAHkJiAA8' is the first one

my question is can retrieve all the data in one block more quick than this query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve 6 Decimal Place Of Data

Oct 14, 2011

IF I have Salary Table,In that Salary Table,How to retrieve 6 decimal place of data .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Retrieve The Data Without Iteration?

Dec 27, 2010

I have one table as shown below,

(matrl varchar2(100),
date_man date,
weight number(10)


The data will look like this .


I need to order by this data in terms of date and need to get the data as shown below. Acc_wt is accumulated weight till the material.

Date Weightacc_wt

Can we make use of oracle lag and lead functions here?Or some other methods?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data From Blob Column?

Sep 30, 2011

example for retrieve data from blob column using pl sql procedure in oracle?

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Forms :: Using LOV On Some Field To Retrieve Data

Jun 8, 2011

I am using LOV on some field to retrieve data, but sometimes it does not retrieve anything cause of unavailability of date its fine but i want to put N/A in that field when such condition is occurring .

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve XML Data In Clob Type?

Dec 5, 2012

I have a table created as below

create table tab123( x clob);

Inserted a row as below

insert into t values ('"<ProcessBatchRequest xmlns:inp1="http://services.abc.com/" ServiceVersionNumber="" xmlns="http://services.abc.com/GlobalBatchServiceV1.0">


Now i want to retrieve the value present under a given xpath.

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Retrieve Nth Row From Table

Oct 12, 2010

I have googled so much but unable to find the explanation how the following query work.

SELECT * FROM EMP a WHERE 2 = (SELECT COUNT(rowid) FROM EMP b WHERE b.rowid <= a.rowid);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data By Checking Any Part Of The String?

Jul 8, 2012

I have a table

select * from testing
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
1 ABC,DEF,GHI,LKJ 000001
2 MNC,GHI,CTF 000002

2 rows selected

select * from testing where name like ('GHI,TCF');

now my output should be as above because GHI is common in both the names.if any of the where condition string matches the Name field then I need that record to be retrieved.

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Forms :: How To Retrieve Only That Data Which Is Based On Given Condition

Jun 22, 2011

,i have a table called travel detail from which i have retrieved few rows based on 1 condition by using LOV and on next few rows modification is allowed. The rows are getting modified but it is also allowing me to enter in next blank row and insert any data in that row.how can i retrieve only that data which is based on the given condition. Further blank rows should not b displayed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data With Multiple Select Statements

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve data with multiple select statements. The query works fine for 1 account (segment6) but fails for more than account. Below is the query.

select PERIOD_NAME "Month/Year",segment1 "Company" ,Segment6 "GL Account", currency_code "Currency",Mmt "Movement",
(select gb.period_name "PERIOD_NAME",decode (gcc.segment1, '20', 'Internode', '10', 'Agile') SEGMENT1,
gcc.segment6 "SEGMENT6", gb.currency_code "CURRENCY_CODE", gb.begin_balance_dr "BBDR", gb.begin_balance_cr "BBCR",


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Forms :: Fetching Data - Retrieve Username

Sep 7, 2010

I have a detailed block with a user ID column. The user name is not available in the block. Therefore, I have created a non-database column to retrieve the user name into it.

Here is the code I've used.

PROCEDURE get_details IS

iLoop number := 1;




However, it retrieves the first record only.

The results are displayed like this.

Loop: Result:

1 Full_Name
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty

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PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data By Using Both Group By And Order By Clauses?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a table name as angdata77 having attributes like asigno..i want to retrieve data from angdata77 by using both group by & order by clauses.. for total count..am using the query as

select asigno,count(*) from angdata77 group by asigno order by asigno;

Is there any other query for retrieving the data from angdata77

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Security :: How To Retrieve Unmatched Data From A Column

May 30, 2013

i have a column that contains 1 to 100 values but it has some missed data such as it does not has 50,45,34,23 etc..

so how could i find the missed data alone in a single query..

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How To Connect To Oracle To Retrieve Data Using SQL Language

Jan 9, 2012

how to connect to Oracle to retrieve data using SQL language. I've started with a new company which is pretty much a sink or swim type of environment meaning you're an idiot if you don't figure it out on your own. I was told that we use Toad for Oracle 10g. I was given a server name; location and an .ora file named tnsnames that was given to me but I have no clue what to do with. I've come from companies where this was already setup. You just go into access to retrieve the data.

II have totally hit a brick wall with all the other roadblocks I encounter and all researched out. Where I can get step by step instructions on how to connect to start sql in Toad/Oracle?

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