How to Print Customer Copy / Office Copy in rports 6i for example i want to print two copies of any report i want that on first copy of report shows CUSTOMER COPY and second copy of shows OFFICE COPY and report may be on multiple pages.
I am trying to retrieve info from multiple DBs and insert into a central DB via DB LINKS.The links are retrieved via a cursor.
However I keep coming up against 'PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist' to handle db_links using a cursor in a pl/sql block? The code is as follows:
DECLARE db_link_rec VARCHAR2(30); CURSOR db_link_cur IS SELECT DB_LINK from MESSAGING_PROD_LIST; BEGIN OPEN db_link_cur; LOOP FETCH db_link_cur INTO db_link_rec; EXIT when db_link_cur%NOTFOUND; [code]....
I'm trying to write a procedure that displays customerID, customer name, product name, and the total quantity of products the customer purchased, and the total amount the customer paid.Here's the relevant Schema tables:
Now I'm trying to wrap the above query in procedure code. I believe that I need a cursor, but I don't know what kind of cursor variable to store the result of the SELECT statement in because the query selects columns from several different tables, and I'm not sure how to terminate the FOR loop (but I think probably I can use the EXIT WHEN cursor%NOTFOUND;Here's the procedure code I have written thus far:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE find_customer_statistics IS DECLARE TYPE cust_stats IS REF CURSOR; weak ref cursor declaration
SELECT sales_order.customer_id,, product.description, SUM(line_item.quantity), SUM(line_item.subtotal) FROM sales_order, customer, product, line_item WHERE customer.customer_id = sales_order.customer_id AND line_item.order_id = sales_order.order_id [code]....
I am writing a SQL inside an application to retrieve data from a table for certain IDs or for All employees based on the user's input. I create a variable :SELECTION for the where clause. When I run the SQL, I receive the error of missing right parenthesis. There is no error if I hard code the IDs.
If the input is 'All' -> the variable :SELECTION is blank so if the SQL :
select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION
will be
select name, address, ID from employee
If the input of users ID as '1234','9999' - > the :SELECTION = ' where ID in (:VARIABLEID)' :VARIABLEID = '1234','9999'
so the SQL: select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION
should be
select name, address, ID from employee where ID in ('1234','9999')
However, I got the missing right parenthesis error. I suspect it is something with the single quote, so I tried different ways, but it is still not working.
What I am trying to do is print out page that displays all of the column titles and the data under them for a query given by the user. It is then going to be put into an excel spreadsheet.
I've done this before with Java, simply by using the getMetaData function, but I can't seem to find an alternative for PL/SQL. It seems at the very least I need to know the number of columns in a query, but that would defeat the purpose of this.
Is what I am trying to do even possible or is knowing the column names an absolute necessity when printing table data?
I want to insert 1st two rows into Hierarchy table, then I would like to update Supervisor_2 to Supervisor_4. Here I don't want to use 'CONNECT BY PRIOR', as it take more time to execute (there are millions of records).SQL code for same.
1. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is not the same as receiving_site, it means that the file has been sent to receiving_site but has not been acknowledged received yet.
2. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is the same as receiving_site, it means the file has been sent and received by the receiving_site.
My task is to list out all the Filename per receiving_site that has been sent, but not received yet by the receiving_site. For example from the sample data above, I am expecting to see that siteA, fileB has not been received yet.
How can I do that? I had tried MINUS and NOT EXISTS command, but I am just not able to get the result that I want.
I have a "select ... into" in my PL/SQL and it doesn't retreive any data(I suppose just certain columns because if it doesn't retreive a row then the PL/SQL should throw an error) when there are many users accessing this table. It shouldn't be some table locking right? Because if it is, it should wait until the table is available then it will retreive data. Currently it just proceeds with the PL/SQL and selecting nothing in that query. what details should I look at to trace the cause of this problem.
I use the oracle 10g database.I am trying to insert and retrive the image.Inserting an image is done.but while retrieving an image iam getting an run time exception in java "java.sql.sqlexception:general error".i am not able to understand this.
The code to insert the image is FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream(f); int size = fi.available(); System.out.println("j"+size); byte b1[] = new byte[size];,0,size); System.out.println("i"+i); st.executeUpdate("insert into image1 values('b1',"+k+")"); when i am retrieving the image i tried like this ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select imagecolumn from tablename"); here iam getting an exception as i named above.
I wanna have a form which has a list box which is including of all table names, by selecting the required table by user all column name and its related data should be retrieve.I have a cursor which give me all field names related to the table by I do not know how can I retrieve table data:
1. How to add item through block base on number of column which selected table has.
2. How to set value of table column in these mentioned column which added in the block.
I'm doing online business of selling my manufacturing product to my customer through internet. It is so much easy way but with this there are some unwanted threads that might be disturb business working area. I want to keep my customer online data from hacker but have no strong software who minimize or protect them hackers.
SELECT customers.custid AS CUSTID, customers.memberid AS MEMBERID, customers.bname AS BNAME, drpepper_rebate.drpepid AS DRPEPID, drpepper_rebate.totalcarb AS TOTALCARB, drpepper_rebate.totalncb AS TOTALNCB,
I have more then 700 customer records in the Customers table, but so far I can only pull 500 records.
Reason I am trying to pull all the records from the customer table is because I want to find out who is missing cokeid and Drpepid.
base on performance it is better to retrieve data from view or mention the table names directly?
I have a select statement in from clause one of my table is view (which is having data collected from four tables) my question is whether performance of querry will be improved if i use directly all tables( four tables of a view) instead of a view
creating an sql script that can update info from one table in dbase1 to another table in dbase2 that has the same columns and if possible insert date and time in one column when the synchronized is done?
i WANTED TO SIMPLIFY THIS CODE SO THAT I NEED NOT DO ALL THESE manipulations but still get the result of UNI_CUG_SITE,
Create Table CUG_SITE compress nologging As Select C_Key, S_Key From A group by C_Key, S_Key / commit / --Creating a table for all Single Sited Customer --- [code]........
I am using the below query to show the difference of data between two tables using minus operator.
teh result is correct, but is there a way can it show with a flag with new rows and updated rows something like "N" for new row and "U" for updated row.
I am having a little trouble retrieving info from my mock database.
here are my definitions: response.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); response.setHeader("Expires", "01 Apr 1995 01:10:10 GMT"); response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "post-check=0, pre-check=0");
and here is my select statement. ds = (DataSource) context.lookup(dSource); conn = ds.getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select add_date, campus, name, leader from TABLENAME where id = ? order by xbbo_add_date"); stmt.setString(1, colleagueID); result = stmt.executeQuery();
***basically I am trying to retrieve this info from my db, and list it out in a HTML table. I am writing this on a JSP page. Also, where i want the retrieved data listed, I am using for ex: <%=name%>
I want to print data from a clob in XML format and use the following
PROCEDURE printClobOut(result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) is xmlstr varchar2(32767); line varchar2(32767); cnt NUMBER;
However the length of the clob is 13832630 which is too large for a VARCHAR2. Thus my output of line is cut off at 4000 characters. How can i increase this... Do i overlook something here in my code?
is there anyway to print the values of full table .i have used all column names to print .