PL/SQL :: Collect Values Based On The Flag

Oct 18, 2012

I have a scenario, where I need to find the bucket values with the flag as "Y". The problem is i have 5 buckets

Bkt1 Bkt2 Bkt3 Bkt4 Bkt5 Flag
1000 500 230 100 677 Y
789 100 122 666 888 N
783 110 142 166 788 N
781 110 112 616 988 Y
709 130 121 661 878 N

Here I need to write a SQL query in Oracle 10g fetching the respective bucket value(for all the 5 buckets) along with the flag as "Y" and more importantly should have the bucket name as well.This is needed as in the UI we need to display the respective bkt value which is "Y" as bold.

So in the final List I need to have the VO which should contain the respective bucket name, respective value and flag as "Y"

Some thing like this I need to get in my final ArrayList in java

Bkt1 1000 Y
Bkt1 781 Y
Bkt2 500 Y
Bkt2 110 Y
Bkt3 230 Y
Bkt3 112 Y
Bkt4 100 Y
Bkt4 616 Y
Bkt5 677 Y
Bkt5 988 Y

how we can do it using the SQL query.

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Records Based On The Flag

Jun 7, 2012

I have records like the following

Program_Name Effective_Date Valid_Flag
ABCD 2/10/2012 N
ABCD 2/14/2012 N
ABCD 2/20/2012 Y
ABCD 3/01/2012 N
ABCD 3/10/2012 N


I have to write a select statement to to keep the first record and then pull only the records when the Valid_Flag changed. The result set should be like below.

Program_Name Effective_Date Valid_Flag
ABCD 2/10/2012 N -- I have preserved the first record
ABCD 2/20/2012 Y -- Valid_Flag chages to a Y for teh first time and so on.
ABCD 3/01/2012 N
ABCD 3/14/2012 Y
ABCD 3/25/2012 N
ABCD 4/25/2012 Y

If there is no change in the flag, I do not have to pull that record.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Min_date Set Flag 1 And Max Dates Set Flag As 2

Oct 7, 2011


1070410/6/11 6:00 AM
1070410/6/11 3:00 PM
1070410/6/11 9:00 PM
1070410/7/11 6:00 AM
1070410/7/11 3:00 PM
1070410/7/11 9:00 PM
1070510/7/11 6:00 AM
1070510/7/11 3:00 PM
1070510/7/11 9:00 PM

following is the table where every employee have 3 records we need to put the flag datewise and employee id wise minimum in_date always be set to 1 and remaining 2 maximum dates for each employee date wise always set to 2 in qty2 field.

Output requirement is as follows:

1070410/6/11 6:00 AM 1
1070410/6/11 3:00 PM 2
1070410/6/11 9:00 PM 2
1070410/7/11 6:00 AM 1
1070410/7/11 3:00 PM 2
1070410/7/11 9:00 PM 2
1070510/7/11 6:00 AM 1
1070510/7/11 3:00 PM 2
1070510/7/11 9:00 PM 2

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Application Express :: Assign Values In Many Rows Based On Search Values?

Jul 25, 2013

I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by. 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserts Based On Column Values

Aug 15, 2012

I have a data in one table with 6 columns where user may be updating values in all of these 6 columns or he may enter 3 or 4 columns based on that inserts should take place, this is similar to my previous thread , i am using if condition to check column for null if its not null then i will make a insert , but is there any other easier way to do this.

CREATE TABLE ot_inspect_head
(inh_sys NUMBER,i_txn_code VARCHAR2(12),i_no NUMBER,i_ref_txn VARCHAR2(20),i_ref_no NUMBER);
CREATE TABLE ot_inspect_item
(ii_inh_sys NUMBER , ii_pi_sys NUMBER,ii_sys NUMBER,ii_item_cd VARCHAR2(12),
ii_grade VARCHAR2(12),ii_qty number, ii_flex_01 VARCHAR2(12),ii_flex01_qty number,
ii_flex_02 VARCHAR2(12),ii_flex02_qty number,ii_flex_03 VARCHAR2(12),ii_flex03_qty number);

insert into ot_po values ('ss-po',1,ph_sys.nextval);
insert into ot_inspect_head values (inh_sys.nextval,'ss-ins',1,'ss-po',1);
select * from ot_inspect_item

---------- --------- ------ ------ -------- ------ ---------- ------------- ---------- -------------
2 1 2 HEA100 A 100

--Now if the inspection user issues the update statement , it will delete this row
--from ot_inspect_item and reinserts the values with values based on

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Insert Rows Based On Text Values?

Mar 22, 2007

I am an Oracle beginner and I am having some trouble with the following insert query.

I am inputting values into text boxes and then this is carried out as a trigger upon clicking a button.

INSERT INTO client VALUES(':student.txtclientid', ':student.txtclientname', ':student.clientaddress', 13564338);
INSERT INTO enrolment VALUES(':student.txtclientid', ':student.lstoccurrence', null, null);

The above text boxes are all working fine as I have viewed the values using the message command. My proplem is that if i leave the fields blank it inserts ':student.txtclientname' into the row, otherwise it returns "Could not insert record"

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Grabbing 2 Unique Values Based On A Field?

Nov 29, 2012

I have a list sample:

Order#Location VendorName
--------- --------- ------- -------
145646842 MLIQUID02T 368308 JOHNNEISHA
134962284 MLIQUID02T 368308 JERRY
141138899 MLIQUID02T 368308 CARLENA
5078916 MLIQUID02T 368308 DONNA


What I'd like to do is run SQL that can create output where I get 2 records from each Location. Example:

Order#Location VendorName
--------- --------- ------- -------
145646842 MLIQUID02T 368308 JOHNNEISHA
134962284 MLIQUID02T 368308 JERRY
13999694 MLIQUID03T 368308 TINA
175439805 MLIQUID03T 368308 RANDI
4801973 MLIQUID05T 368308 DIANA
55907648 MLIQUID05T 368308 DESIREE

Personally, I don't need the top value(s), but it would be nice.I was trying a few routes with rownum, and I can get it to pull 1 set of pairs with a where location= condition, but I can't seem to successfully combine the two.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Partition Creation Based On Other Table Values

Feb 12, 2013

i am trying to create Procedure which will create the partitions based on the other table date values one per each day.



It is not creating the partitions and even not giving any errors.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View With Column Based On Row Values Of Another Table

Apr 13, 2011

I have table with values :

Z0000221P114 45
Z0000135P115 68

For the column all possible values are ( P102,P101,P103 etc toP124). I want to create a view ( if possible ) from the above with data output as :

PROV_ID P101 P102 P103 ............................P124
z000234 23 45 60 72

basically this view has columns based on the previous tables column ( MEASURE_ID) values and the values will be corresponding value in column Percentage.

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Query To Split Records Based On Values From Another Table?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a table with following values in a column

Table A


I need to form a query which will take these four values in rownum part and split the records into 4 groups in Table B.

Table B- 90 records (10 + 35 + 20 + 25)

Now for example, the Table B is having emp no, order by ascending and i need to split into 4 groups,

with first group having start value -1 and end value -10

second group - start value -11 and end value-45

third group - start value -46 and end value -65

fourth group - start value - 66 and end value-90

one way i can do it by using union and count, which was a bit tedious if the no. of group goes upto 10.

note that the values in Table A is dynamically changing, so not able to hard code values.

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PL/SQL :: Update Vs Merge - Updating One Table Based On Values In Another

Jun 26, 2013

I have two tables lets say TAB_A and TAB_B. I altered table B to include a new column from table A I wrote a merge statement as follows to merge the data 


I know INSERT is for inserting new records UPDATE to my knowledge is to modify currently existing records (loosely) MERGE is one I rarely used, until this particular scenario. The code works perfectly fine, but I was wondering how could I write an update statement? Or in this scenario should I even be using an update statement?

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PL/SQL :: Updating CSV Values In Oracle Table Based On Condition

Aug 27, 2013

I have more than 100 records in CSV format. I have to import these records to a particular table which already contains data. I have to do a multiple update at a time, based on the condition . ie., if field1 is '1' then update field2 as 'A0001' and if field1 is '5' then update field2 as 'A0007' . The values are not in an order. Is it possible.

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PL/SQL :: Select Records Based On First N Distinct Values Of Column

Sep 25, 2012

I need to write a query in plsql to select records for first 3 distinct values of a single column (below example, ID )and all the rows for next 3 distinct values of the column and so on till the end of count of distinct values of a column.

ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10
7 lmn 10
so on... (till some count)
Result should be
Query 1 should result --->
ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10

query 2 should result -->
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10

query 3 should result -->
7 lmn 10
9 .. ..
so on..

How to write a query for this inside a loop.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Update Table1 Based On Condition Of Values In Table2

Feb 20, 2012

I have two tables as

Column Type Null Description
APP_NO Number(6,0) Not Null PK Leave Application Number
ECN Number(6,0) Not Null FK Employee Code Number
APP_Date Date Not Null Date of Application
From_Date Date Not Null Date from which the leave starts
TO_Date Date Not Null Date upto which the current application leave remains i.e. end of leave applied for date
NO_OF_Days Number(2,0) Not Null Difference between TO_Date and From_date
LEAVE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Not Null Can be one of SL, CL, LWP or LTA
Status VARCHAR2(25) Not Null Can be one of Saved, Rejected or Approved
Remark VARCHAR2(100) Nullable Reason to be put if status is rejected

What I really want to do is that when a record is inserted in the LEAVES table (an application for leave is submitted by any employee and if it is approved) then I want to update the _USED values of the corresponding LEAVE_TYPE in the LEAVEENTITLE table which holds values of types of leaves entitled to employee.

For example if 3 rows are inserted in the LEAVES table as
(1,1234,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'SL','APPROVED',null);
(2,1235,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'CL','SAVED',null);
(3,1236,'2012-01-01','2012-01-05','2012- 01-01',5,'LTA','REJECTED','Clash with the annual meet, revise dates');

Then the value of SL_USED in the LEAVEENTITLE table of record corresponding to the ECN = 1234 should be updated with +5 and naturally the SL_ UNUSED value of the record should be updated as SL_ENTITLED - SL_USED. For the APP_NO 2 and 3 none of the values in LEAVEENTITLE should be updated as the STATUS is not 'APPROVED'

I tried with the following trigger, but is compiling with a warning (not showing what the warning is)


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Forms :: Performing Validation Based On Unique Values In A Form

Mar 10, 2013

In my form i have a multi record block which is based on a table in which i am performing insertion, deletion, updation.

My requirement is as below,

While saving a records i want to check distinct value of specific item can not be greater than some value say 2. Then only my records should be saved. I am planning to populate those values in a collection table type and take the distinct values from it. How to populate record values in a collection table type.

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Forms :: Populate Default Values In Line Level Based On Header

May 29, 2011

I have two blocks.In header 2 columns are there same columns in line how to populate default values in line level based on header?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamically Concatenating Column Values Based Upon Number Of Grouped Columns

Feb 17, 2011

My requirement is to concatenate two column values and place them in a new column.I have done it using self join but it limits the purpose,meaning when I have more than 2 values for grouped columns then it won't work.How to make this dynamic,so that for any number of columns grouped,I can concatenate.

SELECT a.co_nm, a.mnfst_nr, a.mnfst_qty,
a.mnfst_nr || ':' || a.mnfst_qty || ';' || b.mnfst_nr || ':'
|| b.mnfst_qty
FROM vw_acao_critical a JOIN vw_acao_critical b
ON a.co_nm = b.co_nm AND a.mnfst_nr = b.mnfst_nr

What will be the case when I need to concatenate for more number of values.

like when co_nm has three bahs and manfst_nr and manfst_qty has 3 values for each for bah.and if three are having same_mnfst nr then I should use something to achieve this.

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Flag Or Monitor CPU Utilization?

Dec 22, 2010

I have to run a resource extensive SQL. It utilizes CPU to a great extent. I've created a new user just to run this particular report. I need to ensure that this particular user doesn't uses more CPU.

Hence, I need to generate an alarm (email) only if a threshold is exceeded for a certain period of time (above x% for y minutes),(example more than 80% for 10 min.), so that I can either kill the process or continue running it depending on CPU usage.

Can I do it using scripts or OEM. I couldn't find any specific metrics to do it in latter. (I'd prefer scripts though. )

My system details are as follows:

1. Database: Oracle 10g R2
2. Unix: Sun OS 5.10

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How To Check / LARGEADDRESSAWARE Flag In 10g

Sep 17, 2013

I am not a DBA, we are using Oracle 10g DB for our PLM applictaion Enovia, we are now trying to do 4GT in our windows 2003 server where our DB kept, while reading articles about this. we are informed that /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE) flag needed to be set to True in the application (here it is Oracle) to use more than 2GB in the RAM.

So My question is "Whether the corresponding flag is set to TRUE or not in Oracle 10g"? Is there any way to check that?"

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Partitions For Archiving - Date With Completed Flag?

Jan 29, 2011

I am working on an archiving strategy. I want to roll off transactions that are older than seven days, but only if they are flagged as Completed. The numbers of transactions are very large so this is a worthwhile venture.

The only strategy I have been able to come up with so far is to partiton on date. Then when 7 days comes up, sweep the about-to-be archived day for the few remaining not Completed transactions, put those into a new table (a new version of this partiton) and switch partitions. Each day I do this until the older parititions are empty.

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Calculation - Flag Which Students Are Under Achieving On Their Target Grades?

Mar 5, 2008

I have a SQL link table called student_monitor containing the follwing attributes and e.g. data

student_id, Class_id, Predicted_Grade, Actual_Grade
1 1 A C
2 1 B B
3 1 C B

I need to be able to flag which students are under achieving on their target grades and dont know how to do this or the best way to do this as i cannot calculate the diff between a char?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Complete Flag Most Recent 2 Rows By Category

Jul 29, 2013

I would like to update the complete flag of all the rows of a table except the most recent two rows of each category.

The table has fields like:
category - string,
item - string,
creation_date - string ('YYYYMMDDHHMI'),
complete_flag - boolean,

Each category does not have the same amount of records with the same creation_date so I do not want to filter by creation_date. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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PL/SQL :: Set Boolean Flag To True If Hire_date Is Greater Than 5 Years

Dec 27, 2012

For Just learning purpose This is an example found in text book but while i try to execute it fails..I am trying to set Boolean flag to true if the hire_date is greater than 5 years otherwise boolean flag to false

v_Hire_date date :='12-Dec-2005';
v_five_years BOOLEAN;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Control Block Execution With Flag Field Read In From LOG Table

Jan 9, 2012

The stand alone stored procedure has 2 parameter, an IN and OUT...

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someprocedure( businessdate IN NUMBER,
tablename OUT VARCHAR2)

This procedure has multiple inner blocks. Intention is to control execution of each of the inner blocks basing on the value of flag field obtained from a "processlogtable". This processlog table has structure as below.

jobname varchar2(100)
controldate (date)
controlflag varchar2(1)

I have the below code snippet at the beginning of each inner block that checks value of the flag and then proceeds with execution of that block. The intent is to avoid redundant call of a block that has successfully executed first time. That is, once a specific inner block fails for some reason, the re-execution of the stored procedure should AVOID re-executing the PRIOR successed steps.

I've the code set up as below, but the prior successed block(s) code gets re-executed again once the procedure is re-executed after a failure.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someprocedure( businessdate IN NUMBER,tablename OUT VARCHAR2)
CURSOR c_missingtablename
SELECT datatablename
SELECT UPPER(datatablename ) TABLE
WHERE datatableName IN ('Aaa','BbB','CcC');

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Client Tools :: Spool Clob Column To A Flag File

Jul 15, 2013

I would like to spool a clob column to a flag file, however some of the clob are greater than 32k, and I have to have the same record in a single line in the file. Is there any way to achieve this through spooling?

set heading off
set feedback off
set term off
set long 1000000
set longchunksize 500000
set line 32767
set trimspool on
set pagesize 50000
spool file.txt
@--this is my select statement.
spool off

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combining Rows In Data File Based On Values In Control File?

Aug 29, 2013

I have to load data file into a table. And the requirement is as below:

Input Data:

1234|20130815|20130822|This is a test, this is the the part
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a test
3456|20130823|20130809|Siva 1234

The data should be inserted only in two rows as below:

When Value in first 3 fields is same, 4th field should be appended to the existing value in table.

1234|20130815|20130822|This is a test, this is the the part
3456|20130823|20130809|This is a testThis is a testThis is a testSiva 1234

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Forms :: Create View Based On Values Selected In Forms

Jun 7, 2013

I am working on a simple form which will get the user to fetch required columns of employee master.

For that i have created a form which will display the column names and select option. When user clicks on query, the form will display the selected columns in a block. After going thru if required the user can download it to excel.

As of now I do not have filtering option. For this I thought of creating view based on the selection and then fetch records from the view and display it in form.

To achieve this I would like to know How I create or replace a view dynamically based on values selected. I remember doing this sort of thing long back, but could not recollect it.

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Forms :: Filter Hard Coded Values In List Item (Tlist) Based On Value Entered In Text Item

May 22, 2010

I have 2 items in my form:

1) Text Item
2) Tlist

Upon form load, TList will be populated with predefined item. The behavior i am trying to achieve is to have a text item so user could entered specific text which will then filter the values in TList .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Bulk COllect

Jan 30, 2011

What is Bulk COllect and How it can be use

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Collect Of Procedure

Apr 21, 2011

I am finishing using procedure migration from HP-ux server to Oracle linux server. I am currently testing migration by procedure, and there's time limit, so I like to use bulk collect and other faster way to do that, however I could convert normal procedure to bulk procedure.

here's my script of old table, new table, normal procedure, and my new procedure.which parts can be corrected to use bulk collect or bulk insert?


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