PL/SQL :: Selecting Records Based On The Flag

Jun 7, 2012

I have records like the following

Program_Name Effective_Date Valid_Flag
ABCD 2/10/2012 N
ABCD 2/14/2012 N
ABCD 2/20/2012 Y
ABCD 3/01/2012 N
ABCD 3/10/2012 N


I have to write a select statement to to keep the first record and then pull only the records when the Valid_Flag changed. The result set should be like below.

Program_Name Effective_Date Valid_Flag
ABCD 2/10/2012 N -- I have preserved the first record
ABCD 2/20/2012 Y -- Valid_Flag chages to a Y for teh first time and so on.
ABCD 3/01/2012 N
ABCD 3/14/2012 Y
ABCD 3/25/2012 N
ABCD 4/25/2012 Y

If there is no change in the flag, I do not have to pull that record.

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Records Based On Value Of Field

Dec 5, 2012

I have a table test with 10,000 records in it and 50 columns.I have to select those rows which contain values as "Sales Dum" in their field..For table with small number of colums i did this

SELECT * FROM tbl_website_dtl WHERE created_by like '%Sales%' or website_name like '%Sales%' or website_code like '%sales%';But should i do for table containing 50 columns.

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PL/SQL :: Collect Values Based On The Flag

Oct 18, 2012

I have a scenario, where I need to find the bucket values with the flag as "Y". The problem is i have 5 buckets

Bkt1 Bkt2 Bkt3 Bkt4 Bkt5 Flag
1000 500 230 100 677 Y
789 100 122 666 888 N
783 110 142 166 788 N
781 110 112 616 988 Y
709 130 121 661 878 N

Here I need to write a SQL query in Oracle 10g fetching the respective bucket value(for all the 5 buckets) along with the flag as "Y" and more importantly should have the bucket name as well.This is needed as in the UI we need to display the respective bkt value which is "Y" as bold.

So in the final List I need to have the VO which should contain the respective bucket name, respective value and flag as "Y"

Some thing like this I need to get in my final ArrayList in java

Bkt1 1000 Y
Bkt1 781 Y
Bkt2 500 Y
Bkt2 110 Y
Bkt3 230 Y
Bkt3 112 Y
Bkt4 100 Y
Bkt4 616 Y
Bkt5 677 Y
Bkt5 988 Y

how we can do it using the SQL query.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Min_date Set Flag 1 And Max Dates Set Flag As 2

Oct 7, 2011


1070410/6/11 6:00 AM
1070410/6/11 3:00 PM
1070410/6/11 9:00 PM
1070410/7/11 6:00 AM
1070410/7/11 3:00 PM
1070410/7/11 9:00 PM
1070510/7/11 6:00 AM
1070510/7/11 3:00 PM
1070510/7/11 9:00 PM

following is the table where every employee have 3 records we need to put the flag datewise and employee id wise minimum in_date always be set to 1 and remaining 2 maximum dates for each employee date wise always set to 2 in qty2 field.

Output requirement is as follows:

1070410/6/11 6:00 AM 1
1070410/6/11 3:00 PM 2
1070410/6/11 9:00 PM 2
1070410/7/11 6:00 AM 1
1070410/7/11 3:00 PM 2
1070410/7/11 9:00 PM 2
1070510/7/11 6:00 AM 1
1070510/7/11 3:00 PM 2
1070510/7/11 9:00 PM 2

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Selecting A Set Of Records From One Table

Aug 19, 2010

I'm selecting a set of records from one table, for example: ID, description and date. From this I'm only wanting the latest inserted row. I've used the max function on the date which is fine, however, there are some records that have had their description changed. This then returns two values for one ID, the max for the original description and the max for the changed description.

I'm getting:

ID |Description |Date
1 ABC 01/01/2010
2 XYZ 02/03/2010
2 XYZ1 03/05/2010

When I want:

ID |Description |Date
1 ABC 01/01/2010
2 XYZ1 03/05/2010

As ID 2 with XYZ1 Description is the very latest row for that ID.

This is an audit table so the ID appears on numerous rows as it a composite key with date.

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Missing Date Range With Previous Records Value

Jun 8, 2012

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - ProductionSET DEFINE OFF;

10 rows selected.I want the output like as follows, all those missing date i need to carry on the last one's number

---------- ---------- ---------
        34         40 01-MAY-12
        27         29 01-APR-12
        27         29 01-MAR-12
        21         23 01-FEB-12
        21         23 01-JAN-12
        21         23 01-DEC-11
The date value I have created for this sample is monthly, based on the condition the data value I may need to generate weekly also. That's Monthly or weekly either one.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g - Update Records In Target Table Based On Records Coming In From Source

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to update records in the target table based on the records coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitioned based on calendar key. I implement this whole logic using Informatica. Looking at the informatica session log I find that the informatica code is perfectly fine but its in the update part it takes long time (more than 5 days to update one million records). find the TARGET TABLE query and the UPDATE query as below.


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PL/SQL :: Selecting Single Record From Multiple Record Based On Date?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a table which contains the multiple records for single ID No. Now i have to select single record which contains the latest date. here is the structure Name  

Null Type  ------ ---- ------------ ID_P        NUMBER       NAME_P      VARCHAR2(12) DATE_P      TIMESTAMP(6) Records---------------------1 loosi     22-AUG-13 PM1 nammi  26-AUG-13 PM2 kk        22-AUG-13 PM2 thej      26-AUG-13 PM 

now i have to select below 2 rows how can write select qurie for this?

1 loosi 26-AUG-13 PM2 thej  26-AUG-13 PM

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PL/SQL :: Selecting Records From 125 Million Record Table To Insert Into Smaller Table?

Jul 17, 2013

Oracle 11gI have a large table of 125 million records - t3_universe.  This table never gets updated or altered once loaded,  but holds data that we receive from a lead company. I need to select records from this large table that fit certain demographic criteria and insert those into a smaller table - T3_Leads -  that will be updated with regard to when the lead is mailed and for other relevant information.  select records from this 125 million record table to insert into the smaller table. 

I have tried a variety of things - views, materialized views, direct insert into smaller table...I think I am probably missing other approaches. My current attempt has been to create a View using the query that selects the records as shown below.  Then use a second query that inserts into T3_Leads from this View V_Market.  This is very slow. Can I just use an Insert Into T3_Leads with this query - it did not seem to work with the WITH clause?    My Index on the large table is t3_universe_composite and includes zip_code, address_key, household_key.   

CREATE VIEW V_Market  asWITH got_pairs    AS     (         SELECT /*+ INDEX_FFS(t3_universe t3_universe_composite) */  l.zip_code, l.zip_plus_4, l.p1_givenname, l.surname, l.address,, l.state, l.household_key, l.hh_type as l_hh_type, l.address_key, l.narrowband_income, l.p1_ms, l.p1_gender, l.p1_exact_age, l.p1_personkey, e.hh_type as filler_data, 1.p1_seq_no, l.p2_seq_no       ,      ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  l.address_key                                    ORDER BY      l.hh_verification_date  DESC                    ) AS r_num         FROM   t3_universe  e         JOIN   t3_universe  l  ON                l.address_key  = e.address_key             AND l.zip_code = e.zip_code           AND   l.p1_gender != e.p1_gender      


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Records Based On Max Date

May 18, 2011

I am trying to get records from a table based on date column. I should retrieve records if the date column is NULL

and if it is not null ,i shud get the records of MAX date.

How would i do this. Below is my query,by which i can get records based on either maxdate or Null date

select, c.status,c.u_gr_code,
select id, status,u_gr_code,date_col,
max(record_valid_from) over (partition by entity_user_gr_id, status_id) max_date

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Based On Other Table Records?

Nov 4, 2009

("YEAR" NUMBER(4,0),


Now i want to UPDATE reducing the AVAILABLE column by 1 in COURSESEATS table based on common columns collegecode,coursecode for a ROW inserted into SEATALLOTMENT table ,i am confused to what approach i have to follow whether its a procedure or a trigger


Here in this case as i insert a row with krcl,cse as college code and course code respectively into seatallotment table the available column in courseseat table for the respective row with mentioned common column must become 59 from 60

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Records Based On 2 Status

Jan 25, 2013

create table test_exp (oid number, ioid number, status varchar2(20));

Below are the insert statements.

Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 100, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 101, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (1, 102, 'CANCELLED');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (2, 103, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (3, 104, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (4, 105, 'DISCO');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (4, 106, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (5, 107, 'NEW');
Insert into TEST_EXP (OID, IOID, STATUS) Values (5, 108, 'CANCELLED');

Now my problem is we should fetch the data based on the below rules

If an OID contains 2 IOIDs for which there is a NEW and DISCO status attached, then fetch the 2 records
If an OID has only 1 of these status, then ignore the same
If an OID has none of the 2 status, then ignore the same.

The expected output will be like below:

1 |100 |NEW
1 |101 |DISCO
4 |105 |DISCO
4 |106 |NEW

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PL/SQL :: How To Extract Records Based On Group

Aug 31, 2012

I have a table with with 2 colums serialnumber and brand .

each brand may have multiple serialnumber .

I want to extract 10 serialnumber for each brand .

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PL/SQL :: Grouping Records Based On Odd And Even Rows?

Apr 22, 2013

I have a sets of data in table ow_ship_det , from which i want to group all the records which are having same sl_desc but with the condition that sl_qty is not more than 1000 and sl_wt not more than 50000, i managed to do it but the problem is i want the wieght(sl_wt) and qty(sl_qty) to be evenly distributed among groups or boxes for example take the first four records which have common sl_desc 'H170' Where the qauntities are 15000,15000,10000,10000 as per the condition and loop written in program it will bring the 2 boxes or serial numbers with first 3 weights into 1 box as 40000 and other box as 10000, which i dont want instead i want to have them as 25000 each.

insert into ow_ship_det(sl_pm_code,sl_desc,sl_wt,sl_qty) values ('A','H170',15000,300);
insert into ow_ship_det(sl_pm_code,sl_desc,sl_wt,sl_qty) values ('B','H170',15000,300);
insert into ow_ship_det(sl_pm_code,sl_desc,sl_wt,sl_qty) values ('C','H170',10000,300);


--if you see above the weight is not balanced properly in batches 0001 for H170 Desc it should get divided equally as below

0001                A           H170      300         15000
0001                C           H170       300        10000
0002                B           H170       300        15000
0002                D           H170       300        10000


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Deleting Multiple Records Based On Conditions

Jun 28, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to retain latest 3 records based on creation date for each customer_id and delete the older records. The customer_ id or contract_number data in the test table are not unique.

Sample Table Script:


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fetch Records Based On Status Priority

Dec 20, 2012

I have a table with below syntax and insert statements.

-- Table creation
create table order_test (oid number,
orderno number,
ordername varchar2(100),
orderstatus varchar2(50),
orderseq number);
-- Insert statements


The Output looks like below

1 |100 |ORD1 |INPROGRESS |1
7 |100 |ORD1 |START |4
3 |100 |ORD1 |START |2
4 |100 |ORD1 |INPROGRESS |3
6 |101 |ORD2 |CANCELLED |3
2 |101 |ORD2 |INPROGRESS |2
5 |101 |ORD2 |COMPLETE |1
8 |102 |ORD3 |COMPLETE |1
9 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |1
10 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |2

Now, the below rules should be applied to get the output..

1) If status is same, then fetch max(seq) record
2) If status is different, then apply below priority to fetch the records

Start - Priority 1 (High)
In Progress - Priority 2
Cancelled - Priority 3
Complete - Priority 4 (Lowest)

Means, the output for each order should look like below.

3 |100 |ORD1 |START |2
2 |101 |ORD2 |INPROGRESS |2
8 |102 |ORD3 |COMPLETE |1
10 |103 |ORD4 |CANCELLED |2

how to do it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Multiple Records Based On Condition

Oct 10, 2012

(strt_num NUMBER ,
end_num NUMBER ,
des VARCHAR2(5),
CONSTRAINT pk_strt_num PRIMARY KEY (strt_num)
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (5, 8, 'GC');
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (10, 25, 'AB');
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (12, 35, 'PC');
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (22, 65, 'LJ');


-------------- ------------ -------------
5 8 GC
10 25 AB
12 35 PC
22 65 LJ

The requirement is the records should be split based on below conditions

1. Split only those records WHERE (end_num - strt_num) > 10
2. If TRUNC((end_num - strt_num)/10) = n, then n + 1 number of rows should be created for that record
3. While splitting the records,
-> For first record , START_NUM = Original STRT_NUM and END_NUM = START_NUM + 10
-> Second record , STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 and END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10
And this should continue for all records except the last record
-> For last record, STRT_NUM = previous END_NUM + 1 AND END_NUM = Original END_NUM

This table has 5 million records. Only for 2000 records (end_num - strt_num) > 10.

Expected Output.

------------- -------- ---------
5 8 GC -- No chage, END_NUM - STRT_NUM < 10

10 20 AB
21 25 AB

12 22 PC
23 32 PC
33 35 PC

22 32 LJ -- STRT_NUM = Original STRT_NUm, END_NUM = STRT_NUM + 10
33 42 LJ -- STRT_NUM = Previous END_NUM + 1, END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10
43 52 LJ -- STRT_NUM = Previous END_NUM + 1, END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10
53 62 LJ -- STRT_NUM = Previous END_NUM + 1, END_NUM = previous END_NUM + 10
63 65 LJ -- STRT_NUM = Previous END_NUM + 1, END_NUM = Original END_NUM

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Query To Split Records Based On Values From Another Table?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a table with following values in a column

Table A


I need to form a query which will take these four values in rownum part and split the records into 4 groups in Table B.

Table B- 90 records (10 + 35 + 20 + 25)

Now for example, the Table B is having emp no, order by ascending and i need to split into 4 groups,

with first group having start value -1 and end value -10

second group - start value -11 and end value-45

third group - start value -46 and end value -65

fourth group - start value - 66 and end value-90

one way i can do it by using union and count, which was a bit tedious if the no. of group goes upto 10.

note that the values in Table A is dynamically changing, so not able to hard code values.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Deleting Duplicate Records Based On Repetition Of Certain Fields

Sep 15, 2011

I have the following situation and need support:

create table try_x
(a number PRIMARY KEY,
f_text VARCHAR2(10));

insert ALL
into try_x values (0,1,1,'abc')
into try_x values (1,1,1,'abc')
into try_x values (2,1,1,'xyz')
into try_x values (3,1,2,'abc')
into try_x values (4,1,2,'abc')
into try_x values (5,1,2,'abc')
into try_x values (6,1,3,'abc')
into try_x values (7,1,3,'abc1')
into try_x values (8,1,3,'abc2')
into try_x values (9,1,3,'abc2')
select * from DUAL;

Although a is the PK, records with similar b,c,f_text are considered redundant and I need to delete all occurrences in the table where b, c, d are redundant and leave the unique ones. So I need the result to look like:

a b c f_text
0 1 1 abc
2 1 1 xyz
3 1 2 abc
6 1 3 abc
7 1 3 abc1
8 1 3 abc2

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PL/SQL :: Updating Count Data Based On Records In Another Table

Nov 6, 2013

I have 2 tables

Table 1Name Item   DateJon  Apples  06/11/2013 00:30:00 hrsSam  OrangesNish Apples  
Table 2 - Net countName Item CountNish Apples 10Nish Oranges 17Nish BananaSam Apples 10Sam Oranges 1Sam Bananas 1Jon  Apples 8 

I need to create a job that checks Table 1 for new records added after last run and then add the count in Table 2 to achieve this using PL/SQl or something similar

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PL/SQL :: Select Records Based On First N Distinct Values Of Column

Sep 25, 2012

I need to write a query in plsql to select records for first 3 distinct values of a single column (below example, ID )and all the rows for next 3 distinct values of the column and so on till the end of count of distinct values of a column.

ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10
7 lmn 10
so on... (till some count)
Result should be
Query 1 should result --->
ID name age
1 abc 10
1 def 20
2 ghi 10
2 jkl 20
2 mno 60
3 pqr 10

query 2 should result -->
4 rst 10
4 tuv 10
5 vwx 10
6 xyz 10
6 hij 10

query 3 should result -->
7 lmn 10
9 .. ..
so on..

How to write a query for this inside a loop.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Filtering Dataset Based On Records Returned By Table Join

Nov 10, 2010

I need to work on this requirement.

There are FOUR tables ( T1 , T11 & T2, T22) ALL store order information.

One of four conditions are possible for each Supply Reorder Number:

•Both table queries return no records

oPopulate all the output fields with nulls

•T1 returns a record, but T2 returns no records

oPopulate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11.

•T1 returns no records, but T2 returns one record

oPopulate output fields with values from the join of T2 and T22.

•T1 returns a record, and T2 returns a record

oIf the latest order is in T1, then populate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11.

oIf order dates are equal from both join results, then populate output fields with values from the join of T1 and T11 .

oIf the latest order is in T2, then populate output fields with values from the join of T2 and T22.

How do we filter the dataset based on result of table join ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join For Bringing Master And Child Records Based On Condition?

Jul 30, 2013

The attachment contains the table info. The condition is that when there are childer for the master ,the master record shd be negated . Excuse me if this very easy. Example -DEL HAS children so the record with DEL and DEL SHD not be in the result query. Example -RAG HAS NO children. so the MASTER record should be taken.



My expected output

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Forms :: Filter Records In A Data Block Based On Yes Or No Criteria

Aug 13, 2010

I need to filter records in a datablock based on Yes or No criteria.So i created a listitem(INCLUDE_ZERO_QTY_ITEMS) for that and i am using following code in WHEN-LIST-CHANGED trigger.


I am able to filter the records but the list item is not displaying initial value and the value that i am selecting from poplist.

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Forms :: Fetch Single Record From Multiple Records Based On Condition

Jan 27, 2012

I have made a travel booking system which comprises of 3 forms

1)Travel Booking form
2)Reservation Form
3)Cancellation Form

Under one booking number i can add multiple users in which they can have there multiple travels.

Users can cancel there individual travels under a prescribe booking number which on doing the Cancel flag turns to 'Y'.

What i want is, If a user is cancelling his/her travel under any booking number then while retriving the records in Travel Booking form, the travels which are cancelled should not be in enable mode.

For one user there can be 4 travels out of which 2 are cancelled, how can i track only those records whoes cancel flag is set to Y. some logic to find it out. Else can i use :system.cursor_record. If yes, How to use it for this system.

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Forms :: Auto Populating Records In Other Fields Based On Inventory Number Field

Jul 13, 2011

I am having a problem with auto populating different fields based on inventory no. field.. This is a bug giving to me to work on and i not able to figure out how to populate the other fields.

How to set any triggers for the items to auto populate and i am suppose to finish this work today.

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Application Express :: How To Create Radio Groups Dynamically Based On Records In A Table

Nov 29, 2012

below requirement..

We have certain records like SQL, PL/SQL, Reports, Forms, OAF etc in a table. We wanted to capture rating for each of these criteria. So we want a form to be displayed dynamically..

SQL 1 2 3 4 (1,2,3,4 represent radio buttons)
PL/SQL 1 2 3 4
Reports 1 2 3 4
Forms 1 2 3 4
OAF 1 2 3 4

If we add another row, XMLP in that table additional radio button should be displayed automatically..

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Flag Or Monitor CPU Utilization?

Dec 22, 2010

I have to run a resource extensive SQL. It utilizes CPU to a great extent. I've created a new user just to run this particular report. I need to ensure that this particular user doesn't uses more CPU.

Hence, I need to generate an alarm (email) only if a threshold is exceeded for a certain period of time (above x% for y minutes),(example more than 80% for 10 min.), so that I can either kill the process or continue running it depending on CPU usage.

Can I do it using scripts or OEM. I couldn't find any specific metrics to do it in latter. (I'd prefer scripts though. )

My system details are as follows:

1. Database: Oracle 10g R2
2. Unix: Sun OS 5.10

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How To Check / LARGEADDRESSAWARE Flag In 10g

Sep 17, 2013

I am not a DBA, we are using Oracle 10g DB for our PLM applictaion Enovia, we are now trying to do 4GT in our windows 2003 server where our DB kept, while reading articles about this. we are informed that /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE) flag needed to be set to True in the application (here it is Oracle) to use more than 2GB in the RAM.

So My question is "Whether the corresponding flag is set to TRUE or not in Oracle 10g"? Is there any way to check that?"

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Partitions For Archiving - Date With Completed Flag?

Jan 29, 2011

I am working on an archiving strategy. I want to roll off transactions that are older than seven days, but only if they are flagged as Completed. The numbers of transactions are very large so this is a worthwhile venture.

The only strategy I have been able to come up with so far is to partiton on date. Then when 7 days comes up, sweep the about-to-be archived day for the few remaining not Completed transactions, put those into a new table (a new version of this partiton) and switch partitions. Each day I do this until the older parititions are empty.

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