Multiple Record Insert Using INSERT ALL

Jan 2, 2009

I'm trying to insert only a few columns (not all of them) from temp_ioi_010209 into mtl_system_items_interface. Both of these tables have more columns than just the 7 I'm specifying but everything I found under INSERT ALL here makes me think I'm doing it right. According to the DESCRIBE of mtl_system_items_interface the only non-nullable column is set_process_id and I'm specifying that one...

Why I'm getting the error "ORA-00947: not enough values"?

INSERT ALL INTO mtl_system_items_interface

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Client Tools :: INSERT INTO With GUI - Insert Record Greyed Out?

Oct 28, 2013

I wish to make this simple statement with Toad GUI

VALUES ('xxx',

Insert record is greyed out. How to insert new rows with Toad (click click)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data In Multiple Bases Using Multiple Database Links

Jan 2, 2013

how to insert the data in multiple bases( Same table structure in different bases) using the multiple database links?

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How To Insert A New Record In A Data Block

Sep 18, 2012

How do I insert a new record in a Data Block, and the standard is always insert a line below, you could add a record above?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trigger To Insert Record Into Another Table

Aug 17, 2010

writing a trigger body. My requirement is i need to insert a new record in a task table when ever a new record is inserted into employee table.Here in the trigger i need to select the name of the employee in the last inserted row in employee table and insert the name in task table.I tried to write the code as below

insert into task(name, date, type) values ((select name from employee where emp_id=(select max(emp_id) from employee), sysdate, 'document'));

When i am trying to insert record using trigger, it is taking last but one record from the employee table.

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Record Count Mismatch Between Select And Insert

Mar 20, 2013

We are trying insert records from a select query in to temporary table, some of the records is missing in the temporary table. The select statement is having multiple joins and union all which it little complex query. In simple terms the script contains 2 part 1st Part Insert in to temporary table 2nd part Select query with multiple joins, inline sub queries, unions and group by classes and conditions Eg. If we execute select statement alone it returns some count for example => 60000 After inserting into the temp table, in temp table the count is around 42000 why is the difference?

It is simple bulk inserts... insert in to temp table select * from xxx. also, there is no commit in between. The problem is all the records populated by the select statement are not inserted in to temp table. some records are not inserted.

Also, we had some other observation. It only happens in its 2nd execution and not its first run. Hope there might be some cache problem
Even, we also did not believe that. We are wondering. In TOAD, we tested however at times it happens. In application jar file, after "insert in to temp select * from xxx" we take the i. record count of temp table and ii. record count of "select * from xxx" separately but both doesn't match. Match only at 1st time.

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Forms :: Enable Insert Button For 1 Record Only?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form with a block at header level. Once you save your header, there is a second block at line level. I want to be able to enter only one record at header level and line-level.

Also if you search on an instance which already has a record at line-level then i want the insert button to be greyed out.

Similarly once you create your first record at line-level the Insert button should be greyed out.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Bulk Insert Based On Record Count

Jun 19, 2012

Is there any defined record count range for the following ways of bulk insert :



through a cursor, bulk fetch and bulk insert under a loop.

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Forms :: Two Blocks - Unable To INSERT Record

Oct 16, 2012

I have this error. To put it simply I have two blocks.

Block1 contains two drop down list with PL/SQL statements for queries.
Block2 contains tabular form created from block wizard (I tried already in manual)

that will catch the result in Block1 queries.

Now I have a button with a trigger when-button-pressed that contains

VALUES ('hello',1,2,3);

My goal is to add into dummy1 values from :block2.item_name1, :block2.item_name2, :block2.item_name3 but to put it simply I tried these values but I received the same error.

When I run it and first things first click the button, the values will be added into dummy1 table but when I execute the block1 - dropdown list queries and try to press the button. I received the error.

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Server Utilities :: Insert Data Without Writing Insert Statement In Oracle?

May 15, 2010

how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conditional Insert With Multiple Subqueries

Oct 9, 2012

We have multiple environments and our dev and UAT ones are now different from staging and live (I know, but I am not in a position to get this fixed). I have a set of updates that need to go through to live and in some cases they reference rows that do not exist in the UAT environment, and yet they have to (rigid, dumb process) go through that environment.

Basically, the insert I need to do takes info from two tables and does an insert into a third. That target table has a not null constraint on the affected fields, so the insert fails, quite rightly.

There's lots of info available on how to do conditional inserts with single sub-queries, using DUAL and EXISTS (or rather NOT EXISTS, but that's easy to swap), but those don't seem to easily translate for this one.

The sql that works when everything exists is:

insert into wmcontent.wm_manda_corpserv_companies
(wm_manda_company_code, wm_corp_company_code)
( (select wm_company_code from wmcontent.wm_m_and_a_company where wm_company = 'SW'), (select min(oid) from wmcontent.wx_category where content_type = 2 and name = 'SW') );

In desperation I even tried using "log errors reject limit unlimited" but, no doubt due to my misunderstanding of how that works, I ended up getting the error "ORA-06550: line 38, column 1: PL/SQL: ORA-00972: identifier is too long" as a result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join In Insert - Multiple Tables

May 20, 2013

I am trying to insert records in multiple tables. I know how to view data using joinig, but unable to understand how to insert records in multiple tables using Joining. I searched it on net, but didn't find much. I have also tried to write a code, but it is not working, I have seen some examples on different websites where people are using SELECT in INSERT statement for joining. What is the correct Syntax to INSERT record in Multiple tables.

Insert into library_users, library_users_info
(library_users.username, library_users.password, library_users_info.address, library_users_info.phone_no) VALUES (...)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Insert From Multiple Tables?

May 29, 2013

We get data from our customers which we load into temporary tables.The goal is to consolidate this data into one single table.

Following are the rules:

1) final table should have all the columns from all the tables. If there are common column(s) then add only one column with that name.

2) the join would be based on all the common columns

3) if there is a common row, we merge the row into one (example, the row with DOMAIN = ACME.COM)

4) There could be 'N' number of tables

Following is the most realistic data.

1) T1/T2/T3 has the sample data which cover most of our test cases

2) We are expected to transform the data from T1/T2/T3 as depicted in table T4.

3) we might have more than 3 tables in our production environment, so the query should work for N tables.

4) I have given the explanation of how each row should be derived to be inserted in T4

5) the only information we have to work with is the TABLE_NAME(s) and its metadata from USER_TAB_COLUMNS



Explanation for each row:

row1) This row comes from T1 and T2 (not T3 because HOSTNAME would not match)
row2) This row comes from T1 and T3 (not T2 because HOSTNAME would not match)
row3) This row comes from T1 and T3
row4) This row comes from T2 and T3
row5) This row comes from T3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Multiple Records In Table

Jul 18, 2013

Insert multiple record in table. I have a table of customers . It has column cus_name, cus_fruit, cus_date, cus_qty.

Select * from customers;
cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty
Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10
Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10
Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5

how I can insert record in one time in table. All table data same only change the cus_name.

Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10
Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5

After Insert record result.
Select * from customers;

cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty
Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10
Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10
Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10
Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5

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PL/SQL :: How To Insert Null Record (some Column) In Table Using Loop

Jul 5, 2012

How to insert null record (for some columns) in table using loop.

sample data of x_tab

order_id order_name

231 xxx
111 vvvv

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Forms :: INSERT Record - Update Columns Of Table

May 31, 2010

I would like to UPDATE the columns p1 and p2 of my table student (studentid:pk,name,p1,p2,...) for a given studentid.and I have a when-button-pressed trigger with this

UPDATE student
SET student.p1=:validation.proj1,
where UPPER(student.studentid)=UPPER(:validation.studentid);commit_form;

when I run my form with a correct studentid, I got this error: FRM-40508: ORACLE error: UNABLE to INSERT record

but it is cworking correctly in sqlplus; and I have all priveligies.

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PL/SQL :: How To Check Record Exists Prior To Insert Statement

Aug 12, 2012

Using a cursor and loop method records are inserted into the header and line tables. How do I code the IF statement prior to the INSert statement such that Insert if record does not exist else Update the record. If the record for insert fails in the line, the same record should be deleted from the header table as well and transaction should rollback. The Ora version used is

        SELECT H.*
        FROM   rex_head_extract h
        WHERE  TRUNC(h.create_date) BETWEEN v_begin_date AND v_end_date;  
FOR I IN C1 (v_begin_date, v_end_date)

--- Need to perform a check if record exists here prior to insert     
             INSERT INTO tran_head
                 (TRAN_SEQ_NBR,        ORG_NUMBER,
                  STORE_NUMBER,        TRAN_DATE,


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Multiple Table Insert Involving Sequences

Feb 4, 2013

I have a temp table and want to insert that data into 2 tables. In both of my tables i have a sequence column but in my second table its a foreign key to the main table

                Select a.FNAME, a.LNAME,a.EMAIL,a.PHONE, a.ORG, a.ADDRESS1, a.ADDRESS2,C.COUNTY_ID,'AF'||aff_seq.nextval 
                FROM temp_aff A LEFT OUTER JOIN COUNTY C
                ON UPPER(A.COUNTY)=C.CNAME";
                SELECT D.DEPT_ID,C.CAMP_ID,aff_seq.currval,'Zq'||dbms_random.string('A',4)||'$8' from dual,TEMP_AFF A 
                left outer join DEPT D ON (UPPER(A.DEPT)=UPPER(D.DNAME))
                left outer join CAMPUS C ON (UPPER(A.CAMPUS)=UPPER(C.CPNAME))";

However in my test4 table its inserting the aff_seq.currval for all records. Its not incrementing as in the affiliate table.

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Client Tools :: Insert Into Multiple Table

Jun 22, 2012

I want to insert data into three table

my first table is


having columns

second table is


have same columns as of first table

third table is


columns are same as of first andsecond

I want to insert in Firsttable if EMPid=EMP_1h and insert in second table if empid=EMP_2u and insert into third table if empid=emp_3p

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create SQL Insert Statement With Multiple Values?

Jun 3, 2010

I need to create a SQL insert statement with mutipleValues and an select statement I am trying this it works -

insert into uwa_crew_ids(crew_ID, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_NAME, first_name )
( uwa_crew_ids_s.nextVal,sysdate, 1767,sysdate, 1767,'TEST1', 'NITA')

This statement does not work (with or without keyword) Is there any alternate syntax

insert into uwa_crew_ids(crew_ID, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_NAME, first_name )
( uwa_crew_ids_s.nextVal,sysdate, 1767,sysdate, 1767,(select last_name, first_name from uwa_crew_ids where guid = '8795EAAFBE694F8EE0440003BA2AEC90' ))

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Forms :: When Insert Detail The Data Insert Twice Time

Feb 27, 2012

when i tried to insert the details from oracle froms..the data inserts twice to the DB..

my table structure:

create table app_sri
(a_id integer primary key,
p_first_name varchar2(30),
p_last_name varchar2(20),
p_age number(3)

here a_id can be genarated through simple sequence(pid_seq)...
trigger on app_sri
create or replace trigger pid_trg


form insertion code..

insert into app_sri(null,'robo','Big',100);

the data inserted...but twice

what is the reason behind the double insertion?

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Forms :: FRM-40508 / ORACLE Error / Unable To INSERT Record

Jan 14, 2013

I have an interface composed of five elements:

1.display_item (primary key)
2-list_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list :this is the cause of the error
3-lis_item (foreign key) / / dynamic list
5-button (insert commit)

when I click the button, an error is displayed:

FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT detail: ora-02291 integrity constraint Violated - parent key not found


-the elements of two lists already exist in the parent table!!

-I use a block based.



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Forms :: How To Insert Records Checked In Multi Record Block

Jun 29, 2011

I am working on forms 6i.

I have datablock 'EMP', it's multi record block. I have a button 'CREATE', I have 'commit_form' in 'When button pressed' trigger, to commit records. It's working fine.

Now, i have a check box in the same block, i want to insert records which are checked only.

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Forms :: Insert / Update And Delete Single Record At A Time?

Aug 10, 2005

I have multirecord block and I want to disable Inserting/Updating/Deleting more then one record at a time.

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Forms :: Display Alert When Click On Insert Record In Tool Bar?

Jun 26, 2013

I want to display an alert when we click on Insert Record in tool bar. I put allow update->yes and insert->no.

but when i click on the insert record in tool bar it showing message only.

Instead of message I need an alert using triggers. I added the image also.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Row Insert Not Working - Command Not Properly Ended

Mar 7, 2013

The multiple row insert is not working

CREATE TABLE example (
example_id INT NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL,
value VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL,

For the below query its showing error .

(100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'),
(101, 'Name 2', 'Value 2', 'Other 2'),
(102, 'Name 3', 'Value 3', 'Other 3'),
(103, 'Name 4', 'Value 4', 'Other 4');

the error message is.

Error starting at line 1 in command:
(100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'),
(101, 'Name 2', 'Value 2', 'Other 2'),
(102, 'Name 3', 'Value 3', 'Other 3'),
(103, 'Name 4', 'Value 4', 'Other 4')
Error at Command Line:3 Column:39
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Update Or Insert Data In Multiple Tables

Apr 9, 2011

I'm writing a Procedure which Updates or Inserts data in Multiple tables. Selected fields of 10 tables need to be updated or Inserted. For this I created a table which comprises of fields related to all 10 tables. Then I write Procedure. Under this I create a Cursor which uploads the data from the newly created table which contains different fields of 10 tables. Then I write Update and Insert statements one by one for all 10 tables.

Sample Procedure below.
Create or replace procedure p_proc as
spidm spriden.spriden_pidm%type;
cursor mycur is select * from mytable;
for rec in mycur

Note: I created table on my server because data is coming from different server. They will upload the data in the table from there I pick and update the tables. Is updating or Inserting data in different tables one by one is correct?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unique Constraint Error Due To Multiple Insert By Java?

Apr 18, 2010

I have two different java process trying to insert in the same time in the same table for the same trade. The structure of the table Report is

create table report

There is a unique key on (TRADE_ID and VERSION) So if a new trade_id is inserted, the version is set to 1 and the second becomes 2 and so on. The version is calculated as last version of the trade_id ie. version + 1. It was woking fine till a new Java process was build that fired inserts through ten different java instances at the same time resulting in unique key error. So in detail what is hapenning is if three records of trade_id's comes in at the same time it should allocate versions in a first come first serve basis and there should be three versions of trade id 1,2 and 3. Now due to the multiple instances they all seems to get fired at once and all ending up with version one and thus resulting in unique key constrain error while trying to insert into the table.

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PL/SQL :: Insert Multiple Records On A Database Using Stored Procedure

Mar 25, 2013

I want to insert multiple records on a database using a stored procedure.

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Forms :: Insert Unchecked Records After First Insertion In Multi-record Block?

Aug 31, 2011

I am working in form 6i, EBS11i. I have a multi record data block, i am inserting checked records only using below logic.

ON-INSERT Trigger:

if checkbox_checked('block.checkbox') THEN
end if;

Requirement: Let us say, i have 4 records, i checked 2 records.. inserted them. Now if i want to insert other 2 unchecked records, it's not accepting, is it possible to insert records which are not checked after insertion.

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