We are trying insert records from a select query in to temporary table, some of the records is missing in the temporary table. The select statement is having multiple joins and union all which it little complex query. In simple terms the script contains 2 part 1st Part Insert in to temporary table 2nd part Select query with multiple joins, inline sub queries, unions and group by classes and conditions Eg. If we execute select statement alone it returns some count for example => 60000 After inserting into the temp table, in temp table the count is around 42000 why is the difference?
It is simple bulk inserts... insert in to temp table select * from xxx. also, there is no commit in between. The problem is all the records populated by the select statement are not inserted in to temp table. some records are not inserted.
Also, we had some other observation. It only happens in its 2nd execution and not its first run. Hope there might be some cache problem
Even, we also did not believe that. We are wondering. In TOAD, we tested however at times it happens. In application jar file, after "insert in to temp select * from xxx" we take the i. record count of temp table and ii. record count of "select * from xxx" separately but both doesn't match. Match only at 1st time.
I am using an query to fetch the data from oracle DB and fill dataset using oledb dataadapter in ASP.net.When i run the same query in PL/SQL i am getting 14952 records,but when i am filling it to dataset i am getting only 13700 records.
What is the maximum number of rows that is possible to be produced by inner joining two tables having N and M (M < N) number of records on a non-prime column?
I am trying to get a record count of this table and i get 2 different output , select count(*) shows 68560 and after updating the stats the NUM_ROWS shows 68323, why the difference .
SQL> select count(*) from dcepcd;
COUNT(*) ---------- 68560
SQL> select num_rows from dba_tables where table_name='DCEPCD';
I'm trying to insert only a few columns (not all of them) from temp_ioi_010209 into mtl_system_items_interface. Both of these tables have more columns than just the 7 I'm specifying but everything I found under INSERT ALL here makes me think I'm doing it right. According to the DESCRIBE of mtl_system_items_interface the only non-nullable column is set_process_id and I'm specifying that one...
Why I'm getting the error "ORA-00947: not enough values"?
INSERT ALL INTO mtl_system_items_interface VALUES (process_flag, transaction_type, set_process_id, [code].......
ct_id and limit_id is match column used for mapping.
now i want the total count of no of records in test_master in which test_master column value not exceed limit master column limit value if any one column exceeds its limit then the same row will be in my count criteria.
Why showing at the status bar "3 records applied and saved" instated of "2 records applied and saved". 2 means 1 for Header and 1 for Detail. How I change status bar.
I'm having trouble with some SQL code regarding count and an outer join.
Here is my code.
SELECT o.salespersonid, Count(*) from salesperson s, Ord o Where s.salespersonid(+) = o.salespersonid Group By o.salespersonid;
Where salesperson is a salesperson table and ord is a table containing orders.
The orders table contains a FK to salespersonid in the salesperson table.
I want it to return all salespersons along with the amount of orders they are on. It works but does not show the ones that do not appear on any orders hence the outer join.
Am working on a workbook to count the number of enrolments and withdrawals in the program. My data looks like this
name semester status year A 1 enrol 2010 A 2 withdraw 2010 A 3 enrol 2010 B 1 enrol 2010 B 2 withdraw 2010
I want to count their latest status only. It should come up with Total Enrol - 2 Total Withdrawn - 1
For total Withdrawn, I tried 'rank' and filter to equals 1 but it does not allow me. Is there any way to have this work? Here's my calculation:(decode((FIRST_VALUE(status) OVER(PARTITION BY year, name ORDER BY semester DESC)),'withdraw', name)) It tells me that 'Aggregation of Analytic function not allowed'
I'm trying to SUM the results of "*SELECT originator, COUNT(*) as Inductions*" but am having trouble finding a solution? Can this be done and cause it to create the SUM in a row below the created Inductions column?
I want to create a SELECT, that shall give back only a special amount of rows, depending on the sum of one of the selected fields.
At first a code sample of the complete selection:
SELECT DISTINCT mnr, ktxt, (SELECT Sum(meng_4)FROM reldb d1 WHERE d1.mnr=d.mnr)qty FROM reldb d WHERE mnr IN (SELECT mnr FROM relac WHERE Lower(rlnr) NOT LIKE 'platte geprÃĪgt%') AND saext='M' ORDER BY qty DESC,ktxt;
This selection produces some lines of output (in my case i.e. like 300). What I want to see is only that much lines that the condition 'sum of all items listed below meng_4<=sum of all items meng_4 of the whole selection * 0.9' is fulfilled.
So, if the whole selection produces a total of 10000 as sum for all items meng_4, I want to see only that amount of rows that sums a total of at least 9000 for all items meng_4. I hope, this specification is exactly enough to understand my intent.
I want to count the batch records using BATCH_ID with CASE statement ,for that i am using below query but its not working ,
I'm trying to return the number of records in my link table that contains the excursion_id I pass in by counting them. It doesn't seem to like the select count(*) into my output variable.
Our application has a homepage that displays results of several SQL statements that are defined as reports. One report in particular should only display a custom message when Count of Invoices having a particular status > 0, and not the actual invoice count itself.
I have gotten the layout to not display the count but I need to be able to display a custom message that says "Problem Invoices exist. Please see Invoices Report for more information." I've looked over the Report Attributes definition page but I cannot find how to display this custom message.
SELECT rp.id r_paper_id, COUNT(*) created, COUNT( CASE WHEN a.approved_yn = 'Y'
But it fails, saying that 'single-row subquery returns more than one row' when I introduce the 'unique_users' clause. The remaining fields of the output are correct.
writing a trigger body. My requirement is i need to insert a new record in a task table when ever a new record is inserted into employee table.Here in the trigger i need to select the name of the employee in the last inserted row in employee table and insert the name in task table.I tried to write the code as below
insert into task(name, date, type) values ((select name from employee where emp_id=(select max(emp_id) from employee), sysdate, 'document'));
When i am trying to insert record using trigger, it is taking last but one record from the employee table.
Based on ACCOUNT_NUMBER column we have to check the GUID data in test table.
for example ACCOUNT_NUMBER =11 as duplicate it has 2 values then only, we need to check the corresponding GUID if any occurence ("9f680174-cb87-4f71-887a-92" and "9f680174-cb87-4f71-887a-91"), we should select,if not leave it.
I have a form with a block at header level. Once you save your header, there is a second block at line level. I want to be able to enter only one record at header level and line-level.
Also if you search on an instance which already has a record at line-level then i want the insert button to be greyed out.
Similarly once you create your first record at line-level the Insert button should be greyed out.
I have this error. To put it simply I have two blocks.
Block1 contains two drop down list with PL/SQL statements for queries. Block2 contains tabular form created from block wizard (I tried already in manual)
that will catch the result in Block1 queries.
Now I have a button with a trigger when-button-pressed that contains
BEGIN INSERT INTO dummy1 VALUES ('hello',1,2,3); COMMIT; END;
My goal is to add into dummy1 values from :block2.item_name1, :block2.item_name2, :block2.item_name3 but to put it simply I tried these values but I received the same error.
When I run it and first things first click the button, the values will be added into dummy1 table but when I execute the block1 - dropdown list queries and try to press the button. I received the error.
I am unable to select only record for 07Nov06. if i use between i get records e.g. :07 November ,2006-0941
Select TO_CHAR(session_START_time,'dd month,yyyy-hh24mi') LOG_IN_TIME, TO_CHAR(session_END_time,'dd month,yyyy-hh24mi') LOG_OUT_TIME from SESSION_LOG where SESSION_LOG.SESSION_START_TIME between '06Nov06' AND '07Nov06';
I have a UNION query having 3 parts, 1st gets date, 2nd data and 3rd displays the formatted data count :WHERE clause of 2nd and 3rd queries are same.
Problem is that I an getting different record counts when I select the overall count of records given by the whole UNION query and when I run to count the records given by each query individually.First count. Here I am selecting the overall count of records given by the query :
Insert Script code :
insert into Emp_addrs values ( '1207' , '1846', '2342','A'); insert into Emp_addrs values ( '1207' , '1846', '2343','I'); insert into Emp_addrs values ( '61618' , '165200', '261449','A');
A combination of emp_id & address_id can have multiple site_use_id's. I want to select the max(site_use_id) where site_use_status ='A'. Now Site_use_status can have either = 'I' or 'A' value.
For a combination of emp_id and address_id , there could be cases when there is no record with site_use_status ='A'. In such cases I need to select the max(site_use_id) (and obviously site_use_status ='I').
Just to clear my requirements, out of the above records I want the following records: