Client Tools :: Insert Into Multiple Table

Jun 22, 2012

I want to insert data into three table

my first table is


having columns

second table is


have same columns as of first table

third table is


columns are same as of first andsecond

I want to insert in Firsttable if EMPid=EMP_1h and insert in second table if empid=EMP_2u and insert into third table if empid=emp_3p

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Client Tools :: Generate Insert Script For Existing Table Data?

Aug 21, 2008

Is theree any way to generate the insert script (with the data) for an existing table.

In Toad, we can generate the DDL for a particular table. Just curious if it can be done using any Tool.

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Client Tools :: INSERT INTO With GUI - Insert Record Greyed Out?

Oct 28, 2013

I wish to make this simple statement with Toad GUI

VALUES ('xxx',

Insert record is greyed out. How to insert new rows with Toad (click click)?

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Client Tools :: Insert XML Into XMLType With Value

Mar 29, 2012

I'm trying to insert an XML into an XMLType with the following value:

insert into Table1(
code, xmlColumn) VALUES
(1, '<script> > </script>');

the question is I need to have > in the text, but Oracle insists in putting it like <script> > </script>.

What do I have to do to solve this?

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Client Tools :: Having Multiple Input Values

Apr 6, 2011

Using pl/sql block , i tried to have a certain input values from Sql prompt but it doesn't work when i invoke it.

Here the simplest

a number(4);
for i in 1..10 loop
a := &a;
end loop;

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Client Tools :: How To Insert Data From SQL To Oracle Server

Dec 13, 2012

I have problem: I have 1 sql server already setup SQL Server 2012 Express and 1 Oracle Database server 10g. Now i want to insert data from SQL server to Oracle database through link server.

Some step i already make:
1. Setup oracle database 10g and configure listener (Finished)
2. Setup Sql server 2012 express on Windows 7 (Finished)
3. Setup ODTwithODAC1020221 on PC already setup SQL server (Finished)
4. Make Linkserver from SQL server to Oracle database (Finished), and can select data from Oracle Database on SQL server through Linkserver.

However when i insert data from SQl server to Oracle Server not success.


After i run above script, result is OK
With: "QVHKTEST" is alias of Link server from SQL to Oracle server
: "QVSYSTEM" is a table on Oracle database, that table we want to get through Linkserver on SQL server

Both Server Database contain same name table is "QVSYSTEM"
values('VNF4619829','3227B002CA','L1068','01','2012/09/26 03:18:11');

If i run script above directly in SQL Window query can insert OK. This is code in trigger at table on SQL server:

-- =============================================
-- Author:<Author Name: Phuong Do Minh >
-- Create date: <Create Date: 10/12/2012>
-- Description:<Description: After data insert into table qvsystem on SQL server
-- This trigger will fire and insert that data into table qvsystem

But when i make trigger after insert on table in SQL Server to insert data From SQL server to Oracle server, however not success and SQL server raise error below:

OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "QVHKTEST" returned message "New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ".
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure Insert_data, Line 16

The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "QVHKTEST" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

I don't know how to configure them.

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Client Tools :: Insert 50 Million Records At A Time?

Jan 4, 2011

How can i insert 50 million records at a time

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Client Tools :: Execute Multiple SQL Files In BAT File

Nov 27, 2012

Is it possible to execute multiple sql files in one .bat file?for single sql file it is working properly.

.bat file

sqlplus /nolog @ c: est01.sql

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Client Tools :: Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns

Jul 31, 2012

I need to split a column into multiple columns. The data in my column is separated by a Comma (,). But the data is dynamic and I could have any number of data separated by (,).

Quote:FOR Ex:
If COL1 contains

RESULT: should be 4 columns contains the values

Is COL1 contains

should be 3 columns contains the values

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Client Tools :: Providing Bind Variables As Values In Insert Statement?

Aug 23, 2011

I executed the following PL/SQL block in SqlDeveloper :

v_dept_name VARCHAR2(30) := '&p_dept_name';
v_max NUMBER(4,0);
SELECT MAX(department_id) INTO v_max FROM departments;
:max_dept_no := v_max + 20;
INSERT INTO departments VALUES (:max_dept_no,v_dept_name, NULL,NULL) ;

And it gave the error : Quote:Error report:

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("HR"."DEPARTMENTS"."DEPARTMENT_ID")
ORA-06512: at line 7
01400. 00000 - "cannot insert NULL into (%s)"

The same code when executed in iSqlPlus gave no error.

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Client Tools :: Sqlplus - Multiple Scripts In Argument (batch Execution)

Aug 13, 2008

I have two scripts (test1.sql and test2.sql) that need to be executed one after the other. I would like to call them both using a single command line:

sqlplus testuser/testpwd@testdb @c: est1.sql @c: est2.sql

This does not work

creating a test3.sql script that calls test1.sql and test2.sql is not an option.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Insert Euro Symbol In Database With Character Set WE8MSWIN1252?

Mar 29, 2011

I am using oracle on HP-UX.

I am unable to insert and even display euro symbol from server as well as windows client.

Following are the details of my database server

SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters;
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------


1) When I try to insert € from Db server (using putty) using Alt+0128 it does not print anything (nothing gets typed on the screen). Not even junk characters Also following query does not print anything

SQL> select chr(128) from dual;

2) while I set NLS_LANG on client and try to insert €, Alt+0128 produces a question mark symbol And following query displays junk character

SQL> select chr(128) from dual;


3) Regardless when I inserted couple of rows and tried UNISTR following was the result

SQL> select unistr(v) from t;
Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus
Internal error

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Multiple Records In Table

Jul 18, 2013

Insert multiple record in table. I have a table of customers . It has column cus_name, cus_fruit, cus_date, cus_qty.

Select * from customers;
cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty
Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10
Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10
Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5

how I can insert record in one time in table. All table data same only change the cus_name.

Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10
Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5

After Insert record result.
Select * from customers;

cus_name cus_fruit cus_date cus_qty
Maria Anders Apple 18-July-2013 10
Maria Anders Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Maria Anders Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Maria Anders Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Ana Trujillo Apple 18-July-2013 10
Ana Trujillo Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Ana Trujillo Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Ana Trujillo Avocado 18-July-2013 5
Thomas Hardy Apple 18-July-2013 10
Thomas Hardy Apricot 18-July-2013 20
Thomas Hardy Asparagus 18-July-2013 100
Thomas Hardy Avocado 18-July-2013 5

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Multiple Table Insert Involving Sequences

Feb 4, 2013

I have a temp table and want to insert that data into 2 tables. In both of my tables i have a sequence column but in my second table its a foreign key to the main table

                Select a.FNAME, a.LNAME,a.EMAIL,a.PHONE, a.ORG, a.ADDRESS1, a.ADDRESS2,C.COUNTY_ID,'AF'||aff_seq.nextval 
                FROM temp_aff A LEFT OUTER JOIN COUNTY C
                ON UPPER(A.COUNTY)=C.CNAME";
                SELECT D.DEPT_ID,C.CAMP_ID,aff_seq.currval,'Zq'||dbms_random.string('A',4)||'$8' from dual,TEMP_AFF A 
                left outer join DEPT D ON (UPPER(A.DEPT)=UPPER(D.DNAME))
                left outer join CAMPUS C ON (UPPER(A.CAMPUS)=UPPER(C.CPNAME))";

However in my test4 table its inserting the aff_seq.currval for all records. Its not incrementing as in the affiliate table.

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Client Tools :: Table Or View Does Not Exist

Mar 1, 2010

In toad version, when i open a package in schema browser. It shows table or view doesn't exist.

But the package seems to be in valid state.

I also used other schema's to open that schema packages it opens with no problems.

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Client Tools :: Vertical Display Of Table

Jun 29, 2010

I would like to format my output for the select query.


SQL>select empno, ename from emp;

1987766Jack Blake
187765Greg Ni

But I would like to get the output in the below format

ENAME:.................Jack Blake

ENAME:.................Greg Ni

I will need printing the column name. I would like to know how do we address the column name to print.

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Client Tools :: Export Data In Nested Table

Feb 17, 2010

I have some problem when i try to export data from a table which contains a nested table, using toad.

When toad generate the file, in the column corresponding to the nested table, toad just write a (DATASET) instead of the data contained in the nested table

Here is an example:
TO_Date( '07/30/2007 12:00:00 AM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), (DATASET), TO_TIMESTAMP('4/3/2009 11:20:51.000000 AM','fmMMfm/fmDDfm/YYYY fmHH12fm:MI:SS.FF AM'), 'operator', 'Add EVENT');

REV_TAB is my nested table

way to export data from a table which contain a nested table, as a list of insert statement, so i can move the data to a different database schema? I can also use different client tool.

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Client Tools :: How To Export / Import A Table Using PL/SQL Developer

Aug 28, 2010

How to export and import table using Pl/Sql developer from one database to another.

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Client Tools :: Unable To View Table Names

Jun 28, 2012

i'm working on sql developer in that i'm able to access tables if particular table name is given..

i don't understand is there any grant role problem .

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Client Tools :: Import Of Data From Excel File Into Table?

May 28, 2012

We have a table partymast. we want to import the data into this table using excel file having extension .csv. I am explaining all the things below:

select *from partymast

partyid partyname accountname aacname
aa aa 10014000023367 Ashish

select * from master

masterid mname
10014000023367 Ashish

aacname column in partymast table is fetching from master table mname column.

We have third table name IMPEXP

Iename iedesc ietype iedef
import party master import party master imp {ImportStart}

Sir, I am enclosing the Excel file. what will be the next step that we should filllow.

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Client Tools :: Delete Table Works In Toad But Not In SQL Plus On UNIX

Nov 28, 2011

When I delete a table in Toad it takes only a one or two second until I receive success message.

But with SQL*Plus on UNIX I canceled the operation after 5 minutes:

$ sqlplus tmo323/IXQMISX8ttr@PROD

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 28 11:54:22 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> delete table_5
2 ;
^Cdelete table_5
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

exact the same SQL statement.

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Client Tools :: Debug Function Which Returns Table Of Records?

Apr 24, 2012

I want to debug a function which returns the table of records. When I try to add the parameters and run the debug it gives the error as

PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed in PL/SQL scope

if there is any way to debug the function which returns table of records.

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Client Tools :: Import Excel File To Database Table Using TOAD?

Jan 16, 2011

want to load data from an excel file to a database table in Oracle. I am using Oracle 11 and the excel file has 3 columns as compared to 5 columns in the destination table. I want to generate sequential nos also for the table.

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Client Tools :: Take Table Dump In Dmp Extension Format In Toad Version 9.7.2?

Mar 11, 2011

is it possible to take table dump in .dmp extention format in toad? if yes then how?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data In Multiple Bases Using Multiple Database Links

Jan 2, 2013

how to insert the data in multiple bases( Same table structure in different bases) using the multiple database links?

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Client Tools :: Tools For Load Testing On Oracle - J2EE Application?

Jan 5, 2012

which are recommended Tool for load testing (for performance) on Oracle-J2EE, 3 Tier applications?

Is 'Oracle Application Test Suite' the best for such test where we can simulate numbers of users and their various actions?

Does it come with Oracle Database license or we have to buy it separately?

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Client Tools :: Basic Tools For Oracle Version Control

Aug 26, 2011

I'm looking for 3 simple things.

1) A reverse engineering tool that I can point to an Oracle schema and get a "baseline" script to re-create that schema from scratch, with decently formatted DDL files (1 per object) neatly organized in a directory tree (by object type) and called in the correct order. Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to populate (insert) those tables as part of the script.

2) a diff tool that I can point to a pair of Oracle instances (source and target) containing a given schema and get a "delta" script to alter the target schema so that it becomes identical to the source schema. If data loss occurs on the target instance (i.e. drop a column) I would like to find a warning comment inserted in the script (e.g. "-- Attention: data migration DML needed here?"). Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to update (delete, update and insert) the data in the target tables to become identical to the contents in the source tables *without* deleting and re-inserting all rows (or dropping, recreating and repopulating the table).

3) I would like the above two tools (that, as you will have recognized, are basic to putting your database design under version control) to be open-source, with a command-line interface and a vibrant community backing them.

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Client Tools :: Cannot Connect Using JDBC Oracle Thin Client With (New Method)?

Feb 21, 2013

The problem is that this connection errors when I try to connect using my SQuirreL client. My developers want to connecting using the SID or the SERVICE_NAME and by using the "New Method" syntax, not the "Old Method" syntax. According to the documentation the "New Method" syntax works with the SERVICE_NAME or the SID. The "Old Method" only works with the SID.

# Host name is
# SID is sting2

PROBLEM using SID errors ==>

I am using SQuirreL Client version 3.4.0

# Here is the tnsnames.ora entry on the server.


# In this documentation it says, "On new syntax SERVICE may be a oracle service name or a SID."You can find this on the orafax wiki under JDBC#Thin_driver.

# I was able to connect with the "old method" using the SID only, SERVICE_NAME errors
(SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.") (this works)

# "New Method" (this works) (this errors)
(SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.")

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Client Tools :: Can Use Oracle Client Version To Create A Database In That Server

Jan 13, 2011

can we use oracle client version to create a database in that server.

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Client Tools :: How To Connect From Client To Oracle Database In Unix

Dec 11, 2012

I have new virtual UNIX machine and I installed oracle client on /usr/lib/oracle. Also I have a oracle database and I am able to connect to this database from my desktop sql developer.

So now I am trying to connect from new UNIX machine. Where I created tnsnames.ora file under /usr/lib/oracle/network/admin and before connecting did export the following

export TNS_ADMIN=/usr/lib/oracle/network/admin
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

when I try

# sqlplus
username :xxxxxxx
password : xxxxxxx

ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist. Not sure what I missed here. using same tns file I am able to connect from sql developer on windows.

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