having trouble displaying stuff on screen. It compiles the program successfully but just doesnt show any output Try using this (SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 4000) does nothing though. here my code
DECLARE /*This program coverts a date from one fomat eg 1/31/10 into another format eg January 31,2010 */ /*declaring variables assign a date that is in one format*/ EXAMPLE_DATE DATE := TO_DATE(' 1/31/06',' MM/DD/YY' ); /*finding the position of where the forward slash are*/ position_finder NUMBER := INSTR(EXAMPLE_DATE,'/');
I am using SQL Plus 10g and when I execute a query my column widths are quite narrow, hence the titles and data are displayed as shown below. How can I change the settings so they are displayed side by side and the whole coulmn titles are visible?
I m currently written a sqlplus query and executing as below
sqlplus -s << ! set head off pages off trimspool on termout off spool sysdate.txt select sysdate from dual; spool off !
With this query the sysdate is getting written in the sysdate.txt but it is also getting printed in the screen/terminal., which I don't need to. Is their any options available for that.
Note: I came to know that "Termout off" will work only when we execute the query from a file and as a result I can still see the sysdate getting displayed in the screen.
03-AUG-10> set pages 0 03-AUG-10> set heading on 03-AUG-10> select count(*) numberofrows 2 from iceberg_mig_acnts_stage2 s2, tvp109workorder t109 3 where s2.no_account = t109.no_account
I have a table named invoice_info(INV_NUMBER number,BILL_TO_NAME char(55),SHIP_TO_NAME char(55)) which is having chines characters in the BILL_TO_NAME & SHIP_TO_NAME fields.
If i am displaying this tables data on my sql developer it's showing data like some junk chars like ?????????¨¬???? for the fields BILL_TO_NAME & SHIP_TO_NAME .
How can i display them as chines chars on sql developer.
I have extracted data from table and write into one text via sqlplus utility in shell scripts. i got correct output. i am having two issues on the output file
1) Outfile file size is huge high compare then table segment data.
2) last column having extra space.
The output column is clob datatype. so i have added set long 50000 and set longchunksize 50000 parameter. after adding these only i got above issues. without two options, i am not getting this isssue but lines are wrapped.
#Set the scripts Path SCRIPTS_PATH="/usr/local/ccms/gpa/svr/scripts" echo $SCRIPTS_PATH
Now i have a problem which i am facing for the first time. The problem is:
I have created a table test1 with two column of number data type and the column witdth is 25. Then enter the data but when i select the recrod it does not display the column data as it was entered. SQL> create table test1 2 ( 3 startno number(25), 4 endno number(25) 5 );
I have some problem when i try to export data from a table which contains a nested table, using toad.
When toad generate the file, in the column corresponding to the nested table, toad just write a (DATASET) instead of the data contained in the nested table
Here is an example: INSERT INTO SSD_REV_S ( REV_ID, REV_TAB, REV_TS, REV_USER, REV_LOG ) VALUES ( TO_Date( '07/30/2007 12:00:00 AM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), (DATASET), TO_TIMESTAMP('4/3/2009 11:20:51.000000 AM','fmMMfm/fmDDfm/YYYY fmHH12fm:MI:SS.FF AM'), 'operator', 'Add EVENT');
REV_TAB is my nested table
way to export data from a table which contain a nested table, as a list of insert statement, so i can move the data to a different database schema? I can also use different client tool.
When I delete a table in Toad it takes only a one or two second until I receive success message.
But with SQL*Plus on UNIX I canceled the operation after 5 minutes:
$ sqlplus tmo323/IXQMISX8ttr@PROD
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 28 11:54:22 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> delete table_5 2 ; ^Cdelete table_5 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
want to load data from an excel file to a database table in Oracle. I am using Oracle 11 and the excel file has 3 columns as compared to 5 columns in the destination table. I want to generate sequential nos also for the table.
1) A reverse engineering tool that I can point to an Oracle schema and get a "baseline" script to re-create that schema from scratch, with decently formatted DDL files (1 per object) neatly organized in a directory tree (by object type) and called in the correct order. Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to populate (insert) those tables as part of the script.
2) a diff tool that I can point to a pair of Oracle instances (source and target) containing a given schema and get a "delta" script to alter the target schema so that it becomes identical to the source schema. If data loss occurs on the target instance (i.e. drop a column) I would like to find a warning comment inserted in the script (e.g. "-- Attention: data migration DML needed here?"). Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to update (delete, update and insert) the data in the target tables to become identical to the contents in the source tables *without* deleting and re-inserting all rows (or dropping, recreating and repopulating the table).
3) I would like the above two tools (that, as you will have recognized, are basic to putting your database design under version control) to be open-source, with a command-line interface and a vibrant community backing them.
The problem is that this connection errors when I try to connect using my SQuirreL client. My developers want to connecting using the SID or the SERVICE_NAME and by using the "New Method" syntax, not the "Old Method" syntax. According to the documentation the "New Method" syntax works with the SERVICE_NAME or the SID. The "Old Method" only works with the SID.
# Host name is vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com # SID is sting2 # SERVICE_NAME is sting2.na.sas.com
PROBLEM using SID errors ==> jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521/sting2 THIS WORKS using SERVICE_NAME ==> jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521/sting2.na.sas.com
I am using SQuirreL Client version 3.4.0
# Here is the tnsnames.ora entry on the server. STING2 = (DESCRIPTION =
# In this documentation it says, "On new syntax SERVICE may be a oracle service name or a SID."You can find this on the orafax wiki under JDBC#Thin_driver.
# I was able to connect with the "old method" using the SID only, SERVICE_NAME errors jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521:sting2.na.sas.com (SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.") jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521:sting2 (this works)
# "New Method" jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521/sting2.na.sas.com (this works) jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmwwin7634.na.SAS.com:1521/sting2 (this errors) (SQuirreL client error, "Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection.")
I have new virtual UNIX machine and I installed oracle client on /usr/lib/oracle. Also I have a oracle database and I am able to connect to this database from my desktop sql developer.
So now I am trying to connect from new UNIX machine. Where I created tnsnames.ora file under /usr/lib/oracle/network/admin and before connecting did export the following
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist. Not sure what I missed here. using same tns file I am able to connect from sql developer on windows.
I need to install Oracle client to get latest sql plus working on client pc as the problem is, i am not able to find out where i can download this , i just need the sql plus as i am not able use many commands because when i installed oracle forms 6i client tool , sql plus 8.0 got installed.
I want to use BR*Tools to administer an Oracle database. I have installed BrGUI local, set the JAVA Home variable and edited the brgui.properties file accordingly.I am able to login, but the menues are mising. The login screen is incomplete.