PL/SQL :: How To Check Record Exists Prior To Insert Statement

Aug 12, 2012

Using a cursor and loop method records are inserted into the header and line tables. How do I code the IF statement prior to the INSert statement such that Insert if record does not exist else Update the record. If the record for insert fails in the line, the same record should be deleted from the header table as well and transaction should rollback. The Ora version used is

        SELECT H.*
        FROM   rex_head_extract h
        WHERE  TRUNC(h.create_date) BETWEEN v_begin_date AND v_end_date;  
FOR I IN C1 (v_begin_date, v_end_date)

--- Need to perform a check if record exists here prior to insert     
             INSERT INTO tran_head
                 (TRAN_SEQ_NBR,        ORG_NUMBER,
                  STORE_NUMBER,        TRAN_DATE,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Record Exists Validation

Jan 18, 2011

1. Below TXN_LOG table Expected to have 0.5 to 1 million records & TXN_LOG_HIST table will have max 3 million records.

2. On daily basis system will move records from TXN_LOG to TXN_LOG_HIST.

3. The below mentioned check will be performed for each transaction, With out this check currently my process is doing 10tps. (transaction per second).



The below validation we are currently using which is overhead for our transactions processing. Also the below mentioned check will be performed for each transaction, With out this check currently my process is doing 10tps. (transaction per second).

INTO l_exists
WHERE AC_NO = p_acho
TXN_INIT_DATE = p_txn_date
AMOUNT = p_amt


Is there any fastest method to check above record exists validation from the both the table?

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PL/SQL :: Check Given Value Exists Or Not

Jun 18, 2013

i have a procedure like create or replace procedure studrec( a in sid%rowtype)asi sid%rowtype;beginselect sid into ifrom students; i need to check whether sid is exist in the variable i or not

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How To Check A Table If Exists

Oct 12, 2005

I have a script like this:





But i think if table CON_TEST doen't exist, an error message will appear. I know that in SQL Server we can check if table exists or not. So, i wonder if we can do that in Oracle?

By the way, is there any way to run a file script that contents TABLES, STORED, ... on a developed PC connect to oracle db server? (in case, i'm developing on PC, using Net Service Name to conect to Oracle DB Server)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check If Primary Key Exists

Jan 19, 2010

I have a table called TRANS, and a primary key field tran_id. How would i check if there is a record matching tran_id 'DUP7927' ?

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PL/SQL :: How To Check Particular Attributes Exists Or Not In XML Tag

Aug 14, 2012

As per the earlier post,I am able to parse now.

i have also another concern as per below xml file.

My requirement is to identify perticular node ,whose having PriorValue attribute present in <pi:the Actual_Comp_Change> tag,those record should return.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pi:Extract_Employees xmlns:pi="urn:com.workday/picof">


EmployeeID_ Name JobTitle_     Grade ActualComp_Change_
1100     Surana     Intern - Master¿s     A     500000
1000     roy     Intern - Master¿s     B     216000
1000     roy     Intern - Master¿s     00     266000

But my requirement is to display only those employeeID ,where Actual_Comp_Change tag having PriorValue attribute.

The required OutPUT should be :

EmployeeID_ Name JobTitle_     Grade ActualComp_Change_
1100     Surana     Intern - Master¿s     A     500000

is there any possibility to use ExistNode() function to the above quer or is there any alternative solution.

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PL/SQL :: Create A Trigger To Check If Synonym Already Exists In DB

Mar 29, 2013

How can I create a trigger to check if synonym already exists in db and if exists then don't create synonym.

my work: ( this is just like an outline i prepared)

select * from all_synonyms;
s_exists number;
-- check whether the synonym exists
select 1 into s_exists from all_synonyms;
-- an error gets raise if it doesn't
exception when no_data_found then
-- DDL has to be done inside
execute immediate ' create or replace synonym';

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Into Statement Doesn't Insert All Rows Return By Select Statement?

Jan 12, 2011

If i inserted the values in table it gets inserting very few rows only.I dont know y it is?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Checking Whether Record Exists

Jan 22, 2013

Which is the best way to check whether a record exists.

l_count NUMBER;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM emp WHERE empno=7839;
IF l_count=1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('not exists');


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Insert If Not Exists Else Update

Aug 10, 2007

I have a single table with a TOTAL_TIME column which I want to increment by a certain amount every time I get a request from a specific user. If the row for that user does not exist, it should be created and the TOTAL_TIME column should be set to the value that just came in. Otherwise, if it does exist, it should be incremented by the value passed in.

How can I accomplish this in oracle? I don't want to just first do a select, then insert, because that can cause race conditions. I want something that'll do the check and insert/update in one statement (locked).

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PL/SQL :: CASE Statement With Oracle Table Types And EXISTS?

Aug 14, 2012

I have been trying to use case statements with oracle table type by really not sure how to go about it. I know it might be simple but it been giving me hard time.

Here is my Cursor:

CURSOR c_chk_style IS
        FROM TABLE(CAST(I_message.ExtOfXOrderDesc_TBL(1).ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL AS "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL")) item_diff,

Now i know that the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL" will be always populated but the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" may not be populate and can be null. So i want to run the exists against the "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" aliased pack_diff only if it is populated. If its null i dont want to run the exists clause.

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Function Or Pseudo-column EXISTS May Be Used Inside SQL Statement

Oct 10, 2013

I am encountering error in this code.

WHILE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM tblOrgChart WHERE fxOrgID = v_chrTempKeyDept )
v_intDept := CAST(v_chrTempKeyDept AS NUMBER) + 1 ;
v_chrTempKeyDept := LPAD('',3 - LENGTH(CAST(v_intDept AS VARCHAR2)),'0') || CAST(v_intDept AS VARCHAR2) ;

Error: PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'EXISTS' may be used inside a SQL statement only

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Server Utilities :: Insert Data Without Writing Insert Statement In Oracle?

May 15, 2010

how to insert data in oracle table without writing insert statement in oracle 9i or above. i am not going to write insert all, merge, sqlloder and import data.

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Client Tools :: INSERT INTO With GUI - Insert Record Greyed Out?

Oct 28, 2013

I wish to make this simple statement with Toad GUI

VALUES ('xxx',

Insert record is greyed out. How to insert new rows with Toad (click click)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Single Quote In Insert Statement

Feb 24, 2012


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Forms :: How To Check Record Status

Sep 7, 2011

I am manually committing the form by writing commit statement in key - commit trigger for some reason.

Everything is working fine. I want to display a message if some necessary fields are not filled properly, like if a user filled half table and mistakenly he press the commit button. Here I want to show him a message that you can't saved the data because the table is not completely filled.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Record Exist In Table

Feb 13, 2013

Usually we check 1 row of data in table and compare if they exist, i want to compare different set of row all together to comapre and take the decisions


emp table_source
d_key emp_no invol
1 103499 1
1 99262 2
2 103499 1
3 103499 1
3 99262 2

target table

emp_no invol
103499 1
99262 2
103499 1

in the above example i have to check for d_key for set of row exist in target or not, so by above example d_key 1 and 3 has save value in 2 different rows so i want to check if the combination of rows

103499 1
99262 2

as a set appear in source then do nothing else insert so first time d_key 1 both records will insert but for d_key has same set in 2 rows will not be inseted. the number of row can be more than 2 also . so for the given key if we have 3 rows in source then i have to compare all the 3 same set of row in target exist of . in the target i don't have any extra column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Check Cursor Having Record Or Null

Jun 22, 2010

i want to check cursor having record or null/ if having records then count of records?

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Multiple Record Insert Using INSERT ALL

Jan 2, 2009

I'm trying to insert only a few columns (not all of them) from temp_ioi_010209 into mtl_system_items_interface. Both of these tables have more columns than just the 7 I'm specifying but everything I found under INSERT ALL here makes me think I'm doing it right. According to the DESCRIBE of mtl_system_items_interface the only non-nullable column is set_process_id and I'm specifying that one...

Why I'm getting the error "ORA-00947: not enough values"?

INSERT ALL INTO mtl_system_items_interface

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How To Check And Insert New Data Using Stock Procedure

Feb 11, 2007

i've a problem in using store procedure. My code is to get postcode id when i pass a postcode. First it will check the postcode that i pass if already exist it will get postcode id but if not it will insert new postcode and get a new postcode id created then pass into ASP system. When i try run this stock procedure i got error as below :-


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'INSERT_PCODE_GMDS'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

Postcode1 IN varchar2,
citiID IN Number,
county_ID IN number,
city_name IN varchar2,
sub_cityID IN number,
pcode OUT number

in ASP to pass and get back the values i used code as below. but i think the problems occurs in my stock procedure

set cmd=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = OBJdbConnection
cmd.CommandType= 4
cmd.Parameters.append cmd.CreateParameter("@poskod",adVarChar,adParamInput,5,poskod)

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Server Utilities :: Check The INSERT Statements?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an export dumpfile and when I am importing it in the new database I want to see all the SQL statements including "CREATE", "ALTER", and "INSERT". I am able to see CREATE and ALTER by using the option SHOW=Y in my import statement (IMP) but not able to see the INSERT commands.

Is there any way I can see INSERT statements as well.

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Oracle Returning Max Value And Value Prior To Max?

Nov 5, 2012

I have this query to return to me the latest case note, now I would like to add the date prior to the latest case note.

select case_notes.applicant_id,


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PL/SQL :: Connect By Prior In Oracle 11g?

Apr 1, 2013

I am upgrading an application from 9i to 11g and I've been told that the connect by prior sql is broken. While I am waiting for the example and the error message, is 11g pickier about looping than 9i was? some documentation on 10 or 11 changes to hierarchical queries?

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Forms :: How To Check Syntax Of Resulting Insert In Oracle 6i

May 23, 2013

I have a package,



Package body is

vcInsert VARCHAR2(3500);


what i want is: 'output vcInsert to a forms-item and check the syntax of the resulting insert'. How can I do this

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Forms :: How To Check For Unique Value In Text Item In Multi-record Block

Mar 13, 2013

I have a multi-record block with several text items.

On one of the text items i want to enter a value and then check whether the same value for the item has already been entered on any other records within the block.

If it has already been entered then i want to display a message and null out the field.

I have tried using app_record.for_All_records from a when-validat-item trigger but this does not work as you get a 'FRM-40737 Illegal restricted procedure go_block in when-validate-item trigger ' error

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Trigger - Check If Data Being Inserted Already In Table And If Not Insert It

Aug 24, 2011

I know this is an old thread and I just started working with triggers. I want to check if the data being inserted is already in the table and if not insert it:

create or replace trigger t_triggername
before insert on tbl_tablename
for each row
if(:new.user_id <> :old.user_id) then
insert into tbl_tablename(user_id, location)
values (:new.user_id, :new.location);
end if;

what if I wanted to keep the user but only update location if the user is already in the table. I've tried doing it this way:

create or replace trigger t_triggername
before insert on tbl_tablename
for each row
if(:new.user_id <> :old.user_id) then
insert into tbl_tablename(user_id, location)


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RMAN :: Oracle 11g Restore Prior To Resetlogs

Feb 27, 2013

On database A we have full backups (not incrementals) every morning at 3:00 AM including archive logs. When I query rman (list backup) I see the full at 3 AM (in two backup pieces, each in its own backup set) as well as the backup piece containing archive logs through 9:00 AM.

Due to a data issue at around 10AM, I attempted to do an incomplete recovery to 8:00 AM (data loss is not a concern) - once this was complete I opened the database with resetlogs.

I subsequently discovered that the data issue had occurred closer to 6:00 AM and I am now trying to restore to 5:00 AM. This is failing with the 'UNTIL TIME IS BEFORE RESETLOGS' error. I read up on incarnations, but my previous incarnation is from November, and when I reset the database to this incarnation and attempt a restore I get datafile 1 (2,3) is not available for restore.

how do I basically just restore the full 3:00 AM backup and apply the archive logs through 5:00 AM? Do I need to do a recover until cancel or something? And should I reset the incarnation?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Statement?

May 13, 2011

I have one query i have create one table T1 in this table i have this three colm (EMPNO,ENAME,HIREDATE) and i have to insert raw from this two table T2 and T3 in T2 table colms are (EMPNO,SAL) and T3 table colm are (EMPNO,MGRID) so which query i have to run

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Null In Insert Statement?

Jul 5, 2010

I wanted to print 'null' when the column value is null. Actually, i am doing something like this

select empno||','||''''||ename||'''''||','||comm||','||sal from emp

It gives the following output for example
If I use the above values to form a insert statement it throws
an error. As 'comm' value is not there.

I wish to get something like
from the above select query

note I dint copy paste the query exactly from my sql*plus session as I am away from my oracle machine

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Subquery In Insert Statement

Jun 5, 2010

I read in a book that you can't use subquery in an insert statement . E.g:

1)insert into dates (date_col) values (select sysdate fom dual) but when i tried using subquery like this:

2)insert into regions values ((select max(region_id)+1 from regions), 'Oce');

This query worked but 1st query didnt.From my assumptions if we try inserting values in table with the subqueries for a particular column as in 1st query , it will throw error but not while inserting values in all columns as in 2nd query.

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