But i think if table CON_TEST doen't exist, an error message will appear. I know that in SQL Server we can check if table exists or not. So, i wonder if we can do that in Oracle?
By the way, is there any way to run a file script that contents TABLES, STORED, ... on a developed PC connect to oracle db server? (in case, i'm developing on PC, using Net Service Name to conect to Oracle DB Server)
i have a procedure like create or replace procedure studrec( a in sid%rowtype)asi sid%rowtype;beginselect sid into ifrom students; i need to check whether sid is exist in the variable i or not
i have also another concern as per below xml file.
My requirement is to identify perticular node ,whose having PriorValue attribute present in <pi:the Actual_Comp_Change> tag,those record should return.
1. Below TXN_LOG table Expected to have 0.5 to 1 million records & TXN_LOG_HIST table will have max 3 million records.
2. On daily basis system will move records from TXN_LOG to TXN_LOG_HIST.
3. The below mentioned check will be performed for each transaction, With out this check currently my process is doing 10tps. (transaction per second).
The below validation we are currently using which is overhead for our transactions processing. Also the below mentioned check will be performed for each transaction, With out this check currently my process is doing 10tps. (transaction per second).
Is there any fastest method to check above record exists validation from the both the table?
How can I create a trigger to check if synonym already exists in db and if exists then don't create synonym.
my work: ( this is just like an outline i prepared)
select * from all_synonyms; declare s_exists number; begin -- check whether the synonym exists select 1 into s_exists from all_synonyms; -- an error gets raise if it doesn't exception when no_data_found then -- DDL has to be done inside execute immediate ' create or replace synonym'; end; /
Using a cursor and loop method records are inserted into the header and line tables. How do I code the IF statement prior to the INSert statement such that Insert if record does not exist else Update the record. If the record for insert fails in the line, the same record should be deleted from the header table as well and transaction should rollback. The Ora version used is
CURSOR C1 IS SELECT H.* FROM rex_head_extract h WHERE TRUNC(h.create_date) BETWEEN v_begin_date AND v_end_date; FOR I IN C1 (v_begin_date, v_end_date)
--- Need to perform a check if record exists here prior to insert INSERT INTO tran_head (TRAN_SEQ_NBR, ORG_NUMBER, STORE_NUMBER, TRAN_DATE,
select * from test_1 IDNameTotal ----------- 1A100 2B100 3C100 4D100
test_2 table contains the concatination of ID's with comma seperated. Actually in this table ID column is of datatype varchar2. select * from test_2 ID ---- 1,2,3
My requirement is to select the data from test_1 table where the id values in this table exists in test_2 table. I tried with the belowselect statement, but could not get any data.
SELECT * FROM test_1 WHERE to_char(id) IN (SELECT id FROM test_2)
create table test_1 (id number, name varchar2(100), total number) create table test_2(id varchar2(100)) insert into test_1 values (1,'A',100) insert into test_1 values (2,'B',100) insert into test_1 values (3,'C',100) insert into test_1 values (4,'D',100)
I have 2 queries one which gives me unique records and second which I created using EXISTS to eliminate duplication.i.e. First query gives me 4 records but when I put the table which is in the EXISTS block in the normal join, it gives me 8 records.
But the issue is I want data from the query which I have put in the EXISTS block.
1. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is not the same as receiving_site, it means that the file has been sent to receiving_site but has not been acknowledged received yet.
2. For each of the Filename, if originating_site is the same as receiving_site, it means the file has been sent and received by the receiving_site.
My task is to list out all the Filename per receiving_site that has been sent, but not received yet by the receiving_site. For example from the sample data above, I am expecting to see that siteA, fileB has not been received yet.
How can I do that? I had tried MINUS and NOT EXISTS command, but I am just not able to get the result that I want.
I am trying to break down a row of data that has nine periods that I want to enter into a table one period at a time. I am trying to use "IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE FIELD1 IS NOT NULL) THEN" through all nine fields. It keeps returning lines that have a null column as well as not null columns. if there is a better way of doing this. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
I have been trying to use case statements with oracle table type by really not sure how to go about it. I know it might be simple but it been giving me hard time.
Here is my Cursor:
CURSOR c_chk_style IS SELECT DISTINCT 1 FROM TABLE(CAST(I_message.ExtOfXOrderDesc_TBL(1).ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL AS "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL")) item_diff,
Now i know that the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderSkuDesc_TBL" will be always populated but the table type "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" may not be populate and can be null. So i want to run the exists against the "RIB_ExtOfXOrderPackDesc_TBL" aliased pack_diff only if it is populated. If its null i dont want to run the exists clause.
How to check table properties? (desc only shows if it is null)If I do desc emp, it only shows the Employee description. But Doesnt tell if table is having primary key or not?
I created a table but I want to add the Unique check to it as I forgot to apply it to the table when I created it.Is it possible to make the field Unique after having created the table or do I have to drop the table and re-create it?
can a table level check constraints have conditional checking (if else clause or case conditional structures) and checks which are limited through something like a where clause which inside the table level check constraints.And can a table level check constraints refer to a column in another table column which should have a the same value.
Usually we check 1 row of data in table and compare if they exist, i want to compare different set of row all together to comapre and take the decisions
in the above example i have to check for d_key for set of row exist in target or not, so by above example d_key 1 and 3 has save value in 2 different rows so i want to check if the combination of rows
103499 1 99262 2
as a set appear in source then do nothing else insert so first time d_key 1 both records will insert but for d_key has same set in 2 rows will not be inseted. the number of row can be more than 2 also . so for the given key if we have 3 rows in source then i have to compare all the 3 same set of row in target exist of . in the target i don't have any extra column.
I have a block based on a view. The view is a join on 2 tables, the first table always brings back 4 records for each parameter passed to it in the where clause. The second table is outer joined to the first table and may contain no matched records or some matched records. In some cases there will be a 1:1 match to the first table.
The problem is how to create the table handler procedure correctly. I need to update 2 tables in the table handler procedure.
The block is only enabled for update (to preserve the 4 rows), however some values on the block correspond to values from the second table. When you update a row in the block, how do you know if you are actually inserting a row into the second table or updating an already existing record on the 2nd table.
i have a field in my table office i got field office_code ,this field is been used in diffirent tables as foreign key is there a sql i can wirte to see all tables who have used this field as foreign key.
I have 20 or so tables, partitioned by range, indexed etc...soon these tables will be gone and i have to recreate them with the same definitions. I have to write a procedure(or script, it's up to me) which must:
1- check if table A exist in the scheme 2- if not create the table as the original ddl.
for 1 i've used smth like ------------------------- SELECT count(*) INTO a FROM user_objects WHERE object_name='A';
so my question is how and what is the cleanest and fastest way to do this.? it's a lot DDLs,
By default the DBMS_STATS package runs once every 24 hours to collect statistics for database objects and Oracle collects new statistics when enough of the data (about 10%) has changed.
My question here is how to check the table has changed 10% in database?