Backup & Recovery :: Check The DB Size Exclude Particular Table A?

Aug 3, 2012

I am trying to calculate the compressed size of backup of my database by excluding table space ( and all the tables in that table space).

I know how to calculate the size of particular user DB size.

select sum(bytes/1024/1024)"size" from dba_segments where owner='ABC';

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Backup & Recovery :: Check Current Value For Limit Channel In Rman Backup?

Mar 19, 2009

Would like to check how do we check the current value for limit channel in rman backup..

eg set limit channel d1 kbytes 2024800;

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Backup & Recovery :: Database Size Is 30GB Is It Recommended For RMAN Backup

May 22, 2012

database size is 30GB is it recommended for RMAN backup

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Backup & Recovery :: What Is Data Block Check Sum Algorithm

May 18, 2013

It seems that Oracle does not use XOR to calculate the checksum of data blocks any more. What is the new checksum algorithm?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Check Archive Log Destination Utilization In Oracle 9i

Oct 24, 2011

Is there any view in oracle 9i like V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST where we can check the archive destination space utilization from database end ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Dropped Or Wrongly Updated Table Using RMAN Backup?

Feb 9, 2011

Is it possible to restore dropped table OR wrongly updated table using RMAN backup.

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Backup & Recovery :: Unable To Take Backup Of Table Which Is Partitioned

Dec 29, 2011

I am not able to take backup of table which is partitioned.Whenever i start the backup it was hanging with wait event "asynch descriptor resize", so I tried to create another table using original table ( like create table BASE_TABLE AS SELECT * FROM BASE_TABLE), but it is also hanging with same wait event.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Recovery Failing With Incremental Level 0 Backup

Feb 10, 2011

We are trying to restore a database on the different server using RAM incremental level 0 and 1 backups. We have weekly Incremental level 0 backups along with incremental backups on daily basis. During recovery of Incremental level 0 backup, RMAN is expecting/looking for Incremental Level 0 backup of prior week as well. Is this the usual process for RMAN to look for prior level 0 backup though we need to restore from the current level 0 backup and roll forward by a week with subsequent Level 1 backup.?

We intend to restore from the Level 0 of 1/16 and roll forward with daily incrementals till 1/22. RMAN is expecting level 0 backupsets from 1/9 backup as well and keep failing since those backups are not available. quick inputs since we are in middle of recovery and trying to resolve if this is even doable.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-16004 / Backup Database Requires Recovery

Oct 20, 2011

Here is the details

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ export ORACLE_SID=stby
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 20 09:47:34 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> !
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ pwd
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ exit


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Backup Deleted Even Within Recovery Window

Oct 18, 2011

I have problem on using "delete obsolete" in RMAN.

First, let describe my backup configuration.

1. Full backup every Monday (17-Oct, 10-Oct, 3-Oct, 26-Sep)
2. Incremental backup for other days
3. Enable autobackup of control file
4. Backup archive log every day
6. Execute "Delete obsolete" every day
7. control file is used instead of catalog

The results observed:
1. Backup of control files older than 30 days will be deleted
2. Backup of archive log files older than 30 days will be deleted.
3. Backup of datafiles older than ~14 days but before 30 days are also DELETED.

In my example, the backup of datafiles created at 26-Sep is deleted at 16-Oct.

I tried "restore database validate until time "sysdate-22"" at 17-Oct. And RMAN reported "datafile xx will be created automatically during restore operation". It seems that RMAN failed to do restoration up to 22 days ago. The retention policy I set seems not effective on datafile backups.

I checked view v$backup_set and the "Keep" is "No" and "Keep until" is empty.

The only thing I can think of, is the settings of "CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME". It is marked "7" in the Oracle, which is less than the retention. But I suppose this only causes the backup not deleted, but NOT be deleted earlier.

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Forms :: How To Check File Size On Server Machine

Sep 29, 2010

I am writing a program for doing some file transfer between the client machine and the application server.I am using Webutil_File_Transfer.Client_To_AS to do the transfer and also using Webutil_File.File_Size to check on the file size at the source.

Once the transfer is complete, I also need to check on the destination file size (the application server running on Linux) for verification purposes and can't find the way to do it.

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How To Check / Find Size Of Current ROLLBACK Segment

Apr 8, 2013

How to check/find the size of current ROLLBACK segment in oracle 10g ?

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RMAN :: Size Of Level 1 Differential Backup Greater Than Full Backup

Jul 22, 2013

I am trying to practice some RMAN configuration settings.Version - Linux X86-64 What i wanted to validate is if there is no level 0 backup of database taken, then the level 1 backup will be automatically backing up all the blocks of the database(similar to full backup). RMAN> report schema; Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name DB101 List of Permanent Datafiles

File Size(MB) Tablespace  RB segs Datafile Name----1    300      SYSTEM +DATA/db101/datafile/system.257.8208254172    200  SYSAUX ***     +DATA/ db101/ datafile/sysaux.268.8208254253    820      UNDOTBS1 ***     +DATA/db101/datafile/undotbs1.261.8208254294    5000     TPCCTAB  *** +DATA/ db101/ datafile/tpcctab.266.820832485 List of Temporary Files=File Size(MB) Tablespace  Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name---- 1    200..

I am not sure what these input bytes are which is not matching with the database size(posted in the beginning of thread)? why it has to show as db full when i actually run a incremental?

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Table Which Truncated

Jun 11, 2012

How to recover a table which truncate incautiously?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Truncated Table

Apr 20, 2011

One of our programmer/user accidentally truncated 2 tables in production. The dB is in NO ARCHIVELOG MODE.

How can we restore records of the 2 tables?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Find Table Got Restored Or Not

Jan 14, 2013

My DBA restored a table (which is already exists in the DB) so how can I found that current table is restored one?

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Backup & Recovery :: Data Missed From Table

Jul 18, 2012

Yesterday my colleague noticed that, the complete data (1 year) got missed out from a table and the data is available only from last friday.

And then we restroed the data from the backup.

Now we have been asked to find out who has deleted or truncated the data? But in the database, audit is enabled only to log sys operations.
So is there any way to find who ran the delete or truncate command on this DCA_CLA_BATCH table on friday?

SQL> show parameter audit

------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------
audit_file_dest string /dborafiles/edcap/edcapd/adump
audit_sys_operations boolean TRUE
audit_syslog_level string
audit_trail string OS

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Drop Table

Dec 29, 2011

How i can recover my drop table..i use user managed backup concept after dropping table i cant recover my i use step that my dropped table recover.

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover Truncate Table Data?

May 24, 2012

Our client has this scenario:May 23th 4:00 PM a user truncate a critical table. The customer need to recover the data before truncate.

The recover materials list like this:
1. A cold backup of this database at May 1th.
2. The archive log except May 1th ~ May 15th.
3. Every day exp at 00:30 and 12:00.

Is there any way to recover the data before truncate table with these material?

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Backup & Recovery :: Taking A Dump Of Huge Table

Jul 10, 2012

Is this possible to take the dump of a huge table , say 500gb, into multiple files and then import it in other database? if yes how can we do it?

Note that it is a single table with 500GB of size.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN - How To Recover Drop Table

Jan 3, 2012

how i can recover my drop table using until time in rman scenario.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Lost Table By RMAN

Jul 7, 2011

i need to restore one dropped table which i mistakenly deleted from my UAT Server. My flashback was off also. How to recover the lost table by RMAN.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exclude Rows While Inserting Into A Table

Jul 12, 2011

I have an insert statement like below.

insert into emp (select empno,ename,sal);

Here I need to exclude the rows having sal<0 from the SELECT query and insert those into some other table simultaneously.

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Server Utilities :: How To Exclude Table

Feb 6, 2012

I tried to export a schema excluding some table, but expdp exit with this error:

ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39071: Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed.
ORA-00936: missing expression

The command that I use is:

expdp system/password@ORADB directory=EXPORT_ORA_DIR schemas=maxdb logfile=maxdb.log
dumpfile=maxdb.dump EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('max_table_1','max_table_2')";

Where I made a mistake?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Recover Before 15 Minutes Table Data From Flashback

Mar 23, 2012

I delete some of the data from a table unfortunately and make commit on that on my production server.

getting back my all data of this table only of last 15 minutes.

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Backup & Recovery :: Recover A Dropped Table From Database As Well As Recyclebin?

Sep 23, 2011

can we recover a dropped table from database as well as recyclebin.

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Backup & Recovery :: SCN Based Backup Do RMAN Generate Backup From Archivelogs

Oct 18, 2012

understanding rman scn based Backup Algorithm .. In SCN based backup do rman generate backup from archivelogs ???

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Server Utilities :: Estimate Size Of FlatFile Based On Table Size?

May 8, 2013

We are planning to export the table data to a file pipedelimited. How do i estimate the size of the FlatFile based on the table size? or avg rowlength

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Real Application Clusters :: Check Archive Mount Point Size From Sqlplus Prompt?

Feb 15, 2013

I am in need to find archive log mount point space detail usage through sqlplus on multiple instance. Is there any view in oracle which can give me the detail.

I know one method using external table but that is cumbersome for RAC.

can i get some command like this.

select inst_id,mountpoint,space_usage,space_available,total from GV$table --> returns

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Backup & Recovery :: 2 Separate RMAN Backup One Backup Is Of Only Datafile

Jan 24, 2011

I have 2 seperate rman backup one backup is of only datafile ,spfile and controlfile which i am able to restore and recover without any problem say bkp1 taken at 10 am

other set of backup is of only archive log files of same day but later time than datafile backup say bkp2 taken at 8pm...if i restore and recover bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 it gives error datafile exist (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

if i just restore bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 so that i can do one recover at time
it gives error datafile permission issue (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

I want to restore database upto 8pm time how can i use both bkp1 and bkp2 to do it(restore datafiles and apply all archive logs on it)

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