Implementing Archive Log Mode In RAC Environment

Nov 23, 2010

Questions about implementing ARCHIVELOG mode in RAC environment.

Oracle 11gR1 RAC + ASM database. I'd like to implement ARCHIVELOG mode. Each node will have its own archive log.

Does it make sense to place archivelogs on ASM (shared storage)? Or the best practice would be to have some aside "BACKUP" server to place and keep archivelogs from all the RAC nodes there?

Additional question is about archive logs space required estimation. If it's correct to know estimate archive logs space required to get the daily avg number of switch logs

CODEselect round(avg(n_of_switch_logs), 3) avg_num_of_switch_logs
from (select trunc(first_time), count(*) n_of_switch_logs
from gv$log_history
group by trunc(first_time))
and multiply it on size of single redolog?

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Auditing No Archive Log Mode

Jun 8, 2012

I am using Oracle Database 10.2 in No Archive Log Mode. what auditing options are available in No Archive Log mode ?

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RMAN :: No Archive Log Mode

May 6, 2013

resolving the below issue.

DB version:
OS : IBM/AIX RISC System/6000
backup tool : Symantec net backup.

When I start RMAN backup through Symantec net backup tool same is failing. when I see in log file below error message is recorded in the same.


Starting backup at 06-MAY-13
channel ch00: starting compressed incremental level 0 datafile backup set
channel ch00: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch00 channel at 05/06/2013 07:09:16


RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch00 channel at 05/06/2013 07:09:16
ORA-19602: cannot backup or copy active file in NOARCHIVELOG mode


Recovery Manager complete.


But, DB is up and operating fine with ARCHIVELOG mode at that movement not even restart also.

how to resolve.

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Server Administration :: Archive Mode In Database

Dec 28, 2011

what is the techniques to set the archive mode in oracle database on???????

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Backup & Recovery :: Change Archive Log Mode During DB Running?

Aug 24, 2011

changing archive mode during DB running.Before in 9.2, 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START/STOP' is available for this job. But, after 10g/11g, it cause 'archive log stop has been deprecated'.

However, for my practice, I need to estimate archived logs size before backup them, so I need to stop archive log for a while and enable it later during DB running.

I check Oracle documents, it only mentions changing archive log mode at DB mounted but not open.

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Server Administration :: How To Offline Datafile In No Archive Mode

Oct 31, 2011

I want to drop a datafile in my test db which is in no archive mode,at first, i want to offline the datafile,but it failed,is there any way to do it?

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Oldest online log sequence 3237

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Enable / Disable Archive Mode From The Pfile In Oracle 10g?

Jul 12, 2012

I am using oracle 10g. Is there any mechanism to / parameter to enable or disable archive log mode? can I enable arching directly from pfile without touching the startup process?

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Replication :: Should Target DB In Replication Be In Archive-log Mode

Jul 26, 2008

I am implementing one-way replication between 2 databases.

Do people leave the target database in archive-log mode? Do they backup the target database?

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Backup & Recovery :: Moving From One Windows Environment To Another Linux Environment?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm trying to move my backup sets from windows database environment, to OEL 5.7 environment on another server.

I've found a manual [URL] by which I am trying to do it.I took backup sets from last night's backup using RMAN,and the current parameter(initSID.ora) file from the running live database.Now i need to configure control files in the pfile accordingly.

1. can i take current control files from the running system, to restore and recover backup sets from last night, to the state the database was at backup time?

2. how can i find out if control files are backed up and know by RMAN? "list backup completed after '2012-JUN-19';" >> gives me Archive redo logs, datafiles, but don't see the control files(or don't reconize them).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Implementing Unpivot In Oracle 11g

Sep 27, 2011

implementing UNPIVOT in..I am using Oracle 11g Release

OS: windows

Table Structure


1 rows selected

I want a output like this

1345 John DBA
1345 Mike SQL DEV
1345 Ram PLSQL
1345 Kumar Admin

*I have tried with UNPIVOT *

FOR col1
in (MANAGER_1,

i am able to get manager and role in two different queries


1345 John
1345 Mike
1345 Ram
1345 Kumar

4 rows selected

FOR col1
in (ROLE_1,

Is it possible to add two unpivots in a single UNPIVOT query.

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Implementing Data Masking In Oracle 11g Database?

Sep 26, 2013

 I have question regarding data masking.  Currently we are using Oracle 11g database , we are thinking of implementing data-masking feature in 11g.  Is this can be done by adding any package to it. 

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Application Express :: Implementing DMZ For Intranet And Internet Users

Aug 28, 2012

We are planning to use an Application Express application for intranet and internet users. We want to implement a DMZ configuration for this application.

Is there any good guide to implement it?, we want to use Oracle Http Server to access Oracle Application Express.

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Server Administration :: Implementing Case-insensitive Search

May 8, 2012

we are implementing case insensitive seaarch in our small 10g database...We would be modifying the following parameters.

nls_comp=LINGUISTIC ;

We want to use the existing indexes and as I understand we will need indexes created in following manner

create index <index_name> on <table_name>(nlssort( <column_name>, 'NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI'));

1) Is there any mechanism with which we can convert existing index to above type? (without drop and recreate)One of the issue I can see is related to unique values as 'ABC', 'Abc' and 'abc' would be treated same

2) Apart from that is there any issue, added maintenance for such index?

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11gR2 RAC Environment

Aug 28, 2013

To clear some confusions regarding 11gR2 RAC environment.

(1) Can I use the same owner (ie oracle) for both the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation and the Oracle RAC installation ? Like :

GRID_HOME=/oracle/11.2/grid ## Grid Infrastructure binary
ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/11.2/db ## Oracle RAC binary

(2) Whats the difference between CSR_HOME and GRID_HOME ??
(3) If not using ASM in RAC environment, should I still need to create "storage administration role" (i.e. SYSASM/OSASM..) ?
(4) Is password file necessary for RAC instances in each node ?

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Forms :: How To Set Environment Variable

May 16, 2010

how to set environment variable in oracle application.

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Oracle 9i For Linux Environment (64 Bit)?

Jul 18, 2013

link where can i get oracle 9i for Linux OS??Is 9i available for 64 bit ?

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Listener In Production Environment

Feb 6, 2013

I faced a problem in our production primary DB like the listener was running but it was not connecting through the remote system, when i accessed the primary database.

But when i restarted the listener it started connecting. I want to know the reason for this crash/freeze.

Oracle version: Oracle Database 11g release SE1 64 - bit production

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How To Put Same Oracle Environment On Two Machines

Aug 23, 2012

we are planing to put the same oracle environment on two machines.

what is the best way to realize that.installation on each machine or installation on one machine and copy the environment to the second?

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SQL Script Validation For Use In Dataguard Environment?

Feb 21, 2013

We have a 10g environment with DataGuard running for reporting purposes. Our application team is getting ready to upgrade their application and it requires that several SQL Scripts be run to perform the primary database updates. A couple of them are over 1 MB in length. My concern is that these scripts will break DataGuard. I am not a DBA by any stretch, but I seem to remember there are certain limitations with DataGuard.

I have reached back to the team and asked them to have the Vendor confirm these scripts are validated for a DataGuard environment and I have also reached out to the System DBAs for review. I am wondering if there is an utiility available that can check the SQL to confirm if there are any DDL or DML statements that will not work in DataGuard. Likewise, we are going to run these scripts in a non-production DataGuard enabled environment first, but I want to have some level of confidence, that this will be a success.

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How To Set Apache Environment Variables From Forms

Dec 27, 2012

We have an application, where we invoke a URL pointing to a folder on the Application Server, so that users can download files from the same.

There is user authentication provided for the URL.

Example :

Our application ABC (example) which is built with Oracle Forms 10g, hosted on Application server (itxxx123) inovkes a module GEN9999 which on pressing a button calls a URL which is open in the Internet Explorer browser.

If the URL has been called from the Forms or the Application (ABC), then it should be allowed.

If the URL is called standalone, by Opening IE Browser and invoking the URL, this should not be allowed.

However, there have been security concerns raised during Audit, saying that users can access the URL directly from the Browser instead of the Application. Also the URL is saved the Browser history, so even if the user is no longer working in the Application Team, and has moved out of the team, then the ex-user can still access the URL and view and download files.

Is there any way to restrict access to the URL such that is only accessible when it is called from the Application, and that access is restricted when directly called from the Browser.

I have seen that environment variables in httpd.conf may be usable for the above. However, not sure how to use them from Oracle Forms.

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Windows :: Value For PATH Environment Variable?

Jan 23, 2013

what value exactly I need to give for the PATH environment variable in oracle 11g running on windows xp?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Set Environment Variable Inside Procedure

Nov 24, 2010

I am calling a select query inside a procedure but i need to set environment variable 'set linesize 200' inside that procedure but i am not able to create the procedure due to some error. I am attaching the procedure query here with:

before the select query i need to insert this environment variable : "set linesize 200"

create or replace
l_mailhost VARCHAR2(64) := 'ip address';
l_from VARCHAR2(64) := 'email id';
l_subject VARCHAR2(64) := 'TABLESPACE_USAGE1';
l_to VARCHAR2(128) := 'email id';

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Windows :: How To Set SQLPath In Environment Variable

Aug 11, 2011

When I run the command "host set sqlpath" I get the following message "Environment variable sqlpath not defined",how I can set my oracle sqlpath

SQL> host set sqlpath
Environment variable sqlpath not defined.

how can I set an sqlpath in enviroment variable?

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Server Administration :: OLTP Environment On 10g?

Apr 29, 2010

I have to create/configure the environment for the database having high volume of the transactions nearly 10000 transactions per day and at peak time nearly 1500 transactions per second.

RAC can be one of the solution but that comes up with high cost. I googled for this type of environment configuration, what could be possible settings need to be configured for this environment configuration in both RAC and Non-RAC.

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Server Administration :: Set Environment Variables?

Nov 22, 2010

how can we see/set the environment variables through enterprise manager or through command prompt.

e.g (setting external procedure calls DDLs)etc.

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Forms :: Reports In Unix Environment

Mar 23, 2010

Below is my code for calling a report from form in windows environment. I want to use the same report to be called from Unix environment . When m using application server tbanner@.... instead of 'repsrv@ahad-pc' is throwing error its in UNIX environment

REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server failed

v_show_documentVARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
v_connectVARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=abdulahad/inshalla@test';
v_report_serverVARCHAR2 (30) := 'repsrv@ahad-pc';
v_report_nameVARCHAR2(100) := 'test3.rdf';

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PL/SQL :: Cross Environment Table Access

Mar 13, 2013

I am working in all 3 environments: development , Test and Production. How can we access the tables created in one environment in the other environment. Also, request to share the SQL code for the same.

I am using Oracle Sql Developer tool.

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Patching Strategy For Production Environment

Jun 25, 2013

Need patch strategy specially for production environment?? We have production environment and we are planning to patch our databases using PSU pacthes with no downtime. Our production environment has standby. We have one option that we can make standby to primary. Is there any other options that we can use?

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Upgrade From Oracle To In A Test Environment

Aug 29, 2012

recently i have tried to upgrrade from oracle to in a test environment (virtual machine).

there i have mentioned the SID as ORCL, but when we took the same snapshot to other machine (VM). iam unable to connect to the VM, unless i gave the local net service configuration as ORCL but it is unable to connect. but when i ran the query "select * from GLOBAL_NAME" output was ORCL. domain. com again i have configured in LNSC as ORCL.DOMAIN.COM it is working.

but i have given the sid as ORCL..

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RAC & Failsafe :: Test Environment - SAN Migration?

Feb 15, 2012

We have a RAC in a test environment.It's 2 nodes connecting to an IBM DS3512. The DS3512 has one pool of 8 hard disks (RAID10) which has been then sliced into logical drives:

2 x 1GB
2 * 400GB

I have been tasked with changing the current configuration as follow:

2 pools of 4HDs in a RAID10 configuration

Then from the first pool:
2 * 1GB
1 * 398GB

from 2nd pool:
1 * 400GB

What I intend to do:
1) shutdown
SQL> shutdown immediate;
./srvctl crs stop
2) backup
dd if=votingdisk of=voting_disk_backup
I already got backups of OCR in $CRS_HOME/cdata/crs/
3) Perform changes on SAN
4) recreate ocfs2 partitions
5) mount the disks to their folder.
6) recovery
recover voting from backup
recover ocr from backup
7) Turn service on again
./srvctl crs start
SQL> startup;

Would this scenario work. There can be some glitches like the disk names changing after the reconfiguration but I only need to modify fstab for that.

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