How To Get Profile In Oracle Support

Nov 19, 2012

How to get my profile in oracle support ? i need to know to many license what we have in oracle how to get this ,ex: oracle rac 11g , application server 10g ...etc.

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Assign Different Profile For Oracle Database Users According To Their Job Functions

Apr 10, 2011

it is a good practise to assign different profile for oracle database users according to their job functions.what could be the resons for that?

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Server Administration :: How To Create Best Profile For Huge User In Oracle Database

Mar 5, 2013

how to create best profile for huge user in oracle database user which take lagre uga memory.

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Forms :: Firefox 14.0 Can Support Oracle 10g

Jul 9, 2012

firefox 14.0 can run oracle 10g forms ? and how can run ?

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Windows :: Does Win 7 Support Oracle 11g To Install

Nov 16, 2011

that windows7 will support oracle 11g and oracle 10 g

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Does Oracle Support Domain Concept

Dec 8, 2011

Do Oracle SQL support Domain Concept?

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Forms :: Oracle 10g Express Edition Can Support 6i

Mar 2, 2007

I have downloaded oracle 10g express edition. I have tried to connect forms 6i in that in windows xp environment but when i tried to connect it is not connecting and giving "don't send" error.

If there is any patch to connect forms 6i into oracle 10g express edition.

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Does Oracle 11g Support Host Naming Method

Jun 30, 2013

DB: & OS: RHEL5 Easy Connect Naming method enhances the host naming method by allowing for a port and service specification. My question is does Oracle 11g support Host naming method?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Oracle Database To Support Chinese Fonts

Aug 21, 2012

mentioned database is created with Character set = UTF8 and the National Character Set = AL16UTF16 and got the result for other languages (latin,german,french etc) but still Chinese language was not supported.


I was getting the output as given below-

SQL> select translator ('table and chair','zh-CN','en') English_to_chinese from dual ;


and the function is given below

/* Formatted on 16/08/2012 21:55:39 (QP5 v5.215.12089.38647) */
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION translator (p_words IN CLOB, -- words to be translated
p_to IN VARCHAR2, -- language to translate to


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Installation :: Does Windows 7 Home Basic Support Oracle 11g

Jun 7, 2012

Does windows 7 home basic support oracle 11g?

i am getting some error during installation.

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SQL Server Query - Oracle Does Not Support OUTER APPLY Statement

Feb 1, 2012

INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(123, 'Shirts', '10/07/2011', 5000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(123, 'Shirts', '10/14/2011', 8000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(124, 'Pants', '10/07/2011', 4000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(125, 'Shorts', '10/14/2011', 8000)
INSERT INTO @MainTable VALUES(126, 'Shoes', '10/21/2011', 9000);
--select * from @MainTable;

The query works with all the CTEs up to the last select statement. Oracle does not support the OUTER APPLY statement, how should the last piece be written to make it work in Oracle?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Structure Schemas Within Single Oracle Instance To Support Multiple Project Development

Jan 24, 2013

The best way to structure my schemas within a single Oracle instance to support multiple project development. At the moment, within an Oracle instance I have Area_Dev and Area1_Test schemas, with the intention that Project Xv1.0 would use Dev schema for development and Test schema for testing.

Lets say I want to start on Project Xv2.0 development while I am still finalizing Project Xv.10 development what is the best way of accommodating that, without creating individual schemas for each project?

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Server Utilities :: Does Oracle Forms / Report Services (Standalone) Support Data Export Utility

Jun 10, 2010

I have a From which take Logical Backup through oracle export utility. This Form work fine when i Start OCJ4 but when i want to take backup after running oracle Forms & Report services its not take backup.

My Question is dose Oracle Forms & Report Services (Standalone) Support data backup through Export (exp) utility. I have install Oracle Forms and Report Services (Standalone) on Window XP (SP-3).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBA Profile - Limit Value?

Jul 8, 2010

I have just created a profile as below.

create profile test_idle limit idle_time 360;

When i queried the dba_profiles view, I observed that the LIMIT value mentioned as DEFAULT. what is the Default values for every resource name.



For the another profile LIMIT value is mentioned as UNLIMITED.

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Dropping A User Profile

Jun 9, 2010

Would like to know:

When you drop a user profile, Oracle automatically assigns the default profile to that user - knowing that no other profile has been assigned to that user.
Does this happen in the same session or after a restart?

A user must have a profile at all times, so if a profile is dropped, then the default profile should be assigned in the same session because if not, then during that session the user has no assigned profile which shouldn't happen?

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Expiring All User Accounts In Profile

May 16, 2012

I am trying to expire all user accounts belonging to a particular profile my_profile.

The first option was to utilise the utlpwdmg.sql script to update the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME for my_profile, this worked in Oracle (11g) but caused issues with the change password feature of several applications linking to the database - this option then had to be abandoned.

The next option is to therefore to select all users in my_profile and expire the accounts, what I require is a statement to combine:

- Select USERNAME from DBA_USERS where PROFILE='my_profile';

So that all users in my_profile have their passwords expired, not just one user my_user.

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Edit Profile On Unix (x86-32) During 1og Installation?

Sep 26, 2011

how to edit profile on unix [x86-32] during 1og oracle installation. edit /export/home/oracle/.profile

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Forms :: Writing In User Profile

Jul 14, 2010

The Scenario is that we have to restrict clients to write file on C drive for which we have to grant admin privileges(OS) which we don't wanna give. Rather they can write on their own profile.

In CMD we can find their profile with %userprofile% command,but i am confused of using it in oracle form. so is there any possibilities to redirect O/P to userprofileyour_file.txt

Just for an instance ,code is like this which is currently writing in C: drive

linebuf VARCHAR2(80);
your_file VARCHAR2(50) := 'C:TEMPyour_file.dat';
text_line VARCHAR2(400);

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Security :: Modify Profile To Use Old Password?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a database in which a user xxxx is assigned a password 'bbbbb'.I want to change the password to the one which was used before which was 'aaaaa'.But when I change the password it was saying "Password cannot be Reused".So I checked in user profile and found out that password_reuse_time=unlimited and password_reuse_max=5.

So what I did was change the password 6 times to something else(Since it is 5) and then tried changing it to 'aaaaa' but still it is saying "Old password cannot be reused".

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Performance Tuning :: Execution Plan Changing With Same SQL Profile

Mar 5, 2013

One of our clients is using Rule Based Optimizer on Oracle

2-3 weeks backs, during performance issue in one of the sql queries, one of our team members executed tuning adviser for it, created SQL profile and the subsequent execution of the SQL did not took much time (less I/O). Now it took hardly a minute to execute

When this happened I checked that the SQL profile forced that particular query to use CBO (say plan_hash_value is PHV1 here). Yesterday the same query again took 15-20 minutes for execution. I checked that even for this execution the query used the same SQL profile but "this time" with different plan_hash_value - say PHV2.

Today again the query executed in less than a minute and used the plan_hash_value as PHV1.

select distinct plan_hash_value,timestamp from dba_hist_sql_plan where sql_id='mysqlid' order by 1,2;

--------------- --------------------
890360113 20-feb-2013 16:38:39
3736413466 04-mar-2013 08:12:52
1237282258 03-jan-2013 17:15:02

I confirmed from awrsqrpt as well that different plans were used for different plan_hash_values and every time same SQL profile was used


------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- -------- ---
SYS_SQLPROF_015ffffcc3e1c5b000 DEFAULT 1.5512E+19 20-feb-2013 16:30:48 20-feb-2013 16:30:48 MANUAL ENABLED NO

I am unable to understand how execution plan and thus plan_hash_value is changing for the same SQL Profile. I read that SQL Profile (unlike stored outline) keeps up with increasing data volume and may not keep up with changing data distribution.

I checked that values for 4 bind variables out of 81 are different for execution between today and yesterdays' run(queried v$sql_bind_capture based on last_captured)

My questions are
1) does the different plan_hash_values with different execution plans for query using same SQL profile mean the query was hard parsed multiple times and still used the same SQL profile?
2) If that is the case why I never saw child_number = 1 in any of the views for the same sql_id. I tried it repeatedly over last 2 weeks and always found child_number=0 in v$sql (also loaded_versions=1)
3) Does the different values of bind variable are causing this flip-flop of the plans? How can I conclude this?

I have 2 plans with 2 different plan_hash_values. I know which would be better. How can I force the sql to use better plan in the two in this case where I am using Rule Based Optimizer and have SQL profile created If this is not possible then how can I create stored outline from the existing plan (not waiting for subsequent execution to take place).

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Get Profile Values To Display In RDF Report

Jul 3, 2012

how I can profile values to be displayed in RDF report.Here is what I have in my before report trigger

:CP_CompanyName := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('xx');

When I print the value of the user name it gets printed fine.But when I print the place holder column value for the profile I get null.

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Security :: Password Verify Function While Creating A Profile

Dec 5, 2011

I've created a password verification function (verify_pwd) in a schema which is not in SYS, but an equivalent of SYS. However, the problem arises when I'm trying to create a profie (MAIN_PROFILE) with the following attributes :


The above script is resulting in an error.

ORA-02376 : invalid or redundant resource...Can I create the function verify_pwd not in the schema SYS but instead in a schema equivalent to SYS?

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Server Administration :: How To Check Last Modification Date Of Resource_name In Profile

Feb 9, 2010

we have a few profiles in dba_profile. How to check what is the last modification date of the the resources inside each profile.

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Forms :: 6i Support CLOB?

Oct 4, 2010

I wants to ask about CLOB that:

Is Form 6i support CLOB?

and also can we use LONGROW for storing images into database?

what exactly difference between these two data types in usage..

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INSO Filter Language Support?

May 4, 2011

Is it possible to extract kannada text from a pdf document using INSO filter ?

Or Does it support only English Language ?

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Support Dram SSD For Small Database

Mar 15, 2011

I read the Website URL....and searching now for an alternative way for a small Oracle DB around 120 - 250 GB Data.I cant find any DRAM SSD that seems to suite the needs of such a small amount of data to a valuable price.

The only Hdd i found is URL... but im not sure if thats the right thing and if its possible to still buy such a device.where do we get such a device in Europe(swiss) and what would be the price for such a device?

Do i need to make a special setup within oracle (11g R2) to get the maximum out of such a DRAM SSD?

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Forms :: Multi-Language Support In 6i

Mar 12, 2012

I want to enter data in Arabic and English through Oracle Forms6i.

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SQL Create Table Doesn't Support %TYPE / But PL/SQL Does

Oct 12, 2010

oracle 10G who knows why Oracle SQL doesn't support %TYPE when create a table. But it supports it when we use it in PL/SQL.

SQL> create table wg_1
ERROR at line 2: ORA-00911: invalid character

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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Networking And Gateways :: Listener Support No Services

Jan 24, 2012

i have created a listener for my db and register the service to it some 2 years back now i have checked it and it display as follows

LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 24-JAN-2012 13:49:44
Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=10.x.x.x)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
Start Date 24-JAN-2012 13:45:44
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 3 min. 59 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication

now i have stop and then restart but same status? so how can i manually register it again or anyother solution as i cant run netmgr

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TimesTen In-Memory :: No Support For Trigonometric Functions

Sep 2, 2013

We cache oracle 11g2 data in timesten   ( IMDB ) We can't find any trigonometric functions like  cos(x), sin(x)  or so in timesten. Does that means timesten doesn't support trigonometric functions?

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