SQL & PL/SQL :: DBA Profile - Limit Value?

Jul 8, 2010

I have just created a profile as below.

create profile test_idle limit idle_time 360;

When i queried the dba_profiles view, I observed that the LIMIT value mentioned as DEFAULT. what is the Default values for every resource name.



For the another profile LIMIT value is mentioned as UNLIMITED.

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Dropping A User Profile

Jun 9, 2010

Would like to know:

When you drop a user profile, Oracle automatically assigns the default profile to that user - knowing that no other profile has been assigned to that user.
Does this happen in the same session or after a restart?

A user must have a profile at all times, so if a profile is dropped, then the default profile should be assigned in the same session because if not, then during that session the user has no assigned profile which shouldn't happen?

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How To Get Profile In Oracle Support

Nov 19, 2012

How to get my profile in oracle support ? i need to know to many license what we have in oracle how to get this ,ex: oracle rac 11g , application server 10g ...etc.

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Expiring All User Accounts In Profile

May 16, 2012

I am trying to expire all user accounts belonging to a particular profile my_profile.

The first option was to utilise the utlpwdmg.sql script to update the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME for my_profile, this worked in Oracle (11g) but caused issues with the change password feature of several applications linking to the database - this option then had to be abandoned.

The next option is to therefore to select all users in my_profile and expire the accounts, what I require is a statement to combine:

- Select USERNAME from DBA_USERS where PROFILE='my_profile';

So that all users in my_profile have their passwords expired, not just one user my_user.

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Edit Profile On Unix (x86-32) During 1og Installation?

Sep 26, 2011

how to edit profile on unix [x86-32] during 1og oracle installation. edit /export/home/oracle/.profile

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Forms :: Writing In User Profile

Jul 14, 2010

The Scenario is that we have to restrict clients to write file on C drive for which we have to grant admin privileges(OS) which we don't wanna give. Rather they can write on their own profile.

In CMD we can find their profile with %userprofile% command,but i am confused of using it in oracle form. so is there any possibilities to redirect O/P to userprofileyour_file.txt

Just for an instance ,code is like this which is currently writing in C: drive

linebuf VARCHAR2(80);
your_file VARCHAR2(50) := 'C:TEMPyour_file.dat';
text_line VARCHAR2(400);

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Security :: Modify Profile To Use Old Password?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a database in which a user xxxx is assigned a password 'bbbbb'.I want to change the password to the one which was used before which was 'aaaaa'.But when I change the password it was saying "Password cannot be Reused".So I checked in user profile and found out that password_reuse_time=unlimited and password_reuse_max=5.

So what I did was change the password 6 times to something else(Since it is 5) and then tried changing it to 'aaaaa' but still it is saying "Old password cannot be reused".

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Assign Different Profile For Oracle Database Users According To Their Job Functions

Apr 10, 2011

it is a good practise to assign different profile for oracle database users according to their job functions.what could be the resons for that?

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Performance Tuning :: Execution Plan Changing With Same SQL Profile

Mar 5, 2013

One of our clients is using Rule Based Optimizer on Oracle

2-3 weeks backs, during performance issue in one of the sql queries, one of our team members executed tuning adviser for it, created SQL profile and the subsequent execution of the SQL did not took much time (less I/O). Now it took hardly a minute to execute

When this happened I checked that the SQL profile forced that particular query to use CBO (say plan_hash_value is PHV1 here). Yesterday the same query again took 15-20 minutes for execution. I checked that even for this execution the query used the same SQL profile but "this time" with different plan_hash_value - say PHV2.

Today again the query executed in less than a minute and used the plan_hash_value as PHV1.

select distinct plan_hash_value,timestamp from dba_hist_sql_plan where sql_id='mysqlid' order by 1,2;

--------------- --------------------
890360113 20-feb-2013 16:38:39
3736413466 04-mar-2013 08:12:52
1237282258 03-jan-2013 17:15:02

I confirmed from awrsqrpt as well that different plans were used for different plan_hash_values and every time same SQL profile was used


------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- -------- ---
SYS_SQLPROF_015ffffcc3e1c5b000 DEFAULT 1.5512E+19 20-feb-2013 16:30:48 20-feb-2013 16:30:48 MANUAL ENABLED NO

I am unable to understand how execution plan and thus plan_hash_value is changing for the same SQL Profile. I read that SQL Profile (unlike stored outline) keeps up with increasing data volume and may not keep up with changing data distribution.

I checked that values for 4 bind variables out of 81 are different for execution between today and yesterdays' run(queried v$sql_bind_capture based on last_captured)

My questions are
1) does the different plan_hash_values with different execution plans for query using same SQL profile mean the query was hard parsed multiple times and still used the same SQL profile?
2) If that is the case why I never saw child_number = 1 in any of the views for the same sql_id. I tried it repeatedly over last 2 weeks and always found child_number=0 in v$sql (also loaded_versions=1)
3) Does the different values of bind variable are causing this flip-flop of the plans? How can I conclude this?

I have 2 plans with 2 different plan_hash_values. I know which would be better. How can I force the sql to use better plan in the two in this case where I am using Rule Based Optimizer and have SQL profile created If this is not possible then how can I create stored outline from the existing plan (not waiting for subsequent execution to take place).

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Get Profile Values To Display In RDF Report

Jul 3, 2012

how I can profile values to be displayed in RDF report.Here is what I have in my before report trigger

:CP_CompanyName := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('xx');

When I print the value of the user name it gets printed fine.But when I print the place holder column value for the profile I get null.

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Security :: Password Verify Function While Creating A Profile

Dec 5, 2011

I've created a password verification function (verify_pwd) in a schema which is not in SYS, but an equivalent of SYS. However, the problem arises when I'm trying to create a profie (MAIN_PROFILE) with the following attributes :


The above script is resulting in an error.

ORA-02376 : invalid or redundant resource...Can I create the function verify_pwd not in the schema SYS but instead in a schema equivalent to SYS?

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Server Administration :: How To Check Last Modification Date Of Resource_name In Profile

Feb 9, 2010

we have a few profiles in dba_profile. How to check what is the last modification date of the the resources inside each profile.

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Server Administration :: How To Create Best Profile For Huge User In Oracle Database

Mar 5, 2013

how to create best profile for huge user in oracle database user which take lagre uga memory.

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Product User Profile - Restrict User From Running Queries On DB From Third Party Tools

Apr 25, 2011

There is a requirement in my database that I want to restrict the user from directly running queries on database from third party tools such as pl/sql developer and toad.

There is a utility in SQL product_user_profile through which this can be done but it is only restricted if you run the query through sql plus. If I want to restrict and (give suppose select,insert) to a user for directly running queries through PL/SQL.

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30 Character Limit?

Nov 13, 2007

I've written a .net program for inserting blobs into our database, and it works fine, except if the path has more than 30(+) characters. I've read that this is a limitation in oracle, but the actual contents being stored is just the filename, extension, and blob itself, so I'm not actually storing anything more than 30 characters.

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Limit On A CLOB

Jun 18, 2012

Working on building an application which will be in C# (.NET 3.5) and some PL/SQL. However, for the tables which have to store the data, I added a column, comments, to the table and assigned it a data type CLOB. No big deal, except my PL/SQL function is giving me errors if the CLOB built from several varchar2 rows exceeds 4000 characters. I understand the varchar2 field is restricted in 10g, but I was under the impression there wasn't such a restriction on a CLOB (hence the reason we're using it.)

I end up getting:

ORA-6502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-6512: at line 1
06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
*Action:The db is 10g (will be upgrading to 11 in October, needs to work on both) on a Windows Server 2003 box (Archive/backup server and db)

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UTL_TCP Connection Limit?

May 27, 2009

I am using UTL_TCP package of Oracle to connect to remote server. As per my architecture, I am opening multiple connections TCP in the same Oracle session.

I have come arround the limiation of 16 connections with this package.

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How To Set Time Limit For A Procedure

Mar 1, 2009

I want to write a procedure in such a way that the code in the proceduce should finish its work with in a given amount of time other wise it should exit from the procedure.

For example....

i am fetching data from a table and inserting into another table and i want ot finish this task within 10 mins if it does not i need to exit from the procedure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Wm_concat Limit On Rows?

Jun 16, 2010

Consider this query

select deptno, wm_concat(student_name) from id_student group by deptno;

I want to change this query in such a way that only 3 students per dept are listed.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-06532 / Subscript Outside Of Limit

Nov 19, 2012

I want to read a number of rows into an array of records.

I keep getting this error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06532: Subscript outside of limit

here is the procedure:

CURSOR get_all_locations (type IN VARCHAR2) IS
FROM group
WHERE type = type;


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Possible To Limit Sessions In These Views

Jan 17, 2013

I'm using Toad 11.6, I can see about 156 sessions for the database in the session browser but when I do a select from v$session, only 40 sessions are showing up. I was able to look at all the sessions until yesterday. I tried several views like v$session, v$open_cursor etc, but only 60 sessions show up. I'm connected to the database using same user login yesterday and this morning.. May be this user had some privileges revoked last night??If so is it possible to limit sessions in these views (v$session etc) but it's strange that I can see them in the session browser in Toad. 'm very confident that there are 156 sessions in the database but it's just that I'm not able to see them in the v$session etc views. I need to troubleshoot a session but it is not showing up in any views.

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How To Limit The Table Size

Oct 9, 2012

I have a problem with one table.. First of all:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

The problem table resides in a locally managed tablespace. About 10 millions records is added in this table every day. After 36 hours all these records moved to another (partitioned) table, so the size of data in the problem table always about 75 Gb. But the size of table is reached 157 Gb today, and it still growing. The results of dbms_space.space_usage are showed below:

Size of blocks with:

0-25% free space: 4726784
25-50% free space: 17301504
50-75% free space: 24920064
75-100% free space: 102418669568
full blocks: 54761594880Thus, a lot of blocks have 75-100% free space but the table constantly growing: during last 9 days the size increased from 123 to 157 Gb.

how to stop the table growing? It there any way to limit the table size in locally managed tablespace?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Limit Of Number Of Sub Programs In A Package

Aug 13, 2013

I'm looking for the information on:

•Limit of number of sub programs in a package.
•Limit of number of lines in a sub-program.
•Limit of number of statements in a sub-program.

I searched on net and found below useful information.

The size limit for PL/SQL stored database objects such as subprograms, triggers, and packages is the size of the Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada (DIANA) code in the shared pool in bytes. The Linux and UNIX limit on the size of the flattened DIANA/code size is 64K but the limit might be 32K on desktop platforms.

The most closely related number that a user can access is the PARSED_SIZE in the static data dictionary view *_OBJECT_SIZE. That gives the size of the DIANA in bytes as stored in the SYS.IDL_xxx$ tables. This is not the size in the shared pool. The size of the DIANA part of PL/SQL code (used during compilation) is significantly larger in the shared pool than it is in the system table.

is there any recommendation on limit of number of subprograms should exist in a package exist, If there is any guidelines/recommendation exist for these.

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Security :: Limit Sessions Per User In RAC

May 6, 2011

The following link states

Each instance maintains its own SESSIONS_PER_USER count. If SESSIONS_PER_USER is set to 1 for a user, the user can log on to the database more than once as long as each connection is from a different instance.


Of course the following is not working even when resource_limit is TRUE


How can I restrict a user to have limited sessions say 2 sessions across 4 node cluster? Presently I am checking the sessions logged in using sql+ and no connection pooling of front end etc. is involved.

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Windows :: Clarification On Oracle XE 4Gb Limit

Jul 29, 2010

In regard to the Oracle 4GB limit, what exactly is this limit? Is this the total size of the datafiles of the user defined tablespaces (excluding SYSTEM and UNDO) so if, for example, we have a 2.8Gb datafile, can we only add another 1.2Gb datafile.

or is it the total size of extents/segments in the user defined tablespace i.e. if we have a 2.8Gb datafile but the database data comes to only 1.7Gb, can we add another tablespace with a new 2.8Gb datafile to allow for another 1.7Gb schema.

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Forms :: Selection Limit On Block?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a question regarding a selection limit from a list of values. The table where my IDs (unit_codes) come from has another column called 'points'. each ID has its own number of points. Is there a way to put a selection limit on the display field that points will be placed on?

FOR EXAMPLE: a course block has a selection limit of 70 points, A person named someguy selects :
music = 20 points
maths = 20 points
mathsXTRA = 40 points
**ALERT!!! - U can ONLY select 70 points worth of units**

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Range Output And Limit Records

Jun 18, 2012

I need to display the data as range , i have created one table along with inserts as below , i need the desired output as mentioned below.The range will start from field STMH_PM_CODE , it will get the first and last stmh_pm_code and stmh_pm_desc which are in the same combination of STMH_NO,STMH_JOB_NO,STMH_batch_no and stmh_rev_no,

2 (
9 );

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0001','1107040-1001','FRAME','0');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0001','1107040-1002',FRAME','0');
ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

Wrote file afiedt.buf

1* INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0001','1107040-1002','FRAME','0')
SQL> /

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0001','1107040-1003','COLUMN','0');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0002','1107040-1004','FRAME','0');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO OT_SHOP_TRANSMITTAL_TEST VALUES ('PR-1107-0001','1107040','0001','1107040-1005','FRAME','0');

1 row created.


Commit complete.

-- i want it as below see the line in stmh_pm_desc the description gets added until there is a change in either stmh_batch_no or stmh_rev_no since we have stmh_pm_code 1107040-1004 with stmh_batch_no 0002 it goes to other line as a seperate new range and first one will stop with 1107-1003 as that is the last combination and new line or range will get added over again.

PR-1107-000100011107040-1001 - 1107040-1003FRAME, COLUMN0
PR-1107-000100021107040-1004 FRAME 0
PR-1107-000100011107040-1005 FRAME 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Good Bulk Collect Limit?

Jul 21, 2011

The procedure uses bulk collect to fetch from a normal cursor, Then I am using for all to insert into target table, The number of rows are 234965470

Question: What should ideally be the limit for my bulk collect ?

According to below, it should be in hundreds[URL]...

I put a bulk collect limit of 50000 - took close to 2 hours then i tried 10000 - just 3 mins shorter than the above time But if you commit every 500 rows, Then is there not another theory that frequent commits is not good ?

Is there something I have to ask the DBAS ?

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PL/SQL :: Limit Order By Rows Without Using Sub Query

Sep 4, 2013

Here is my query to fetch only 10  records from order by result set. 

select *from (select * from EOE_POC.PRODUCT_TEST_REPORT where PRODUCT_CODE='214d' order by CREATE_DATE desc ) where ROWNUM <= 10  

I am having problem binding it with java API . how to query this without using sub query ?

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ISQL*Plus :: How To Limit Access To Few Users

Oct 29, 2013

I would like to know if it's possible to limit access to isqlplus to only one user in my case. I need to give access in read only mode to user in isqlplus.For that, I will create a oracle user with only select privilege on the tables, but I want to be sure that only this user will be used in isqlplus and not another. 

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