How To Change Column Width
Dec 11, 2006
I'm having a problem with a column that is too short for it's data. It causes multiple lines for the same record. How can I change a column width in Oracle? I'm using a select statement to see the data.
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Oct 20, 2011
Do we have measure with Oracle sequence width compare with column width.?
today i have ticket to check that.
Quote:Comparing sequence width to column width.We need to be Pro-active and continuous effort (not one time) meaning, any ccput by developer (for new sequence or new column which has corresponding sequence) need to be verified from this perspective
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Sep 20, 2004
I am using SQL Plus v9. and am having trouble with the column widths. By way of example:
Let's say the column is a varchar(2) and the column name is called V9ABC12345. When I see the result of my query I only get the heading name as V9 ie the maximum width of 2 characters. The table has over 100 columns and I know I can specify the column width using the format command but I am using the select * from table_name command
How do I change my formatting to include the column heading by default?
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Jul 16, 2013
I have a column named 'Comment'. Its have a huge data due to which the length of that column in interactive report get increased.
I need to fix the length to a desired value.I used following code in Region Footer:
<style> table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td[headers=COMMENTS] { _width: 300px; min-width: 50px; max-width: 300px }</style>
Its solved the problem by fixing the width of the column but the column is not showing the full data now. It is hiding most of its part to fit it in that column.
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Jul 10, 2012
How to control the column width on an interactive report. I can force it by making the column header really long but that is a crazy solution. How can I get control over this? I have columns that contain memo entries and if I use the header memo the report has tall skinny columns which makes reading very difficult.
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Sep 30, 2010
How the length of column width effects index performance?
For example if i had IOT table emp_iot with columns:
(id number,
job varchar2(20),
time date,
plan number)
Table key consist of(id, job, time)
Column JOB has fixed list of distinct values ('ANALYST', 'NIGHT_WORKED', etc...).
What performance increase i could expect if in column "job" i would store not names but concrete numbers identifying job names.
For e.g. i would store "1" instead 'ANALYST' and "2" instead 'NIGHT_WORKED'.
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May 23, 2013
In sql server we can able to change the order of a column but some says in oracle also we can do it. But as i think it is not possible.
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Jun 1, 2012
I want to get the following format of data in row format using PLSQL. I want to do that in using a shell script also.
Suppose I have the data like this
how to write it in PLSQL as follows:
25 8
3 9
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Aug 18, 2013
I have a table called cust_file, his table consists of a lot of columns (one of these columns called cus_tax) and have a lot of data,I use oracle 11g, I want to change the default value of the column cus_tax to be equal 1, I wrote
ALTER TABLE cust_file MODIFY(cus_tax DEFAULT 1); table alteredbut
after I inserted new data to test the operation, I found that the new record has a value
= null for the column cus_taxthen
I tested using the following query select
data_default from all_tab_columns where table_name='CUST_FILE' and column_name='CUS_TAX'; no rows selected...
Change the default value of the column cus_tax.
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Jun 22, 2012
I have to change the datatype of a column from CLOB to varchar2, without changing the order of the columns. The table has no data.
I could find any other way other than dropping the CLOB columns and then adding new columns with varchar2 datatype. But this changes the order of the columns in the table.
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May 18, 2011
i have one table emp in this table i have the column eno,ename,hiredate and i have data also in this table.
my eno colum data type is number so now i have to change this colum data type from number to varchar2.
if yes how can when i am trying to change this colum data type i got this error
Failed to commit: ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype.
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Apr 3, 2013
I´m newbie as Apex developer using Apex 4.0 with OracleXE 11.2, and now my problem is:
I have a tabular form where one of the columns, when calling the form, is a Display Item, so that you cannot change existing values.
I want, when adding a new row, that column become a Select List (named LOV) based on a query that exclude existing values in other rows already inserted.
Can I change that Display Item to Select List (named LOV) programmatically at runtime? If not, what other options do I have?
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Feb 10, 2010
i edit forms
so all applet is loaded full screen in browser.But i want to load particular form with different width and height
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Nov 10, 2010
I did a search on this topic and did see the ASK TOM response that storing all varchar2 fields as (2000) or what not is a bad idea based on an array fetch that developers may use etc. However I'm not sure that applies to my specific question, and the other examples he gave certainly didn't apply. So I'll pose the question a different way:
Question #1: Is there, for example, a performance difference between setting a field as varchar(2000) and varchar(25) if I was just running a native SQL query using a front end tool like TOAD?
Question #2: If I also need to index that field, will it take longer to index a varchar(2000) field than a varchar(25) field, assuming the same data is in both fields?
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Oct 10, 2013
11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24 ,i want to decrease width of a specific region , how ?
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Aug 8, 2011
Is it possible to change the datatype of a column in a table online, using DBMS_REDEFINITION?
If Yes, then which of the options will be used with DBMS_REDEFINITION package?
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Apr 18, 2012
Recently I am facing a problem while working with Oracle reports 2.5.
My requirement is:
there is a report in which there are 5 columns right now. Now what i want is, whenever a condition will satisfy , a new column should be also display in that report otherwise it must be stay as it is.
Previously : a b c d
Now if a=1 : a b z c d
a b c d
where a,b,c,d,z are columns.
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Oct 18, 2013
I am trying to change the column order in an Interactive Report. Run the report as a developer then use the action menu.
However, I am not sure how one can run the the report as a developer. Do you just login and run the page? Then if I do that, I don't see the action menu there. If I go to page attributes "Save Report" tab, I do see the action menu but "Select Columns" only gives me "Report Type", "Report Name" etc as columns. Or we don't have enough privileges to run the report as a developer?
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Oct 29, 2012
I have created report with the collections. Report query has been changing dynamically but i got problem with report header names and headers names has not been changing dynamically it is always showing like c001,c002....etc so, i have created global item(G_ITEM) in shared components--->Applications items after that I have created process(before headers) and assigning some value to G_ITEM and used &G_ITEM to column headres in IR Report but here &G_ITEM is not showing any value.
How can i achieve dynamic headers names by using *&G_ITEM(global items)*
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Jun 4, 2013
I have a problem with Tabular form. Configuration: Oracle 10g, Application Express
I have tabular form on simple table. I need to change some column values before MRU. For example: i have column named "UPDATE_DATE" where i need write SYSDATE every time this record was updated. I've created page process, associated with my tabular form.
Process point: On Submit - After Computations and Validations;
Sequence set to 1 (before "ApplyMRU" process - it has sequence 10);
When Button Pressed: Submit;
Execution Scope: For Created and Modified Rows;
indx varchar2(255);
l_map wwv_flow_global.vc_map;
l_id number;
l_pk number;
But this doesn't work. MRU process writes old values, that was posted from browser. I tried change values by
apex_application.g_f04(:APEX$ROW_NUM) := sysdate;but this also not work.
How can i change values before MRU? Why wwv_flow_tabular_form.set_row_values doesn't change values?
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Jun 25, 2013
i have a problem in my ODI 11g with the load into Oralce table of a fixed width file, i configured all the datasource in ODI and when i do view data i see all correct, the end of file is signed like "0D0A" but when i try my load interface i receive the message that my last field is more big than the one declared.
My file have an header of fields and the last field is a data-field of 2000 characters. I controlled and is really fixed the length cause is a COBOL file from a Mainframe. So it looks that ODI don't understand the end of that field and go ahead to the other, i just tryed to enlarge the limit but is always more big like if the file is shifting on the right.
Have i forgot some configuration in some place? The definition of the file present the end of file like Microsoft hexadecimal \u000D\u000A i try all the combination there but no way to avoid this problem.
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Sep 4, 2012
I need to modify the column type that already has data in it, i need it change varchar to number then The datas entered have $ and , (e.g $3,200). I need the $ and , removed with column type set to numbers.
When i currently do this i get the following error:
The TABLE operation was not successful for the following reason:
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
I've tried unloading the data and loading the data using the spreadsheet, cut and past and csv file but both give me more errors, so i just want that one column modified.
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Nov 13, 2013
Apex 4.2I have a page with a calendar on it. I have several issues with formatting the data within each cell. Currently, I use a substitution string to place the id in the calendar cell.
Clicking the id will link to another page. What I notice is that for each id on a calendar cell (or date), it lists them one under the other. Is there any way to list them side by side? Also, I need to make changes to the calendar cells. I would like to expand the width and the height, but am not sure where to do this.
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Nov 12, 2013
I have a sample report at this url:
workspace: homeworldusername: test_reportpassword: test_report APEX version is 4.2.3, database 11g release 2... Application #: 202 : IR REPORTS TEST Page in question is page #2
I have the report setup and need to make the following change... I have 2 columns: Comm and bonus,
if the bonus > comm, I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Red if the bonus < comm
I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Green if the bonus = comm, I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Black I have tried using code with the select and am NOT wanting that since it will be bundled with the data when downloaded as CSV or Excel.. Had thought about using the built in highlighting but that doesn't allow comparing a column to another.. Was thinking of a dynamic action, but not clear as to HOW to do it.
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Apr 14, 2013
I understand when I decrease the width or height of the paper layout, it may cause this error if any of the objects in my report may not fit in the new layout.
But for me this error occurs even when I increase the size of my report paper layout!
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Oct 15, 2013
I have one hirarchical query which return the parent to child hirarch level data. it has 11 level child data. i want to create column based on number of child in hirarchy. though i know it is 11 but it can change also.Is there any way i can create the column dynamically
500171960000022000Managing Director - LUL500169965/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196
502894940000021241Knowledge Management500018377/00000001/50000001/50017588/50016996/50017196/50001837/50289494
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Apr 10, 2013
On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.
I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.
So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:
a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?
The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.
"Application Express"
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Jul 13, 2010
I receive the error,
REP-1241 Circular column dependency originating with column 'cenvat_opening'
I have the following return statement for a column total_credit;
function total_creditFormula return Number is
Return (return nvl(:cf_cenvat_closing ,0) - nvl(:cf_duty_on_goods_ed,0);
Now i am using this total_creditFormula for the error formula column 'cenvat_opening'
function cenvat_openingFormula return Number is
f_num_opn number(14,2);
here the formula column 'total_credit' has the following return statements;
RETURN Nvl(:cenvat_opening,0) + Nvl(:cenvat_credit_manu,0)
so how can i use this formula column? is there any other option to return the value in the same column.
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm trying to do a pivot query in oracle to get the years from a column and make a separate column for each. I found an example of the code to use on the internet and i changed it for my own tables but i'm getting errors. Namely a "FROM keyword not where expected" error at the beginning of the 'avg(...' statements.
I have copied the code used in
select stud_id, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
from (
select stud_id,
avg(case when year=2006 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2006,
avg(case when year=2007 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2007,
avg(case when year=2008 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2008,
avg(case when year=2009 then ((present/poss)*100) else null end) 2009
from attendance.vw_all_attendance_perc
group by stud_id
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May 15, 2011
i have two questions.
(1) how can i fill some value in a table column based on some existing column value automatically without user intervention. my actual problem is i have 'expiry date' column and 'status'. the 'status' column should get filled automatically based on the current system date. ex: if expiry date is '25-Apr-2011' and current date is '14-May-2011', then status should be filled as 'EXPIRED'
(2)hOw can i build 'select' query in a report (report 6i) so that it will show me list of items 'EXPIRED' or 'NOT EXPIRED' or both expired and not expired separately in a single report based on user choice. 'EXPIRED' & 'NOT EXPIRED' can be taken from the above question no. 1.
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