Application Express :: ORA-01439 / Column To Be Modified Must Be Empty To Change Datatype

Sep 4, 2012

I need to modify the column type that already has data in it, i need it change varchar to number then The datas entered have $ and , (e.g $3,200). I need the $ and , removed with column type set to numbers.

When i currently do this i get the following error:

The TABLE operation was not successful for the following reason:

ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype

I've tried unloading the data and loading the data using the spreadsheet, cut and past and csv file but both give me more errors, so i just want that one column modified.

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Application Express :: Retrieving Column Of Datatype RAW(16)

Oct 26, 2012

I have a table defined where some columns are of the datatype RAW(16). In fact these are foreign keys to other tables. Our company has a policy that all primary keys are of the datatype RAW(16). Not much I can do about that.

Now I want to retrieve all columns of a certain row in that table and just visualize the foreign keys in hex format. All values are filled out nicely, except the columns with datatype RAW(16). Is there something special I have to do to retreive and display these? I defined an item as text-field for these, but this doesn't seem to be working...

I'm using APEX at this moment...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Column Datatype From CLOB To Varchar2

Jun 22, 2012

I have to change the datatype of a column from CLOB to varchar2, without changing the order of the columns. The table has no data.
I could find any other way other than dropping the CLOB columns and then adding new columns with varchar2 datatype. But this changes the order of the columns in the table.

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Type At Runtime In 4.0

Apr 3, 2013

I´m newbie as Apex developer using Apex 4.0 with OracleXE 11.2, and now my problem is:

I have a tabular form where one of the columns, when calling the form, is a Display Item, so that you cannot change existing values​​.

I want, when adding a new row, that column become a Select List (named LOV) based on a query that exclude existing values ​​in other rows already inserted.

Can I change that Display Item to Select List (named LOV) programmatically at runtime? If not, what other options do I have?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype Of Column In Table Online Using DBMS REDEFINITION?

Aug 8, 2011

Is it possible to change the datatype of a column in a table online, using DBMS_REDEFINITION?

If Yes, then which of the options will be used with DBMS_REDEFINITION package?

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Order In Interactive Report

Oct 18, 2013

I am trying to change the column order in an Interactive Report. Run the report as a developer then use the action menu. 

However, I am not sure how one can run the the report as a developer.  Do you just login and run the page?  Then if I do that, I don't see the action menu there.  If I go to page attributes "Save Report" tab, I do see the action menu but "Select Columns" only gives me "Report Type", "Report Name" etc as columns. Or we don't have enough privileges to run the report as a developer? 

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Header Value Dynamically In IR Report

Oct 29, 2012

I have created report with the collections. Report query has been changing dynamically but i got problem with report header names and headers names has not been changing dynamically it is always showing like c001,c002....etc so, i have created global item(G_ITEM) in shared components--->Applications items after that I have created process(before headers) and assigning some value to G_ITEM and used &G_ITEM to column headres in IR Report but here &G_ITEM is not showing any value.

How can i achieve dynamic headers names by using *&G_ITEM(global items)*

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Application Express :: Tabular Form - Change Column Values Before MRU

Jun 4, 2013

I have a problem with Tabular form. Configuration: Oracle 10g, Application Express

I have tabular form on simple table. I need to change some column values before MRU. For example: i have column named "UPDATE_DATE" where i need write SYSDATE every time this record was updated. I've created page process, associated with my tabular form.

Process point: On Submit - After Computations and Validations;
Sequence set to 1 (before "ApplyMRU" process - it has sequence 10);
When Button Pressed: Submit;
Execution Scope: For Created and Modified Rows;


indx varchar2(255);
l_map wwv_flow_global.vc_map;
l_id number;
l_pk number;
But this doesn't work. MRU process writes old values, that was posted from browser. I tried change values by

apex_application.g_f04(:APEX$ROW_NUM) := sysdate;but this also not work.

How can i change values before MRU? Why wwv_flow_tabular_form.set_row_values doesn't change values?

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Application Express :: Interactive Report / Change Text Color Based Upon Value In Another Column

Nov 12, 2013

I have a sample report at this url:

workspace: homeworldusername: test_reportpassword: test_report APEX version is 4.2.3, database 11g release 2... Application #: 202 : IR REPORTS TEST Page in question is page #2   

I have the report setup and need to make the following change... I have 2 columns: Comm and bonus,

if the bonus > comm, I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Red   if the bonus < comm

I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Green   if the bonus = comm, I need to change the text color of the bonus color to Black I have tried using code with the select and am NOT wanting that since it will be bundled with the data when downloaded as CSV or Excel.. Had thought about using the built in highlighting but that doesn't allow comparing a column to another.. Was thinking of a dynamic action, but not clear as to HOW to do it.

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Application Express :: 4.0.2 - Shuttle Empty When On IPad / Safari

Aug 21, 2012

(Apex 4.0.2) This thread mentions the same problem I am having:

Shuttle empty when on iPad / safari

In the iPad, the shuttle item displays like this:

Select                     >>                          
Stores [0 items    [...]]  >   [0 items [...]]
<<You need to click on the select list on the left, select the items you want to transfer to the right, then click the > icon. Not very user friendly.

The same on the right side: it always says "0 items" even when there are items in the right of the shuttle. Looks like an iPad issue. Are there any workarounds for it?

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Application Express :: Weblogic Seems To Timeout And Returns Empty Page

Mar 19, 2013

I got a database query which takes about 4-5 sec to run, but since it seems to take too long time something happens, timeout(?) and returns a white page.

What would be the proper way to debug this? I only got access to the web console. Sometimes on the second try it loads the webpage, and I guess it has cached it then and can load it. So maybe weblogic timesout my request?

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Application Express :: ORA-00997 / Illegal Use Of LONG Datatype

Jul 26, 2012

I am trying to copy structure of table through database link but getting an error while running the command :

SQL> create table TOAD_PLAN as select * from TOAD_PLAN_@db_link where 1=2;
create table TOAD_PLAN_TABLE as select * from TOAD_PLAN_TABLE@to_paceview where 1=2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype

how can i create it through database link or through any other utility.

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Application Express :: How To Change File Character When Export Application (

Feb 5, 2013

I need to change "File Character" when I export application with Apex version, but this option, is not possible. The ComboBox already select with

"Unicode UTF-8]', but I need "ISO-8859-1 - Europa Ocidental",

how can I do change it?

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Application Express :: Way To Change Application Builder Theme

Sep 24, 2012

Is there a way to change the Application Builder theme? There are themes for applications; how about for the builder itself? I looked but did not see a selection for this.

I'm a Geek thru and thru, I guess, but I think you might have to be xxxx retentive to like all these square boxes. And these old eyes have to squint to focus among the vast sea of gray shades.

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Application Express :: Change To Application Process Not Recognized?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to make changes to a PL/SQL procedure in an application process and no matter what I do in the PL/SQL text (even removing semi-colons and messing up syntax) no changes register when I call the procedure from a page process. I've also tried creating a new application process with a similar procedure of a different name, and no page processes will allow me to call the procedure, saying that it needs to be declared. APEX 4.1.1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype From Object

Dec 8, 2010

I have created an Object Type and this Type is mapped to a column datatype in a table.This Table has values inserted.

create or replace
type column_type as object (
col_name varchar2(30),
col_comment varchar2(4000)

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table to resolve this issue without having to delete any column from the table?

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Application Express :: How To Change Logo URL

Feb 14, 2013

How to Change LOGO URL (When I click on logo redirect should go not to home page, but to any page that I want set manually).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-30556 - Functional Index Is Defined On Column To Be Modified

Feb 2, 2012

I'm altering a column length to increase the size and getting "ORA-30556: functional index is defined on the column to be modified".

On searching more about this error, it seems like the function index must be dropped before altering the column.The table I'm dealing with is huge.

Question 1:In case of dropping and recreating the index, should the following steps be done:

- Drop Index
- Alter the column to increase the size
- Recreate the index with NOLOGGING and NOPARALLEL clause
- Gather Statistics on that index

Question 2:Is there anything else that should be done when the index is dropped and re-created?

Question 3:What are the side-effects of carrying out the above steps in a huge table with around 15 million rows?

Question 4:Would it work if I disable the index, alter the column and reenable the index?Do I have to rebuild the index and gather Stats upon reenabling it?

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Application Express :: Recognize A Change Of A Field Value?

Aug 21, 2012

I created a table (software defect details) and an interactive report on it. Users can go to the details form where they can manage many information: STATUS is one of them and they can change it or not.

I would like to send an email when SUBMIT botton is pressed only if field STATUS has changed. How can I detect this? I mean, I wrote a procedure in order to send an email and it works, but it runs always: I cannot set it running only when the content of STATUS_ID has changed.

how to understand if a field value has changed and, if possible what the old values was? I know how to do that by using a trigger (:old.status, :new.status) but I don't when using an APEX procedure.

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Application Express :: Change LOV Based On Another Field Value?

Sep 26, 2012

I have a need to change the LOV of a page item's select list based on the selection in another page item's select list. So in other words, for a page item that is a select list, I need to use one LOV normally, and a different LOV if the value of a different page item is set to X.

A dynamic action would be useful here (on change where Select List 1 = x), but I don't know how to take the action of changing LOVsfor Select List 2 based on that action.

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Server Administration :: Change Datatype To HEX Notation / Base 64

Jul 10, 2013

I am currently in the process of migrating our database from US7ASCII to AL32UTF8 using DMU.

I am stuck at a point where I have encrypted data that, when the conversion happens, will be destroyed. Oracle suggests to move the data which is currently stored in VARCHAR2 datatype, to a "character set safe way" like hex notation or base64 before converting.

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Application Express :: Refresh Tree On Change Of Shuttle

Sep 27, 2012

I have a requirement in which on Change event of shuttle, the tree present in another region of the same page should refresh. On refresh, the tree should include the values selected on the right hand side of the shuttle as its nodes.

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Application Express :: How To Change Grayed Field Font

Nov 7, 2013

I need to change the grayed field item font ... ie i need to make disabled item value to be bright to achieve this what i have to do.

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Application Express :: Update Field On Change For SQL Query

Nov 26, 2012

We are using APEX 4.2, 10GR2, RedHat5.

I have a report that comes from SQL Query (updateable report). I'm using the apex_item.text and apex_item.hidden on fields. I'm using a button to submit and after submit process to add some logic that I need.

There could be 1 - 10 records in the report. There is only 1 field that is needed to enter a value, but the value of this field determines the value of another field. I think that I can do this with a submit button and an after submit process where I loop through all the records. I think I have this handled.

This is the question

When the value of that field is changed then the value of another field in the same row changes immediately. All the examples I've seen so far are for a single record and that doesn't work for us.

I guess this is a MRU process but I haven't seen an example where a dynamic action is possible on a Multi Row Update.

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Get Where Clause And Change It

Sep 9, 2013

If it is possible in Apex 4.2 get interactive report where clause and change it before displaying result e.g. We have an report and for some of columns we should do exact match and for some partial match.And business requirement is that they should not add additional % at the and of search string. It should be added automatically for some fields. 

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Application Express :: Change Read Only Condition From Always To None On Real Time

Sep 4, 2012

Can we change the condition of an item from always to none on the real time ? How ?

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Application Express Listener :: Configuration - How To Change From Port 80 To 8080

May 29, 2013

I installed apex and configure the apex listener at port 80 by mistake couldn't pay attention to use port 8080. The installation is complete but the apex is running at URL.... but the login window is invisible on the page. I can just see the name on the tab "Application Express Login" . When i click on the error message at the bottom of the browser, the message says "apex is undefied" line 35.

When I run the server, I get a message "No free port within range 80. How can I change from port 80 to 8080? how to either un-install the listener or change the port 80 to 8080

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Application Express :: Change Content-disposition In Email Attachment?

Sep 17, 2013

I am using apex_mail (in Apex 4.1) to send emails with an attachment.

v_mail_id := apex_mail.send(
p_to => ''
apex_mail.add_attachment( p_mail_id => v_mail_id
,p_attachment => v_image
,p_filename => 'signature.jpg'
,p_mime_type => 'image/jpeg');

Apex creates this as an attachment:

Content-Disposition: attachment;

I would like to change it to inline:

Content-Disposition: inline;

so I can reference it in my email body with <img src="cid:signature.jpg"/>. Well... I hope it is going to be shown inline anyway if I change Content-Disposition.

Currently (with Content-Disposition: attachment;) it works for Outlook, but, for instance, not in Gmail in the browser. Gmail shows the image separately as an attachment.

Is there a way to change the content-disposition with Apex?

I know it is possible to do it with utl_mail, but this is currently not installed in our databases. I need to involve our DBA to set this up, and I don't know if he is willing to do that.

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Application Express :: Change Page Template Body To Use 8 Columns Instead Of 12?

Nov 6, 2013

Apex Version: 25 I have a page that I need to divide by 8 segments, rather than 12 ( I will need to place items and buttons in one of the 8 columns). To begin, I have made a copy of the One Level Tabs - No Sidebar page template. I have tried to edit this template, and played with multiple combinations changing the Grid Layout and Display Points settings, but instead of creating a page that has 8 columns, that span the width of the page, I am just left with blank space. See attached:.[URL] And these are the Page Template Settings:[URL]  Is it possible to change the body section of the page template to have 8 columns span the entire width, without the dead space?

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Application Express :: Hyperlink Column With Link Parameters As Region Column Values

Apr 10, 2013

On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.

I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.

So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:

a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?

The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.


"Application Express"

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