SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Sequence Width To Column Width

Oct 20, 2011

Do we have measure with Oracle sequence width compare with column width.?

today i have ticket to check that.

Quote:Comparing sequence width to column width.We need to be Pro-active and continuous effort (not one time) meaning, any ccput by developer (for new sequence or new column which has corresponding sequence) need to be verified from this perspective

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How To Change Column Width

Dec 11, 2006

I'm having a problem with a column that is too short for it's data. It causes multiple lines for the same record. How can I change a column width in Oracle? I'm using a select statement to see the data.

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Changing Sql Plus Column Width / Format?

Sep 20, 2004

I am using SQL Plus v9. and am having trouble with the column widths. By way of example:

Let's say the column is a varchar(2) and the column name is called V9ABC12345. When I see the result of my query I only get the heading name as V9 ie the maximum width of 2 characters. The table has over 100 columns and I know I can specify the column width using the format command but I am using the select * from table_name command

How do I change my formatting to include the column heading by default?

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Application Express :: To Fix The Width Of A Column In Interactive Report

Jul 16, 2013

I have a column named 'Comment'. Its have a huge data due to which the length of that column in interactive report get increased.

I need to fix the length to a desired value.I used following code in Region Footer:

<style> table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td[headers=COMMENTS] {  _width: 300px;  min-width: 50px;   max-width: 300px }</style>

Its solved the problem by fixing the width of the column but the column is not showing the full data now. It is hiding most of its part to fit it in that column.

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Application Express :: 4.1 - Interactive Report Column Width

Jul 10, 2012

How to control the column width on an interactive report. I can force it by making the column header really long but that is a crazy solution. How can I get control over this? I have columns that contain memo entries and if I use the header memo the report has tall skinny columns which makes reading very difficult.

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Performance Tuning :: How Length Of Column Width Effects Index Performance

Sep 30, 2010

How the length of column width effects index performance?

For example if i had IOT table emp_iot with columns:
(id number,
job varchar2(20),
time date,
plan number)

Table key consist of(id, job, time)

Column JOB has fixed list of distinct values ('ANALYST', 'NIGHT_WORKED', etc...).

What performance increase i could expect if in column "job" i would store not names but concrete numbers identifying job names.
For e.g. i would store "1" instead 'ANALYST' and "2" instead 'NIGHT_WORKED'.

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Forms :: Load Particular Form With Different Width And Height

Feb 10, 2010

i edit forms


so all applet is loaded full screen in browser.But i want to load particular form with different width and height

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Performance Of Varchar2 Fields Based On Width?

Nov 10, 2010

I did a search on this topic and did see the ASK TOM response that storing all varchar2 fields as (2000) or what not is a bad idea based on an array fetch that developers may use etc. However I'm not sure that applies to my specific question, and the other examples he gave certainly didn't apply. So I'll pose the question a different way:

Question #1: Is there, for example, a performance difference between setting a field as varchar(2000) and varchar(25) if I was just running a native SQL query using a front end tool like TOAD?

Question #2: If I also need to index that field, will it take longer to index a varchar(2000) field than a varchar(25) field, assuming the same data is in both fields?

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Application Express :: How To Decrease The Width Of A Region

Oct 10, 2013

11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24 ,i want to decrease width of a specific region , how ?

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Load Into Oracle Table Of A Fixed Width File

Jun 25, 2013

i have a problem in my ODI 11g with the load into Oralce table of a fixed width file, i configured all the datasource in ODI and when i do view data i see all correct, the end of file is signed like "0D0A" but when i try my load interface i receive the message that my last field is more big than the one declared.

My file have an header of fields and the last field is a data-field of 2000 characters. I controlled and is really fixed the length cause is a COBOL file from a Mainframe. So it looks that ODI don't understand the end of that field and go ahead to the other, i just tryed to enlarge the limit but is always more big like if the file is shifting on the right.

Have i forgot some configuration in some place? The definition of the file present the end of file like Microsoft hexadecimal \u000D\u000A i try all the combination there but no way to avoid this problem.

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Application Express :: Where To Make Changes To Calendar Height / Width And Misc

Nov 13, 2013

Apex 4.2I have a page with a calendar on it. I have several issues with formatting the data within each cell. Currently, I use a substitution string to place the id in the calendar cell.

Clicking the id will link to another page. What I notice is that for each id on a calendar cell (or date), it lists them one under the other. Is there any way to list them side by side? Also, I need to make changes to the calendar cells. I would like to expand the width and the height, but am not sure where to do this.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-0801 When Increasing Height / Width Of Paper Layout Header / Main Or Trailer

Apr 14, 2013

I understand when I decrease the width or height of the paper layout, it may cause this error if any of the objects in my report may not fit in the new layout.

But for me this error occurs even when I increase the size of my report paper layout!

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Column By Comparing Date

Oct 16, 2012

i am fetching one record based on date but not able to fetch the data.

in my table pdate column is there with date datatype and value is in that is:15-OCT-12 so i am fetching empid based on dates.

select empid from masterprocessdailydata where pdate=to_date('15/OCT/12','dd/MM/yy'); but not getting the empid.

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Forms :: Getting Values Of Some Column And Comparing It

Aug 6, 2010

I have got a table having column a, b , c, d, e and some values are stored in it. e.g. a, c and e have 'Y' and b and d have 'N' value in it.

How can i count with one query , how many columns have 'Y' and how many have 'N'.

cursor is one solution.

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Oracle SP For Comparing Column Values In Table Pairs

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SP for comparing 80 diff column values in 8 table pairs and it is taking a huge lot of time to process as I have to process around 10k records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Creation With First Column To Be Sequence

May 6, 2010

I want to create a table, whose first column , patient_id, should be a sequence.

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How To Add Sequence Column To Existing Table With Records

Dec 8, 2012

I had created a new table named USERLOG with two fields from a previous VIEW. The table already consist of about 9000 records. The two fields taken from the VIEW, i.e. weblog_views consist of IP (consists of IP address), and WEB_LINK (consists of URL). This is the code I used,

SELECT C_IP, WEB_LINK FROM weblog_views;

I want to add another column to this table called the USER_ID, which would consists of a sequence starting with 1 to 9000 records to create a unique id for each existing rows. I'm using Oracle SQL Developer: ODMiner version 3.0.04. I tried using the AUTO-INCREMENT option,


But I get an error with this,

Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option
01735. 00000 - "invalid ALTER TABLE option"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Add Sequence Column To Existing Table With Records

Dec 8, 2012

I had created a new table named USERLOG with two fields from a previous VIEW. The table already consist of about 9000 records. The two fields taken from the VIEW, i.e. weblog_views consist of IP (consists of IP address), and WEB_LINK (consists of URL). This is the code I used,

SELECT C_IP, WEB_LINK FROM weblog_views;

I want to add another column to this table called the USER_ID, which would consists of a sequence starting with 1 to 9000 records to create a unique id for each existing rows. I'm using Oracle SQL Developer: ODMiner version 3.0.04.

I tried using the AUTO-INCREMENT option,


But I get an error with this,

Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option 01735. 00000 - "invalid ALTER TABLE option"

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PL/SQL :: How To Insert Sequence Numbers In A Table Column

Aug 23, 2012

I am having the emp table :

empno enmae job
1111 ramu S.E
7658 VENU S.S.E

alter table emp add sno number

for that sno i have to generate 1,2,3,...

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PL/SQL :: Update Table Column Using Complex Sequence

Feb 6, 2013

I use a sequence to generate an alphanumeric code and I need to update all rows of a table with that sequence. The sequence is created with this code:

SELECT (CHR(TRUNC(s.nextval/1000) + ASCII('A')) || LTRIM(TO_CHAR(MOD(s.currval,1000),'099'))
FROM dual;

I have tried many things - most recently

Update t3_temp_table
SET mergecode =
SELECT (CHR(TRUNC(s.nextval/1000) + ASCII('A')) || LTRIM(TO_CHAR(MOD(s.currval,1000),'099'))
FROM dual;

I get missing expression error.

It works fine if I use a straight s.nextval

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Sequence To Insert In Child Table Group By A Counter Column

Oct 1, 2011

I found nothing in SQL (all in PL/SQL).I have a table:

create table Parent (pk_id number primary key); --which is filled using sequence seq_Parent.

And I have a child table:

create table Child (rRef number, fk_parent number primary key (rRef, fk_parent);

that I need to insert into Child using seq_parent but I want to insert the same sequence for each group of rRef. I dont know how to do that using SQL not PL/SQL.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing One Row With Other Within Same Table

May 2, 2012

I have a requirement to get the count of those records whose department is not changed since they have joined the organization.

CREATE TABLE ddumps(orgid NUMBER, orgdate DATE, orgdept VARCHAR2(10))
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-1999','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-2000','ORG2')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(1,'01-JAN-2001','ORG2')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-1999','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-2000','ORG1')
INSERT INTO ddumps VALUES(2,'01-JAN-2001','ORG1')

1 1/1/1999 ORG1
1 1/1/2000 ORG2
1 1/1/2001 ORG2
2 1/1/1999 ORG1
2 1/1/2000 ORG1
2 1/1/2001 ORG1

since the orgid 1 has changed the dept from org1 to org2 I do not want this to be appeared in the final count. Results should only include the orgid 2 since it didn't changed any dept.

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Trimming Strings - Comparing?

Jul 26, 2007

I have 2 strings that I want to compare for example

string1 = 'ABC~AB/10/1234'
string2 = 'ABC~AB/10/1234~.....'

There could be anything after the 2nd ~ in string 2 is there a easy way of trimming string2 to the first 14 Characters? Or do I have to find the 2nd instance of ~ and then remove everything after (and including) that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Data In Two Tables Row By Row

Sep 23, 2011

I have two databases.

one is "ora" it is a 8i version
2nd is "orcl" it is a 11g version

"Oracle" is the my local database. i wrote following program for comparing the row by row data in both the tables.
Q)Is it BEST practice? If not let me know the best practice to compare data in tables?
Q) If am not using the order by clause its giving me wrong output even though both the data tables has same data. WHY?

v_emptest1 EMP_TEST1%ROWTYPE;
v_emptest2 EMP_TEST1@ora%ROWTYPE;
v_suc_flg NUMBER := 0;
v_cnt1 NUMBER:=0;

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Comparing Timestamps In ORACLE

Mar 5, 2008

How to select the transactions out of the database that occurred within 70 seconds of each other. The toll_date field is a TIMESTAMP field.

Problem is, I seem to only get transactions that occurred within 70 minutes of each other. On the timestamp field I break the math down into the seconds in a day and I add 70. I then subtract that value and add that value to the timestamp and I should get anything between those values right?

SELECT Acct_ID, Ln, Tag_Rd, COUNT(*)
SELECT T1.Account_ID Acct_ID, T1.Tag_Read Tag_Rd, T1.Revenue_Date Rev_Date, T1.Toll_Date, T1.Lane_ID, T1.Plaza, T1.Lane Ln, T2.Toll_Date, T2.Plaza, T2.Lane
FROM Toll T1
JOIN Toll T2

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Two Decimal Values

Nov 5, 2011

Recently i have started working on PLSQL coding. I have a requirement. Either error or un-processed record count is 90% of to be processed records then the script has to fail. Currently I am having a situation where error count is 1 and total to be processed is also 1.

in the below
V_ERR is error count
V_UPS is un processed count
V_PROCESSED_COUNT is total to be processed.

I am expecting PASS result but it is giving FAIL.

[Code] .......

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Two Tables Data

Mar 16, 2010

I want to do a comparision for the missing rows between two diffrent tables

TBL1 and TBL2 both with the same structure but with diffrent data some data is identical. though my data is huge i wanted to make sure the technique i am using

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Tables In Two Different Databases

Apr 13, 2011

As part of our project, we need to perform table comparisons in two different databases. I am currently looking for various options to accomplish this.

One of them is doing minus operation between these two tables. Also, i have looked at the data compare option in toad utility.

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Forms :: Comparing Date In 6i

Aug 3, 2011

I am working in form 6i, database 9i. I have datablock on table t1.

table t1: name(varchar2), date(varchar2)

datablock: name(varchar2), date(varchar2)[i have insert date with time stamp]

for date column, i am inserting date with time stamp.While querying data, user just enters only date(no time stamp), i should be able to query data. I tried in data block where condition

WHERE: substr(date,1,11)=nvl(:block.date,substr(date,1,11)

i am not able to retrieve data through date, through name it's working fine.how to retrieve data by only entering date (without time stamp)

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