Forms :: Tree Object - Want To Use It Through MOUSE And KEYBOARD?

May 27, 2011

I created TREE object in my application main menu and I want to use it through MOUSE and KEYBOARD therefore I add WHEN-TREE-NODE-ACTIVATED trigger at my tree object

Trigger text is:
htree item;
node_value VARCHAR2(100);
akt_node ftree.node;


Problem:When I am using MOUSE and clicking on + or anyother form/report, it's opened last selected form/report or application closed but it is working fine when I am using KEYBOARD.

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Forms :: Restricting Entry From Keyboard?

Jan 28, 2010

i am working on attendance system using barcode scanner.

i want the user can only mark his/her attendance by scanning the attendance card.and cannot use keyboard.

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Forms :: Cannot Navigate To Next Block With Keyboard

Jun 3, 2010

I have 2 blocks, MASTER and DETAIL. The navigation style of MASTER is Change Data Block, and its next navigation data block is DETAIL. But despite this, when I tab out of the last item of MASTER, it goes back to the first item of MASTER instead of going to DETAIL.

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Forms :: Capturing Keyboard Input Data

Jul 1, 2011

Is there a way on oracle forms input field to capture each key stroke. Like if I type "abcd".... After each letter is typed can I check contents of input field.

I tried almost all triggers in the input field however none of them capture every keystroke.

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Forms :: How To Enable / Disable Keyboard Shortcuts In Oracle Apps

May 12, 2010

How do we need to enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts in Oracle Apps like Shift+F6 for duplicate record, also how do I change the functionality, I mean suppose I want Key-M to do the same function as shift+F6.

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Forms :: Mouse Triggers Not Working?

Sep 5, 2010

why when-mouse move,up,enter,leave are not working in oracle forms 10g except when-mouse-click and when-mouse-doubleclick on any items.

what i need to do to execute this triggers..

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Forms :: Navigating With Mouse Cursor

Jan 16, 2013

i am migrating from forms 6i to forms 10g but i am facing a problem. when i enter to my new form and i try to navigate thru the items with my mouse the validation of the item doesn't work properly. the cursor change position but the functionality works like it is still in the first item. the validation work when you use enter or tab.the same thing when you try to fetch the LOV, the LOV of the first item is populated not where the cursor is positioned.

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Forms :: Fields Not Getting Disabled In Mouse Click?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using the below code to disable forms field in fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO'

but I can go there with mouse click ( for tab and enter it is working fine ) .

but for mouse click it is not working .

if (:fdtlblk.mdt_rqr = 'NO') then


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Forms :: Details On Mouse Click Using Like Operator?

Jun 9, 2013

I want to link to blocks using description as there is no relation , for example i have two tables with one field in common called description, and i want to link this field in two tables using like operator.

create table item ( item_code varchar2(12),item_name varchar2(30));
insert into item VALUES('A','HEA160');
insert into item VALUES('B','HEA180');
create table stk (sl_item varchar2(12),sl_desc varchar2(30),sl_qty number);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X1000',12);
insert into stk VALUES ('X','HEA160X2000',4);
insert into stk VALUES ('Y','HEA180X3000',10);

Suppose i click on item block item_desc with value on HEA160 all the items similar to that should appear in stk block like 'HEA160X1000' ,'HEA160X2000' , if i click on 'HEA180' on item then 'HEA180X3000' it should come.

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Forms :: Mouse Click Navigation Validation

May 6, 2013

I would like to know if with Oracle Forms Builder 11g, we can use mouse instead of TAB to validate record? And why Forms Builder use TAB or ENTER Key to validate record? I have a SAVE button, but i want to replace the TAB navigation validation by the mouse click. Is it possible?

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Forms :: Popup Menu In Left Click Mouse?

Mar 2, 2010

I created Main Menu form and in this form I attached popup menu in picture's property problem is that when i right click on this picture then show the popup menu .I want when I click left click then it should show the popup menu.

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Forms :: Setting Mouse Position And Restricting Checkbox Update?

Aug 9, 2010

what name is used to reverence the mouse cursor in Forms. I am trying to state that if the user reaches the last record in a file and clicks the mouse on the empty record below that they will get a message saying they are at the last record (basically so it means they have to manually click an add record button before they can add a new record)

I currently have this:

<something here> := :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD;
MESSAGE('You are at the last record.');

Where i have <something here> is where i assume the refence for the mouse cursor should go, of which i dont know the name, am i correct?

Another thing is that I have a checkbox that is originally NO but when set to YES cannot be turned back to NO.

I have accomplished this by putting the following code in the WHEN_CHECKBOX_CHANGED trigger and it works fine. However it also updates the checkbox to NO and then back to YES, , as a result this brings up my Are you sure you want to update message. I originally thought that if i took out the :in_active := 'Y'; the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE would stop the checkbox being changed in the first place but this didnt appear to be the case. how to accomplish this without letting it update at all (perhaps put something in the WHEN_VALIDATE trigger?

return_alert number;
if :in_active = 'N' THEN
return_alert := SHOW_ALERT('checkbox_alert');
:in_active := 'Y';
END if;

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Forms :: Changing Visual Attribute Of Text Field On Mouse Over In Oracle 9i

Apr 5, 2010

I m using oracle forms 9i in which i want effect on text fields that will change color of text after mouse cursor move on that field . is it possible in oracle form 9i .

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Forms :: Disable Mouse Navigation On Data Block Or Text Item?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to disable mouse navigation on data block or text item,. What i want is to my text items in specified block be keyboard navigable only.

The problem is that i don't have that option on text_items or data block (my conclusion: probably because it is not possible to change mouse navigate option for text item or data block).

I have also tried in WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger

set_item_property('block.item', mouse_navigate, property_false)


set_block_property('block', mouse_navigate, property_false)

and of course it did not work.

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree In 6i

Dec 24, 2012

Hierarchical Tree in oracle form 6i .i am trying to build tree in form 6i but it give error

FROM emp
CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr
order by level

i want to show job wise employees ...

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Forms :: Viewing Records From A Tree?

Mar 1, 2012

i've got problem when viewing my records from a tree. When i click a data from a tree it displays 2 times. and when i try to click another data my previous data was gone.

my screenshot is attached

this is my
mytree ITEM;


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Forms :: How To Create Tree Structure In 6i

Apr 5, 2011

I want to know how to create tree structure in forms6i. This should be created as " Control-block". For example when user expand department it shows all department names in college as sub tree. Note: I have no table for department..Just display manually..

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Forms :: Refresh Tree After DML Operation

Jan 24, 2012

I have created the 5 Level Hierarchy Tree using the Tree example


how-to-s/ forms- how- to- create - a- hierarchical - tree-form".

My requirement are

1. I wish to refresh the Hierarchy Tree after DML Operation.
2. I wish to Query the Record when i will select the node.

I have 5 Master Detail Record as:

Master - Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail
Detail Master -- Detail

3. Is there any way to find out which Hierarchy Level currently selected
4. Is there any way to find out which value is for what block.

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree Menu

Nov 30, 2010

I need complete source from hartical tree menu using by calling reports and calling forms.

i need related Table ,triggers and Examples.

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Forms :: Add Checkbox With Hierarchical Tree Node

Jun 10, 2011

I am using oracle forms 9i. I have to create a Hierarchical Tree and attach checkbox at its node,so that user can select which tree he want in its further processing.

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Forms :: Multiple Selection In Hierarchical Tree?

Jul 12, 2011

I have to create a functionality on a button through which all nodes of hierarchical tree will be selected.

I know that this is possible with mouse (one-by-one+Ctrl). But,I have to done this on button.

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Forms :: How To Create Multi-selection Tree

Jan 23, 2011

How to create multi selection tree in oracle forms ?

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Forms :: Tree Hierarchy - Not Working Properly?

Apr 8, 2009

i have created a tree hierarchy....when the user clicks on any node,that particular form will open....But there is some problem...i click on form A,it opens.,...then i exit that form via a exit button on the toolbar....and then I click on form B on the tree....but first the form A only opens...and then again i exit form A, then form B will open..

i have written the following code in when_tree_node_selected trigger :

if condition then

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Forms :: Disabling A Node In Hierarchical Tree?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a hierarchical tree with two parent nodes. Each parent node has different number of child nodes. Can i disable or hide a node according to some condition?

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Forms :: Show Manager / Employee And Department On The Tree

Nov 1, 2012

i have 3 tables

table employee

table manager

table department

how can show on the tree all manager with employee with department

manager ali
employee Mohamed
department marketing

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Forms :: Display Data Using Hierarchical Tree Up To 3 Levels?

May 17, 2010

I would like to display data using the Hierarchical tree up to 3 levels.I need to create all the nodes programatically.

Means Create the parent (Parent1) level nodes , then create the child (Child1) nodes and add them under the parent1.Similarly create child nodes (Child2) and add them under the parent (Child1).

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Forms :: Menu Tree Not Working Properly - Change It?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a form in which menu tree is populated with this sql

SELECT 1, Level, MenuLabel, MenuName, MenuId
FROM MenuFile
CONNECT BY PRIOR MenuId = ParentId START WITH menuId = :moduleid||'0000'

The result is attached in the CSV file enclosed in sheet mrnufile1As we can see in row 3 the item LPC has menuid BDME13.
In my view This item should be in ROW 19.How can i change query do get the desired the result.I have also tried another sql query.

select * from menufile where applicationid = 'BD' order by parentid,menuid

Result of this query is in 2nd Half of CSV file

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Forms :: Finding Node In A Tree - No Data Found?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a problem with finding a node in my tree, but when I click the find button, it threw a message NO DATA FOUND.

here is the code that I used in find button:

tri ITEM;
hanapin_mYnode FTREE.NODE;
BEGIN-- Find the tree itself. 


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Forms :: Create Hierarchical Tree With Department Number As Node?

Mar 25, 2010

I would like to create a hierarchical tree with Department number as a node and all the employees (only employee names) under that department as shown below:

[-]Department - 10
[-]Department - 20
and so on...

I have created a hierarchical tree 'HT_DEPTNO' under block 'BL_EMP'. I also created a Record Group 'RG_HTREE' with query as shown below:


I am attaching the form for your reference.

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree - Retrieve Values And Insert Into Table

Apr 19, 2010

My Form consists two Hierarchical trees. When I select a node from first tree and I press Move Right (>>) Button the selected node should move to the second tree. Similarly when I select a node from second tree and press move Left button(<<) it should move to the first tree.

I also want to know want to insert values Into New Table using node values from The Displayed Hierarchical Tree. How to retrieve values using populate_Group_from_tree and insert into table.

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