Forms :: Restricting Entry From Keyboard?

Jan 28, 2010

i am working on attendance system using barcode scanner.

i want the user can only mark his/her attendance by scanning the attendance card.and cannot use keyboard.

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Forms :: Cannot Navigate To Next Block With Keyboard

Jun 3, 2010

I have 2 blocks, MASTER and DETAIL. The navigation style of MASTER is Change Data Block, and its next navigation data block is DETAIL. But despite this, when I tab out of the last item of MASTER, it goes back to the first item of MASTER instead of going to DETAIL.

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Forms :: Tree Object - Want To Use It Through MOUSE And KEYBOARD?

May 27, 2011

I created TREE object in my application main menu and I want to use it through MOUSE and KEYBOARD therefore I add WHEN-TREE-NODE-ACTIVATED trigger at my tree object

Trigger text is:
htree item;
node_value VARCHAR2(100);
akt_node ftree.node;


Problem:When I am using MOUSE and clicking on + or anyother form/report, it's opened last selected form/report or application closed but it is working fine when I am using KEYBOARD.

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Forms :: Capturing Keyboard Input Data

Jul 1, 2011

Is there a way on oracle forms input field to capture each key stroke. Like if I type "abcd".... After each letter is typed can I check contents of input field.

I tried almost all triggers in the input field however none of them capture every keystroke.

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Forms :: How To Enable / Disable Keyboard Shortcuts In Oracle Apps

May 12, 2010

How do we need to enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts in Oracle Apps like Shift+F6 for duplicate record, also how do I change the functionality, I mean suppose I want Key-M to do the same function as shift+F6.

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Forms :: Setting Mouse Position And Restricting Checkbox Update?

Aug 9, 2010

what name is used to reverence the mouse cursor in Forms. I am trying to state that if the user reaches the last record in a file and clicks the mouse on the empty record below that they will get a message saying they are at the last record (basically so it means they have to manually click an add record button before they can add a new record)

I currently have this:

<something here> := :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD;
MESSAGE('You are at the last record.');

Where i have <something here> is where i assume the refence for the mouse cursor should go, of which i dont know the name, am i correct?

Another thing is that I have a checkbox that is originally NO but when set to YES cannot be turned back to NO.

I have accomplished this by putting the following code in the WHEN_CHECKBOX_CHANGED trigger and it works fine. However it also updates the checkbox to NO and then back to YES, , as a result this brings up my Are you sure you want to update message. I originally thought that if i took out the :in_active := 'Y'; the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE would stop the checkbox being changed in the first place but this didnt appear to be the case. how to accomplish this without letting it update at all (perhaps put something in the WHEN_VALIDATE trigger?

return_alert number;
if :in_active = 'N' THEN
return_alert := SHOW_ALERT('checkbox_alert');
:in_active := 'Y';
END if;

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Forms :: Oracle Form Entry?

Feb 25, 2010

i am new to oracle form , i am using orcale 10g forms, i have following requirements.

1-I have a Data Block names Hes_Modules which is connected to a table HES_MODULES having following fields (modid,moddescr).

i want when form open it should show all enteries in table, My form conatin 5 fields and scrollbar.After form open it should allow to update and insert the reords in form

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Forms :: Order Entry Application?

Mar 9, 2011

where i could get the order entry application wich is found in oracle 10g forms book ?

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Forms :: Avoid Duplicate At Entry Level

May 17, 2011

How can i avoid duplicate entry at entry level in form rather than when i pressed save button

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Forms :: GO-BLOCK USES - Save Entry In All At Same Time?

May 16, 2011

I have a form with three block when i finish entry in 3rd block i use go_block for going to 2nd one but as i fired it oracle ask me for save trasaction

Actually i want to save entry in all form at same time

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Forms :: Calling Report - Entry Point Not Found

Jun 7, 2010

v_show_documentVARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
v_connectVARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=scot/tiger@connect_string';
v_report_serverVARCHAR2 (30) := 'rep_cs-oracle';
-- i make this server name by using this command:C:DevSuiteHome_1BIN
wserver server=rep60 start >>when i started it getting to shutdowing directly!!!!! i don't know why

the error is:

before the browser is opened!! an error is occur is that:
javaw.exe -Entry point Not found
the procedure entry point kguuseg could not be located in the dynamic link library oraclient10.dll

then the browser is opened ,this error written in it:

REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_cs-oracle failed to vmcid: SUN minor 204 completed: No

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Record Entry Date Wise?

Oct 10, 2011

we have a table attendance_d with no constraint which have duplicate emp_id we want to stop duplicate emp_id on the same date. if employee's record already entered in today's date then duplicate Error message must show if he tries again to enter the same record. for this i have written the following code but it is not working date wise some body. i want to use on WHEN VALIDATE ITEM TRIGGER in oracle forms 6i.

l_count NUMBER;


i have tried my best to format the syntax of code but in preview it showing like as above i have formated in toad by using the key ctrl+shift+f.

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Forms :: Setup Form And Database Table For Time Entry Only (exclude Date)?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a form that the user has to enter a time of an event.

The time entered will most likely be in the past and NOT the current time.

What is the best way to set up a form and a database table for time entry only (exclude the date)?

I have tried datetime on the form with format HH12:MM PM and date on the database.

I have also tried the same with a timestamp on the database.

The time always appears to get entered correctly. However, the time is always stored as AM regardless of what is specified by the user.

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Client Tools :: Keyboard Shortcuts In PL/SQL Developer

Apr 29, 2010

In plsql developer I could not find keyboard shortcuts. How to got to results after query is executed? Also need other key board shortcuts in plsql developer.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print NULL Entry Along With NOT NULL Entry

May 30, 2010

Suppose that, I have two tables: emp, dept
emp records the empid, emp_name, deptid
dept records the deptid, dept_name

Here is a record, it's a president or some special position in company, so it's deptid is set to NULL. Here comes the question, how can I print all the emp_name with their deptartment name?

I know how to print all the emp_name with their department name if they have dept_id, but is that possible that I merge the record with dept_id NULL?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restricting Other Language Characters?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to give validation for not allowing french or arabic or hindi alphabets or numbers except for only english alphanumeric letters.

I understood how to restrict special characters or spaces .

regexp_instr(i, '[^[:alnum:]]') = 0

This function allow only characters and numbers in English language and doesnt allow special characters.

I need to restrict further by not allowing any other language characters or numbers except only english alphanumeric letters.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restricting Form To Only One Session?

Feb 6, 2012

1. i want that if a form is opened in one user session. it will not be available to other users.

2. if a user executes a procedure. it should not be available to other users to execute until the first execution completes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restricting Special Characters?

Apr 2, 2010

I have the data in the table like


So while retreiving the data from the above table so i need the data like


I need to Restrict the Special Characters.

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Restricting Entering 3 Consecutive Sequence?

Nov 14, 2010

i want to restrict the user if he/she enters any 3 consecutive sequence of numbers,characters,alphanumerics and special characters for example aaa, aAa, @@@, ---- , 111, 123 are not valid.

valid sequences are a1w,?1A,aa1,WW2,78a,-#a

i want to show the invalid sequence in a single query using regular expression function. suppose for example if user enters aaa,$$$,123 then the query output is aaa,$$$,123.

i have written two different queries for that but i want a single query

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('EEE','([a-z])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL;
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('111','([0-9])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL;
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('@@@','([^-$])\1\1',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL; -it is not checking for -(hypen) characters

any 3 consecutive characters from key board.

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Security :: Restricting User Access?

Oct 17, 2010

The application user owns the application schema which owns all the database objects in this schema. Now 50 of our developers need access to this application schema but giving away the password for the application user is risk as "Drop user application cascade" and wipe off all the objects. The option i have is to create 50 separate users with tablespace as application and grant all rights to application schema.

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Client Tools :: Restricting User From Login To DB?

Oct 1, 2013

I wanted to restrict the Users to login to DB using Application like TOAD or PL/SQl Developer .

But the users can login to DB using sql*plus.

We can get this info once user looged in to DB.


Can we make this check done before login process and allow users to login when module not in ('TOAD','PL/SQL Developer').

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Application Express :: Restricting Access To Users

Dec 22, 2012

restrict access to page or component for particular user. when that user login , restricted page should not be visible to the user..

APEX Verison :4.2

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Reports & Discoverer :: Restricting Number Of Pages In Report

Oct 25, 2011

I would like to create a report specifying to few page numbers. Currently the report generates with all data for say e.g. 300 pages. I want this(original_300pages) report also i want copy of the same report with only first 20 pages.

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Security :: Restricting DBA Access To All Data Of The Tables (Encryption / Others)

Nov 4, 2012

We have got a new requirement wherein, The customer wanted the DBA Vendor (US) NOT to access the confidential information (ALL Columns) in the DB tables of PRODUCTION database. This is for few applications to comply with with export control rules. The thin support by Customer DBA will be allowed to access the Data, if required .

1) Web Based Interface ?.
2) DB Encryption (But if we encrypt ALL columns Serious performance issue expected, File level will not restrict DB level access)
3) Special setting on DB (DBA to do only backup and restoration related work only - But cannot access data)
4) Standard Tools / Utilities / Others ??.

Technologies are Oracle ,SQL

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Application Express :: Mobile Themes - Add Virtual Keyboard To Application?

Feb 12, 2013

I'm doing a small application in Apex mobile themes.

Application is used to search for books.Will work on a PC Windows with touchscreen.

How do I add a virtual keyboard to my application?

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Check For Entry Before Submission

Mar 27, 2007

How do i check the oracle database for an entry of the same type before i submit an entry.

basically i am taking information from a form and passing it into php which in turn uses oracle to store it in a database, how can i check that there is no entry of the same type in the database?

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Loop Back Entry

Jun 1, 2013

How the loop back entry in /etc/hosts relates to listener?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Distinct Timestamp - One Entry Per Day?

Apr 21, 2010

how can I distinct this query to get just one entry for one day.

this query:

select to_date(to_char(TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24.MI.SS'), 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24.MI.SS') datum from event_table where id=15 ORDER by timestamp


but i want to have:


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Replication :: How To Remove Entry From Dba_repgroup

Mar 19, 2012

SELECT * FROM dba_repgroup;
returns a single row sname='VL_REPG', gname='VL_REPG', owner='PUBLIC'.

How do I get rid of it?

select * from dba_registered_mview_groups;
no rows selected
select * from dba_objects where object_name = 'VL_REG';
no rows selected

I triedSQL> l
2 dbms_repcat.comment_on_mview_repsites(gowner => 'PUBLIC', gname => 'VL_REPG', COMMENT => 'asdf');
3* END;
SQL> /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-23314: database is not a materialized view site for "PUBLIC"."VL_REPG"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_UTL", line 7376
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT", line 509
ORA-06512: at line 2

how I get rid of this dba_repgroup.

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PL/SQL :: Obtains A List Of Paired Entry

Jun 4, 2013

Variation of a post I entered last week.I have 2 queries, 1 obtains a list of paired entries, and the other for a given pair of entries returns a list of common locations.Both these queries behave exactly as I expect (although trimmed significantly for this example)With C++ code, i can recursively work through the results from query 1, and plug them into query 2, but this has a large time overhead.Preference would be to nest the queries so result is extracted during 1 connection, and not constantly requerying the database for additional sequences.


(2))Query 1 above gives me exactly the trip pairs I need, can range from 1 pair to a few thousand..Query 2 below gives me the common locations for a specific pair as extracted line by line from query 1.What I am looking for, is how to combine these 2 queries so that the values of THR_ID in query 2 are recursively pulled from query 1.


From the sample data, i expect query 1 to return pairs 1,9 2,10, 3,11 4,12 5,13 6,14 7,15 and 8,16
Entering 1 and 9 (first pair) as the THR_ID values in query 2 will yield B,C , as these 2 locations are common to both trips.
Entering 2 and 10 (2nd pair) as the THR_ID values in query 2 will yield G,H , as these 2 locations are common to both trips.

The aim is to achieve B,C,G,H from a single query.I figure if I can write C++ code for it, there has to be an SQL shorthand?

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