Forms :: Idle Time Out In Oracle 10g

Sep 28, 2010

I have a query. Am using Oracle 10g forms. I want to set idle time for my Forms, i have modified the parameter FORMS_TIMEOUT and HEARTBEAT.

now its working fine . when the idle time reaches , application gets closed with the message "FRM-92101 ".

My question, i want to customize the message , something like

"Idle session time out, Application is going to be closed"

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Database Idle But SCN Is Changing Continue

Jul 22, 2013

Current database scn is changing faster even though no application,no transaction is running. Database is idle but scn is changing continue, why?

17:25:00 SQL> select current_scn from v$database;

1 row selected.

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Server Administration :: Idle Instance?

Sep 8, 2013

[oracle@localhost /]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Sep 8 19:10:30 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file '/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs/'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Additional information: 5

What seems to be a problem here? I've been trying to fix this for few weeks.

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Materialized View Is In Idle Status With No Refresh

Jun 29, 2011

i have created a fast refresh materialized view but it is not performing any refresh.Then i have checked my materialized view capabilities in mv_capabilities_table i got a message that" materialized view log is newer than last full refresh".

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Check If Database Is Idle Or Not From Batch File?

Aug 4, 2012

I am running Oracle Database 10g R2 on windows 2003, I want to create a batch file to check if the database is idle or not, and if it is idle shut it down and start it up.

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Server Administration :: Connect To Idle Instance

May 11, 2011

Getting the below message even after doing the

oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ ps -ef | grep pmon
oracle 7779 1 0 Feb08 ? 00:00:07 ora_pmon_WGRGOLD1
oracle 10155 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:30:48 ora_pmon_DPTLS01
oracle 12354 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:00:53 ora_pmon_DOEMS01
oracle 17902 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:00:13 ora_pmon_DREPS01
oracle 23745 23360 0 19:51 pts/4 00:00:00 grep pmon
oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed May 11 19:49:54 2011

Copyright 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.

oracle@ttlwaurd001:~$ echo $ORACLE_SID

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Forms :: Oracle Developer Suite Run-time Settings?

May 18, 2011

Am installed oracle 9i database and Oracle Developer Suite 10g.Am unable to run the Form. When I run the Application Local machine,Blank White Screen Appears No Error Message.Am installed

1.database in F: and Developer Suite in E :

2.I.E 6.0 and J Initiator Version

Am started oc4j instance started.. in run time edit preferences both [URL] and [URL] are given

3. in formsweb.cfg i changed baseHTMLjinitiator=basejpi.htm

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Forms :: Write Trigger To Insert System Clock Time In Oracle?

Jan 4, 2013

how can i write a trigger to insert the system clock time in the oracle form?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle - Compare End-time With The Start-time?

Jun 7, 2010

. I have this query:

select asl1.agentsessionid, asl1.endtime, asl2.starttime, 127 as agentstatus
select asl1.agentsessionid as sessionid1, min(asl2.agentsessionid) as sessionid2
from cti.agentsessionlog asl1


As you can see from my where statement I want to compare the endtime with the startime. This query returns zero results. Is there a way to write the where statement different so I can have results?

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Forms :: How To Change The Name In Run Time

Jul 20, 2010

I would like the change the name in run time find the attachment.

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Forms :: Hiding URL In Run Time

Aug 11, 2010

i am using oracle forms 10g, i have developed a form i am running that form it is showing in the web browser


can i hide the this 'frm/frmservlet/?from=xyz.fmx' information form others i don't wnat to show the form name at the run time and how hie this window at run time format of the first windows at run time

1st window===> Action Edit Query Block Record Field Help Window ORACLE

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Forms :: Displaying Time In 10g?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to display time in reverse count down using oracle forms 10g.

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Forms :: Time Calculation

Oct 20, 2011

Currently I am working on payroll system where I have to calculate employees working hours/late coming hours/early going hours against its roster which is defined in the beginning of every month/week.

In roster form user define shift of every employee like

Code Name Shift
7 Saad Nafees A - 09:00 17:00
492 Muhammad Nasir Shahzad B - 17:00 01:00
243 Muhammad Tahir C - 01:00 09:00

Roster table structure

code varchar2
name varchar2
Shift date
Remarks varchar2

shift table structure

code varchar2
timein date
timeout date
latetime date
Hdaytime date

Oracle stores both date and time information in date data type, suppose today user change shift timings from 17:00 to 17:30 or user change timein/timeout in attendance form then oracle will store current date with user define timings.

Now this is the main problem which I am facing because whenever you calculate difference between timein and timeout or compare with its roster then output comes wrong because oracle returns total no of hours whenever you minus two dates.

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Forms :: Set Run Time Initial Value Of Text Box

Jun 4, 2010

I want set run time initial value of text box...?

what property need to use for that..?

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Forms :: Military Time Validation?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a time field which i need to validate for military time. for example like e.g.1630. Time entered outside of military time range should not be permitted e.g. 1364, 2510.

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Forms :: How To Capture Return Value From LOV At Run Time

May 30, 2012

I have a field say field A which has to be enabled/disabled based on the return value from an LOV.

ex: if lov returns A then field A should be enabled anything other than A, then field A should be disabled.

Do we have any function to get the return value from LOV?

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Forms :: Access More Than One Form In The Same Time?

Feb 14, 2012

Is there any way to open 2 form or more and access them in the same time without close any form ?

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Forms :: Validate Time On Field

Aug 22, 2010

I have a varchar field and user will enter the time in that field as per the format HH:MI HOURS:MINUTES.Actually there is no control on this field and user is making mistakes like instead of HH:MI he is entering HH;MI.

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Forms :: Date And Time Validation?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a Situation for Date and Time Validation.

I have 4 fields, d1,d2,t1,t2 all are date datatype
I have 1 field for R1 for resource a varchar datatype

1. d1 and d2 for date
2. t1 and t2 for time.

The User enter d1 and d2, t1 and t2
eg 01-03-2011 - > d1
01-03-2011 - > d2
9:00 - > t1
9:30 - > t2

and 'Room1' - R1 for resource.

any other entry having the same data, or have partial data should not be allowed.

like on 01-03-2011 between 9:29 to : 9:40 or even 8:30 to 9:01 on the same date or (replicated dates boundaries) should not be allowed.

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Forms :: No Of Checkbox Clicked At A Time?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a data block which contain no. of records displayed e.g 10 record...In That data block i used checkbox

My Requirement is when i click Select all checkbox , No. of checkbox record shown click to do that.

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Forms :: Date Field With Time

Feb 16, 2010

I have a display item form field. The field's data type is date. It is also a database field that corresponds to a date field in the table.

I have set the format mask on the form field to

I can populate that field with sysdate in when-new-form-instance.

However, if I try to get the date and the time in the field, it just populates the date with the time of 00:00:00.
(02/16/2010 00:00:00 for example).

I have tried several to_char and to_date variations but can't seem to get the current time into that field.

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Forms :: Why 10g Images Blur On Run Time

May 4, 2010

I've created a form in 6i that contains many images of type .bmp & gif as i run the form all pictures show clearly.

I upgrading the same form to 10g, as i'm running the form, all images appear blur !!!

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Forms :: Show_view Taking So Much Time In 10g

Mar 21, 2011

I have one big form where the first canvas (content) is taking nearly 20 seconds to display. this is in web mode using forms 10g.

i have tried using SHOW_VIEW(find_view('SAMPLE')) but still no improvement.

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Forms :: How To Get Date And Time Of File Modification

Mar 1, 2010

I need get access a property (time of last modification) file winword.

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Forms :: Adding Hours And Minutes To Time

Feb 11, 2011

I currently have a problem where I have two date fields with time stamps. The only bit i am currently interested in in these fields is the time factor. When i display them in their field they have a format of HH24:MI .

I have a start time and end time as well as a duration and duration type. What I am trying to do is the following: when the user inputs the start time, along with the duration say 1 for example and the duration type of say HRS for example I would like to have the end_datetime default to 1 HR from the current start time. This is the code I use on a when validate item trigger to acheive this:

case :blk.duration_type
when 'HRS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24)* :blk.duration);
when 'MINS' then
:blk.end_datetime := :blk.start_datetime + ((1/24/60)* :blk.duration);

However, every time it triggers the value put into end_datetime is 0:00 is it something to do with the datatypes im using .

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Forms :: Changing Record Group For LOV At Run Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have 2 record groups names RG1,RG2 , I attached RG1 record group to LOV1 at design time,I want to change the record group RG1 to RG2 for LOV1 at run time.

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Forms :: Creating List Item With Time?

Jul 9, 2013

Oracle Developer Suite 10g

I want to create List item with time .

like in pic when I click on upper side at list item increase time and other side decrease time.

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Time Between Two Fields

Mar 24, 2011

I have two different date in my payroll software,

1-Shift_date shift date *used to contain shift timings
2-Attendace_datedate *used to contain employee IN timings

As you all know that shift is a setup form, where user input data once in the starting of software so the shift_date can be "01/jan/2011 16:00 pm" but attendance loads daily and attendance field data can be in this form "24/mar/2011 16:15 pm"..Now I want to calculate difference time between these two fields therefore I used this statement

SQL> Select to_char(attendance_date,'HH24:MI') to_char(shift_date,'HH24:MI') from dual;

but it is showing error: ORA-01722: invalid number...I used hours/minutes format mask in my query because you can see there is a difference of dates between these fields and it will be increase in the coming future and I need late hours and minutes.

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Forms :: How To Insert Data In Two Table In Same Time

Feb 4, 2012

how to insert data in two tables in same time

table1 --master table
table2 --transaction table

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Forms :: Create Menu Item In Run Time

Apr 22, 2010

can i create menu item in the run time ?

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