Forms :: FRM-40738 / Argument 1 To Builtin GO_RECORD Cannot Be Null

Jul 31, 2011

I got below error. I didnot use go_record.FRM-40738: Argument 1 to builtin GO_RECORD cannot be null.

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Forms :: Calling Reports 9i - Argument Can't Be Null

Oct 3, 2005

I am calling report9i from forms9i. i am getting following error

invalid report id

when i call a report from form in when button pressed trigger. And also giving the following error

argument(1) can't be null.

v_rep varchar2(100);
v_rep := run_report_object('report5',pl_id);


rep_object report_object;
v_rep varchar2(100);

rep_object := find_report('report5');
v_rep := run_report_object(rep_object,pl_id);

where pl_id is the parameter list.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Pass Null As Argument In Any Method Parameter?

Feb 23, 2013

why we pass null as a argument in any method parameter....What is its use in method reference..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: CLOB Error ORA-21560 - Argument 2 Is Null / Invalid Or Out Of Range

Jul 31, 2013

I am receiving following error in the below provided procedure

Oracle Verion details: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Error:ORA-21560: argument 2 is null, invalid, or out of range

Anaysis :As per my analysis the procedure fetches a clob attachement as input while processing it using (inside this procedure) some intermediate buffer value has gone out of range and error is being thrown.As per me it is n_clob_pos variable value .detecting the correct variable causing this error.

PROCEDURE add_attachment_contents_test( p_in_smtp_connection IN UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION,
p_in_clob_attach IN CLOB,
p_out_status OUT NUMBER,
p_out_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2 )

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Forms :: Anyway To Speed Up Performance Of Go_record Built It

Mar 4, 2010

Is there anyway to speed up the performance of the go_record built it or is there an alternative way to do it.

I have a table with nearly 30,000 rows and I would like to implement a text field that will allow the user to jump to a specified record. The only problem is if they try to jump too far away it will take a long time to load (beginning to end of 30,000 takes over a minute).

This problem doesn't arise if all the records, or up to the one they are jumping to, have been fetched already, but even if I fetch all records at the beginning it will still take a long time to initially load them.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Take Schema Name From Procedure Argument?

Sep 15, 2011

following is my function,

which I need to pass parent_db_name as argument like schema name dynamically.

but i m unable to user it in cursor select query. Would any body tell me how will that be used in select query in cursor ?

create or replace procedure MyEvPro(new_court_code NUMBER, parent_db_name VARCHAR2) is


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Query - Connect NON-NULL Rows To Preceding NULL Row

Aug 29, 2012

I have the following query:

select col_1,col_9 from
book_temp b
where b.col_1 is not null
order by to_number(b.col_16)

What I want to add is the following:


I need to connect the NON-NULL rows to the preceding NULL row.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Procedure Have Month And Year As Argument

Aug 5, 2010

Need to create a procedure that will retrun me monthly count of records

create table sample ( S_name varchar2(20), S_Date Date);

insert into sample values('1','01-JAN-2005');
insert into sample values('1','1-JAN-2006');
insert into sample values('2','2-JAN-2007');
insert into sample values('3','4-JAN-2005');
insert into sample values('4','11-JAN-2004');
insert into sample values('3','2-JAN-2005');
insert into sample values('2','12-JAN-2006');
insert into sample values('1','21-JAN-2005');
insert into sample values('2','11-JAN-2005');
insert into sample values('7','01-JAN-2005');

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DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT Can Pass Dynamic Argument Procedure

Aug 10, 2010

'Can we pass a dynamic collection variable to the procedure that is called from dbms_job.submit'

I have a package my_package with:

1. record type: ocv_rec

2. collection type: varr_ocv_rec varray(100) of ocv_rec

3. record type: ext_id_rec

4. collection type: varr_ext_id_rec table of ext_id_rec index by pls_integer

5. procedure: analyze_error_152_ll

6. procedure: get_ext_ids_152(
v_db_ssa_dtl in varr_ocv_rec,
ext_id_type in varchar2,
ext_ids out varr_ext_id_rec)

Now here is where the issue resides:Within the definition of analyze_error_152_ll (in body of my_package), I call get_ext_ids_152 using dbms_job.submit

procedure analyze_error_152_ll
vJob varchar2(400);
vJobNum binary_integer;
v_db_ssa_dtl2 varr_ocv_rec := varr_ocv_rec();
ext_ids varr_ext_id_rec;
ext_id_type varchar2(5) := '(1)';


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Object (or) Table As Argument To Remote Procedure?

Jul 18, 2012

Does it possible to pass object (or) table as an argument to a remote procedure?

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Scheduler :: DBMS_SCHEDULER / Program Argument Not Generating Sysdate Value As Default

May 22, 2013

Recently we come across DBMS_SCHEDULER issue while passing SYSDATE as default value. Job executed with corect date value on creation time, but further schedule its not incrementing date value.

Snap of the Program

job_name => '"OBIEE_ADM"."First_Job"',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
number_of_arguments => 1,
start_date => NULL,


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Server Utilities :: ARGUMENT Segment Taken More Space Out Of Total System?

Jun 12, 2012

After importing my dump, i have noticed that ARGUMENT$ segment taken more than 9 GB out of my total SYSTEM table space.I belive ARGUMENT$ table is used only to store procedure/package parameter details. But I am not sure Why it has taken more space.

Is there any way we can reduce the SYSTEM table space? using with the below details?

Import Details:
1) Imported using IMP DP. List of parameters used are userid, logfile, dumpfile, directory, job_name and remap_schema.
2) Dump file size is 3GB
3) The below list will be no. of objects imported using my dump.

------------------- ----------
INDEX 4742


4) The below list will be amount of space occupied by the segments in the SYSTEM.

col owner form a5 word wrap
col segment_name form a15 word wrap
col segment_type form a15 word wrap
select owner,segment_name,segment_type
,bytes/(1024*1024) size_m


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PL/SQL :: PLS-00306 - Wrong Number Or Type Of Argument In Call To MULTISET_UNION_ALL

Sep 7, 2012

I'm trying to use MULTISET UNION to append several collections into a single recordset.The select queries shown for the CURSOR are simple beta versions of the real queries which have about 350 fields to each of them. I will be appending data from 15 of these queries which each will with no more than 20 records per query into a new single recordset (not sure if 'recordset' is the correct phrase or term for what I mean, it could be ARRAY, OBJECT, COLLECTION or something else all together).

Here is text of the ERROR message:

ORA-06550: line 63, column 1:
PLS-00306: wrong number or type of argument in call to 'MULTISET_UNION_ALL'

ORA-06550: line 62, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

ORA-06550: line 71, column 36:
PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable 'VARCHAR2'

ORA-06550: line 71, column 5:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

I think the error has to do with some defect in my declare statements.

  MyTID varchar2(10);

  CURSOR Cursor_rst1 IS
      SELECT d_owner_internal_id,
        FROM rtns.itas_rtn_ct_1120_cor tblRecords
       WHERE d_form_seq = '2710' --Tax Year =2003
         AND D_TID = MyTID;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Counting NULL Vs NON-NULL In A GROUP BY Clause

Jun 21, 2010

I am running a GROUP BY query on a few columns of enumerated data like:

select count(*), Condition, Size
group by Condition, Size;

-------- ---------- --------

Well, let's say I also have a timestamp field in the database. I cannot run a group by with that involved because the time is recorded to the milisec and is unique for every record. Instead, I want to include this in my group by function based on whether or not it is NULL.

For example:

-------- ---------- -------- ----------

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Date Field - Not Null Column To NULL

Mar 16, 2011

I have a table which has a not null column. the column is date field. I am trying to change it to Null. But it is giving a error.

I am using below query.

modify (paid_to_date null)

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Forms :: Null Value Not Passing

Oct 18, 2011

I am trying to pass null value '' in form but still failed

select distinct column1 from abc
two records found.

I have a list item name user_pick which is in two values SOUND-Y, DAMAGE-'' passing null value

select count(column1) into A from abc
where column1=:user_pick;

when user pick from list SOUND it is ok..When user pick damage this will show 0 means null value are not passing correctly.i also tried in radio group,check box

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Forms :: 6i - REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS Cannot Be Null

Jan 21, 2010

I have an existing form and report. We recreated our testing environment and now when running any report I first get the following error: REP-3002: Error initializing printer. make sure a printer in installed.

This error pops up when calling RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.

The next line of code checks the report status by using REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS. This check throws out error: FRM-40738: Argument1 to builtin REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS cannot be null.

This indicates that my FIND_REPORT_OBJECT is not returning a value.

All these reports and forms used to work fine on our old testing environment and also works on our live database.

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Client Tools :: Sqlplus - Multiple Scripts In Argument (batch Execution)

Aug 13, 2008

I have two scripts (test1.sql and test2.sql) that need to be executed one after the other. I would like to call them both using a single command line:

sqlplus testuser/testpwd@testdb @c: est1.sql @c: est2.sql

This does not work

creating a test3.sql script that calls test1.sql and test2.sql is not an option.

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Server Utilities :: Error / Bad Dump File Specification / Invalid Argument Value

Nov 21, 2012

I restore Dump File in Oracle 10g .

my Command is :


An error message is as follows:

"Invalid argument value"

"Bad dump file specification"

"Dump File may ba an original export Dump file "

I think the dump File is in Oracle 11g Format .

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Forms :: Search For NULL Fields

Feb 1, 2012

Is there any way to see items in the block having null in them? I want to figure out null field before inserting the data in the database table. At the moment I am having an error ORA 01400 which means that a NULL cannot be inserted into NOT NULL column. So, I want to create a procedure which will fire before insert trigger of the block and it will show me the names of items having null it them.

Procedure check_data(block_name in varchar2)
First_item varchar(20);
Current_item varchar(20);
Last_item varchar(20);


The problem is that I don't know the function to get the value inserted by user in the field so that I can compare it in IF condition.

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Forms :: Replace NULL With Different Value During Display

Jan 17, 2012

There is a table, desc :-

name varchar2(10), class number(1)


name class
----- ------
qwe 1
zxc 2

Here 'asd's class is NULL.

Now, using forms, how do i display the above with the modification where NULL will be shown as -1?

that is-

name class
----- ------
qwe 1
asd -1
zxc 2

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Forms :: Stop Saving When Detail Record Is Null?

Feb 5, 2011

I have master detail block just consider Forms A as a master and Forms B as a Detail,when my cursor is in form A i try to save the record, it is saved Form A and putting Form B data as null, i have to put a validation to stop this activity, i have to inform the user "Provide values for form B text item",

I created a post block trigger in form A


If (:FORM-B.TEXT1 is null)l or( :FORM-B.TEXT2 is null)
Message( 'provide value for FORM-B');
Message( 'provide value for FORM-B');
raise form_trigger_failure;

Im Getting error message and navigation got stopped in last item of form A itself,i need to show error message and cursor control should move to first item of form -B which trigger i have to use for this.

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Forms :: ROWNUM Returns NULL Rows When Value Greater Than 1

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to do a simple query where I need to return the rows from a table and treat each rown according to some rules.The query works fine, and returns all the rows, usually I have 2 rows returned. WHen I add to the query where ROWNUM = 1, I get the first row returned, but when I use when ROWNUM =2 OR ROWNUM >1, I always get null rows retured, even if I have rows in the database. Here is my query:

SELECT on_time
INTO on_time2
FROM work.work_unit
WHERE work_code = 1
AND emp_no = :entry_blk.p_emp_no
AND work_date = :entry_blk.p_work_date

I changed it to the following format, but still I get the same results, only I get data when I say when rownum = 1, i get back the first record in the query

SELECT on_time
INTO on_time2
FROM (SELECT on_time
FROM work.work_unit
WHERE work_code = 1
AND emp_no = :entry_blk.p_emp_no
AND work_date = :entry_blk.p_work_date)

I can't move forward in my form until I figure out why this is not returning records

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Forms :: Null Values - Logic Error During Runtime?

Feb 28, 2012

I'm having a problem with null values. I want to display old student in a display item if subjects text item has records. Otherwise, display new student if it has null values. This is the code that i tried so far..

IF :block2.subjects IS NULL THEN
:block3.type := 'NEW STUDENT';
:block3.type := 'OLD STUDENT';

But i got logic error during runtime.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unique Null And Multiple Non-null

Oct 24, 2013

create table test
id int ,
dat date

I want to implement a business rule such as we have for each id at most 1 dat null. So, I've created this unique index on test.

create unique index x_only_one_dat_cess_null on test(id, case when dat_cess is null then 'NULL' else to_char(dat_cess, 'dd/mm/yyyy') end);

insert into test values (1, sysdate);
insert into test values (1, sysdate - 1);
insert into test values (1, null);
insert into test values (1, null);
-- -----
insert into test values (2, sysdate);
insert into test values (2, sysdate - 1);
insert into test values (2, null);

The 4th insert will cause an error and this is what I wanted to implement. OK. Now the problem is that for non-null values of dat, we can't have data like this


because of the unique index (the 2nd and the 3rd row are equal). So just for learning purposes, how could we allow at most one null value of dat and allow duplicates for non-null values of dat.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Modify Null Column To Not Null

Jan 9, 2012

when i follow this steps mention on this website


to modify column from null to not null i got this error and on this website its show successful

my steps are

first i create a table

SQL> create table Stu_Table(Stu_Id varchar(2), Stu_Name varchar(10),
2 Stu_Class varchar(10));

Table created.

Then insert some rows into Stu_Table

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(1,'Komal');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(2,'Ajay');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(3,'Rakesh');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(4,'Bhanu');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into Stu_Table (Stu_Id, Stu_Name) values(5,'Santosh');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from Stu_Table;

-- ---------- ----------
1 Komal
2 Ajay
3 Rakesh
4 Bhanu
5 Santosh

Table Structure is like this

SQL> Describe Stu_Table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

now when i try to modify this Stu_id column to not null its give me error.

SQL>ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null;
ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option

and when i try to add new column with not null its also gives me error

SQL> ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01758: table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function In Oracle To Select Not-null Columns At Beginning And Null Columns At End?

Jul 12, 2012

I have 8 columns. Some of them might be null.I want to display all 8 columns in my result. Not null columns will be first and null at the end.Here is a sample data :

Employee table :
Employee_id Emp_fname emp_lname emp_mname dept salary emp_height emp_weight
1 aaa ddd d1 100 6 180
2 bbb ccc 120 169
3 dfe d2 5.9 223

The expected result is :
result1 result2 result3 result4 result5 result6 result7 result8
1 aaa ddd d1 100 6 180
2 bbb ccc 120 169
3 dfe d2 5.9 223

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PL/SQL :: How To Update Null Data With Previous Not Null Data

Oct 25, 2012

Initially i have inserted the data into table like

Date                   xxx       yyyy
1/1/12 1 1
2/1/12 null null
3/1/12 null null
4/1/12 1 1
5/1/12 1 1
6/1/12 null null

in above example data is null for some date here my requirement is how can i copy before not null data(1/1/12) to *2/1/12, 3/1/12* .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print NULL Entry Along With NOT NULL Entry

May 30, 2010

Suppose that, I have two tables: emp, dept
emp records the empid, emp_name, deptid
dept records the deptid, dept_name

Here is a record, it's a president or some special position in company, so it's deptid is set to NULL. Here comes the question, how can I print all the emp_name with their deptartment name?

I know how to print all the emp_name with their department name if they have dept_id, but is that possible that I merge the record with dept_id NULL?

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Forms :: Barcode Label Printing - Prevent Label From Printing N/V For Null Values?

Jul 8, 2013

I have set up a label which interacts with our LIMS system. I have set up variables on this label which pull in attribute values from the available tokens. When the attribute value is null, the label is automatically inserting 'N/V' onto the label.

I would prefer for the variable to appear as a blank field on the label when the attribute value is null in the LIMS. can't find anything in the user's manual. Perhaps there is some setting where you can define what to display for null values. I can't seem to find any information on this.

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