Forms :: Exit Form Move To Another Block

Feb 3, 2012

We are using Oracle APPS. Currently We develop the Separate Responsibility in it.

In a Entry Screen, it contains three Blocks. During the Close through the Close Button in Top(Like (X)), It move to Another Block after close that window then only the form Closing.

In the same form when we press the F4 it Exit Without that Operation.

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Forms :: To Move Data Block Detail

May 4, 2011

i made a master-deatil data block and when i completed all field on master-data block i can`t move to data block detail.

when i press (TAB OR ENTER) on last field, the cursor go back to first field.

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Forms :: Exit Button Does Not Completely Exit?

Jul 20, 2011

I have received a service ticket from QA regarding one of the application forms does not close out even after the exit button is pressed. Instead, it goes to the previous record and continues to do so if there are multiple applications created and then exits at that point.

The end users are not liking that feature and I am unable to detect this error.. What kind of trigger should i apply and what do i write in this trigger.

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How To Exit From Form Without Validation

Jun 11, 2004

I had used a When-Validate-Item trigger against an text item.

Also i had a push button (EXIT) for Exiting from the Form with code : Exit_Form(no_validation);

But if an invalid text is entered in the Text-Item and after that if i use the EXIT push Button then it doesnot exit from the Form till a valid text is entered inside the Text-Item.

how to Exit from Form even if the Text-Item has Invalid Value.

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Application Express :: Save Before Exit Tabular Form

Feb 21, 2013

I have seen the Skill builder plugin for Save Before Exit, and it looks great.

Unfortunately, my project is using apex 3.2.

Is there a recommended way to achieve this for a tabular for in apex 3.2.

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Forms :: Calling From Other Data Block Into Current Master / Detail Form

Jun 10, 2013

I got the following scenario.

- A Master/Detail form which is called from previously saved table.
- In the detail form, user is allowed to insert list of data from other block into the current detail form. For that I have one when_button_pressed with the following script define :-


go_block('ACT_VW_QT_ACTV'); <----- query block
:BLOCK44.ITEM45:=:BLOCK44.ITEM45|| ' OR ';

When this is none, nothing being happened on the current block ( 'ACT_QT_TXN1'), I think it is because of the master/detail link where it always looks back the original link data. I think this is very common problem but I just can't figure out how to go about it.

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Forms :: Change Color In Fields In Form Filled Via Data Block?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to change the attributes on a display where the info is gathered via a routine that fills the data block with info. I've searched and tried using 'set item instance property' in several places within the data block using different triggers but still doesn't work.

No errors are encountered or shown. Attributes aren't changed based on a small test condition.

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Forms :: Clienthost - Unable To Block Form When Working On Google Webpage?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to open the url from the form and block the form when working on the url.I am able to block the form when working on notepad, adobe and word doc by using the below code

CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c "c:/web_util[1].pdf"');

and when I use CLIENT_HOST( 'cmd /C "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"'); it is opening the but unable to block the form when working on google webpage.

I am using oralce forms and the browser is IE8.

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Forms :: Exit Without Saving?

Dec 5, 2010

I have created one master detail form where on master i have one field with name status and if the status is changed to A it will prompt me to another detail block where i will fill the details and in case after i entered the details and then i decide it not to save and come back to main form without i can do it . I used go_blok In detail to go to master it goes to master but when i am saving the master the details get saved along with it.I dont want to save the detail and go to master block.

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Server Administration :: Move Partitioned Table Between Table Spaces Of Different Block Size?

Apr 4, 2011

I was about to move some tables from one table space to another but it seems it is not possible to move partitioned tables between table spaces of different block sizes.

So far the only option I have is to export and then import back the data.

know if there is any way to move a partitioned table between table spaces of different block size?

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: Enable A Button - Capture Trigger That Fires On Pressing Exit

May 23, 2011

I have a situation where one form calls another. I am opening the other form(say B) using the below code.

temp_form formmodule;
temp_form := FIND_FORM ('D:RSSQ2TestingpurposesMODULE3_MULTIPLE');


On Form B there is an Exit button on click of which it closes the Form B and returns to Form A

close_form('MODULE3_MULTIPLE') ;

In my scenario on Exit from FORM B i need to enable a button on FORM A.I am not able to capture the trigger that fires when I Press the Exit

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Forms :: Multi Data Block And Checkbox Field Based On Control Block

Nov 19, 2010

i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field


item11 item21 item31 chkbox1
item12 item22 item32 chkbox2

Scenario like this :

My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field

when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32

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Forms :: Distribute Master Block Total Amount In Detail Block Line Wise

May 5, 2012

i have a master detail form, In Master block we have one field cheque amount and in Detail block we have field receiveable amount invoice wise. if company paid us a cheque amount we will enter this amount in Master block field Cheque amount and in detail block there will be invoice wise receivable amounts. i want to distribute the cheque amount in detail block invoice wise for example

Cheque amount in master block = 291

Invoice wise receiveable amount is as follows

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196 , 0
20 , 95 , 0
30 , 54 , 0

Result should be as follows:

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196, 196
20 , 95 , 95
30 , 54, 0

Received amount field should be distributed according to the receivable amount when recevied amount = cheque amount then remaining will be 0.

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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Form Trigger - Master And Detail Block

Dec 9, 2008

I have a Oracle Form which has 2 blocks, master and Detail.I have a pre-Insert Trigger on master block which has a sequence that acts as the id of the primary key column. Now, when I populate the master block and dont save then go to detail block and save(after populating detail block's data) it gives me an error that can not insert null into detail block foreign key column.I understand that his is happening because in the above scenario pre-insert is not firing for the master block.Am I writing the the sequence generation code in a wrong trigger?

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Forms :: When User Change / Delete Any Record / Row In Forms Data Automatically Move To Other Table

Dec 25, 2011

when a user change or delete any record or row in forms data automatically move to other table because i want to compare old and new record.

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Forms :: Cursor Move In Next Row

Oct 1, 2010

i have a form and i have just one field on it and it's item_type is "List Item" and list style is "Poplist"...

my requirement is , when i press tab then i want that my cursor move in next row.

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Forms :: Want To Call Web Form For Uploading Image From Custom Form

Apr 16, 2013

I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.

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Forms :: How To Reload Calling Form After Closing Called Form

Jul 15, 2007

I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.

How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?

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Forms :: How To Move Cursor To Another Item

May 7, 2010

I have a multi-record block like amount and date columns, its not able to move the cursor to another column if pressing enter button,(eg: amount column to date column), i have given 'NEXT_ITEM' in that field too, but oops not working

other columns cursor navigation is OK.

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Forms :: Any Way To Load A Form Within A Form

May 21, 2010

I have a requirement, is there any way i can achieve the following User Interface using oracle forms

Left Pane: Navigation (Tree Menu)
Right Pane: Based on the node clicked in the Tree Menu, a specific form will be loaded on the right.

The tricky part, is there any way i could load a form within a form ? If i make use of OPEN_FORM, it will open a form in its own window.

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Forms :: How To Open Another Form Within A Form

Dec 20, 2012

I want to convert my forms6i application into forms9i therefore I initially converted my login and explorer form.

In my login form, I am using NEW_FORM to close my login form and wants to activate my explorer form but every time a pop-up raised and asked "DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE NEW FORM?", if I pressed YES then pointer moved to explorer form.

This form is working perfectly in 6i and didn't asked anything and moved to successfully to explorer form.

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Forms :: Pre-form And When-new-form-instance?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the difference and significance of

1) Pre-form and When-new-form-instance?
2) Post-text-item and When-validate-item?

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How To Exit A Procedure

Apr 8, 2005

Suppose have the following condition in my procedure :

IF var_count = 0 then
'stop processing' --EXIT PROCEDURE
'continue processing'

How do I stop futher processing if var_count= 0 . I think about raising an exception...but is there another way a command 'exit' to stop further processing ?

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Forms :: Clear Block Message In Oracle Forms?

Nov 30, 2012

I am creating a form with 3 blocks.

Control block,
Header Block,
Detail Block.

First i have entered a record in the control block.

Then i navigate to header block,entered the first record for Header Block.

Then i navigate to Detail block,entered the first record for detail Block.

then i again navigate to Header Block..

Now the Problem comes....As i am Trying to enter second record for header block,the pop up comes as "Do you want to save the changes".

Condition 1:i dont want that message to appear for every header record i enter.

Condition 2:For every header record i enter,Corresponding detail record would have been entered.i want that detail records to be retained if i am clicking that header record as i have already created relationship for both header block and detail block.

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How To Code Exit Button

Mar 18, 2009

How do I coding My Exit Button

This Is My Code
obutton number;

obutton := Show_alert('ALT_EXIT');
If obutton = ALERT_BUTTON1 Then
-- commit;
end if;
But When I pressed Yes Or No the database is not update. Why ? I have save My data with save button already no problem but why i close this form The data is'nt save?

So i have to put "summit;" in it when ALT_EXIT pass another warning* appear how do i exit program without the second warning

*it say about"2 record i already updated" about this but i can't remember exactly.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Exit After Finish Printing

Nov 21, 2011

I have problem writing condition to exit the for loop..How can I exit after finish printing

PROCEDURE find_stu_age_given_id(s_sid number)
cursor c1 is select * from student where sid=s_sid;
age number;
For i in c1
age :=to_char(SYSDATE -i.dob);
dbms_output.put_line(i.sid ||' age is '|| age/365);
end find_stu_age_given_id;

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