Forms :: Converting From 10g To 11g App Server

Mar 4, 2012

I am converting from 10g to 11g app server and having problem with the exec_sql.execute command. In my 10g version, the code is:

lv_dbms_journal_cursor exec_sql.curstype;
lv_status INTEGER;
IF (exec_sql.IS_OPEN (lv_dbms_journal_cursor)) THEN

After this code caused the 11g forms session to crash, I modified the 11g version to the below, and it still crashes.

lv_dbms_journal_cursor exec_sql.curstype;
lv_status PLS_INTEGER;
connection_id EXEC_SQL.ConnType;

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Forms :: Converting Rdf Report To Excel Format

Jun 18, 2010

I have installed Rep2excel software on pc but i m not able to convert oraclr report to excel format.

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Converting 2 Rows Into 1

Aug 16, 2007

i have 2 tables


There are at most 2 entries of a in b. Depending on the value of the type column in B, this determines whether the entry should be male or female. I want to have a select statement that will retrieve 2 rows into one row essentially like below, how is this done:

id male_name female_name
1 paul paula

the column names will appear as such, if its a 0 its a male name if its 1 its a female name, there will generally be 2 entries in B for 1 value of a.

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Converting Rows To Columns Using OWB

Aug 22, 2013

Getting error ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR Source row:

1 1 1 786
2 2 2 786



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Converting A Column Into Rows

Jul 14, 2012

I have two tables as follows:

------- --------------- ----------
1 1-JUN-12 21
1 2-JUN-12 51
1 3-JUN-12 232
1 4-JUN-12 221
1 5-JUN-12 424
1 26-JUN-12 52
1 27-JUN-12 0
1 28-JUN-12 247
1 29-JUN-12 528
1 30-JUN-12 489
2 1-JUN-12
2 2-JUN-12
2 3-JUN-12
2 4-JUN-12
2 5-JUN-12
2 26-JUN-12
2 27-JUN-12
2 28-JUN-12
2 29-JUN-12
2 30-JUN-12


ID DAY_1 DAY_2 DAY_3 DAY_4 DATE_5 .......... DAY_26 DAY_27 DAY_28 DAY_29 DAY_30
----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
1 21 51 232 221 424 52 0 247 528 489

There are millions of DISTINCT ID values in TABLE_1 and corresponding to each ID there are some values for all the days of a month. I need to insert these values in TABLE_2 in the above format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Binary To Ascii

Mar 24, 2011

I have simple program .It reads binary file and writes all , what reads into another file

WHILE my_lenght_help <= my_lenght LOOP
UTL_FILE.GET_RAW ( g_read_file , my_bufer_read ,200 );
UTL_FILE.PUT_RAW ( g_write_file , my_bufer_read );
my_lenght_help:= my_lenght_help + 200;

my question. How I can change "my_bufer_read" between UTL_FILE.GET_RAW and UTL_FILE.PUT_RAW to make writable file ascii

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Number To String?

Apr 27, 2012

I found this query in my sub version repository and really wondering how this working

select to_char(to_date(1000000,'J') ,'JSP') string_value from dual;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Ref Cursor Into New Table

Sep 21, 2010

I am working on a POC. The goal is to do a

select * from function('input')
where the function dynamically returns different tables.

I have gotten to the point where I can return the cursor but I cannot format it as a table to use in the query. It return's it as XML. This is my function:

create or replace
p_recordset SYS_refCURSOR;
RETURN p_recordset;

This is my query:

select * from CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('')

So normally you would do this

select * from TABLE(CAMS_FUN_GEN_REPORTS('') as tabletype)

But I will never know the end result table as it will be dynamic so I have to find a way to cast the result of the function into a new table I can select on.

I have looked into pipe lining also but from what I can tell you still need to know the table definition. Which I can't know from the client side. The server will control the 'routing' and thus the end result of the select.

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PL/SQL :: Converting A Row Into Columns Values?

Sep 6, 2012

I have a row which contains 6 columns where I want that data to be shown in the form of columns as shown here:


select item1, item2, item3, amt1, amt2, amt3 from item_table where sno=1; <----- returns 1 row as below

---------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ ----------
AAA BBB CCC 10.00 20.00 15.00

Data explanation: item1's (AAA) price is amt1 (10.00), item2's (BBB) price is amt2 (20.00) and item3's (CCC) price is amt3 (15.00). OK.

Now I want that data to convert into columns as shown here:


--------- ---------
AAA 10.00
BBB 20.00
CCC 30.00

I want a SQL to display this data.

I found one query which converts a row into columns, but this does not serve my requirement: [for your reference only]

SQL> select substr( the_string
, decode( level, 1, 1, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1)+1)
, decode( instr(the_string,',',1,level), 0, length(the_string), instr(the_string,',',1,level) - decode( level, 1, 0, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1))-1)
) the_value
from ( select (select item1||','||item2||','|| item3 from item_table where sno=1) ITEMS
from DUAL)
connect by level <= length(the_string)-length(replace(the_string,','))+1

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Sending / Converting From CLOB

Jun 15, 2012

We are able to insert CLOB into database, Using oracle Text I'm able to search inside clob. [two questions solved ]. The question arise when we need to send this data to application either as file or as text(varchar2).

I'm able to generate file from CLOB using function,unfortunately it resides inside db and developer is not able to access it.

1)There is option to mount application partition inside db and export file over there but it is not viable option according to management.

2)I've Googled the solution to create JAVA API. Which will perform OS command like scp to send file from db to app(or any remote host). For security reason this option is also dropped.

3)I tried dbms_lob.substr but actual text inside clob is too long. File generated from CLOB sized around 5 MB.

So I guess it requires lot of effort if I wanted to convert into varchar2 as out parameter inside function.

So, to give CLOB data to developer as file or as varchar2. I'm not able to get any solution. Is there any other option using database to convert to string/varchar2 from CLOB ? Or do I need to drill down more into third option.

I'm having oracle

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Oracle Grid 12C - Converting All Servers?

Apr 18, 2012

Is the 12c version of the Grid Control only for Oracle Cloud? Not completely sure of exactly what cloud computing is. Looks like a conglomeration of shared resources. Anyway we are converting all of our servers over to vmware virtual machines except the ones we manage in other states. I am upgrading each database to 11 r2 as we convert the servers. Anyway my Grid server is next to convert to a virtual machine. I am using Grid Control now. I want to upgrade to the latest version of the Grid control. 12c seems to stress and boast about managing the "Oracle Cloud" to manage regular single node Oracle servers as well as vmware virtual machines?

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Converting Query Rows Into Columns?

Sep 14, 2008

I have seen lots of examples of using PIVOT to return an sql query where the rows have been converted to columns. All the examples I can find require you to have two columns with multiple rows, and also require you to know the data which is in one of columns to make titles for the new columns.

I need something a little different...I have a query using UNION which goes something along the lines of...

SELECT [get data from one place]
SELECT [get data from another place]
SELECT [get data from another place]

this returns the following...

query to return something like this...
a_val1 a_val2 a_val3
------ ------ ------
100 200 300

The names of the columns don't really matter. And I dont want to create a new table in the database just for the result.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting XML Message To Record Type

Apr 8, 2010

We have a queue in which the message is coming from external system. The payload of the queue table is a PL/SQL record type. Once we get the message in the queue, we de-queue the message and read through the PL/SQL type collection and process the message.

From the below query, we are able to convert the PL/SQL collection message to XML message and see the data.

SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml
FROM <Queue_table> X
FROM dual;

The new requirement is the message would come in a XML message in the queue. So my question is, is there any way through which the XML message can be converted to the PL/SQL record structure directly (it would be the opposite operation of the above query).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Utl_http Read_text To PDF File

Oct 25, 2012

I was tinkering around with utl_http api in pl/sql. Essentially I wanted to connect to our report server and retrieve an oracle report from the database(not forms). I got the report successful but by using the utl_http.read_text the pdf is essentially a clob now and how to convert the clob to pdf and save it on my local pc. I've looped through the clob converting it to raw and tried the utl_file.put_raw and put_line but it didn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting XLS With Korean Data To CSV And Reading It

Mar 3, 2011

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I have a .xls file, which has few columns with Korean data. I have problem converting it into .csv. I converted it to UNICODE TEXT, which was TAB separated. I replaced tabs with commas. but still saved it as .txt file. Now I am using utl_file package to open and read.

utl_file.fopen_nchar(l_dir, l_filename , 'R',8000);

I outputted the first header line, and instead of Korean fieldnames, it displayed some different characters.. cannot even copy-paste..

I am uploading the converted .txt as I cannot upload original .xls file here...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Rows To Columns Dynamically?

Oct 20, 2011

I Have a table like this. 12 rows and 8 columns.And column 1 Dt is going to change everytime,as date and months proceeds.and corresponding columns values are going to change.

I want to convert rows to columns dynamically..

01/02/2011131415161718 20
01/03/2011252627282930 32
01/04/201137383940414201/05/2011495051525354 55
01/06/2011616263646566 67
01/07/2011737475767778 29
01/08/2011858687888990 92
01/09/2011979899100101102 04
01/10/2011109110111112113114 115

i want result like this.

1 9 11 12
2 11 23 12
3 11 11 11

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Data From English To Arabic?

Feb 1, 2012

I need to prepare a bilingual system (English and Arabic).

So i need to store data in English as well as in Arabic

Is there any possibility to convert the data from English to Arabic and Arabic to English through oracle forms

basically what i am thinking is let us suppose user selected the English version of the application and he entered all the data in English during saving the records i need to convert all the English data into Arabic and store it in another table for Arabic data reference.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Varchar To Clob Within SQL Union?

Feb 14, 2013

Why does oracle not allow the following query

select to_clob(1) from dual
select wm_concat(sysdate) from dual;

wm_concat returns a clob. To make both queries in the union have the same type columns i convert the column in the first query to a clob but Oracle gives me an [1]: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB error even though both are returning a clob value.

Each of the queries work individually and both return a clob value.

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PL/SQL :: Converting Rows To Columns In Oracle 9i

Jul 5, 2012

Is it possible to communicate with a serial device (via COM1) with oracle forms / webutil? I am able to communicate in java using RXTXcomm, but I am having problems making a bean that uses it (getting security errors and yes, I have signed the jars).

Basically, I have a scale hooked up to my COM1 port and want to be able to send commands (zero and tare) to it and read the weight from it through a form or java bean.

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PL/SQL :: Converting Multiple Column In Single?

Apr 9, 2013

need to create a table with single column by using select statement with multiple columns
For Ex- i have 1 row with 10 columns (may be more than 10) like
i written sql like
select 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J' from dual

result is - 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J' with 10 columns

Now i need output lik this using SQL


sort out this problem.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Varchar2 To NVHAR And NVarchar2?

Feb 16, 2011

I have written a trigger & procedure to call a webservice from pl/sql procedure. Everything was working fine until I was told to use nchar & nvarchar2 instead of varchar2 as per requirement. Now I am not able to run the procedure and getting errorcode with return response from server.

I didn't changed the width of columns but only datatype. What precautions do I need to take in code while doing this and what could have caused the error only by converting the data type.

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Converting Rows Into Columns And Updating A Table?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a table A, whose table structure is in the below format.

Table A

123 A 454
123 B 1111
123 C 111
123 D 222
124 A 123
124 B 1
124 C 111
124 D 44

Now i need to insert the data from this table to another table B, the sturcture of which is as below

Table B


How do i frame a query to fetch data from table A and insert that into table B? I don't want to use max and decode combination. as it would return only single row for an ID. I need all the id's to be displayed.

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Converting Comma Separated List To Table

Dec 7, 2011

I have a comma separated list 'black','red','white' and I want to get each of words in this list in one rows. Some time ago I done it with:

QUOTE select * from XXX('black','red','white')

where XXX was a function which converted list to table.

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Converting Negative Numbers To Signed EBCDIC?

Dec 15, 2010

I am working on a script that is reading from a numeric column converting it to a character string where the decimal is dropped (assumed) and the value is padded with leading zeros to fill the specified lengh. Using to_char(payment_amt,'FM0000000V00') is working fine for non-negative values. When the value of the field is a negative number the output includes a leading - (i.e., -000002458).

For the negative numbers I need to convert them to a 'Signed EBCDIC' value, where the last digit is converted to a specified character (in the above example it would be changing the 8 to a Q) and also replace the - with a zero, resulting in 00000245Q.

What I am doing is generating a fixed-length record with values in a specific location. What I'm getting now looks like this:

AAAA 000002358 BBBBBBB
CCCC -000002458 DDDDDDD
EEEE 000024555 FFFFFFF

And what I need it to look like is:

AAAA 000002358 BBBBBBB
EEEE 000024555 FFFFFFF

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Select Statement To Oracle DB - Time Converting?

Aug 27, 2009

My company use a sybase database that runs business jobs. Currently we run SQL queries from Perl to gather time information on the jobs. Now we have an application that is using Oracle. The server it is on, doesn't have perl, so I am using a shell script to login to sqlplus and run a query for a job and it's end time. I have accomplished this. However, here is the 2 problems I am having.

1. The query reults are returned in Scientific time, I'm able to convert that to EPOCH time in the SQL syntax, however, it comes back with a 13 digit time, instead of 10. The last 3 digits are zero. How can you remove the last 3 digits in the query or convert the 13 digits to Human Time. Right now when you see the select statement, I am doing a to_char to get it to EPOCH time.

2. How to only show the latest time in the query and not show ALL job end times from it's past runs.

Here is my shell script, and I do realize this maybe a select statement syntax solution to one or both, but the UNIX time stamp is puzzling.

sqlplus -S username/password@JAWSPROD <<eof> myfile
set heading off feedback off verify off

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Reports & Discoverer :: Converting The Number To String

Dec 6, 2010

I wanna convert the amount of money from number to string such as 144.5 to be one hundred forty four point five is there any function or i have to write my function? How could i put new line in the string?

for example if i have 'SAB Bank' || 'Riyadh'

but i want SAB bank to be displayed in line and Riyadh in line.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting BLOB Data To Long Or Varchar

Feb 6, 2013

converting BLOB data into varchar2 or long .

we have function which convert long data and return it has varchar . But has part of Apps upgrade the Column has been converted into blob column.

How we need the same function to read the data from BLOB and return its as long or varchar2.

Somewhere i am making mistake..

CREATE OR REPLACE function GDS.test_alert_msg(v_rowid rowid) return varchar2 is

vblob blob;
i2 number;
amt number :=32767;
len number;
pos raw(32767);
position INTEGER := 10000;
my_vr raw(32767);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting Column Into Row - Command Not Properly Ended

Aug 9, 2010

My requirement with one table which contains 20 columns. Now I want to convert 18 column into rows. I tried with the following query but its throwing sql error is given below.

select * from tmpl_pop_age_range_col_lvl
quantity FOR product IN (COUNT_0_TO_4 as 'a', COUNT_5_TO_9 as 'b', COUNT_10_TO_14 as 'c',
COUNT_15_TO_19 as 'd',
COUNT_20_TO_24 as 'e',
COUNT_25_TO_29 as 'f',


ERROR at line 4: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

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Precautions For Converting A Table Field From Long To Clob

Jul 31, 2012

I am more of a C/C++ guy and relatively amateur in oracle. I have to update a table field from "Long" to "CLOB". I have planned to do a simple alter table, and as far as I know there won't be any issues.

1. Although I have triple checked, is there any scenario under which there can be any data loss during the data type change? The data is very critical and no data loss can be entertained.
2. Is there any easy way to update all the related views without having to do so manually?
3. Any particular precautions I should take before introducing the change?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multipurpose Varchar2 Column Error When Converting To Date

Aug 16, 2011

i have a varchar2 column containing string values that can be converted to date i.e. ('31-JUL-11') and that column also contains text strings in it. i.e. ('Some string data...')

records whose column value can be converted to date are extractable via where clause (i.e. those rows are associated with some fix number / flag)

now when i try to use to_date function i get the error that

" ORA-01858 a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected "

in sql i have added a where clause to only pick rows with flag, but even then it gives the error.

using a subquery in the from clause eliminates the error, but when i create it in a view it again gives the same error.

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