Database Scattered / Sequential Read And Async IO Waits

Nov 23, 2010

We have a table (call it PROBLEM table) that varies between 60 and 100 million records from one data archival process to the next.The table has data from all 50 states and is range partitioned by each states unique code and has a primary key based on the following:

STATE the data is from
BMRK YEAR the year the data was last benchmarked
AREA location the data is from
SERIES industry the data is located in
YEAR the data was reported
MONTH the data was reported
DATA TYPE the type of data that was reported
ESTIMATE TYPE the type of statistical estimate that was produced from the data
REPORT ID report id unique to each state
REPT SFC state the reporter resided in

We have developed a job that will process data from other tables and create some statistics resulting in approx 2.2 million inserts, .5 million updates and .5 million deletes on PROBLEM table during each job run. Once this table is loaded another process (call this PROBLEM_PROCESS)takes off that reads this updated information to produce some statistical data that is stored in another table. This data is produced by summing anywhere between 2 and 5000 records per query from the PROBLEM table.Here is the query (call it PROBLEM_QUERY)

select round(sum(cm_value*sample_weight),3),round(sum(pm_value*sample_weight),3)
from matched_sample
where state_fips_code = :1
and area_fips_code = :2
and series_type_code = 'B'
and year = :3
and month = :4

When we run this job it is very fast (20 minutes) until it gets to the PROBLEM_QUERY, at this point we get DB file scattered read waits, DB file sequential read waits and async IO waits and the job has run for as long as 2 days. When I look at grid, the PROBLEM query is doing a full table scan and ignoring the index.

Our systems people advised us to re-organize and re-index that data in the PROBLEM table after all of the DML and before the PROBLEM_PROCESS takes off. If we do this, it works and cuts our time down alot. However, the re-organize and re-index process adds eight hours to this process. Note: When we re-roganized the data we create a copy table on another set of table spaces and insert the data into the copy sorting the data on the primary key columns. After this we re-index the new table and drop the old table renaming the new table. When we do this later, we move the data back to another set of table spaces. So, we move the data back and for between table spaces A and B we can say.

We have Oracle installed on a M5000 server with Solaris as the OS the binaries and data files are stored on a NetApp Storage array(model 3160) of 500 1TB SATA 7200 RPM drives. However, there are 128 other databases on the NetApp filer as well.

IMO the array and the slow disks are the problem. I believe this because we are catering to the slow disks by re-organizing and re-indexing the PROBLEM table during each run. I don't believe this should be neccessary. We normally re-organize and re-index our data each week in our production system after many more transactions than this.

Our systems people state it is our application. Oracle Support tells us the statistics are out of date but have not answered us on why the statistics are out of date and the index is abandoned after 1 run.

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Performance Tuning :: Query Hanging With Sequential Read Or Latch Free Waits?

Apr 7, 2011

Following query is hanging either with 'Sequential access read' or 'Latch Free' wait event Important thing is the table which is self joined in subquery here does not have any index at all While it was hanged I tried to get trace of it and terminated twice. As such haven't got 'row source generataion' The table has only 120000 records and it shall update 34000 records

UPDATE invoice_header inv
SET inv.modified_due_date =
(SELECT inv1.btn_due_date
FROM invoice_header inv1
WHERE inv.dct_code = inv1.dct_code AND inv1.release = 'A5')


During 'sequential read' using p1,p2 values tried to get what the session is reading and found that it is using the table itself.

During lath free I found following
SELECT name, 'Child '||child#, gets, misses, sleeps
FROM v$latch_children
WHERE addr= (select p1raw from v$session_wait where sid=18)


However instead of self join when I creaed global temporary table as

create global temporary table t as select * from invoice_header where release='A5'

And used it in the update as

UPDATE invoice_header inv
SET inv.modified_due_date =
(SELECT t.btn_due_date
WHERE inv.dct_code = t.dct_code AND t.release = 'A5')
WHERE inv.release = 'A5' AND inv.btn_due_date >= TRUNC (SYSDATE)

It updated the records in a second!!

Questions are
1) why it is producing 'sequential read' wait event when there is no index access or else why it is doing single block access when FTS is required?
2) Why is the 'latch free' wait event here and what it indicates here with 'cache buffer handles'?
Is it because we are reading and updating the same segment?

know in case DDL of table is required. It has all nullable columns and no index at all. Since it is 9i I am unable to use MERGE effectively in this case

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Server Administration :: ORA-27070 / Async Read / Write Failed

Jan 6, 2013

i have tried to create the index in diff tbs also but same error is there

SQL> create index inx_tbl_voicechat_unsub_ani on tbl_voicechat_unsub (ani) tablespace ideadb_index;
create index inx_tbl_voicechat_unsub_ani on tbl_voicechat_unsub (ani) tablespace ideadb_index
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 201 (block # 144265)
ORA-27070: async read/write failed
OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
O/S-Error: (OS 23) Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 201 (block # 144265)
ORA-27070: async read/write failed
OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
O/S-Error: (OS 23) Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

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Performance Tuning :: High CPU Utilization In RAC And Log File Sequential Read Event

Apr 13, 2011

In a 3-node RAC setup; one node is showing high CPU utilization around 40~50%. The CPU utilization was less than 20% 10 days back but from 9th oldest day it jumped and consistently shows the double figure. I ran AWR reports on all three nodes and found one node with high CPU utilization and shows below tops events-

time 5,802 34.9

ping 15 5,118 33,671 30.8 Other

Log file sequential
read 234,831 5,036 21 30.3 System I/O

more data from
client 24,1711,08745 6.5 Network

Db file sequential
read130,939 4533 2.7 User I/O

On AWR report(file attached) for node= sipd207; we can see that "RFS PING" wait event takes 30% of the waits and "log file sequential read" wait event takes 30% of the waits that occurs in database.

1)Are these symptoms of undersized log buffer?
2)I feel Network wait can be reduced by tweaking SDU & TDU values based on MDU.

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Replication :: Difference In Using Updateable Materialized View And Multi Master Async

Aug 21, 2008

I have 3 sites which want to be updated as soon as the other one updates its data.(in 5 seconds). So I have chosen multi master solution,sync regardless of the resource consideration.

1-what is the difference between multimaster async and updatable materialized view regardless of resource consuming in multimaster?because in both of them each site can receive and also propagate the data...I just know that in materialized view we can work offline and then apply it manually is there any other thing?

2-I can not understand the difference between multimaster sync and async (considering the 5 seconds,because 5 second is a little time)I mean in this case are they different from each other or not.

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Data Guard :: ARCH Wait On SENDREQ While Configured With LGWR ASYNC Attributes?

Oct 5, 2010

In statspack I find a lot of wait events "ARCH wait on SENDREQ". The database is configured with the LGWR ASYNC attribute. In the documentation I can read that the "ARCH wait"-events may happen in case the database is configured with the ARCH attribute.How is it possible I get these "ARCH wait"-envents and do these wait events have any effect on the "on line" performance of the database? Is it possible that a user that saves data in the database has to wait for thest "ARCH wait"-events?

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PL/SQL :: Count Sequential Events

Jul 5, 2012

I have a table with around half a million rows. I would like to determine how many sequential events occur per device per unique group of events. The requirement is that the events continue to occur within 1 second of each other, every second, with no gaps. For example, in the sample below there is a sequence of 2 events for device 2737, and another sequence of 5 events for device 2737. If there was a 1 second interval with no event (Signal_time) then that would be the end of one group of events, this is also shown below.

Using Oracle

4401     17-JUN-12 12.59.59 PM
2332     02-MAY-12 12.59.59 PM
1086     30-MAY-12 12.59.58 PM
2737     17-JUN-12 12.59.58 PM -- start of one group / sequence of events
2737     17-JUN-12 12.59.58 PM -- end of one group / sequence of events


-- start of one group / sequence of events

2737     16-JUN-12 11.59.59 PM
2737     16-JUN-12 11.59.59 PM
2737     17-JUN-12 12.00.00 AM
2737     17-JUN-12 12.00.01 AM

-- end of one group / sequence of events

2737     17-JUN-12 12.00.03 AM

-- this is excluded from the above group of 5 events, but this may be the start of another group

Required output

Device--Count(*)--Start_Signal_Time-----------End_Signal_Time------------Duration (seconds)
2737----5-------------16-JUN-12 11.59.58 PM---17-JUN-12 12.00.01 AM--4
2737----2-------------17-JUN-12 12.59.58 PM---17-JUN-12 12.59.58 PM--1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Show Sequential Numbers For Each Group

Oct 4, 2010

MyTable has missing records:

id_group id_column
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 5
1 9
2 1
2 2
2 4
2 6

As you see, it could be missed record 4,6,7 and 8 of group 1 and record 3 and 5 of group 2. That's is an example.

I need to show all sequential records, incluing missing ones, like this:

Id_group Id_column
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6

I try this query:

Select G.id_group, C.rownum id_column
from (select distinct id_group from MyTable) G
cross join (SELECT rownum FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (select
max(id_column) from MyTable)) C

but it shows record 7, 8 and 9 as members of group 2.

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SYS JOB Causing Waits

Oct 25, 2013

I am using,  Release of oracle. In our database we observe, high 'Application' wait followed by 'other' and 'User I/O'. After investigating through the wait class 'Other', i found that 90% of the wait is due to wait event 'Enq: WF Contention '  that to excatly 5 PM to 5.30 PM daily. Then i found from the dba_hist_active_sess_history, that the sessions experiencing this waits are oracle internal(M004),

Now i can see two of the oracle jobs has been scheduled at this particular time.


And these were having frequency daily.So, i am suspecting these were experiencing the waits. Now my question is, can i decrease the frequency(may be weekly) of these jobs and it will not put any negative impact on my DB? Or should change the schedule time to some less peak hour or whether these are 'not required' and can be disabled?

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Performance Tuning :: Analyzing Non-sequential Snapshots In AWR

Mar 5, 2013

How can check database performance in a non-sequential parts of a day using AWR tool. For example, suppose we divide a day to 2 parts: low-traffic time and high-traffic time with the following time interval:

low-traffic time : 7:00am - 10:00am and 7:00pm - 11:00pm
high-traffic time : 10:00am - 01:00pm and 4:00pm - 06:00pm

I want to examine performance using snapshots gathered by AWR. If I get 2 AWR reports for low-traffic time of day (one for 7:00am - 10:00am, another for 7:00pm - 11:00pm ) and compute average of values in 2 reports, could I called it database performance in low-traffic part of day or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Only Row In Database Oracle?

Apr 25, 2012

row can be marked as read only in Oracle database

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Sequential Data File Record Processing?

Oct 1, 2013

If I use the conventional path will SQL*Loader process a data file sequentially from top to bottom?  I have a file comprised of header and detail records with no value found in the detail records that can be used to relate to the header records.  The only option is to derive a header value via a sequence (nextval) and then populate the detail records with the same value pulled from the same sequence (currval).  But for this to work SQL*Loader must process the file in the exact same sequence that the data has been written to the data file.  I've read through the 11g Oracle® Database Utilities SQL*Loader sections looking for proof that this is what will happen but haven't found this information and I don't want to assume that SQL*Loader will always process the data file records sequentially. 

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High Cluster Waits During RMAN Backup

Jul 1, 2010

We had a massive jump in cluster waits specifically; gc buffer busy acquire during an RMAN backup. We identified the cause of the waits to a few hot blocks with a table that may well need re-building in terms of ITLs and PCTFREE (Although I thorght ASSM would manage PCTFREE and PCTUSED..)

What happens during an RMAN backup that may cause huge cluster waits on hot tables? Is there some crazy redo issue going on or maybe flashback?

Either way the spike is there and we can pinpoint the activity on the database but just dont understand why RMAN would cause the issue.We have just found that the LARGE_POOL has not been set, in fact there is no SGA_TARGET either! Could this have an effect on RMAN and cluster waits?

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Number Of Waits Reaches To 100 In 8-hour Snapshot

Oct 8, 2013

in the awr report I saw some segments in Segments by ITL Waits section. Number of waits reaches to 100 in 8-hour snapshot. Is it small/big number? Should I consider increase INITRANS or there is nothing to be worried because value 80-100 are not too high?

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How To Tune Log File Sync Waits In 11gr2

Mar 22, 2013

os version is solaris 10
db version

how to tune log file sysnc waits in 11gr2 what parameters are involving in tuning log file sync and what would be its optimal values.

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Performance Tuning :: Required In Analyzing Network Waits From AWR

May 29, 2013

We are experiencing Network waits on one of our 2-node clustered databases...In every 1 hour of clock time we are finding 700-900 seconds of Network waits

From the AWR data I find that "ARCH wait on SENDREQ" is one of the main constituent for these Network waits and as such I suspect Network between Production database and its corresponding database might be slow

Question 1) Does this understanding look correct?

Question 2) Apart from the above what could be the other causes of the Network waits. Can we point out any particular area from following AWR extract...Seeing some gc* waits initially I thought it might be due to slow interconnect between the cluster nodes but some google search denotes it is not the case...So what could be other causes? I mean which network link I would check?

Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess
--------- ------------------- -------- ---------
Begin Snap: 22631 22-May-13 10:00:11 976 7.9
End Snap: 22632 22-May-13 11:00:28 978 8.1
Elapsed: 60.29 (mins)
DB Time: 795.66 (mins)

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Cannot Open Physical Standby Database Read Only?

Dec 7, 2010

Suddenly I can't open any of my physical standby databases read only. Alert log snippet and trace files follow post. I'm running on all hosts, which are running AIX 5.2. I've successfully opened all physical standby databases read only numerous times in the past. Is it possible that these standby databases cannot be switched over to primary should the need arise?

Here's how I typically open a physical standby database read only:

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
alter database open read only;

Errors in file /ora/product/
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-16000: database open for read-only access
Error 604 happened during db open, shutting down database
USER: terminating instance due to error 604


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Blob Data From Database Into Directory?

Feb 12, 2010

I can store my video in to my database.but i cannot read such file.....using this procedure

ORA-29285: file write error

(p_id IN NUMBER)
vblob BFILE;
vstart NUMBER := 1;
bytelen NUMBER := 32000;


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Data Guard :: Database Is Read-only After Switchover On 11g?

Oct 1, 2012

we have a created primary and physical standby databases. Before the switchover the application connected to dataguard allows updates on the database. However after the switchover, it allows read-only access and we are unable to update. Any comments prima-facie ?

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Performance Tuning :: Relationship Between Buffer Cache And Busy Waits

Oct 3, 2010

Is there any relationship b/w tuning BUFFER CACHE and BUFFER BUSY WAITS?

1) Buffer Busy Waits are happening as the User process found the same Datablock is being used by another user in the BUFFER CACHE.
2) And also happens, when the server process found the same Datablock are being used in the Datafile.

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Forms :: Read File From Unix (Database Server)?

Apr 15, 2010

I need to develop a form which has to read and display the contents of a text file that is stored in the Unix system where the Oracle data base is installed. So basically its the database server and not the forms application server.

1. Create an external table for the file everytime when the form is loaded by dropping and re creating the table and base the data block in the form on that table and execute_query and display the contents.

2. I am confused whether to use webutil or utlfile packages to read from the file and display on the screen as the file resides in the database or Oracle server and not forms application server or client machine.

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Application Express :: Conditional Read Only That Saves To Database?

Nov 27, 2012

I have an item that does not save to the is conditional read only based on the value in another column, when it is not read only it displays as a Select list.. then whatever is chosen triggers a dynamic action that sets other setting it as a display only is not an option.

after upgrading from 4.0 to apex 4.2 this gives error:   Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of protected page...

the only workaround I have found is to set the Read Only to none, then create a dynamic action that conditionally sets the field to disabled..This works, but my problem with it is that it looks different than the read only was Black Text and no textbox..disabled is a text box with greyed out text that is hard to read for some of the users..

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Server Administration :: ORA-16000 / Database Open For Read-only Access

Apr 5, 2010

I am facing a strange issue on 11gR2 (OEL 5.4) standby readonly with apply database.It's throwing 16000: database open for read-only access during SELECT's .

Here is snapshot of errors.

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-16000: database open for read-only access

SQL> l
1* SELECT t0.airportID, t0.archived, t0.assetTag, t0.bluetoothID, t0.cmBundle, t0.createdDate,
t0.currentProductTaskID, t0.ethernetID, t0.failOrReworkCount, t0.highestCompletedTaskTypeID, t0.lastModDate, t0.lastStationID,
t0.modCount, t0.modelID, t0.oemSerialNumber, t0.orgSerialNumber, t0.pdmVersion, t0.preburnComplete,
t0.productID, t0.reworked, t0.secondaryEthernetID,
t0.serialNumber, t0.shipped, t0.specialBuildTypeID,


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Server Utilities :: Does Source Database Opened In Read-only Mode

Jun 28, 2012

does the source database have to be open in read-only? or can it be online at the time of exporting?

*do not take mean-while running transactions into consideration, I will do it at night when nobody's working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Create Procedure To Read Data From Database And Export It Into CSV Format

Dec 12, 2012

How to create a procedure to read data from database and export it into .csv format without using utilities

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Backup & Recovery :: Duplicate Database / Unable To Read Backupset?

Aug 2, 2013

I'm running the following and getting access denied errors.What do I need to do to make the recovery files available of the duplicate host?I cataloged the backupsets at the network path of where they are, I don't have space on the drive for the backupset and the restored database once it's done.

*Results filtered for length on duplicate lines

Starting Duplicate Db at 02-AUG-13
released channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: sid=155 devtype=DISK

contents of Memory Script:

set until scn 2875467028;
set newname for clone datafile 1 to new;
set newname for clone datafile 2 to new;


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RMAN :: Duplicate Database Can't Read Backup-piece Location

Aug 28, 2013

Oracle 5I am creating a duplicate database using RMAN based on Oracle's documentation. I was successful up to running the duplicate command.Here is my command:DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE vlab pfile='/<complete path of pfile>'; When I run the command, it tries to read from the backup files on production database - which is on anotehr node.Before then, I had backup piece copied to the node with the duplicate database.I ran this command to catalog the backup piece:catalog start with '/<complete path to backuppiece>'Error: no files to be unknown to the database On the other hand, when I run the command without cataloging the backuppiece, I get this error:

Partial view of error- restoring datafile 00021 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff101.dbf restoring datafile 00022 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/staff201.dbf restoring datafile 00023 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/tools01.dbf restoring datafile 00024 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/vol01.dbf restoring datafile 00025 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup101.dbf restoring datafile 00026 to /oraappl/pca/vptch/vlabdata/volsup201.dbf channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddat ackupset/2013_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19870: error reading backup piece /oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD 3_08_27/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130827T083750_91s7dz0r_.bkp ORA-19505: failed to identify file "/oraappl/pca/backups/weekly/vproddata/rman/VPROD/b


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Data Guard :: Buffer Busy Waits On UNDO Data In Active DG

Feb 24, 2013

Oracle Version:
Active Dataguard

Statspack has been configured for Active Dataguard on Primary database.We got an spike of Buffer busy waits for about 5 min in Active Dataguard, this was causing worse Application SQL's response time during this 5 min window.Below is what i got from statspack report for one hour

Snapshot       Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~    ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:      18611 21-Feb-13 22:00:02      236       2.2
  End Snap:      18613 21-Feb-13 23:00:02      237       2.1
   Elapsed:               60.00 (mins)

Why there could sudden spike of demand on UNDO data in Active Data Guard ?

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How To Read OCR In Oracle Rac

Dec 27, 2010

my question is how to read ocr in oracle rac?

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Read Only User

Jun 2, 2011

how to create script/steps that makes database read only to a particular user

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